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Digest of Education Statistics
2017 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest

Table 233.27. Number of students receiving selected disciplinary actions in public elementary and secondary schools, by type of disciplinary action, disability status, sex, and race/ethnicity: 2013-14
Disability status, sex, and race/ethnicity Corporal punish-ment1 One or more
in-school suspension2
Out-of-school suspensions3 Expulsions4 Referral to law enforce-ment5 School-related arrest6
Total Only one More than one Total7 With educa- tional services Without educa- tional services
All expul-sions Under zero-tolerance policies8
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
All students                      
Total 106,055 2,710,924 2,635,743 1,560,486 1,075,257 111,215 16,035 66,133 45,082 177,127 60,170
Male 84,738 1,847,655 1,860,002 1,076,965 783,037 82,787 12,603 49,666 33,121 126,841 43,188
Female 21,317 863,269 775,741 483,521 292,220 28,428 3,432 16,467 11,961 50,286 16,982
White 53,069 1,036,590 843,381 538,782 304,599 49,144 8,400 27,495 21,649 72,310 19,736
Black 40,023 861,194 1,042,991 557,430 485,561 33,557 3,628 20,852 12,705 49,584 20,562
Hispanic 7,680 618,734 554,498 345,240 209,258 18,271 2,761 11,904 6,367 41,319 14,891
Asian 210 26,984 26,499 19,454 7,045 790 164 504 286 2,155 865
Pacific Islander 62 6,213 8,784 5,796 2,988 241 39 128 113 427 452
American Indian/Alaska Native 2,033 34,494 35,756 21,941 13,815 1,944 291 1,026 918 3,671 892
Two or more races 1,505 74,697 78,469 46,539 31,930 4,613 558 2,425 2,188 4,871 1,657
Race/ethnicity by sex9                      
White 44,319 747,574 636,731 398,754 237,977 37,340 6,596 21,059 16,281 53,564 14,686
Black 29,840 545,505 684,082 352,849 331,233 23,724 2,789 14,907 8,817 33,728 13,939
Hispanic 6,211 417,223 397,077 240,248 156,829 14,168 2,241 9,316 4,852 29,591 10,964
Asian 174 20,315 20,907 15,164 5,743 665 141 428 237 1,700 646
Pacific Islander 46 4,159 6,212 3,948 2,264 167 27 92 75 304 326
American Indian/Alaska Native 1,654 23,017 24,585 14,720 9,865 1,343 218 708 635 2,532 620
Two or more races 1,221 50,323 55,457 32,164 23,293 3,224 434 1,696 1,528 3,309 1,129
White 8,750 289,016 206,650 140,028 66,622 11,804 1,804 6,436 5,368 18,746 5,050
Black 10,183 315,689 358,909 204,581 154,328 9,833 839 5,945 3,888 15,856 6,623
Hispanic 1,469 201,511 157,421 104,992 52,429 4,103 520 2,588 1,515 11,728 3,927
Asian 36 6,669 5,592 4,290 1,302 125 23 76 49 455 219
Pacific Islander 16 2,054 2,572 1,848 724 74 12 36 38 123 126
American Indian/Alaska Native 379 11,477 11,171 7,221 3,950 601 73 318 283 1,139 272
Two or more races 284 24,374 23,012 14,375 8,637 1,389 124 729 660 1,562 528
Students with disabilities                      
Total 16,064 568,234 644,605 341,752 302,864 26,852 3,449 18,147 8,776 47,360 15,800
Male 13,728 438,222 510,705 265,562 245,147 21,916 2,936 14,892 7,075 37,598 12,526
Female 2,336 130,012 133,900 76,190 57,717 4,936 513 3,255 1,701 9,762 3,274
White 7,897 221,833 225,340 127,904 97,436 11,992 1,815 7,359 4,634 18,959 5,275
Black 5,144 164,118 226,463 107,793 118,680 6,873 718 5,241 1,657 13,767 5,147
Hispanic 899 104,682 115,358 63,481 51,878 3,829 526 2,870 998 9,290 3,397
Asian 13 2,860 3,684 2,304 1,380 106 23 67 39 315 101
Pacific Islander 8 968 1,544 781 763 28 4 17 11 70 101
American Indian/Alaska Native 441 6,870 8,107 4,560 3,547 383 59 210 173 809 201
Two or more races 189 14,885 19,268 9,915 9,353 986 110 584 408 1,360 463
Race/ethnicity by sex9                      
White 6,872 176,082 185,110 103,299 81,811 9,865 1,544 6,077 3,789 15,374 4,281
Black 4,278 122,415 172,309 79,759 92,553 5,485 602 4,218 1,283 10,681 3,940
Hispanic 755 80,396 92,359 49,611 42,749 3,210 469 2,430 811 7,427 2,764
Asian 11 2,340 3,129 1,943 1,186 88 21 58 30 266 86
Pacific Islander 6 803 1,288 641 647 22 4 13 9 51 81
American Indian/Alaska Native 362 5,288 6,464 3,567 2,897 309 44 173 136 646 160
Two or more races 171 11,359 15,337 7,757 7,580 781 95 463 321 1,040 336
White 1,025 45,751 40,230 24,605 15,625 2,127 271 1,282 845 3,585 994
Black 866 41,703 54,154 28,034 26,127 1,388 116 1,023 374 3,086 1,207
Hispanic 144 24,286 22,999 13,870 9,129 619 57 440 187 1,863 633
Asian 1-3 520 555 361 194 18 1-3 9 9 49 15
Pacific Islander 1-3 165 256 140 116 6 0 4 1-3 19 20
American Indian/Alaska Native 79 1,582 1,643 993 650 74 15 37 37 163 41
Two or more races 18 3,526 3,931 2,158 1,773 205 15 121 87 320 127
1 Corporal punishment is paddling, spanking, or other forms of physical punishment imposed on a student.
2 An in-school suspension is an instance in which a student is temporarily removed from his or her regular classroom(s) for at least half a day but remains under the direct supervision of school personnel.
3 An out-of-school suspension is an instance in which a student is temporarily removed from his or her regular school for disciplinary purposes for at least half a day (but less than the remainder of the school year) to another setting (e.g., home or behavior center). Data on out-of-school suspensions by race/ethnicity exclude Connecticut Pacific Islander students pending further data quality review.
4 Expulsions are actions taken by a local education agency that result in the removal of a student from his or her regular school for disciplinary purposes for the remainder of the school year or longer in accordance with local education agency policy. Expulsions also include removals resulting from violations of the Gun Free Schools Act that are modified to less than 365 days.
5 Referral to law enforcement is an action by which a student is reported to any law enforcement agency or official, including a school police unit, for an incident that occurs on school grounds, during school-related events, or while taking school transportation, regardless of whether official action is taken. Excludes Hawaii data pending further data quality review.
6 A school-related arrest is an arrest of a student for any activity conducted on school grounds, during off-campus school activities (including while taking school transportation), or due to a referral by any school official.
7 Totals include expulsions with and without educational services.
8 Includes all expulsions under zero-tolerance policies, including expulsions with and without educational services. A zero-tolerance policy results in mandatory expulsion of any student who commits one or more specified offenses (for example, offenses involving guns, other weapons, violence, or similar factors, or combinations of these factors). A policy is considered "zero tolerance" even if there are some exceptions to the mandatory aspect of the expulsion, such as allowing the chief administering officer of a local education agency to modify the expulsion on a case-by-case basis.
9 Data by race/ethnicity exclude data for students with disabilities served only under Section 504 (not receiving services under IDEA).
NOTE: Student counts between 1 and 3 are displayed as 1-3 to protect student privacy. Detail may not sum to totals because of privacy protection routines applied to the data. Race categories exclude persons of Hispanic ethnicity.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights, Civil Rights Data Collection, "2013-14 Discipline Estimations by Discipline Type." (This table was prepared January 2018.)

2017 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest