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Table 222.80. Average National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) mathematics scale scores of 4th- and 8th-grade public school students and percentage attaining selected mathematics achievement levels, by race/ethnicity and jurisdiction or specific urban district: Selected years, 2009 through 2017
[Standard errors appear in parentheses]
Grade level and jurisdiction or specific urban district Average mathematics scale score1 Percent of students
2009 2011 2013 2015 2017 2017
All students All students All students All students White Black Hispanic Asian All students White Black Hispanic Asian At or above Basic2 At or above Profi-cient3
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
4th grade                                                            
United States 239 (0.2) 240 (0.2) 241 (0.2) 240 (0.3) 248 (0.3) 224 (0.4) 230 (0.5) 259 (1.2) 239 (0.2) 248 (0.2) 223 (0.5) 229 (0.4) 260 (1.1) 79 (0.3) 40 (0.3)
All large cities4 231 (0.5) 233 (0.6) 235 (0.7) 234 (0.6) 251 (1.0) 222 (0.6) 230 (0.7) 253 (2.0) 232 (0.5) 250 (1.3) 220 (0.7) 227 (0.6) 249 (1.8) 71 (0.6) 31 (0.9)
Selected urban districts                                                            
Albuquerque (NM) (†) 235 (1.3) 235 (1.0) 231 (1.1) 249 (2.2) (†) 226 (1.3) (†) 230 (1.3) 250 (2.3) (†) 224 (1.5) (†) 68 (1.8) 29 (1.7)
Atlanta (GA) 225 (0.8) 228 (0.7) 233 (0.7) 228 (1.2) 267 (1.9) 218 (1.4) 225 (3.6) (†) 231 (1.0) 271 (1.4) 219 (1.1) 224 (2.6) (†) 68 (1.7) 30 (1.2)
Austin (TX) 240 (1.0) 245 (1.1) 245 (0.9) 246 (1.4) 268 (2.0) 226 (3.1) 237 (1.6) (†) 243 (1.1) 264 (1.7) 229 (3.6) 234 (1.4) (†) 81 (1.4) 44 (1.8)
Baltimore City (MD) 222 (1.0) 226 (1.1) 223 (1.2) 215 (1.5) 232 (3.6) 212 (1.6) 223 (3.3) (†) 215 (1.2) 232 (4.2) 212 (1.2) 221 (2.7) (†) 52 (2.3) 14 (1.5)
Boston (MA) 236 (0.7) 237 (0.6) 237 (0.8) 236 (1.3) 253 (2.5) 228 (1.8) 230 (2.0) 259 (3.3) 233 (0.9) 253 (2.4) 226 (1.5) 228 (1.4) 258 (2.9) 74 (1.4) 31 (1.5)
Charlotte (NC) 245 (1.3) 247 (1.1) 247 (1.6) 248 (1.3) 264 (2.0) 236 (1.7) 243 (2.2) 268 (4.2) 244 (1.1) 263 (2.1) 232 (1.6) 237 (1.5) 262 (4.3) 82 (1.3) 46 (2.0)
Chicago (IL) 222 (1.2) 224 (0.9) 231 (1.3) 232 (1.2) 262 (2.7) 221 (1.8) 230 (1.6) 265 (4.3) 232 (1.1) 253 (2.0) 222 (2.0) 231 (1.3) 258 (5.2) 72 (1.5) 30 (1.4)
Clark County (NV) (†) (†) (†) (†) (†) (†) (†) (†) 230 (1.0) 243 (1.6) 214 (2.3) 225 (1.2) 252 (3.7) 72 (1.4) 29 (1.5)
Cleveland (OH) 213 (1.0) 216 (0.7) 216 (0.9) 219 (1.3) 233 (2.4) 215 (1.6) 221 (3.4) (†) 214 (1.3) 230 (2.7) 210 (1.5) 214 (3.8) (†) 49 (2.4) 10 (0.9)
Dallas (TX) (†) 233 (1.3) 234 (1.0) 238 (1.3) 259 (7.8) 228 (2.8) 238 (1.2) (†) 234 (1.1) (†) 223 (2.6) 236 (1.3) (†) 77 (1.9) 31 (1.6)
Denver (CO) (†) (†) (†) (†) (†) (†) (†) (†) 229 (1.5) 257 (2.6) 214 (3.2) 218 (1.4) (†) 65 (1.8) 28 (2.0)
Detroit (MI) 200 (1.7) 203 (1.4) 204 (1.6) 205 (1.6) (†) 202 (1.8) 215 (3.1) (†) 200 (1.7) (†) 198 (1.7) 204 (3.0) (†) 29 (2.5) 4 (0.7)
District of Columbia (DC) 220 (0.8) 222 (1.0) 229 (0.8) 232 (0.9) 275 (1.9) 220 (1.1) 233 (2.3) (†) 231 (0.9) 274 (2.0) 218 (1.2) 231 (1.9) (†) 67 (1.3) 31 (1.2)
Duval County (FL) (†) (†) (†) 243 (1.3) 254 (1.8) 230 (1.7) 240 (2.4) (†) 248 (1.2) 259 (1.5) 238 (1.9) 242 (2.8) (†) 88 (1.8) 49 (2.3)
Fort Worth (TX) (†) (†) (†) (†) (†) (†) (†) (†) 230 (1.1) 254 (3.5) 218 (2.1) 230 (1.4) (†) 72 (1.8) 26 (1.6)
Fresno (CA) 219 (1.4) 218 (0.9) 220 (1.2) 218 (1.3) 235 (3.6) 213 (3.8) 214 (1.5) 226 (3.1) 221 (1.2) 238 (3.0) 215 (3.5) 219 (1.4) 225 (2.6) 60 (1.9) 17 (1.3)
Guilford County (NC) (†) (†) (†) (†) (†) (†) (†) (†) 240 (1.0) 257 (1.7) 227 (1.4) 231 (2.7) 255 (3.9) 79 (1.4) 42 (1.7)
Hillsborough County (FL) (†) 243 (1.1) 243 (0.9) 244 (1.4) 253 (1.9) 230 (1.6) 237 (1.9) (†) 245 (1.3) 256 (1.4) 227 (2.6) 240 (1.9) (†) 86 (1.6) 44 (1.9)
Houston (TX) 236 (1.2) 237 (0.8) 236 (1.1) 239 (1.4) 266 (2.8) 231 (2.4) 235 (1.1) (†) 235 (1.1) 263 (2.6) 227 (2.3) 234 (1.2) (†) 77 (1.4) 32 (1.5)
Jefferson County (KY) 233 (1.6) 235 (0.9) 234 (1.0) 236 (1.5) 245 (1.7) 225 (1.6) 226 (3.1) (†) 233 (1.2) 247 (1.6) 216 (1.5) 230 (3.2) (†) 71 (1.4) 35 (1.8)
Los Angeles (CA) 222 (1.2) 223 (0.8) 228 (1.3) 224 (1.4) 247 (2.6) 216 (3.6) 218 (1.1) 255 (3.2) 223 (1.2) 247 (3.3) 218 (3.7) 217 (1.1) 257 (2.9) 61 (1.6) 22 (1.6)
Miami-Dade (FL) 236 (1.3) 236 (1.0) 237 (1.1) 242 (1.1) 257 (2.6) 230 (2.2) 243 (1.1) (†) 245 (0.7) 259 (2.2) 237 (1.9) 245 (0.9) (†) 89 (1.1) 45 (1.3)
Milwaukee (WI) 220 (1.5) 220 (1.0) 221 (1.6) (†) (†) (†) (†) (†) 216 (1.0) 240 (2.5) 206 (1.5) 219 (2.1) 229 (3.4) 51 (1.7) 15 (1.2)
New York City (NY) 237 (1.0) 234 (1.2) 236 (1.1) 231 (1.0) 242 (2.5) 220 (1.5) 226 (1.4) 254 (1.9) 229 (1.0) 246 (2.3) 220 (2.0) 221 (1.3) 247 (2.2) 69 (1.6) 28 (1.5)
Philadelphia (PA) 222 (1.4) 225 (1.2) 223 (1.5) 217 (1.9) 235 (4.1) 211 (1.7) 211 (2.3) 246 (4.0) 214 (1.2) 244 (3.8) 207 (1.6) 207 (2.0) (†) 49 (1.7) 16 (1.2)
San Diego (CA) 236 (1.6) 239 (1.3) 241 (1.2) 233 (1.5) 254 (2.5) 217 (3.6) 222 (2.0) 243 (3.3) 237 (1.3) 254 (2.7) 223 (3.1) 225 (1.6) 254 (3.2) 76 (1.6) 37 (1.8)
Shelby County (TN) (†) (†) (†) (†) (†) (†) (†) (†) 225 (1.2) 247 (6.9) 221 (1.1) 228 (2.6) (†) 64 (2.1) 20 (1.5)
8th grade                                                            
United States 282 (0.3) 283 (0.2) 284 (0.2) 281 (0.3) 291 (0.3) 260 (0.5) 269 (0.6) 307 (1.5) 282 (0.3) 292 (0.3) 260 (0.5) 268 (0.5) 312 (1.5) 69 (0.3) 33 (0.3)
All large cities4 271 (0.7) 274 (0.7) 276 (0.8) 274 (1.0) 296 (1.4) 258 (0.9) 268 (1.2) 301 (2.0) 274 (0.6) 296 (0.9) 257 (0.8) 267 (0.8) 302 (2.1) 61 (0.7) 27 (0.7)
Selected urban districts                                                            
Albuquerque (NM) (†) 275 (1.0) 274 (1.2) 271 (1.4) 289 (2.9) (†) 264 (1.5) (†) 270 (1.2) 295 (2.8) (†) 262 (1.4) (†) 57 (1.8) 22 (1.4)
Atlanta (GA) 259 (1.6) 266 (1.3) 267 (1.2) 266 (1.2) 318 (2.4) 258 (1.2) 271 (4.4) (†) 265 (1.4) 314 (2.9) 256 (1.5) 265 (4.2) (†) 49 (2.0) 19 (1.3)
Austin (TX) 287 (0.9) 287 (1.2) 285 (1.0) 284 (1.3) 313 (2.4) 260 (3.4) 271 (1.4) (†) 283 (1.3) 312 (2.2) 257 (3.9) 269 (1.7) (†) 68 (1.7) 38 (1.4)
Baltimore City (MD) 257 (1.9) 261 (1.3) 260 (2.0) 255 (1.8) 281 (6.4) 251 (1.9) 261 (5.2) (†) 255 (1.2) 286 (4.8) 251 (1.3) 260 (4.6) (†) 39 (2.0) 11 (1.1)
Boston (MA) 279 (1.3) 282 (0.9) 283 (1.2) 281 (1.2) 311 (3.3) 269 (2.1) 271 (2.1) 318 (5.0) 280 (1.3) 314 (3.8) 261 (2.6) 268 (1.8) 323 (3.8) 63 (1.6) 33 (1.3)
Charlotte (NC) 283 (0.9) 285 (0.8) 289 (1.2) 286 (1.5) 312 (2.1) 268 (1.9) 275 (3.8) 314 (5.1) 287 (1.6) 316 (1.7) 271 (2.5) 272 (2.7) 318 (6.6) 71 (1.9) 41 (1.9)
Chicago (IL) 264 (1.4) 270 (1.0) 269 (1.0) 275 (2.4) 317 (5.6) 262 (1.5) 275 (1.8) (†) 276 (1.6) 306 (4.4) 259 (1.8) 276 (1.5) (†) 62 (1.7) 27 (1.7)
Clark County (NV) (†) (†) (†) (†) (†) (†) (†) (†) 272 (0.9) 289 (2.1) 251 (2.2) 264 (1.3) 299 (3.2) 59 (1.1) 25 (1.3)
Cleveland (OH) 256 (1.0) 256 (2.1) 253 (1.3) 254 (1.5) 273 (3.1) 249 (2.1) 257 (3.5) (†) 257 (1.5) 269 (3.3) 255 (1.9) 250 (4.4) (†) 43 (2.2) 11 (1.0)
Dallas (TX) (†) 274 (0.9) 275 (1.0) 271 (1.3) (†) 261 (2.1) 272 (1.5) (†) 268 (1.3) (†) 259 (2.9) 268 (1.4) (†) 54 (1.9) 20 (1.3)
Denver (CO) (†) (†) (†) (†) (†) (†) (†) (†) 272 (1.4) 304 (3.0) 260 (3.4) 262 (1.7) (†) 58 (1.6) 26 (1.5)
Detroit (MI) 238 (2.7) 246 (1.2) 240 (1.7) 244 (1.7) (†) 242 (1.9) 253 (3.3) (†) 246 (1.8) (†) 245 (1.9) 248 (3.8) (†) 27 (1.8) 5 (1.0)
District of Columbia (DC) 251 (1.3) 255 (0.9) 260 (1.3) 258 (1.3) 314 (3.3) 248 (1.5) 263 (3.3) (†) 262 (1.3) 318 (3.3) 250 (1.6) 262 (4.1) (†) 47 (1.8) 20 (1.4)
Duval County (FL) (†) (†) (†) 275 (1.0) 285 (1.6) 264 (1.4) 266 (3.3) 298 (4.9) 275 (1.2) 289 (2.6) 263 (1.6) 272 (3.2) 301 (4.6) 63 (1.6) 24 (1.3)
Fort Worth (TX) (†) (†) (†) (†) (†) (†) (†) (†) 269 (1.2) 294 (3.7) 255 (2.7) 269 (1.3) (†) 57 (1.8) 19 (1.4)
Fresno (CA) 258 (1.2) 256 (0.9) 260 (1.4) 257 (1.5) 281 (3.7) 242 (5.0) 252 (1.9) 270 (3.8) 255 (1.6) 278 (4.1) 242 (3.2) 251 (1.9) 268 (3.2) 41 (1.9) 11 (1.0)
Guilford County (NC) (†) (†) (†) (†) (†) (†) (†) (†) 276 (1.3) 296 (1.9) 262 (2.3) 259 (3.2) 298 (4.9) 61 (1.7) 31 (1.6)
Hillsborough County (FL) (†) 282 (1.5) 284 (1.1) 276 (1.7) 290 (2.1) 260 (2.6) 266 (2.2) (†) 277 (1.6) 292 (2.1) 257 (3.1) 268 (2.3) (†) 65 (1.9) 29 (1.7)
Houston (TX) 277 (1.2) 279 (1.0) 280 (1.1) 276 (1.4) 313 (3.7) 265 (2.6) 273 (1.2) 319 (6.6) 273 (1.0) 315 (3.4) 263 (2.1) 270 (1.2) (†) 60 (1.3) 24 (1.1)
Jefferson County (KY) 271 (0.9) 274 (1.0) 273 (1.0) 272 (1.7) 285 (2.2) 252 (2.2) 266 (4.5) (†) 271 (1.1) 285 (1.8) 253 (1.6) 269 (3.7) (†) 57 (1.7) 25 (1.4)
Los Angeles (CA) 258 (1.0) 261 (1.3) 264 (1.5) 263 (1.6) 285 (4.4) 255 (4.1) 259 (1.4) 296 (5.9) 267 (1.0) 298 (3.0) 254 (3.5) 260 (1.2) 302 (3.7) 53 (1.4) 20 (1.1)
Miami-Dade (FL) 273 (1.1) 272 (1.1) 274 (1.5) 274 (1.8) 299 (2.8) 255 (3.3) 277 (2.0) (†) 274 (1.3) 294 (4.6) 257 (2.6) 275 (1.2) (†) 61 (1.7) 24 (1.4)
Milwaukee (WI) 251 (1.5) 254 (1.7) 257 (1.4) (†) (†) (†) (†) (†) 254 (1.4) 277 (3.6) 242 (1.8) 260 (2.6) 272 (5.1) 40 (1.8) 12 (1.2)
New York City (NY) 273 (1.5) 272 (1.6) 274 (1.1) 275 (2.1) 294 (4.6) 261 (3.2) 267 (1.8) 303 (3.1) 275 (1.9) 291 (3.8) 256 (2.3) 264 (2.0) 306 (3.5) 60 (2.0) 28 (1.9)
Philadelphia (PA) 265 (2.0) 265 (2.0) 266 (1.7) 267 (1.9) 282 (4.0) 257 (2.1) 259 (3.2) 303 (6.0) 260 (1.9) 279 (3.8) 250 (2.3) 253 (3.6) 295 (5.2) 45 (2.3) 16 (1.5)
San Diego (CA) 280 (2.0) 278 (1.7) 277 (1.4) 280 (1.6) 302 (2.3) 261 (4.0) 266 (2.2) 293 (3.3) 283 (1.4) 304 (2.5) 258 (5.5) 266 (1.9) 302 (2.8) 68 (1.8) 36 (1.5)
Shelby County (TN) (†) (†) (†) (†) (†) (†) (†) (†) 257 (1.4) 295 (4.3) 251 (1.6) 260 (4.3) (†) 42 (2.0) 12 (1.3)
—Not available.
†Not applicable.
‡Reporting standards not met (too few cases for a reliable estimate).
1 Scale ranges from 0 to 500.
2 Basic denotes partial mastery of the knowledge and skills that are fundamental for proficient work at a given grade.
3 Proficient represents solid academic performance. Students reaching this level have demonstrated competency over challenging subject matter.
4 Includes public school students from all cities in the nation with populations of 250,000 or more, including the participating districts.
NOTE: Race categories exclude persons of Hispanic ethnicity. Totals include racial/ethnic groups not shown separately.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), 2009, 2011, 2013, 2015, and 2017 Mathematics Assessments, retrieved July 2, 2018, from the Main NAEP Data Explorer ( (This table was prepared July 2018.)

2017 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest