Digest of Education Statistics
2018 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest

Table 101.10. Estimates of resident population, by age group: 1970 through 2018
[In thousands]
Year Total, all ages Total, 3 to 34 years old 3 and 4 years old 5 and 6 years old 7 to 13 years old 14 to 17 years old 18 and 19 years old 20 and 21 years old 22 to 24 years old 25 to 29 years old 30 to 34 years old
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
1970 205,052 109,592 6,961 7,703 28,969 15,924 7,510 7,210 9,992 13,736 11,587
1971 207,661 111,202 6,805 7,344 28,892 16,328 7,715 7,350 10,809 14,041 11,917
1972 209,896 112,807 6,789 7,051 28,628 16,639 7,923 7,593 10,560 15,240 12,383
1973 211,909 114,426 6,938 6,888 28,158 16,867 8,114 7,796 10,725 15,786 13,153
1974 213,854 116,075 7,117 6,864 27,600 17,035 8,257 8,003 10,972 16,521 13,704
1975 215,973 117,435 6,912 7,013 26,905 17,128 8,478 8,196 11,331 17,280 14,191
1976 218,035 118,474 6,436 7,195 26,321 17,119 8,659 8,336 11,650 18,274 14,485
1977 220,239 119,261 6,190 6,978 25,877 17,045 8,675 8,550 11,949 18,277 15,721
1978 222,585 119,833 6,208 6,500 25,594 16,946 8,677 8,730 12,216 18,683 16,280
1979 225,055 120,544 6,252 6,256 25,175 16,611 8,751 8,754 12,542 19,178 17,025
1980 227,225 121,132 6,366 6,291 24,800 16,143 8,718 8,669 12,716 19,686 17,743
1981 229,466 121,999 6,535 6,315 24,396 15,609 8,582 8,759 12,903 20,169 18,731
1982 231,664 121,823 6,658 6,407 24,121 15,057 8,480 8,768 12,914 20,704 18,714
1983 233,792 122,302 6,877 6,572 23,709 14,740 8,290 8,652 12,981 21,414 19,067
1984 235,825 122,254 7,045 6,694 23,367 14,725 7,932 8,567 12,962 21,459 19,503
1985 237,924 122,512 7,134 6,916 22,976 14,888 7,637 8,370 12,895 21,671 20,025
1986 240,133 122,688 7,187 7,086 22,992 14,824 7,483 8,024 12,720 21,893 20,479
1987 242,289 122,672 7,132 7,178 23,325 14,502 7,502 7,742 12,450 21,857 20,984
1988 244,499 122,713 7,176 7,238 23,791 14,023 7,701 7,606 12,048 21,739 21,391
1989 246,819 122,655 7,315 7,184 24,228 13,536 7,898 7,651 11,607 21,560 21,676
1990 249,623 122,787 7,359 7,244 24,785 13,329 7,702 7,886 11,264 21,277 21,939
1991 252,981 123,210 7,444 7,393 25,216 13,491 7,208 8,029 11,205 20,923 22,301
1992 256,514 123,722 7,614 7,447 25,752 13,775 6,949 7,797 11,391 20,503 22,494
1993 259,919 124,371 7,887 7,549 26,212 14,096 6,985 7,333 11,657 20,069 22,584
1994 263,126 124,976 8,089 7,725 26,492 14,637 7,047 7,071 11,585 19,740 22,590
1995 266,278 125,478 8,107 8,000 26,825 15,013 7,182 7,103 11,197 19,680 22,372
1996 269,394 125,924 8,022 8,206 27,168 15,443 7,399 7,161 10,715 19,864 21,945
1997 272,647 126,422 7,915 8,232 27,683 15,769 7,569 7,309 10,601 19,899 21,446
1998 275,854 126,939 7,841 8,152 28,302 15,829 7,892 7,520 10,647 19,804 20,953
1999 279,040 127,446 7,772 8,041 28,763 16,007 8,094 7,683 10,908 19,575 20,603
2000 282,162 128,041 7,724 7,972 29,082 16,144 8,199 7,995 11,122 19,280 20,524
2001 284,969 128,467 7,630 7,883 29,210 16,280 8,235 8,290 11,467 18,819 20,652
2002 287,625 128,955 7,617 7,750 29,251 16,506 8,237 8,342 11,902 18,691 20,658
2003 290,108 129,346 7,678 7,661 29,153 16,694 8,325 8,324 12,267 18,772 20,472
2004 292,805 129,965 7,885 7,652 28,806 17,054 8,457 8,312 12,534 19,107 20,160
2005 295,517 130,280 7,973 7,721 28,527 17,358 8,482 8,392 12,568 19,535 19,724
2006 298,380 130,754 7,937 7,942 28,327 17,549 8,567 8,507 12,529 20,110 19,285
2007 301,231 131,417 8,002 8,040 28,256 17,597 8,730 8,500 12,578 20,543 19,171
2008 304,094 132,269 8,033 8,012 28,426 17,395 9,014 8,555 12,626 20,903 19,305
2009 306,772 133,202 8,059 8,088 28,569 17,232 9,146 8,691 12,693 21,078 19,645
20101 309,338 134,098 8,189 8,137 28,729 17,066 9,061 8,956 12,746 21,144 20,070
20111 311,644 134,900 8,223 8,162 28,754 16,872 8,920 9,193 12,969 21,286 20,521
20121 313,993 135,512 8,093 8,228 28,776 16,722 8,787 9,177 13,414 21,394 20,921
20131 316,235 136,076 7,983 8,263 28,810 16,653 8,679 9,028 13,791 21,583 21,286
20141 318,623 136,629 8,009 8,138 28,815 16,748 8,545 8,895 13,988 21,967 21,524
20151 321,040 136,941 7,993 8,033 28,869 16,810 8,468 8,799 13,888 22,426 21,654
20161 323,406 137,334 7,969 8,062 28,898 16,779 8,469 8,673 13,711 22,931 21,841
20171 325,719 137,678 8,003 8,047 28,909 16,761 8,498 8,595 13,524 23,370 21,972
2018 328,033 138,036 8,059 8,023 28,892 16,700 8,602 8,596 13,358 23,619 22,186
1 Revised from previously published figures.
NOTE: Resident population includes civilian population and armed forces personnel residing within the United States; it excludes armed forces personnel residing overseas. Detail may not sum to totals because of rounding. Population estimates as of July 1 of the indicated reference year.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Commerce, Census Bureau, Current Population Reports, Series P-25, Nos. 1000, 1022, 1045, 1057, 1059, 1092, and 1095; 2000 through 2009 Population Estimates, retrieved August 14, 2012, from https://www.census.gov/popest/data/national/asrh/2011/index.html; and 2010 through 2018 Population Estimates, retrieved November 8, 2018, from https://www.census.gov/data/tables/2017/demo/popest/nation-detail.html. (This table was prepared November 2018.)

2018 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest