Digest of Education Statistics
2017 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest

Table 330.40. Average total cost of attendance for first-time, full-time undergraduate students in degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by control and level of institution, living arrangement, and component of student costs: Selected years, 2010-11 through 2016-17
Level of institution, living arrangement, and component of student costs 2010-11 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17
All insti- tutions Public, in-state Private All insti-tutions Public, in-state Private All insti-tutions Public, in-state Private All insti-tutions Public, in-state Private All insti-tutions Public, in-state Private
Non- profit For-profit Non- profit For-profit Non- profit For-profit Non- profit For-profit Non- profit For-profit
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
  Current dollars
4-year institutions                                        
Average total cost, by living arrangement                                        
On campus $27,589 $20,035 $39,676 $31,897 $30,020 $21,998 $44,638 $29,343 $30,879 $22,621 $46,026 $29,515 $31,756 $23,175 $47,405 $31,252 $32,595 $23,705 $48,865 $31,317
Off campus, living with family 20,084 12,554 31,689 22,268 21,305 13,414 35,477 21,510 21,811 13,673 36,485 22,246 22,372 13,996 37,583 22,054 22,823 14,118 38,735 21,957
Off campus, not living with family 29,142 21,324 40,033 31,000 30,027 22,541 44,226 28,331 30,939 23,062 45,845 29,240 31,764 23,618 47,179 30,160 32,392 24,047 48,792 29,532
Component of student costs                                        
Tuition and required fees 14,596 7,163 26,637 15,191 15,952 8,057 30,390 15,179 16,430 8,303 31,391 15,349 16,991 8,571 32,408 16,323 17,503 8,784 33,522 16,293
Books and supplies 1,223 1,196 1,221 1,522 1,247 1,252 1,245 1,189 1,262 1,268 1,249 1,292 1,257 1,267 1,243 1,206 1,263 1,272 1,254 1,195
Room, board, and other expenses                                        
On campus                                        
Room and board 8,912 8,497 9,455 9,304 9,913 9,492 10,520 9,339 10,219 9,790 10,853 9,455 10,527 10,079 11,195 9,388 10,804 10,330 11,512 9,534
Other 2,858 3,179 2,363 5,879 2,908 3,198 2,484 3,636 2,967 3,261 2,534 3,420 2,982 3,259 2,559 4,336 3,025 3,319 2,579 4,293
Off campus, living with family                                        
Other 4,265 4,195 3,832 5,554 4,105 4,105 3,843 5,141 4,118 4,102 3,845 5,605 4,124 4,158 3,932 4,526 4,057 4,062 3,960 4,468
Off campus, not living with family                                        
Room and board 8,802 8,942 8,202 8,866 8,768 9,338 8,628 7,416 9,122 9,574 8,921 8,021 9,198 9,771 8,745 7,732 9,294 9,950 9,017 7,381
Other 4,521 4,022 3,974 5,421 4,060 3,894 3,964 4,547 4,125 3,917 4,284 4,578 4,318 4,009 4,783 4,901 4,332 4,040 4,999 4,662
2-year institutions                                        
Average total cost, by living arrangement                                        
On campus 13,777 12,336 25,763 29,179 14,525 13,498 29,140 27,740 15,035 13,983 30,513 27,880 15,362 14,321 31,222 28,803 15,766 14,718 31,749 29,870
Off campus, living with family 8,964 7,843 18,931 19,350 9,117 8,440 20,887 19,405 9,319 8,593 22,308 19,815 9,476 8,818 22,316 19,954 9,674 9,008 22,469 20,283
Off campus, not living with family 16,389 15,153 27,458 27,366 16,877 16,182 28,593 27,191 17,409 16,626 30,178 28,176 17,718 17,005 30,378 28,592 18,097 17,386 31,048 28,956
Component of student costs                                        
Tuition and required fees 3,850 2,748 13,832 13,954 3,846 3,179 14,962 13,951 4,002 3,288 16,315 14,145 4,075 3,422 16,787 14,284 4,195 3,534 17,278 14,451
Books and supplies 1,302 1,295 1,153 1,407 1,380 1,385 1,288 1,317 1,424 1,432 1,320 1,275 1,443 1,449 1,248 1,365 1,458 1,461 1,259 1,441
Room, board, and other expenses                                        
On campus                                        
Room and board 5,654 5,351 7,806 9,961 6,276 5,962 9,196 9,479 6,566 6,238 9,644 9,287 6,796 6,413 9,996 10,145 6,981 6,581 10,289 10,604
Other 2,971 2,941 2,973 3,857 3,022 2,973 3,693 2,993 3,044 3,025 3,234 3,173 3,048 3,037 3,191 3,009 3,132 3,143 2,922 3,374
Off campus, living with family                                        
Other 3,812 3,799 3,947 3,989 3,891 3,877 4,636 4,137 3,893 3,873 4,673 4,395 3,958 3,948 4,280 4,305 4,022 4,014 3,933 4,391
Off campus, not living with family                                        
Room and board 7,478 7,412 7,999 7,889 7,787 7,796 7,765 7,678 8,108 8,100 7,957 8,219 8,280 8,288 7,898 8,240 8,470 8,489 7,961 8,315
Other 3,759 3,698 4,475 4,117 3,863 3,823 4,577 4,245 3,876 3,806 4,586 4,537 3,920 3,847 4,444 4,703 3,975 3,903 4,550 4,748
  Constant 2016-17 dollars1
4-year institutions                                        
Average total cost, by living arrangement                                        
On campus $30,280 $21,990 $43,547 $35,008 $31,002 $22,718 $46,099 $30,303 $31,659 $23,193 $47,189 $30,261 $32,341 $23,602 $48,277 $31,827 $32,595 $23,705 $48,865 $31,317
Off campus, living with family 22,043 13,779 34,781 24,440 22,002 13,853 36,639 22,214 22,362 14,019 37,407 22,808 22,783 14,253 38,274 22,460 22,823 14,118 38,735 21,957
Off campus, not living with family 31,985 23,404 43,938 34,024 31,010 23,279 45,673 29,258 31,721 23,645 47,003 29,978 32,348 24,052 48,047 30,715 32,392 24,047 48,792 29,532
Tuition and required fees 16,020 7,862 29,235 16,674 16,474 8,320 31,384 15,676 16,845 8,512 32,184 15,737 17,303 8,729 33,004 16,623 17,503 8,784 33,522 16,293
2-year institutions                                        
Average total cost, by living arrangement                                        
On campus 15,121 13,539 28,276 32,025 15,000 13,940 30,094 28,648 15,415 14,337 31,283 28,584 15,645 14,585 31,797 29,333 15,766 14,718 31,749 29,870
Off campus, living with family 9,838 8,608 20,777 21,238 9,416 8,717 21,571 20,040 9,554 8,810 22,872 20,316 9,650 8,980 22,726 20,322 9,674 9,008 22,469 20,283
Off campus, not living with family 17,988 16,631 30,137 30,036 17,429 16,712 29,529 28,080 17,849 17,046 30,941 28,888 18,044 17,318 30,936 29,118 18,097 17,386 31,048 28,956
Tuition and required fees 4,225 3,016 15,181 15,315 3,972 3,283 15,452 14,408 4,103 3,371 16,727 14,502 4,150 3,485 17,096 14,547 4,195 3,534 17,278 14,451
1 Constant dollars based on the Consumer Price Index, prepared by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, adjusted to an academic-year basis.
NOTE: Excludes students who previously attended another postsecondary institution or who began their studies on a part-time basis. Tuition and fees at public institutions are the lower of either in-district or in-state tuition and fees. Data illustrating the average total cost of attendance for all students are weighted by the number of students at the institution receiving Title IV aid. Detail may not sum to totals because of rounding. Some data have been revised from previously published figures.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), Spring 2011 and Winter 2013-14 through Winter 2016-17, Student Financial Aid component; and Fall 2010 through Fall 2016, Institutional Characteristics component. (This table was prepared December 2017.)

2017 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest