Digest of Education Statistics
2018 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest

Table 106.70. Gross domestic product price index, Consumer Price Index, education price indexes, and federal budget composite deflator: Selected years, 1919 through 2018
Calendar year School year Federal fiscal year
Year Gross domestic
product price index
Consumer Price Index1 Year Consumer Price Index2 Higher Education Price Index3 Research and Develop-
ment Index
Academic Library Opera-
tions Index
Year Federal budget compo-
site deflator
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1919 17.3 1919-20 19.1 1919
1929 9.397 17.1 1929-30 17.1 1929
1939 7.637 13.9 1939-40 14.0 1939
1949 12.942 23.8 1949-50 23.7 1949 0.0896
1950 13.064 24.1 1950-51 25.1 1950 0.0942
1956 15.296 27.2 1956-57 27.7 1956 0.1130
1957 15.831 28.1 1957-58 28.6 1957 0.1186
1958 16.199 28.9 1958-59 29.0 1958 0.1256
1959 16.412 29.1 1959-60 29.4 1959 0.1308
1960 16.637 29.6 1960-61 29.8 25.6 26.7 1960 0.1328
1961 16.814 29.9 1961-62 30.1 26.5 27.5 1961 0.1358
1962 17.019 30.2 1962-63 30.4 27.6 28.5 1962 0.1359
1963 17.214 30.6 1963-64 30.8 28.6 29.5 1963 0.1418
1964 17.476 31.0 1964-65 31.2 29.8 30.7 1964 0.1441
1965 17.796 31.5 1965-66 31.9 31.3 32.0 1965 0.1461
1966 18.295 32.4 1966-67 32.9 32.9 33.8 1966 0.1501
1967 18.825 33.4 1967-68 34.0 34.9 35.7 1967 0.1534
1968 19.627 34.8 1968-69 35.7 37.1 38.0 1968 0.1590
1969 20.590 36.7 1969-70 37.8 39.5 40.3 1969 0.1691
1970 21.676 38.8 1970-71 39.7 42.1 42.7 1970 0.1785
1971 22.776 40.5 1971-72 41.2 44.3 45.0 1971 0.1909
1972 23.760 41.8 1972-73 42.8 46.7 47.1 1972 0.2033
1973 25.061 44.4 1973-74 46.6 49.9 50.1 1973 0.2126
1974 27.309 49.3 1974-75 51.8 54.3 54.8 1974 0.2304
1975 29.846 53.8 1975-76 55.5 57.8 59.0 57.3 1975 0.2528
1976 31.490 56.9 1976-77 58.7 61.5 62.7 61.6 1976 0.2709
1977 33.445 60.6 1977-78 62.6 65.7 66.8 65.8 1977 0.2906
1978 35.798 65.2 1978-79 68.5 70.5 71.7 71.4 1978 0.3088
1979 38.766 72.6 1979-80 77.6 77.5 78.3 78.5 1979 0.3356
1980 42.278 82.4 1980-81 86.6 85.8 86.6 86.1 1980 0.3711
1981 46.269 90.9 1981-82 94.1 93.9 94.0 94.0 1981 0.4122
1982 49.130 96.5 1982-83 98.2 100.0 100.0 100.0 1982 0.4439
1983 51.051 99.6 1983-84 101.8 104.8 104.3 105.1 1983 0.4657
1984 52.894 103.9 1984-85 105.8 110.8 109.8 111.2 1984 0.4880
1985 54.568 107.6 1985-86 108.8 116.3 115.2 117.6 1985 0.5059
1986 55.673 109.6 1986-87 111.2 120.9 120.0 124.2 1986 0.5165
1987 57.041 113.6 1987-88 115.8 126.2 126.8 130.0 1987 0.5314
1988 59.055 118.3 1988-89 121.2 132.8 132.1 138.6 1988 0.5497
1989 61.370 124.0 1989-90 127.0 140.8 139.0 147.4 1989 0.5714
1990 63.676 130.7 1990-91 133.9 148.2 145.8 155.7 1990 0.5880
1991 65.819 136.2 1991-92 138.2 153.5 150.6 163.3 1991 0.6143
1992 67.321 140.3 1992-93 142.5 157.9 155.2 169.8 1992 0.6393
1993 68.917 144.5 1993-94 146.2 163.3 160.1 176.7 1993 0.6582
1994 70.386 148.2 1994-95 150.4 168.1 165.4 183.9 1994 0.6698
1995 71.864 152.4 1995-96 154.5 173.0 170.8 192.6 1995 0.6897
1996 73.178 156.9 1996-97 158.9 178.4 1996 0.7042
1997 74.446 160.5 1997-98 161.7 184.7 1997 0.7190
1998 75.267 163.0 1998-99 164.5 189.1 1998 0.7250
1999 76.346 166.6 1999-2000 169.3 196.9 1999 0.7339
2000 78.069 172.2 2000-01 175.1 208.7 2000 0.7525
2001 79.822 177.1 2001-02 178.2 212.7 2001 0.7722
2002 81.039 179.9 2002-03 182.1 223.5 2002 0.7841
2003 82.567 184.0 2003-04 186.1 231.7 2003 0.8064
2004 84.778 188.9 2004-05 191.7 240.8 2004 0.8274
2005 87.407 195.3 2005-06 199.0 253.1 2005 0.8558
2006 90.074 201.6 2006-07 204.1 260.3 2006 0.8854
2007 92.498 207.3 2007-08 211.7 273.2 2007 0.9099
2008 94.264 215.3 2008-09 214.7 279.3 2008 0.9414
2009 94.999 214.5 2009-10 216.7 281.8 2009 0.9413
2010 96.109 218.1 2010-11 221.1 288.4 2010 0.9581
2011 98.112 224.9 2011-12 227.6 293.2 2011 0.9805
2012 100.000 229.6 2012-13 231.4 297.8 2012 1.0000
2013 101.773 233.0 2013-14 235.0 306.7 2013 1.0142
2014 103.687 236.7 2014-15 236.7 313.3 2014 1.0302
2015 104.757 237.0 2015-16 238.3 319.0 2015 1.0358
2016 105.899 240.0 2016-17 242.7 329.5 2016 1.0430
2017 107.932 245.1 2017-18 248.1 2017 1.0607
2018 110.331 251.1 2018-19 2018 1.0872
—Not available.
1 Index for urban wage earners and clerical workers through 1977; 1978 and later figures are for all urban consumers.
2 Consumer Price Index adjusted to a school-year basis (July through June).
3 Beginning in 2001-02, components of index were weighted through a regression methodology.
NOTE: Some data have been revised from previously published figures.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis, National Income and Product Accounts, retrieved April 26, 2019, from https://www.bea.gov/iTable/iTable.cfm?. U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Consumer Price Index, retrieved April 26, 2019, from https://www.bls.gov/data/. Commonfund Institute, retrieved April 26, 2019, from https://info.commonfund.org/commonfund-higher-education-price-index. U.S. Office of Management and Budget, retrieved April 26, 2019, from https://www.whitehouse.gov/omb/budget/Historicals. (This table was prepared April 2019.)

2018 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest