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Digest of Education Statistics
2017 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest

Table 219.90. Number and percentage distribution of 14- through 21-year-old students served under Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), Part B, who exited school, by exit reason, sex, race/ethnicity, age, and type of disability: 2013-14 and 2014-15
Year, sex, race/ethnicity, age, and type of disability Exited school Transferred
to regular
known to be
Total Graduated with regular diploma Received alternative certificate1 Reached maximum age2 Dropped out3 Died
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Total number 391,785 259,036 53,031 5,937 72,351 1,430 56,590 167,195
Percentage distribution of total 100.0 66.1 13.5 1.5 18.5 0.4
Number by sex                
Male 254,942 166,488 33,583 3,841 50,045 985 37,358 110,925
Female 136,843 92,548 19,448 2,096 22,306 445 18,573 56,270
Number by race/ethnicity                
White 201,726 146,881 21,241 2,984 29,876 744 32,764 80,238
Black 83,052 47,739 14,306 1,226 19,452 329 8,910 44,113
Hispanic 85,231 50,112 14,723 1,320 18,812 264 11,017 33,003
Asian 6,622 4,712 1,092 243 543 32 1,369 1,579
Pacific Islander 1,489 1,003 117 12 343 14 357 432
American Indian/Alaska Native 5,666 3,432 521 49 1,646 18 857 3,063
Two or more races 7,999 5,157 1,031 103 1,679 29 1,316 4,767
Number by age6                
14 2,957 7 2 2,742 206 15,025 35,562
15 5,602 46 23 5,296 237 12,809 37,607
16 15,621 3,560 483 11,309 269 12,434 36,450
17 146,276 112,169 14,232 1 19,587 287 9,883 31,268
18 147,787 107,542 20,758 2 19,289 196 4,571 17,574
19 41,667 24,336 8,078 16 9,124 113 1,086 5,893
20 18,054 7,931 4,740 1,571 3,738 74 533 2,061
21 13,821 3,445 4,715 4,347 1,266 48 249 780
Number by type of disability                
Autism 21,584 14,148 4,630 1,173 1,565 68 1,942 6,016
Deaf-blindness 125 65 30 9 16 5 9 31
Emotional disturbance 37,595 20,570 3,373 278 13,238 136 5,315 29,468
Hearing impairment 4,555 3,382 674 59 430 10 607 1,541
Intellectual disability 34,992 14,273 12,296 2,328 5,873 222 1,431 13,059
Multiple disabilities 8,831 4,059 2,417 799 1,255 301 328 2,994
Orthopedic impairment 3,289 2,157 548 154 361 69 380 968
Other health impairment7 60,384 43,552 5,664 280 10,625 263 9,492 26,450
Specific learning disability 205,753 145,627 21,972 674 37,178 302 28,027 80,501
Speech or language impairment 10,278 7,998 826 58 1,376 20 8,620 5,058
Traumatic brain injury 2,616 1,811 380 84 319 22 223 654
Visual impairment 1,783 1,394 221 41 115 12 216 455
Total number 395,139 274,240 43,663 5,259 70,475 1,502 56,979 162,248
Percentage distribution of total 100.0 69.4 11.1 1.3 17.8 0.4
Number by sex                
Male 256,709 175,824 27,675 3,414 48,766 1,030 37,508 107,611
Female 138,430 98,416 15,988 1,845 21,709 472 19,445 54,637
Number by race/ethnicity                
White 199,133 147,869 18,623 2,524 29,379 738 32,736 75,783
Black 83,467 51,828 11,915 1,128 18,227 369 8,763 41,354
Hispanic 89,345 58,578 10,903 1,260 18,318 286 11,433 34,442
Asian 6,786 5,160 865 217 506 38 1,556 1,781
Pacific Islander 1,618 1,068 143 23 371 13 357 467
American Indian/Alaska Native 5,963 3,859 292 37 1,752 23 695 3,298
Two or more races 8,827 5,878 922 70 1,922 35 1,439 5,123
Number by age6                
14 3,075 53 15 2,810 197 15,637 36,067
15 5,560 99 33 5,183 244 13,189 36,236
16 17,028 4,516 471 11,752 289 12,733 36,311
17 153,819 123,496 10,915 4 19,092 312 9,560 29,295
18 145,885 110,910 16,449 10 18,317 199 4,211 16,311
19 38,560 23,198 6,733 19 8,498 112 1,035 5,379
20 18,384 8,298 4,976 1,371 3,649 90 407 1,938
21 12,828 3,670 4,071 3,854 1,174 59 207 711
Number by type of disability                
Autism 23,603 16,100 4,662 1,010 1,767 64 2,135 6,622
Deaf-blindness 95 52 18 8 13 4 7 18
Emotional disturbance 37,199 21,274 2,522 274 12,990 139 5,119 25,833
Hearing impairment 4,446 3,558 450 55 375 8 641 1,555
Intellectual disability 35,151 14,857 11,996 2,117 5,949 232 1,343 12,085
Multiple disabilities 8,555 4,011 2,421 573 1,232 318 329 2,715
Orthopedic impairment 3,208 2,079 573 165 312 79 420 924
Other health impairment7 63,318 46,994 4,647 284 11,120 273 9,492 28,229
Specific learning disability 204,701 153,433 15,362 633 34,938 335 27,249 77,943
Speech or language impairment 10,454 8,487 537 40 1,379 11 9,838 5,165
Traumatic brain injury 2,649 1,949 324 65 281 30 219 685
Visual impairment 1,760 1,446 151 35 119 9 187 474
†Not applicable.
1 Received a certificate of completion, modified diploma, or some similar document, but did not meet the same standards for graduation as those for students without disabilities.
2 Students may exit special education services due to maximum age beginning at age 18, depending on state law or practice or order of any court.
3 "Dropped out" is defined as the total who were enrolled at some point in the reporting year, were not enrolled at the end of the reporting year, and did not exit for any of the other reasons described. Includes students previously categorized as "moved, not known to continue."
4 "Transferred to regular education" was previously labeled "no longer receives special education."
5 "Moved, known to be continuing" is the total number of students who moved out of the administrative area or transferred to another district and are known to be continuing in an educational program.
6 Age data are as of fall of the school year, so some students may have been 1 year older at the time they exited school.
7 Other health impairments include having limited strength, vitality, or alertness due to chronic or acute health problems such as a heart condition, tuberculosis, rheumatic fever, nephritis, asthma, sickle cell anemia, hemophilia, epilepsy, lead poisoning, leukemia, or diabetes.
8 Data for 2014-15 include imputations for missing or unavailable data from Ohio and Illinois.
NOTE: Data are for the 50 states, the District of Columbia, the Bureau of Indian Education, American Samoa, the Federated States of Micronesia, Guam, the Northern Marianas, Puerto Rico, the Republic of Palau, the Republic of the Marshall Islands, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Race categories exclude persons of Hispanic ethnicity. Detail may not sum to totals because of rounding.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs, Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) Section 618 Data Products: State Level Data Files. Retrieved July 14, 2017, from (This table was prepared July 2017.)

2017 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest