Digest of Education Statistics: 2016
Digest of Education Statistics: 2016

NCES 2017-094
February 2018

Table 507.16. Percentage of 25- to 65-year-olds who were not assessed in the problem solving in technology-rich environments domain and average scale score and percentage distribution of those who were assessed, by proficiency level and selected characteristics: 2012/2014
[Standard errors appear in parentheses]
Selected characteristic Percent
not assessed1
For those who were assessed2
scale score3
Percentage distribution, by proficiency level4
Below level 1 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Total 17.7 (0.90) 272 (1.2) 24.3 (1.19) 40.7 (1.19) 30.0   (1.19) 5.1   (0.53)
Male 18.9 (1.21) 274 (1.7) 24.3 (1.69) 37.8 (1.51) 31.8   (1.55) 6.1   (0.73)
Female 16.6 (0.87) 270 (1.2) 24.2 (1.31) 43.2 (1.70) 28.4   (1.43) 4.2   (0.69)
25 to 34 9.5 (0.91) 283 (1.7) 16.5 (1.46) 38.3 (2.07) 37.0   (1.89) 8.2   (0.98)
35 to 44 13.8 (1.29) 275 (2.0) 22.4 (2.01) 39.4 (2.16) 32.5   (2.20) 5.6   (1.12)
45 to 54 20.0 (1.31) 266 (1.9) 28.7 (2.13) 41.5 (2.31) 26.2   (2.11) 3.6   (0.87)
55 to 65 27.2 (1.59) 261 (2.5) 31.1 (2.38) 44.1 (2.33) 22.7   (2.14) 2.2 ! (0.88)
White 12.7 (0.98) 280 (1.3) 17.8 (1.24) 41.4 (1.49) 34.6   (1.50) 6.3   (0.75)
Black 26.0 (2.05) 245 (2.8) 45.3 (3.48) 41.3 (3.34) 12.3   (2.14)   (†)
Hispanic 41.2 (3.42) 248 (4.2) 44.5 (4.58) 34.4 (4.46) 19.4   (2.85)   (†)
Asian/Pacific Islander 15.1 (3.05) 266 (4.6) 29.8 (4.16) 38.8 (4.53) 27.1   (4.07) 4.4 ! (1.89)
Other5 17.3 (3.69) 264 (6.1) 28.1 (5.83) 44.1 (6.75) 24.6   (6.91)   (†)
Born in United States 14.9 (0.86) 275 (1.1) 21.5 (1.10) 41.5 (1.20) 31.5   (1.27) 5.4   (0.60)
Not born in United States 36.9 (2.64) 248 (3.2) 44.4 (3.61) 34.4 (3.39) 18.8   (2.26) 2.3 ! (0.84)
Educational attainment                            
Less than high school completion 62.2 (2.37) 228 (4.2) 62.2 (5.12) 31.9 (5.08) 5.6 ! (1.82) #   (†)
High school completion6 20.6 (1.34) 259 (1.6) 33.2 (1.77) 43.8 (1.66) 21.2   (1.50) 1.9   (0.54)
Associate's degree 6.5 (1.17) 274 (2.4) 19.9 (2.56) 45.1 (2.98) 30.6   (3.00) 4.4   (1.22)
Bachelor's degree or higher 5.1 (0.71) 293 (1.5) 9.4 (1.08) 36.5 (1.94) 44.3   (1.83) 9.9   (1.15)
Full-time8  13.7 (0.87) 276 (1.5) 21.8 (1.36) 39.6 (1.41) 32.5   (1.52) 6.1   (0.69)
Part-time9  15.5 (1.73) 268 (2.7) 25.8 (2.71) 41.2 (3.21) 29.8   (3.25) 3.2   (0.94)
Unemployed 19.9 (1.81) 261 (2.6) 33.0 (2.87) 42.1 (3.45) 22.3   (2.65) 2.6 ! (0.97)
Not in labor force 36.5 (1.76) 262 (2.3) 31.3 (2.71) 43.8 (2.90) 21.6   (2.35) 3.4 ! (1.24)
Annual earnings10,11                            
Bottom quintile 21.4 (2.32) 262 (3.9) 31.0 (4.12) 41.0 (3.99) 26.0   (3.57) 3.0 ! (0.94)
Fourth quintile 24.0 (1.82) 261 (2.4) 32.0 (3.65) 42.0 (3.79) 23.0   (2.36) 3.0 ! (0.95)
Third quintile 14.6 (1.80) 268 (2.4) 27.0 (2.37) 41.0 (2.50) 28.0   (2.45) 3.0   (0.85)
Second quintile 7.1 (1.27) 280 (2.2) 17.0 (2.21) 42.0 (2.51) 34.0   (2.74) 7.0   (1.02)
Top quintile 6.0 (1.14) 293 (2.2) 10.0 (1.76) 34.0 (2.47) 45.0   (2.64) 11.0   (1.88)
†Not applicable.
#Rounds to zero.
!Interpret data with caution. The coefficient of variation (CV) for this estimate is between 30 and 50 percent.
‡Reporting standards not met. Either there are too few cases for a reliable estimate or the coefficient of variation (CV) is 50 percent or greater.
1 Items on the problem solving in technology-rich environments domain were offered only on computer. This column shows the percentages of 25- to 65-year-old respondents who were not assessed in this domain because they were unable to or elected not to take a computer-based assessment.
2 Results are based on only those respondents who were assessed in the domain of problem solving in technology-rich environments.
3 Scale ranges from 0 to 500.
4 The proficiency levels correspond to the score ranges shown in parentheses: below level 1 (0-240), level 1 (241-290), level 2 (291-340), and level 3 (341-500). For details about the proficiency levels as well as examples of specific tasks at each level, see appendix B of Skills of U.S. Unemployed, Young, and Older Adults in Sharper Focus: Results from the Program for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC) 2012/2014 (NCES 2016-039rev), available at http://nces.ed.gov/pubs2016/2016039rev.pdf.
5 Includes persons of all other races and those of Two or more races.
6 Includes completion through an equivalency program, such as a GED program.
7 Excludes those who were employed but did not report the number of hours worked per week.
8 Full-time employment is defined as working 35 hours or more per week.
9 Part-time employment is defined as working less than 35 hours per week.
10 Annual earnings were calculated based on monthly earnings, which include bonuses and self-employment income. Excludes those who reported no earnings.
11 The item response rate is below 85 percent. Missing data have not been explicitly accounted for.
NOTE: Results in this table are based on combined data from two rounds of U.S. data collection. The first round, completed in 2012, was the main data collection. The second round, completed in 2014, was a supplemental round, conducted to expand the sample of U.S. adults, allowing for more in-depth analysis. Problem solving in technology-rich environments is defined as "using digital technology, communication tools, and networks to acquire and evaluate information, communicate with others, and perform practical tasks." Race categories exclude persons of Hispanic ethnicity. Detail may not sum to totals because of rounding.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Program for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC), U.S. PIAAC 2012/2014, retrieved May 9, 2017, from the PIAAC International Data Explorer (https://nces.ed.gov/surveys/piaac/ideuspiaac/). (This table was prepared May 2017.)