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Digest of Education Statistics
2017 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest

Table 216.75. Public elementary schools, by grade span, average school enrollment, and state or jurisdiction: 2015-16
State or jurisdiction Total, all elemen- tary schools Total, all regular elementary schools1 Schools, by grade span Average school enrollment2
Prekinder- garten, kin- dergarten, or grade 1 to grades 3 or 4 Prekinder- garten, kin- dergarten, or grade 1 to grade 5 Prekinder- garten, kin- dergarten, or grade 1 to grade 6 Prekinder- garten, kin- dergarten, or grade 1 to grade 8 Grade 4, 5, or 6 to grade 6, 7, or 8 Other grade spans All elementary schools Regular elementary schools1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
United States 66,758 65,734 5,001 25,192 10,164 6,590 13,022 6,789 482 487
Alabama 923 914 92 290 138 64 218 121 497 498
Alaska 197 197 0 38 97 25 23 14 336 336
Arizona 1,356 1,339 48 235 368 463 163 79 516 517
Arkansas 701 698 126 146 161 6 157 105 441 443
California 7,006 6,842 125 2,506 2,086 1,040 1,060 189 553 562
Colorado 1,311 1,307 28 618 203 126 239 97 442 443
Connecticut 938 831 100 280 65 110 174 209 367 411
Delaware 163 158 14 81 4 9 37 18 554 561
District of Columbia 176 175 19 71 3 29 31 23 354 352
Florida 2,839 2,780 37 1,675 126 286 584 131 665 676
Georgia 1,769 1,767 36 1,053 23 40 459 158 683 684
Hawaii 211 211 1 86 84 9 28 3 543 543
Idaho 448 439 34 152 130 28 75 29 400 407
Illinois 3,046 3,039 280 793 286 649 579 459 436 437
Indiana 1,366 1,364 166 465 316 48 260 111 474 474
Iowa 948 947 115 328 139 10 226 130 347 348
Kansas 928 926 74 363 177 56 193 65 344 344
Kentucky 968 957 32 462 107 72 198 97 475 481
Louisiana 964 963 77 302 116 129 201 139 480 481
Maine 449 449 52 97 54 81 81 84 264 264
Maryland 1,128 1,115 11 686 63 97 222 49 547 552
Massachusetts 1,421 1,416 188 479 118 101 289 246 435 435
Michigan 1,769 1,727 185 486 476 171 172 279 390 392
Minnesota 1,339 1,171 119 404 258 81 269 208 425 467
Mississippi 631 628 76 139 89 35 160 132 497 497
Missouri 1,611 1,603 150 501 299 112 322 227 375 376
Montana 490 487 18 64 199 110 65 34 191 191
Nebraska 714 710 49 170 269 22 103 101 289 289
Nevada 476 466 8 265 72 21 93 17 638 648
New Hampshire 380 380 52 114 37 54 83 40 318 318
New Jersey 1,959 1,942 272 557 136 281 366 347 460 463
New Mexico 606 602 18 264 106 34 128 56 364 365
New York 3,306 3,282 291 1,240 356 291 725 403 516 517
North Carolina 1,915 1,903 87 1,097 58 121 464 88 536 539
North Dakota 303 303 9 86 101 65 33 9 238 238
Ohio 2,450 2,430 355 605 346 240 532 372 436 439
Oklahoma 1,232 1,228 89 287 170 279 249 158 386 387
Oregon 888 885 27 407 114 128 178 34 413 413
Pennsylvania 2,126 2,126 302 647 357 195 417 208 486 486
Rhode Island 232 232 36 85 34 3 44 30 400 400
South Carolina 919 916 36 474 41 48 222 98 564 566
South Dakota 435 426 21 128 67 93 101 25 214 217
Tennessee 1,373 1,361 173 530 59 186 315 110 501 505
Texas 6,022 5,902 591 2,862 435 142 1,333 659 572 580
Utah 668 633 10 125 407 32 45 49 547 568
Vermont 231 231 15 23 101 63 18 11 237 237
Virginia 1,490 1,490 48 838 149 12 306 137 577 577
Washington 1,549 1,460 56 655 324 84 286 144 449 465
West Virginia 563 561 69 260 39 37 115 43 345 347
Wisconsin 1,580 1,571 162 610 122 156 339 191 360 362
Wyoming 245 244 22 63 79 16 42 23 235 235
Bureau of Indian
112 112 6 7 27 64 4 4
DoD, domestic and
129 129 5 55 14 11 27 17 448 448
Other jurisdictions                    
American Samoa 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Guam 34 34 0 24 0 0 8 2 611 611
Northern Marianas
Puerto Rico 860 859 23 199 493 67 69 9 233 233
U.S. Virgin Islands 19 19 1 1 14 1 2 0 418 418
—Not available.
1 Excludes special education and alternative schools.
2 Average for schools reporting enrollment data. Enrollment data were available for 66,453 out of 66,758 public elementary schools in 2015-16.
NOTE: Includes schools beginning with grade 6 or below and with no grade higher than 8. Excludes schools not reported by grade level, such as some special education schools for students with disabilities. DoD = Department of Defense.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Common Core of Data (CCD), "Public Elementary/Secondary School Universe Survey," 2015-16. (This table was prepared August 2017.)

2017 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest