Digest of Education Statistics
2017 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest

Table 219.60. Number and percentage of people taking, completing, and passing high school equivalency tests, by test taken and state or jurisdiction: 2013 and 2015
State or jurisdiction General Educational Development (GED) test, 2013 High School Equivalency Test (HiSET), 2015 Test Assessing Secondary Completion (TASC), 2015
Total number of test takers1 Completers2 Passers3 Total number of test takers1 Completers2 Passers3 Total number of test takers1 Completers2,4 Passers3,4
Number completing test Completion rate Number passing test Pass rate Number completing test Completion rate Number passing test Pass rate Number completing test Completion rate Number passing test Pass rate
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
United States 816,213 713,960 87.5 540,535 75.7 61,600 47,329 77.4 27,318 57.7 49,618 43,547 87.8 26,060 59.8
Alabama 17,189 16,621 96.7 10,560 63.5
Alaska 3,468 2,812 81.1 2,444 86.9
Arizona 23,808 20,664 86.8 16,313 78.9
Arkansas 8,245 8,063 97.8 6,923 85.9
California 64,983 57,422 88.4 44,864 78.1 12,007 8,815 73.4 4,459 50.0
Colorado 18,714 14,345 76.7 12,292 85.7
Connecticut 6,779 5,795 85.5 3,592 62.0
Delaware 1,281 1,272 99.3 1,160 91.2
District of Columbia 2,306 1,716 74.4 1,099 64.0
Florida 64,011 49,672 77.6 36,683 73.9
Georgia 32,705 28,732 87.9 22,178 77.2
Hawaii 1,402 1,339 95.5 1,137 84.9 179 162 90.5 83 51.2  
Idaho 6,384 5,394 84.5 4,829 89.5
Illinois 35,998 32,590 90.5 22,675 69.6
Indiana 19,868 18,794 94.6 15,184 80.8 9,083 8,817 97.1 6,617 75.1
Iowa 5,485 4,330 78.9 4,260 98.4 3,084 1,890 61.3 1,537 81.3
Kansas 4,034 3,843 95.3 3,586 93.3
Kentucky 13,916 13,460 96.7 11,490 85.4
Louisiana 11,769 11,405 96.9 8,766 76.9 8,411 6,603 78.5 3,621 54.8
Maine 3,336 2,446 73.3 2,116 86.5 1,903 1,119 58.8 770 68.8
Maryland 11,034 9,403 85.2 6,388 67.9
Massachusetts 14,717 13,201 89.7 9,269 70.2 7,101 5,058 71.2 2,719 53.8
Michigan 22,233 18,029 81.1 13,641 75.7
Minnesota 12,094 10,143 83.9 8,753 86.3
Mississippi 14,087 12,982 92.2 8,479 65.3
Missouri 16,567 15,178 91.6 12,120 79.9 10,443 9,095 87.1 5,779 63.5
Montana 3,250 2,827 87.0 2,279 80.6 2,080 1,580 76.0 1,068 67.6
Nebraska 3,885 3,012 77.5 2,432 80.7
Nevada 6,946 6,677 96.1 4,979 74.6 3,003 2,594 86.4 1,420 54.7 215 191 88.8 105 55.0
New Hampshire 2,471 2,251 91.1 1,999 88.8 1,136 971 85.5 737 75.9
New Jersey 16,877 15,876 94.1 10,811 68.1 1,458 1,088 74.6 475 43.7 5,803 5,428 93.5 3,431 63.2
New Mexico 10,293 8,900 86.5 6,625 74.4 1,115 874 78.4 398 45.5
New York 56,635 52,934 93.5 31,282 59.1 29,822 25,901 86.9 13,437 51.9
North Carolina 30,957 25,163 81.3 20,780 82.6 744 403 54.2 206 51.1
North Dakota 2,009 1,512 75.3 1,322 87.4
Ohio 22,677 20,712 91.3 15,021 72.5
Oklahoma 10,349 9,448 91.3 7,368 78.0 252 174 69.0 83 47.7
Oregon 15,104 13,007 86.1 11,542 88.7
Pennsylvania 24,937 22,686 91.0 17,654 77.8
Rhode Island 3,147 2,799 88.9 2,363 84.4
South Carolina 13,135 11,761 89.5 8,713 74.1
South Dakota 2,027 1,215 59.9 1,100 90.5
Tennessee 16,184 15,322 94.7 11,334 74.0 7,086 6,001 84.7 3,165 52.7
Texas 58,235 50,826 87.3 37,338 73.5
Utah 6,253 5,821 93.1 5,212 89.5
Vermont 980 771 78.7 685 88.8
Virginia 23,904 21,264 89.0 15,773 74.2
Washington 22,734 18,474 81.3 15,865 85.9
West Virginia 6,611 5,649 85.4 4,638 82.1 4,695 3,210 68.4 2,470 77.0
Wisconsin 18,248 13,811 75.7 11,137 80.6
Wyoming 1,952 1,591 81.5 1,482 93.1 1,135 1,187 79.5 808 68.1
American Samoa 32 29 90.6 7 24.1 9 9 100.0 5 55.6
Guam 169 159 94.1 49 30.8 13 11 84.6 5 45.5
Northern Marianas 37 24 64.9 11 45.8 63 26 41.3 16 61.5
Puerto Rico
U.S. Virgin Islands 443 319 72.0 57 17.9
—Not available.
1 Test takers are people who took any portion of the specified equivalency test (i.e., one or more content-area subtests) in the given year.
2 Test completers are those test takers who had tested in all five content areas of the specified equivalency test by the end of the given year and who took their final content-area subtest in the given year. People completing their final subtest in the given year may have begun testing in an earlier year.
3 Test passers are those test completers who met the minimum passing standard for the specified equivalency test. In order to receive a high school equivalency credential in some jurisdictions, test takers must meet additional requirements beyond passing an equivalency test.
4 In New Jersey, New York, and West Virginia, TASC test takers who had already taken a GED subtest in a given content area were not required to take the same content area of the TASC test. In New Jersey, TASC test takers who had taken a HiSET subtest also were not required to take the same content area of the TASC test. TASC completers and passers in this table include only people who took TASC subtests for all content areas; those who took a combination of subtests from TASC and GED (or HiSET in New Jersey) are not included in the calculation of TASC completion and passing rates.
NOTE: The states and other jurisdictions decide which equivalency test(s) to offer. Detail may not sum to totals because of rounding.
SOURCE: American Council on Education, General Educational Development Testing Service, the GED Annual Statistical Report, 2013, retrieved June 28, 2017, from http://www.gedtestingservice.com/educators/historical-testing-data; Educational Testing Service, 2015 Annual Statistical Report on the HiSET Exam, retrieved June 28, 2017, from https://hiset.ets.org/s/pdf/2015_annual_statistical_report.pdf; Data Recognition Corporation, TASC Test 2015 Annual Statistical Report, retrieved June 28, 2017, from http://www.ctbassessments.com/PostSecondary/GettheFacts/TASC_Test_2015_Annual_Statistical_Report.pdf. (This table was prepared June 2017.)

2017 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest