Digest of Education Statistics
2018 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest

Table 103.20. Percentage of the population 3 to 34 years old enrolled in school, by age group: Selected years, 1940 through 2017
[Standard errors appear in parentheses]
Year Total,
3 to 34 years old
3 and 4
years old
5 and 6 years old 7 to 13 years old 14 to 17 years old 18 and 19 years old 20 to 24 years old 25 to 29 years old 30 to 34 years old
Total 14 and 15 16 and 17 Total In secondary education In higher education Total 20 and 21 22 to 24
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
1940 (†)   (†) (†) 95.0 (—) 79.3 (—) (†) (†) 28.9 (—) (†) (†) 6.6 (—) (†) (†) (†) (†)
1945 (†)   (†) (†) 98.1 (—) 78.4 (—) (†) (†) 20.7 (—) (†) (†) 3.9 (—) (†) (†) (†) (†)
1947 (†)   (†) 73.8 (—) 98.5 (—) 79.3 (—) 91.6 (—) 67.6 (—) 24.3 (—) (†) (†) 10.2 (—) (†) (†) 3.0 (—) 1.0 (—)
1948 (†)   (†) 74.7 (—) 98.1 (—) 81.8 (—) 92.7 (—) 71.2 (—) 26.9 (—) (†) (†) 9.7 (—) (†) (†) 2.6 (—) 0.9 (—)
1949 (†)   (†) 76.2 (—) 98.6 (—) 81.6 (—) 93.5 (—) 69.5 (—) 25.3 (—) (†) (†) 9.2 (—) (†) (†) 3.8 (—) 1.1 (—)
1950 (†)   (†) 74.4 (—) 98.7 (—) 83.7 (—) 94.7 (—) 71.3 (—) 29.4 (—) (†) (†) 9.0 (—) (†) (†) 3.0 (—) 0.9 (—)
1951 (†)   (†) 73.6 (—) 99.1 (—) 85.2 (—) 94.8 (—) 75.1 (—) 26.2 (—) (†) (†) 8.6 (—) (†) (†) 2.5 (—) 0.7 (—)
1952 (†)   (†) 75.2 (—) 98.8 (—) 85.2 (—) 96.2 (—) 73.4 (—) 28.8 (—) (†) (†) 9.7 (—) (†) (†) 2.6 (—) 1.2 (—)
1953 (†)   (†) 78.6 (—) 99.4 (—) 85.9 (—) 96.5 (—) 74.7 (—) 31.2 (—) (†) (†) 11.1 (—) (†) (†) 2.9 (—) 1.7 (—)
1954 (†)   (†) 77.3 (—) 99.4 (—) 87.1 (—) 95.8 (—) 78.0 (—) 32.4 (—) (†) (†) 11.2 (—) (†) (†) 4.1 (—) 1.5 (—)
1955 (†)   (†) 78.1 (—) 99.2 (—) 86.9 (—) 95.9 (—) 77.4 (—) 31.5 (—) (†) (†) 11.1 (—) (†) (†) 4.2 (—) 1.6 (—)
1956 (†)   (†) 77.6 (—) 99.3 (—) 88.2 (—) 96.9 (—) 78.4 (—) 35.4 (—) (†) (†) 12.8 (—) (†) (†) 5.1 (—) 1.9 (—)
1957 (†)   (†) 78.6 (—) 99.5 (—) 89.5 (—) 97.1 (—) 80.5 (—) 34.9 (—) (†) (†) 14.0 (—) (†) (†) 5.5 (—) 1.8 (—)
1958 (†)   (†) 80.4 (—) 99.5 (—) 89.2 (—) 96.9 (—) 80.6 (—) 37.6 (—) (†) (†) 13.4 (—) (†) (†) 5.7 (—) 2.2 (—)
1959 (†)   (†) 80.0 (—) 99.4 (—) 90.2 (—) 97.5 (—) 82.9 (—) 36.8 (—) (†) (†) 12.7 (—) 18.8 (—) 8.6 (—) 5.1 (—) 2.2 (—)
1960 (†)   (†) 80.7 (—) 99.5 (—) 90.3 (—) 97.8 (—) 82.6 (—) 38.4 (—) (†) (†) 13.1 (—) 19.4 (—) 8.7 (—) 4.9 (—) 2.4 (—)
1961 (†)   (†) 81.7 (—) 99.3 (—) 91.4 (—) 97.6 (—) 83.6 (—) 38.0 (—) (†) (†) 13.7 (—) 21.5 (—) 8.4 (—) 4.4 (—) 2.0 (—)
1962 (†)   (†) 82.2 (—) 99.3 (—) 92.0 (—) 98.0 (—) 84.3 (—) 41.8 (—) (†) (†) 15.6 (—) 23.0 (—) 10.3 (—) 5.0 (—) 2.6 (—)
1963 (†)   (†) 82.7 (—) 99.3 (—) 92.9 (—) 98.4 (—) 87.1 (—) 40.9 (—) 10.9 (—) 29.8 (—) 17.3 (—) 25.0 (—) 11.4 (—) 4.9 (—) 2.5 (—)
19641 (†) 9.5   (—) 83.3 (—) 99.0 (—) 93.1 (—) 98.6 (—) 87.7 (—) 41.6 (—) 11.0 (—) 30.6 (—) 16.8 (—) 26.3 (—) 9.9 (—) 5.2 (—) 2.6 (—)
1965 55.5 (—) 10.6   (—) 84.9 (—) 99.4 (—) 93.2 (—) 98.9 (—) 87.4 (—) 46.3 (—) 11.2 (—) 35.0 (—) 19.0 (—) 27.6 (—) 13.2 (—) 6.1 (—) 3.2 (—)
1966 56.1 (—) 12.5   (—) 85.8 (—) 99.3 (—) 93.7 (—) 98.6 (—) 88.5 (—) 47.2 (—) 10.8 (—) 36.3 (—) 19.9 (—) 29.9 (—) 13.2 (—) 6.5 (—) 2.7 (—)
1967 56.6 (—) 14.2   (—) 87.4 (—) 99.3 (—) 93.7 (—) 98.2 (—) 88.8 (—) 47.6 (—) 11.7 (—) 36.0 (—) 22.0 (—) 33.3 (—) 13.6 (—) 6.6 (—) 4.0 (—)
1968 56.7 (—) 15.7   (—) 87.6 (—) 99.1 (—) 94.2 (—) 98.0 (—) 90.2 (—) 50.4 (—) 12.4 (—) 38.0 (—) 21.4 (—) 31.2 (—) 13.8 (—) 7.0 (—) 3.9 (—)
1969 57.0 (—) 16.1   (—) 88.4 (—) 99.2 (—) 94.0 (—) 98.1 (—) 89.7 (—) 50.2 (—) 11.2 (—) 39.0 (—) 23.0 (—) 34.1 (—) 15.4 (—) 7.9 (—) 4.8 (—)
1970 56.4 (0.22) 20.5   (0.74) 89.5 (0.54) 99.2 (0.08) 94.1 (0.27) 98.1 (0.22) 90.0 (0.50) 47.7 (0.87) 10.5 (0.53) 37.3 (0.84) 21.5 (0.48) 31.9 (0.87) 14.9 (0.53) 7.5 (0.33) 4.2 (0.27)
1971 56.2 (0.22) 21.2   (0.76) 91.6 (0.50) 99.1 (0.08) 94.5 (0.26) 98.6 (0.19) 90.2 (0.49) 49.2 (0.85) 11.5 (0.54) 37.7 (0.83) 21.9 (0.47) 32.2 (0.85) 15.4 (0.52) 8.0 (0.33) 4.9 (0.29)
1972 54.9 (0.22) 24.4   (0.81) 91.9 (0.51) 99.2 (0.08) 93.3 (0.28) 97.6 (0.24) 88.9 (0.51) 46.3 (0.84) 10.4 (0.51) 35.9 (0.81) 21.6 (0.46) 31.4 (0.81) 14.8 (0.51) 8.6 (0.34) 4.6 (0.28)
1973 53.5 (0.22) 24.2   (0.80) 92.5 (0.50) 99.2 (0.08) 92.9 (0.29) 97.5 (0.25) 88.3 (0.52) 42.9 (0.82) 10.0 (0.50) 32.9 (0.78) 20.8 (0.44) 30.1 (0.79) 14.5 (0.50) 8.5 (0.33) 4.5 (0.27)
1974 53.6 (0.22) 28.8   (0.85) 94.2 (0.44) 99.3 (0.08) 92.9 (0.29) 97.9 (0.23) 87.9 (0.52) 43.1 (0.81) 9.9 (0.49) 33.2 (0.77) 21.4 (0.45) 30.2 (0.77) 15.1 (0.51) 9.6 (0.34) 5.7 (0.29)
1975 53.7 (0.22) 31.5   (0.89) 94.7 (0.42) 99.3 (0.08) 93.6 (0.27) 98.2 (0.21) 89.0 (0.50) 46.9 (0.81) 10.2 (0.49) 36.7 (0.78) 22.4 (0.45) 31.2 (0.77) 16.2 (0.52) 10.1 (0.34) 6.6 (0.31)
1976 53.1 (0.21) 31.3   (0.91) 95.5 (0.38) 99.2 (0.09) 93.7 (0.27) 98.2 (0.21) 89.1 (0.50) 46.2 (0.80) 10.2 (0.49) 36.0 (0.77) 23.3 (0.45) 32.0 (0.77) 17.1 (0.52) 10.0 (0.33) 6.0 (0.29)
1977 52.5 (0.21) 32.0   (0.94) 95.8 (0.38) 99.4 (0.07) 93.7 (0.28) 98.5 (0.20) 88.9 (0.50) 46.2 (0.80) 10.4 (0.49) 35.7 (0.77) 22.9 (0.44) 31.8 (0.76) 16.5 (0.51) 10.8 (0.34) 6.9 (0.30)
1978 51.2 (0.21) 34.2   (0.95) 95.3 (0.42) 99.1 (0.09) 93.7 (0.28) 98.4 (0.20) 89.1 (0.50) 45.4 (0.80) 9.8 (0.48) 35.6 (0.77) 21.8 (0.43) 29.5 (0.74) 16.3 (0.50) 9.4 (0.32) 6.4 (0.28)
1979 50.3 (0.21) 35.1   (0.95) 95.8 (0.40) 99.2 (0.09) 93.6 (0.28) 98.1 (0.22) 89.2 (0.50) 45.0 (0.80) 10.3 (0.49) 34.6 (0.76) 21.7 (0.43) 30.2 (0.74) 15.8 (0.49) 9.6 (0.32) 6.4 (0.28)
1980 49.7 (0.21) 36.7   (0.95) 95.7 (0.40) 99.3 (0.09) 93.4 (0.29) 98.2 (0.22) 89.0 (0.51) 46.4 (0.80) 10.5 (0.49) 35.9 (0.77) 22.3 (0.43) 31.0 (0.75) 16.3 (0.49) 9.3 (0.31) 6.4 (0.27)
1981 48.9 (0.21) 36.0   (0.93) 94.0 (0.46) 99.2 (0.09) 94.1 (0.28) 98.0 (0.24) 90.6 (0.47) 49.0 (0.81) 11.5 (0.51) 37.5 (0.78) 22.5 (0.42) 31.6 (0.74) 16.5 (0.48) 9.0 (0.30) 6.9 (0.27)
1982 48.6 (0.22) 36.4   (0.97) 95.0 (0.45) 99.2 (0.10) 94.4 (0.29) 98.5 (0.22) 90.6 (0.51) 47.8 (0.86) 11.3 (0.54) 36.5 (0.83) 23.5 (0.45) 34.0 (0.81) 16.8 (0.51) 9.6 (0.32) 6.3 (0.28)
1983 48.4 (0.22) 37.5   (0.96) 95.4 (0.43) 99.2 (0.10) 95.0 (0.28) 98.3 (0.23) 91.7 (0.50) 50.4 (0.87) 12.8 (0.58) 37.6 (0.84) 22.7 (0.45) 32.5 (0.80) 16.6 (0.51) 9.6 (0.32) 6.4 (0.28)
1984 47.9 (0.22) 36.3   (0.94) 94.5 (0.46) 99.2 (0.10) 94.7 (0.29) 97.8 (0.26) 91.5 (0.51) 50.1 (0.89) 11.5 (0.57) 38.6 (0.87) 23.7 (0.46) 33.9 (0.82) 17.3 (0.52) 9.1 (0.30) 6.3 (0.27)
1985 48.3 (0.22) 38.9   (0.95) 96.1 (0.38) 99.2 (0.09) 94.9 (0.28) 98.1 (0.24) 91.7 (0.50) 51.6 (0.91) 11.2 (0.57) 40.4 (0.89) 24.0 (0.47) 35.3 (0.84) 16.9 (0.52) 9.2 (0.31) 6.1 (0.26)
1986 48.2 (0.22) 38.9   (0.95) 95.3 (0.41) 99.2 (0.10) 94.9 (0.28) 97.6 (0.28) 92.3 (0.48) 54.6 (0.91) 13.1 (0.62) 41.5 (0.90) 23.6 (0.47) 33.0 (0.84) 17.9 (0.54) 8.8 (0.30) 6.0 (0.25)
1987 48.6 (0.22) 38.3   (0.95) 95.1 (0.42) 99.5 (0.07) 95.0 (0.28) 98.6 (0.22) 91.7 (0.49) 55.6 (0.90) 13.1 (0.61) 42.5 (0.90) 25.5 (0.49) 38.7 (0.89) 17.5 (0.54) 9.0 (0.30) 5.8 (0.25)
1988 48.7 (0.24) 38.2   (1.02) 96.0 (0.41) 99.7 (0.07) 95.1 (0.31) 98.9 (0.22) 91.6 (0.55) 55.6 (0.98) 13.9 (0.68) 41.8 (0.97) 26.1 (0.54) 39.1 (0.98) 18.2 (0.60) 8.3 (0.32) 5.9 (0.27)
1989 49.0 (0.23) 39.1   (0.97) 95.2 (0.43) 99.3 (0.09) 95.7 (0.28) 98.8 (0.21) 92.7 (0.50) 56.0 (0.92) 14.4 (0.65) 41.6 (0.91) 27.0 (0.53) 38.5 (0.94) 19.9 (0.60) 9.3 (0.32) 5.7 (0.25)
1990 50.2 (0.23) 44.4   (0.99) 96.5 (0.37) 99.6 (0.06) 95.8 (0.28) 99.0 (0.19) 92.5 (0.52) 57.2 (0.94) 14.5 (0.67) 42.7 (0.94) 28.6 (0.54) 39.7 (0.92) 21.0 (0.63) 9.7 (0.33) 5.8 (0.25)
1991 50.7 (0.23) 40.5   (0.96) 95.4 (0.41) 99.6 (0.06) 96.0 (0.27) 98.8 (0.22) 93.3 (0.49) 59.6 (0.96) 15.6 (0.71) 44.0 (0.97) 30.2 (0.55) 42.0 (0.92) 22.2 (0.64) 10.2 (0.34) 6.2 (0.26)
1992 51.4 (0.23) 39.7   (0.95) 95.5 (0.41) 99.4 (0.08) 96.7 (0.25) 99.1 (0.18) 94.1 (0.46) 61.4 (0.96) 17.1 (0.74) 44.3 (0.98) 31.6 (0.56) 44.0 (0.95) 23.7 (0.65) 9.8 (0.34) 6.1 (0.26)
1993 51.8 (0.23) 40.4   (0.93) 95.4 (0.41) 99.5 (0.07) 96.5 (0.25) 98.9 (0.20) 94.0 (0.46) 61.6 (0.95) 17.2 (0.74) 44.4 (0.97) 30.8 (0.56) 42.7 (0.97) 23.6 (0.65) 10.2 (0.35) 5.9 (0.25)
1994 53.3 (0.23) 47.3 2 (0.94) 96.7 (0.34) 99.4 (0.08) 96.6 (0.24) 98.8 (0.20) 94.4 (0.43) 60.2 (0.94) 16.2 (0.70) 43.9 (0.95) 32.0 (0.55) 44.9 (0.95) 24.0 (0.64) 10.8 (0.36) 6.7 (0.27)
1995 53.7 (0.21) 48.7 2 (0.87) 96.0 (0.34) 98.9 (0.10) 96.3 (0.23) 98.9 (0.18) 93.6 (0.42) 59.4 (0.86) 16.3 (0.64) 43.1 (0.86) 31.5 (0.52) 44.9 (0.90) 23.2 (0.60) 11.6 (0.34) 5.9 (0.24)
1996 54.1 (0.22) 48.3 2 (0.91) 94.0 (0.43) 97.7 (0.15) 95.4 (0.26) 98.0 (0.24) 92.8 (0.45) 61.5 (0.87) 16.7 (0.67) 44.9 (0.89) 32.5 (0.55) 44.4 (0.93) 24.8 (0.65) 11.9 (0.36) 6.1 (0.25)
1997 55.6 (0.22) 52.6 2 (0.92) 96.5 (0.33) 99.1 (0.09) 96.6 (0.22) 98.9 (0.18) 94.3 (0.40) 61.5 (0.86) 16.7 (0.66) 44.7 (0.88) 34.3 (0.55) 45.9 (0.91) 26.4 (0.66) 11.8 (0.36) 5.7 (0.25)
1998 55.8 (0.22) 52.1 2 (0.92) 95.6 (0.37) 98.9 (0.10) 96.1 (0.24) 98.4 (0.22) 93.9 (0.41) 62.2 (0.84) 15.7 (0.63) 46.4 (0.86) 33.0 (0.54) 44.8 (0.91) 24.9 (0.65) 11.9 (0.36) 6.6 (0.27)
1999 56.0 (0.22) 54.2 2 (0.93) 96.0 (0.36) 98.7 (0.11) 95.8 (0.24) 98.2 (0.23) 93.6 (0.42) 60.6 (0.84) 16.5 (0.64) 44.1 (0.85) 32.8 (0.54) 45.3 (0.90) 24.5 (0.64) 11.1 (0.36) 6.2 (0.27)
2000 55.9 (0.22) 52.1 2 (0.93) 95.6 (0.38) 98.2 (0.13) 95.7 (0.25) 98.7 (0.20) 92.8 (0.45) 61.2 (0.84) 16.5 (0.64) 44.7 (0.85) 32.5 (0.53) 44.1 (0.88) 24.6 (0.63) 11.4 (0.37) 6.7 (0.27)
2001 56.4 (0.20) 52.4 2 (0.88) 95.3 (0.37) 98.3 (0.12) 95.8 (0.23) 98.1 (0.22) 93.4 (0.40) 61.1 (0.79) 17.1 (0.61) 44.0 (0.80) 34.1 (0.50) 46.1 (0.82) 25.5 (0.61) 11.8 (0.36) 6.9 (0.26)
2002 56.2 (0.20) 56.3 2 (0.89) 95.5 (0.37) 98.3 (0.12) 96.4 (0.21) 98.4 (0.20) 94.3 (0.37) 63.3 (0.79) 18.0 (0.63) 45.3 (0.82) 34.4 (0.50) 47.8 (0.83) 25.6 (0.59) 12.1 (0.35) 6.6 (0.25)
2003 56.2 (0.20) 55.1 2 (0.85) 94.5 (0.40) 98.3 (0.12) 96.2 (0.21) 97.5 (0.25) 94.9 (0.34) 64.5 (0.80) 17.9 (0.64) 46.6 (0.84) 35.6 (0.50) 48.3 (0.83) 27.8 (0.59) 11.8 (0.34) 6.8 (0.26)
2004 56.2 (0.20) 54.0 2 (0.85) 95.4 (0.37) 98.4 (0.12) 96.5 (0.21) 98.5 (0.19) 94.5 (0.36) 64.4 (0.80) 16.6 (0.62) 47.8 (0.83) 35.2 (0.49) 48.9 (0.82) 26.3 (0.58) 13.0 (0.35) 6.6 (0.26)
2005 56.5 (0.20) 53.6 2 (0.86) 95.4 (0.37) 98.6 (0.11) 96.5 (0.20) 98.0 (0.22) 95.1 (0.33) 67.6 (0.79) 18.3 (0.65) 49.3 (0.84) 36.1 (0.49) 48.7 (0.80) 27.3 (0.59) 11.9 (0.34) 6.9 (0.27)
2006 56.0 (0.20) 55.7 2 (0.86) 94.6 (0.39) 98.3 (0.12) 96.4 (0.21) 98.3 (0.21) 94.6 (0.36) 65.5 (0.77) 19.3 (0.64) 46.2 (0.81) 35.0 (0.49) 47.5 (0.81) 26.7 (0.58) 11.7 (0.33) 7.2 (0.27)
2007 56.1 (0.20) 54.5 2 (0.86) 94.7 (0.39) 98.4 (0.12) 96.4 (0.21) 98.7 (0.18) 94.3 (0.36) 66.8 (0.75) 17.9 (0.61) 48.9 (0.80) 35.7 (0.49) 48.4 (0.81) 27.3 (0.59) 12.4 (0.33) 7.2 (0.27)
2008 56.2 (0.20) 52.8 2 (0.85) 93.8 (0.42) 98.7 (0.11) 96.8 (0.20) 98.6 (0.19) 95.2 (0.34) 66.0 (0.75) 17.4 (0.60) 48.6 (0.79) 36.9 (0.49) 50.1 (0.81) 28.2 (0.59) 13.2 (0.34) 7.3 (0.27)
2009 56.5 (0.20) 52.4 2 (0.85) 94.1 (0.40) 98.2 (0.12) 96.3 (0.22) 98.0 (0.23) 94.6 (0.36) 68.9 (0.73) 19.1 (0.62) 49.8 (0.79) 38.7 (0.50) 51.7 (0.81) 30.4 (0.60) 13.5 (0.34) 8.1 (0.28)
2010 56.6 (0.17) 53.2 2 (0.89) 94.5 (0.46) 98.0 (0.16) 97.1 (0.21) 98.1 (0.25) 96.1 (0.33) 69.2 (0.92) 18.1 (0.71) 51.2 (1.05) 38.6 (0.71) 52.4 (1.08) 28.9 (0.79) 14.6 (0.47) 8.3 (0.39)
2011 56.8 (0.19) 52.4 2 (0.90) 95.1 (0.43) 98.3 (0.14) 97.1 (0.22) 98.6 (0.21) 95.7 (0.38) 71.1 (0.95) 21.0 (0.78) 50.1 (1.08) 39.9 (0.68) 52.7 (1.05) 31.1 (0.82) 14.8 (0.44) 7.7 (0.32)
2012 56.6 (0.22) 53.5 2 (1.11) 93.2 (0.49) 98.0 (0.17) 97.0 (0.28) 98.2 (0.31) 95.8 (0.40) 69.0 (0.98) 21.7 (0.77) 47.3 (0.96) 40.2 (0.72) 54.0 (1.04) 30.7 (0.84) 14.0 (0.48) 7.5 (0.33)
2013 55.8 (0.18) 54.9 2 (1.00) 93.8 (0.45) 98.1 (0.16) 96.1 (0.28) 98.4 (0.27) 93.7 (0.50) 67.1 (0.97) 20.5 (0.80) 46.6 (1.00) 38.7 (0.76) 52.8 (1.24) 29.7 (0.81) 13.3 (0.44) 6.7 (0.32)
2014 55.2 (0.21) 54.5 2 (0.98) 93.4 (0.53) 97.6 (0.19) 95.4 (0.29) 97.8 (0.26) 92.9 (0.51) 68.4 (0.92) 19.6 (0.79) 48.9 (1.09) 38.0 (0.76) 51.4 (1.24) 29.6 (0.80) 13.1 (0.44) 6.4 (0.31)
2015 55.2 (0.20) 52.7 2 (1.02) 94.2 (0.46) 97.7 (0.17) 95.9 (0.28) 98.0 (0.27) 93.7 (0.49) 68.5 (0.86) 19.8 (0.79) 48.8 (0.98) 38.5 (0.80) 53.3 (1.14) 28.8 (0.81) 13.2 (0.50) 6.6 (0.30)
2016 55.2 (0.21) 53.8 2 (1.04) 93.3 (0.58) 98.2 (0.15) 95.5 (0.30) 98.0 (0.27) 93.0 (0.55) 69.5 (1.05) 19.0 (0.76) 50.5 (1.15) 39.0 (0.78) 55.5 (1.12) 28.8 (0.85) 13.2 (0.46) 6.4 (0.31)
2017 54.6 (0.19) 53.8 2 (1.08) 93.5 (0.54) 97.5 (0.20) 95.5 (0.31) 98.2 (0.25) 92.9 (0.55) 68.2 (1.08) 20.2 (0.85) 48.0 (1.21) 38.8 (0.71) 55.0 (1.13) 28.4 (0.92) 12.1 (0.45) 5.9 (0.31)
—Not available.
†Not applicable.
1 It is not possible to compute a 1964 enrollment percentage for the total 3- to 34-year-old population because, although enrollment percentages are available for each component age group, underlying data on population size are not available for 3- and 4-year-olds.
2 Beginning in 1994, preprimary enrollment data were collected using new procedures. Data may not be comparable to figures for earlier years.
NOTE: Data for 1940 are for April. Data for all other years are as of October. Data are based on sample surveys of the civilian noninstitutionalized population, which excludes persons in the military and persons living in institutions (e.g., prisons or nursing facilities). Includes enrollment in any type of graded public, parochial, or other private schools. Includes nursery schools, kindergartens, elementary and secondary schools, colleges, universities, and professional schools. Attendance may be on either a full-time or part-time basis and during the day or night. Prior to 2010, standard errors were computed using generalized variance function methodology rather than the more precise replicate weight methodology used in later years.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Commerce, Census Bureau, Historical Statistics of the United States, Colonial Times to 1970; Current Population Reports, Series P-20, various years; CPS Historical Time Series Tables on School Enrollment, retrieved June 6, 2012, from https://www.census.gov/hhes/school/data/cps/historical/index.html; and Current Population Survey (CPS), October, 1970 through 2017. (This table was prepared January 2019.)

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