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2018 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest

Table 233.30. Number of students suspended and expelled from public elementary and secondary schools, by sex, race/ethnicity, and state: 2013-14
State Number receiving out-of-school suspensions1 Number expelled2
Total Sex Race/ethnicity3 Total Sex Race/ethnicity3
Male Female White Black Hispanic Asian Pacific Islander4 American Indian/ Alaska Native Two or more races Male Female White Black Hispanic Asian Pacific Islander American Indian/ Alaska Native Two or more races
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
United States 2,635,743 1,860,002 775,741 843,381 1,042,991 554,498 26,499 8,784 35,756 78,469 111,215 82,787 28,428 49,144 33,557 18,271 790 241 1,944 4,613
Alabama 59,129 40,077 19,052 18,841 37,614 1,214 156 28 251 727 1,379 1,053 326 387 892 26 0 1-3 1-3 61
Alaska 6,526 4,832 1,694 2,152 385 408 163 206 2,591 534 108 89 19 32 9 14 0 1-3 37 12
Arizona 57,055 42,110 14,945 17,268 6,410 26,296 471 201 4,670 1,187 434 327 107 157 39 191 1-3 4 22 13
Arkansas 33,585 23,608 9,977 13,216 17,134 2,029 103 84 148 381 846 625 221 492 224 54 5 1-3 14 9
California 249,111 184,217 64,894 49,660 42,997 133,414 7,978 2,097 3,001 6,944 8,741 6,999 1,742 1,938 1,346 4,643 241 58 109 249
Colorado 38,673 28,197 10,476 14,869 4,530 16,743 363 72 450 1,463 1,306 1,066 240 508 167 519 15 7 25 46
Connecticut 21,523 14,721 6,802 6,059 6,253 7,427 206 (4 ) 94 421 1,222 1,006 216 499 340 301 9 0 4 20
Delaware 11,459 7,537 3,922 2,759 6,494 1,109 79 9 54 212 115 84 31 40 61 11 0 0 0 1-3
District of Columbia 9,471 5,898 3,573 61 8,783 474 17 9 7 46 112 67 45 1-3 103 5 0 0 1-3 0
Florida 136,931 98,570 38,361 39,427 60,625 31,078 697 102 411 4,123 155 120 35 51 64 30 0 0 1-3 7
Georgia 126,549 87,764 38,785 25,592 85,137 10,198 779 129 168 3,610 2,768 2,058 710 787 1,669 147 12 17 7 100
Hawaii 6,497 4,650 1,847 633 173 534 1,217 3,299 45 412 8 6 1-3 0 0 1-3 1-3 1-3 0 0
Idaho 7,445 5,695 1,750 5,161 114 1,623 48 30 193 139 168 135 33 100 4 49 1-3 0 9 1-3
Illinois 139,521 94,651 44,870 28,808 76,744 26,887 797 87 279 3,477 2,682 1,898 784 1,058 1,210 228 20 0 11 114
Indiana 69,891 49,417 20,474 32,584 24,674 6,385 284 20 150 4,472 5,229 3,660 1,569 2,743 1,505 546 19 5 16 235
Iowa 12,980 9,466 3,514 7,637 2,930 1,430 120 23 85 711 180 157 23 131 24 18 1-3 0 0 4
Kansas 19,861 14,509 5,352 9,059 4,982 3,948 160 29 326 1,244 787 604 183 417 121 146 6 1-3 17 65
Kentucky 33,336 24,335 9,001 21,906 8,849 1,088 89 20 49 1,131 353 276 77 280 42 14 0 0 1-3 12
Louisiana 59,380 40,200 19,180 14,995 37,069 1,407 194 26 315 663 4,397 3,230 1,167 991 2,937 55 7 1-3 24 41
Maine 6,015 4,458 1,557 5,151 374 135 33 4 39 76 189 148 41 164 8 4 0 0 0 7
Maryland 45,772 31,425 14,347 9,858 28,189 4,039 403 33 150 1,561 786 574 212 73 618 41 1-3 1-3 4 14
Massachusetts 40,494 28,701 11,793 15,272 8,537 13,138 724 22 135 1,571 327 254 73 173 47 65 1-3 0 1-3 26
Michigan 114,844 79,742 35,102 47,847 54,346 6,671 785 53 939 3,491 2,239 1,686 553 1,226 764 142 18 0 14 58
Minnesota 28,258 20,140 8,118 11,981 10,139 2,780 603 20 1,439 1,060 840 642 198 495 177 67 14 0 31 45
Mississippi 47,813 32,503 15,310 10,746 36,188 630 88 9 67 50 1,418 1,071 347 331 1,062 10 6 0 1-3 6
Missouri 51,905 36,657 15,248 25,991 21,765 2,036 271 56 227 1,205 3,124 2,111 1,013 2,274 478 235 1-3 8 18 101
Montana 5,276 3,810 1,466 2,901 63 154 14 7 2,022 67 204 141 63 84 1-3 6 0 0 89 18
Nebraska 13,056 9,391 3,665 6,015 3,288 2,464 130 14 416 671 918 674 244 350 279 187 12 0 29 53
Nevada 20,845 14,921 5,924 5,611 4,820 8,062 390 197 309 1,088 1,898 1,428 470 347 547 793 36 14 15 95
New Hampshire 9,105 6,689 2,416 6,647 658 1,197 122 16 41 124 34 26 8 33 0 0 0 0 0 0
New Jersey 59,240 40,780 18,460 14,334 25,635 16,959 1,019 39 67 606 200 157 43 82 74 36 1-3 0 0 5
New Mexico 21,060 14,173 6,887 3,977 659 13,769 113 11 2,033 455 1,955 1,380 575 295 80 1,400 13 0 99 60
New York 88,032 61,285 26,747 33,087 34,424 15,224 1,142 71 633 1,616 2,490 1,868 622 1,360 633 343 21 0 20 54
North Carolina 101,924 72,183 29,741 28,901 52,807 11,012 495 81 2,510 3,899 870 655 215 247 449 91 4 1-3 20 42
North Dakota 2,304 1,661 643 1,232 180 89 11 1-3 749 6 93 71 22 28 21 6 0 0 38 0
Ohio 125,976 88,165 37,811 59,601 50,817 5,298 488 51 177 7,094 31,059 22,594 8,465 19,501 7,698 1,025 94 27 59 1,709
Oklahoma 38,622 27,667 10,955 15,186 10,549 5,804 155 87 4,627 1,960 7,318 5,150 2,168 2,528 2,288 987 15 13 881 589
Oregon 23,282 17,479 5,803 13,785 1,244 5,420 271 164 593 1,369 1,159 906 253 714 35 267 9 9 41 65
Pennsylvania 97,711 67,221 30,490 35,376 44,221 12,341 762 55 125 3,515 1,899 1,420 479 991 493 294 7 1-3 6 81
Rhode Island 8,777 6,227 2,550 3,551 1,395 2,984 121 9 123 392 61 40 21 32 4 17 0 0 1-3 6
South Carolina 76,755 52,380 24,375 23,713 46,387 3,232 207 51 226 1,903 2,851 2,176 675 883 1,775 80 10 0 16 63
South Dakota 3,634 2,620 1,014 1,971 250 233 32 1-3 983 104 36 28 8 15 4 1-3 0 1-3 14 0
Tennessee 66,130 45,490 20,640 22,676 38,759 3,258 298 29 96 663 4,245 3,200 1,045 1,595 2,299 221 15 4 4 50
Texas 246,474 173,302 73,172 35,826 76,431 118,651 1,728 233 832 3,689 7,821 6,093 1,728 1,693 1,890 3,669 57 7 68 125
Utah 10,711 8,222 2,489 6,257 350 3,061 127 234 372 231 148 120 28 85 4 43 7 1-3 5 1-3
Vermont 3,257 2,379 878 2,770 121 40 12 1-3 63 50 44 33 11 39 5 0 0 0 0 0
Virginia 72,448 51,235 21,213 24,401 37,324 5,649 668 71 189 2,817 819 634 185 314 310 119 11 1-3 6 45
Washington 48,972 36,844 12,128 23,513 5,056 11,989 1,091 660 1,388 3,839 3,496 2,726 770 1,580 266 1,001 82 49 125 281
West Virginia 20,724 15,070 5,654 18,154 1,773 171 20 4 14 315 491 403 88 431 43 6 1-3 0 1-3 4
Wisconsin 34,494 24,495 9,999 14,234 14,280 3,860 241 22 709 1,030 1,088 825 263 494 444 98 7 0 23 14
Wyoming 2,910 2,233 677 2,129 65 456 14 4 176 55 105 93 12 74 1-3 18 0 0 8 1-3
1 An out-of-school suspension is an instance in which a student is temporarily removed from his or her regular school for disciplinary purposes for at least half a day (but less than the remainder of the school year) to another setting (e.g., home or behavior center).
2 Expulsions are actions taken by a local education agency that result in the removal of a student from his or her regular school for disciplinary purposes, with or without the continuation of educational services, for the remainder of the school year or longer in accordance with local education agency policy. Expulsions also include removals resulting from violations of the Gun Free Schools Act that are modified to less than 365 days.
3 Data by race/ethnicity exclude students with disabilities served only under Section 504 (not receiving services under IDEA).
4 Connecticut Pacific Islander data are suppressed and excluded from the Pacific Islander U.S. total pending further data quality review.
NOTE: Student counts between 1 and 3 are displayed as 1-3 to protect student privacy. Detail may not sum to totals because of privacy protection routines applied to the data. Race categories exclude persons of Hispanic ethnicity.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights, Civil Rights Data Collection, "2013-14 Discipline Estimations by Discipline Type." (This table was prepared January 2018.)

2018 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest