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Digest of Education Statistics
2017 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest

Table 226.10. Number, percentage distribution, and SAT mean scores of high school seniors taking the SAT, by sex, race/ethnicity, first language learned, and highest level of parental education: 2017
Sex, race/ethnicity, first language learned, and highest level of parental education Seniors who had taken the SAT Mean score1
(in thousands)
Percentage distribution Total SAT score Evidence-based
reading and
writing (ERW)
1 2 3 4 5 6
All students 1,715 100.0 1060 533 527
Male 809 47.2 1070 532 538
Female 906 52.8 1050 534 516
White 760 44.3 1118 565 553
Black 226 13.2 941 479 462
Hispanic 408 23.8 990 500 489
Asian 158 9.2 1181 569 612
Pacific Islander 4 0.2 986 498 488
American Indian/Alaska Native 8 0.5 963 486 477
Two or more races 57 3.3 1103 560 544
No response 94 5.5 961 475 485
First language learned          
English only 1,139 66.4 1074 545 530
English and another language 319 18.6 1034 516 518
Another language 203 11.8 1049 513 537
No response 54 3.2 941 463 479
Highest level of parental education          
No high school diploma 137 8.0 944 472 472
High school diploma 482 28.1 1003 507 497
Associate's degree 134 7.8 1036 525 511
Bachelor's degree 473 27.6 1118 562 556
Graduate degree 340 19.8 1177 591 586
No response 149 8.7 914 455 460
1 Possible scores on each SAT section range from 200 to 800, for a total possible score of 400 to 1600.
NOTE: The SAT was completely redesigned in 2016. The new SAT was first administered in March of 2016. This table reflects 2017 high school graduates who took the new SAT during high school. The data in this table include only test-takers from the 2017 graduating class who took the new SAT (93 percent of the cohort). These data do not factor in performance on the old SAT, and they set a new baseline for future year-to-year comparisons. If a student took the new SAT more than once, the most recent score on each section is used, along with the student's most recent responses to the SAT questionnaire. Race categories exclude persons of Hispanic ethnicity. Detail may not sum to totals because of rounding.
SOURCE: College Entrance Examination Board, SAT Suite of Assessments Annual Report: Total Group, 2017, retrieved November 21, 2017, from (This table was prepared November 2017.)

2017 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest