Digest of Education Statistics
2018 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest

Table 106.50. Direct general expenditures of state and local governments per capita for all functions and for education, by level of education and state: 2014-15 and 2015-16
[Amounts in current dollars]
State Direct general expenditures, 2014-15 Direct general expenditures, 2015-16
Total amount per capita1 For education Total amount per capita1 For education
All education Elementary and secondary education Colleges and universities Other education2
Amount per capita As a percent of all functions Amount per capita As a percent of all functions Amount per capita As a percent
of all functions
Amount per capita As a percent of all functions Amount per capita As a percent of all functions
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
United States $8,853 $2,917 33.0 $9,115 $3,011 33.0 $1,959 21.5 $891 9.8 $162 1.8
Alabama 7,653 2,744 35.9 7,853 2,785 35.5 1,570 20.0 1,003 12.8 211 2.7
Alaska 20,094 4,963 24.7 18,429 4,776 25.9 3,190 17.3 1,474 8.0 112 0.6
Arizona 6,594 2,248 34.1 7,016 2,083 29.7 1,129 16.1 851 12.1 103 1.5
Arkansas 7,841 2,749 35.1 8,131 2,815 34.6 1,702 20.9 907 11.2 207 2.5
California 10,524 2,957 28.1 10,939 3,173 29.0 2,003 18.3 1,011 9.2 159 1.5
Colorado 8,200 2,784 34.0 8,479 2,901 34.2 1,698 20.0 1,069 12.6 134 1.6
Connecticut 10,380 3,638 35.0 10,737 3,790 35.3 2,638 24.6 941 8.8 211 2.0
Delaware 10,285 3,839 37.3 10,632 3,858 36.3 2,054 19.3 1,315 12.4 489 4.6
District of Columbia 18,346 4,035 22.0 18,600 4,028 21.7 3,797 20.4 232 1.2
Florida 7,045 1,992 28.3 7,022 2,013 28.7 1,326 18.9 523 7.5 163 2.3
Georgia 6,591 2,521 38.2 6,667 2,594 38.9 1,836 27.5 555 8.3 203 3.0
Hawaii 9,546 2,272 23.8 9,542 2,371 24.8 1,483 15.5 777 8.1 110 1.2
Idaho 6,410 1,929 30.1 6,560 1,998 30.5 1,216 18.5 658 10.0 124 1.9
Illinois 8,854 2,950 33.3 8,688 2,942 33.9 2,069 23.8 740 8.5 133 1.5
Indiana 7,438 2,542 34.2 7,850 2,652 33.8 1,503 19.1 970 12.4 179 2.3
Iowa 9,682 3,471 35.8 9,865 3,511 35.6 2,102 21.3 1,251 12.7 157 1.6
Kansas 8,421 3,169 37.6 8,656 3,225 37.3 1,940 22.4 1,188 13.7 96 1.1
Kentucky 8,341 2,687 32.2 8,760 2,828 32.3 1,606 18.3 986 11.3 236 2.7
Louisiana 8,746 2,719 31.1 8,837 2,788 31.5 1,695 19.2 753 8.5 339 3.8
Maine 8,338 2,530 30.3 8,841 2,603 29.4 1,821 20.6 611 6.9 170 1.9
Maryland 9,695 3,261 33.6 9,762 3,332 34.1 2,139 21.9 1,060 10.9 133 1.4
Massachusetts 10,554 3,229 30.6 10,956 3,295 30.1 2,265 20.7 787 7.2 243 2.2
Michigan 8,032 2,913 36.3 8,319 3,014 36.2 1,703 20.5 1,178 14.2 133 1.6
Minnesota 9,555 3,099 32.4 10,312 3,312 32.1 2,214 21.5 920 8.9 177 1.7
Mississippi 8,413 2,617 31.1 8,736 2,785 31.9 1,533 17.5 1,061 12.2 190 2.2
Missouri 7,302 2,461 33.7 7,472 2,477 33.2 1,694 22.7 654 8.8 129 1.7
Montana 8,467 2,727 32.2 8,430 2,780 33.0 1,767 21.0 903 10.7 110 1.3
Nebraska 8,873 3,534 39.8 9,143 3,819 41.8 2,377 26.0 1,276 14.0 166 1.8
Nevada 7,025 2,091 29.8 7,021 2,100 29.9 1,439 20.5 486 6.9 175 2.5
New Hampshire 7,836 2,942 37.5 8,289 3,077 37.1 2,178 26.3 734 8.9 165 2.0
New Jersey 10,180 3,914 38.5 10,417 4,069 39.1 3,041 29.2 787 7.6 241 2.3
New Mexico 10,034 3,224 32.1 9,806 3,176 32.4 1,746 17.8 1,235 12.6 195 2.0
New York 13,088 4,052 31.0 13,664 4,201 30.7 3,366 24.6 727 5.3 108 0.8
North Carolina 7,426 2,472 33.3 7,602 2,505 33.0 1,359 17.9 958 12.6 189 2.5
North Dakota 12,003 3,901 32.5 12,695 4,224 33.3 2,483 19.6 1,617 12.7 123 1.0
Ohio 8,627 2,886 33.5 8,902 2,964 33.3 1,991 22.4 824 9.3 149 1.7
Oklahoma 7,306 2,595 35.5 7,422 2,707 36.5 1,506 20.3 1,032 13.9 168 2.3
Oregon 9,379 2,864 30.5 10,112 3,077 30.4 1,746 17.3 1,208 11.9 123 1.2
Pennsylvania 8,961 3,091 34.5 9,558 3,238 33.9 2,208 23.1 842 8.8 188 2.0
Rhode Island 9,544 3,101 32.5 9,669 3,225 33.4 2,281 23.6 646 6.7 299 3.1
South Carolina 7,991 2,809 35.2 8,246 2,895 35.1 1,766 21.4 843 10.2 286 3.5
South Dakota 7,690 2,629 34.2 8,102 2,846 35.1 1,658 20.5 1,021 12.6 167 2.1
Tennessee 6,680 2,149 32.2 6,768 2,103 31.1 1,396 20.6 559 8.3 149 2.2
Texas 7,492 2,913 38.9 7,698 2,973 38.6 1,890 24.6 1,001 13.0 82 1.1
Utah 7,344 2,912 39.6 7,653 3,205 41.9 1,583 20.7 1,447 18.9 175 2.3
Vermont 10,924 4,062 37.2 11,274 4,295 38.1 2,579 22.9 1,398 12.4 317 2.8
Virginia 8,217 2,989 36.4 8,426 2,984 35.4 1,938 23.0 923 10.9 124 1.5
Washington 9,294 3,026 32.6 9,678 3,261 33.7 2,039 21.1 973 10.1 249 2.6
West Virginia 8,233 2,859 34.7 8,692 2,927 33.7 1,686 19.4 958 11.0 283 3.3
Wisconsin 8,815 3,068 34.8 8,865 3,123 35.2 1,920 21.7 1,090 12.3 113 1.3
Wyoming 14,317 4,910 34.3 15,022 5,339 35.5 3,449 23.0 1,537 10.2 353 2.3
—Not available.
1 Includes state and local government expenditures for education and public libraries, social services and income maintenance, transportation, public safety, environment and housing, governmental administration, interest on general debt, and other direct general expenditures.
2 Includes assistance and subsidies to individuals, private elementary and secondary schools, and private colleges and universities, as well as miscellaneous education expenditures. Does not include expenditures for public libraries.
NOTE: Per capita amounts for 2015-16 are based on population estimates for July 2016. Per capita amounts for 2014-15 are based on the latest population estimates for July 2015 and have been revised from previously published figures. Detail may not sum to totals because of rounding.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Commerce, Census Bureau, Governmental Finances, retrieved November 27, 2018, from https://www.census.gov/data/datasets/2016/econ/local/public-use-datasets.html; and Population Estimates, retrieved April 9, 2019, from https://factfinder.census.gov/faces/tableservices/jsf/pages/productview.xhtml?pid=PEP_2018_PEPANNRES&src=pt. (This table was prepared April 2019).

2018 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest