List of Tables by Chapter
Chapter 7. Libraries and Technology
701 Libraries
Table 701.10. |
Selected statistics
on public school libraries/media centers, by level of school: Selected years, 1999-2000
through 2011-12 |
Table 701.20. |
TABLE—Selected statistics on public school libraries/media centers, by
level and enrollment size of school: 2011-12 |
Table 701.30. |
TABLE—Selected statistics on public school libraries/media centers, by
state: 2011-12 |
Table 701.40. |
staff, and operating expenditures of degree-granting postsecondary institution libraries:
Selected years, 1981-82 through 2014-15 |
Table 701.50. |
staff, operating expenditures, public service hours, and reference services of the
60 largest college and university libraries: Fiscal year 2012 |
Table 701.60. |
Number of
public libraries, number of books and serial volumes, and per capita usage of selected
library services per year, by state: Fiscal years 2013 and 2014 |
702 Computer and Internet Use
Table 702.10 |
Percentage of
children ages 3 to 18 living in households with a computer, by type of computer
and selected child and family characteristics: Selected years, 2010 through 2015 |
Table 702.15. |
of children ages 3 to 18 who use the Internet from home, by selected child and family
characteristics: Selected years, 2010 through 2015 |
Table 702.20. |
of children ages 3 to 18 who use the Internet and, among those who use the Internet,
percentage using it in various locations, by selected child and family characteristics:
2011 and 2015 |
Table 702.30. |
of persons age 3 and over who use the Internet anywhere and who use the Internet
at selected locations, by selected characteristics: 2011 and 2015 |
Table 702.35 |
TABLE—Percentage of home internet users age 3 and over and ages 3 to
18, by means of internet access from home and selected characteristics: 2010 and
2015 |
Table 702.40 |
WEB-ONLY TABLE—Percentage of persons age 3 and over
and ages 3 to 18 with no internet access at home and percentage distribution of
those with no home access, by main reason for not having access and selected characteristics:
2010 and 2015 |
Table 702.60 |
TABLE—Number and percentage of households with computer and internet
access, by state: 2015 |