Digest of Education Statistics
2017 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest

Table 315.10. Number of faculty in degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by employment status, sex, control, and level of institution: Selected years, fall 1970 through fall 2016
Year Total Employment status Sex Control Level
Full-time Part-time Percent
Males Females Percent
Public Private 4-year 2-year
Total Non-profit For-profit
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
1970 474,000 369,000 104,000 77.8 314,000 160,000 382,000 92,000
19711 492,000 379,000 113,000 77.0 333,000 159,000 387,000 105,000
1972 500,000 380,000 120,000 76.0 343,000 157,000 384,000 116,000
19731 527,000 389,000 138,000 73.8 365,000 162,000 401,000 126,000
19741 567,000 406,000 161,000 71.6 397,000 170,000 427,000 140,000
19751 628,000 440,000 188,000 70.1 443,000 185,000 467,000 161,000
1976 633,000 434,000 199,000 68.6 449,000 184,000 467,000 166,000
1977 678,000 448,000 230,000 66.1 492,000 186,000 485,000 193,000
19791 675,000 445,000 230,000 65.9 488,000 187,000 494,000 182,000
19801 686,000 450,000 236,000 65.6 495,000 191,000 494,000 192,000
1981 705,000 461,000 244,000 65.4 509,000 196,000 493,000 212,000
19821 710,000 462,000 248,000 65.1 506,000 204,000 493,000 217,000
1983 724,000 471,000 254,000 65.1 512,000 212,000 504,000 220,000
19841 717,000 462,000 255,000 64.4 505,000 212,000 504,000 213,000
19851 715,000 459,000 256,000 64.2 503,000 212,000 504,000 211,000
19861 722,000 459,000 263,000 63.6 510,000 212,000 506,000 216,000
19872 793,070 523,420 269,650 66.0 529,413 263,657 33.2 552,749 240,321 547,505 245,565
19892 824,220 524,426 299,794 63.6 534,254 289,966 35.2 577,298 246,922 583,700 240,520
19912 826,252 535,623 290,629 64.8 525,599 300,653 36.4 580,908 245,344 236,066 9,278 591,269 234,983
19932 915,474 545,706 369,768 59.6 561,123 354,351 38.7 650,434 265,040 254,130 10,910 625,969 289,505
19952 931,706 550,822 380,884 59.1 562,893 368,813 39.6 656,833 274,873 260,900 13,973 647,059 284,647
19972 989,813 568,719 421,094 57.5 587,420 402,393 40.7 694,560 295,253 271,257 23,996 682,650 307,163
19992 1,027,830 590,937 436,893 57.5 602,469 425,361 41.4 713,325 314,505 284,652 29,853 713,823 314,007
20012 1,113,183 617,868 495,315 55.5 644,514 468,669 42.1 771,124 342,059 306,487 35,572 764,172 349,011
20032 1,173,593 630,092 543,501 53.7 663,723 509,870 43.4 791,766 381,827 330,097 51,730 814,289 359,304
20052 1,290,426 675,624 614,802 52.4 714,453 575,973 44.6 841,188 449,238 361,523 87,715 916,996 373,430
20072 1,371,390 703,463 667,927 51.3 743,812 627,578 45.8 877,146 494,244 385,875 108,369 990,849 380,541
20092 1,439,074 729,152 709,922 50.7 761,002 678,072 47.1 913,788 525,286 408,382 116,904 1,038,349 400,725
20112 1,524,469 762,114 762,355 50.0 789,567 734,902 48.2 954,159 570,310 432,630 137,680 1,115,642 408,827
20132 1,545,381 791,378 754,003 51.2 791,971 753,410 48.8 968,734 576,647 449,072 127,575 1,151,638 393,743
20152 1,552,256 807,109 745,147 52.0 789,405 762,851 49.1 970,991 581,265 472,638 108,627 1,180,545 371,711
20162 1,548,732 815,760 732,972 52.7 785,157 763,575 49.3 976,710 572,022 476,973 95,049 1,199,142 349,590
—Not available.
1 Estimated on the basis of enrollment. For methodological details on estimates, see National Center for Education Statistics, Projections of Education Statistics to 2000.
2 Because of revised survey methods, data are not directly comparable with figures for years prior to 1987.
NOTE: Includes faculty members with the title of professor, associate professor, assistant professor, instructor, lecturer, assisting professor, adjunct professor, or interim professor (or the equivalent). Excluded are graduate students with titles such as graduate or teaching fellow who assist senior faculty. Data through 1995 are for institutions of higher education, while later data are for degree-granting institutions. Degree-granting institutions grant associate’s or higher degrees and participate in Title IV federal financial aid programs. The degree-granting classification is very similar to the earlier higher education classification, but it includes more 2-year colleges and excludes a few higher education institutions that did not grant degrees. Beginning in 2007, includes institutions with fewer than 15 full-time employees; these institutions did not report staff data prior to 2007. Some data have been revised from previously published figures. Detail may not sum to totals because of rounding.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Higher Education General Information Survey (HEGIS), Employees in Institutions of Higher Education, 1970 and 1972, and "Staff Survey" 1976; Projections of Education Statistics to 2000; Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), "Fall Staff Survey" (IPEDS-S:87-99); IPEDS Winter 2001-02 through Winter 2011-12, Human Resources component, Fall Staff section; IPEDS Spring 2014, Spring 2016, and Spring 2017, Human Resources component, Fall Staff section; and U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, Higher Education Staff Information Survey (EEO-6), 1977, 1981, and 1983. (This table was prepared December 2017.)

2017 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest