Digest of Education Statistics
2016 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest

Table 334.10. Expenditures of public degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by purpose of expenditure and level of institution: Selected years, 2007-08 through 2014-15
Level of institu-tion and year Total expenditures Instruction Research Public service Academic support Student services Insti- tutional support Operation and maintenance of plant Deprecia- tion Scholar- ships and fellow- ships2 Auxiliary enterprises Hospitals Indepen-dent operations Interest Other
Total1 Salaries and wages
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
  In thousands of current dollars
All levels                                
2007-08 $261,045,829 $71,807,253 $48,691,508 $25,331,167 $10,800,588 $17,871,280 $12,205,110 $22,145,030 $17,032,966 $12,814,049 $9,664,173 $19,533,181 $23,974,721 $931,838 $4,301,708 $12,632,765
2009-10 281,390,445 76,331,795 51,808,563 28,102,405 11,511,735 18,890,370 13,124,073 22,679,459 18,037,657 14,307,677 15,494,246 20,482,149 26,595,704 1,236,092 5,062,000 9,535,082
2010-11 296,862,854 79,412,245 53,586,472 29,401,389 12,012,207 19,351,676 13,577,155 23,815,431 18,898,138 15,441,148 17,487,275 21,727,625 27,980,574 1,153,975 5,476,865 11,127,150
2011-12 305,537,590 80,881,773 54,341,187 29,665,476 11,930,514 20,380,843 14,184,601 24,099,951 19,286,569 16,467,330 16,611,881 22,172,526 30,833,717 1,204,016 6,138,489 11,679,905
2012-13 311,421,148 82,950,797 55,555,358 29,861,013 11,905,238 21,262,933 14,689,883 25,255,888 19,742,526 17,429,222 16,227,767 22,475,786 31,838,319 1,224,309 6,360,545 10,196,921
2013-14 323,893,053 85,719,042 57,591,057 29,603,220 12,209,516 22,170,377 15,497,201 26,559,452 20,744,834 18,373,048 15,978,858 23,188,996 34,427,527 1,412,782 6,544,247 11,463,952
2014-15 335,661,536 88,998,436 59,346,627 30,301,548 12,388,405 23,333,220 16,246,898 27,736,286 21,038,756 19,159,092 15,862,473 24,017,454 37,221,910 1,490,747 6,565,134 11,301,177
2007-08 215,474,080 54,371,328 36,618,879 25,312,279 10,055,606 14,471,795 8,051,799 15,812,151 13,047,228 10,959,500 6,467,362 17,296,774 23,974,721 931,838 3,523,683 11,198,015
2009-10 230,212,346 58,307,342 39,032,863 28,081,694 10,758,002 15,366,887 8,763,305 16,342,588 13,661,203 12,312,930 9,103,655 18,145,849 26,595,704 1,236,092 4,091,226 7,445,869
2010-11 242,591,219 60,644,416 40,420,752 29,380,202 11,225,195 15,732,164 9,122,182 17,255,818 14,305,617 13,213,721 10,088,873 19,334,526 27,980,574 1,153,975 4,379,246 8,774,710
2011-12 251,518,494 62,225,401 41,334,687 29,645,195 11,174,232 16,732,590 9,659,034 17,376,744 14,805,020 14,102,984 9,737,295 19,801,700 30,833,717 1,204,016 4,779,600 9,440,966
2012-13 257,550,418 64,142,742 42,537,154 29,842,663 11,178,439 17,529,761 10,103,610 18,350,069 15,234,442 14,862,953 9,823,162 20,177,536 31,838,319 1,224,309 5,071,705 8,170,707
2013-14 269,871,401 66,843,740 44,567,486 29,583,672 11,502,253 18,323,932 10,830,116 19,537,727 16,120,796 15,668,549 9,914,507 20,998,844 34,427,527 1,412,782 5,192,938 9,514,018
2014-15 281,203,317 69,975,804 46,259,128 30,282,074 11,693,798 19,390,721 11,367,405 20,518,879 16,368,911 16,332,438 10,033,518 21,914,241 37,221,910 1,490,747 5,227,285 9,385,587
2007-08 45,571,749 17,435,926 12,072,630 18,887 744,982 3,399,485 4,153,311 6,332,879 3,985,738 1,854,549 3,196,811 2,236,407 0 0 778,025 1,434,749
2009-10 51,178,098 18,024,453 12,775,700 20,711 753,733 3,523,483 4,360,768 6,336,871 4,376,455 1,994,747 6,390,591 2,336,300 0 0 970,774 2,089,213
2010-11 54,271,635 18,767,830 13,165,721 21,187 787,012 3,619,512 4,454,973 6,559,613 4,592,521 2,227,427 7,398,402 2,393,099 0 0 1,097,619 2,352,441
2011-12 54,019,096 18,656,373 13,006,500 20,281 756,282 3,648,252 4,525,567 6,723,207 4,481,549 2,364,346 6,874,585 2,370,826 0 0 1,358,889 2,238,939
2012-13 53,870,729 18,808,055 13,018,204 18,351 726,799 3,733,172 4,586,272 6,905,819 4,508,084 2,566,269 6,404,605 2,298,250 0 0 1,288,840 2,026,214
2013-14 54,021,651 18,875,302 13,023,571 19,548 707,263 3,846,444 4,667,085 7,021,725 4,624,037 2,704,499 6,064,351 2,190,152 0 0 1,351,310 1,949,935
2014-15 54,458,220 19,022,632 13,087,499 19,474 694,607 3,942,499 4,879,493 7,217,408 4,669,845 2,826,654 5,828,956 2,103,214 0 0 1,337,849 1,915,590
  Percentage distribution
All levels                                
2007-08 100.00 27.51 18.65 9.70 4.14 6.85 4.68 8.48 6.52 4.91 3.70 7.48 9.18 0.36 1.65 4.84
2009-10 100.00 27.13 18.41 9.99 4.09 6.71 4.66 8.06 6.41 5.08 5.51 7.28 9.45 0.44 1.80 3.39
2010-11 100.00 26.75 18.05 9.90 4.05 6.52 4.57 8.02 6.37 5.20 5.89 7.32 9.43 0.39 1.84 3.75
2011-12 100.00 26.47 17.79 9.71 3.90 6.67 4.64 7.89 6.31 5.39 5.44 7.26 10.09 0.39 2.01 3.82
2012-13 100.00 26.64 17.84 9.59 3.82 6.83 4.72 8.11 6.34 5.60 5.21 7.22 10.22 0.39 2.04 3.27
2013-14 100.00 26.47 17.78 9.14 3.77 6.84 4.78 8.20 6.40 5.67 4.93 7.16 10.63 0.44 2.02 3.54
2014-15 100.00 26.51 17.68 9.03 3.69 6.95 4.84 8.26 6.27 5.71 4.73 7.16 11.09 0.44 1.96 3.37
2007-08 100.00 25.23 16.99 11.75 4.67 6.72 3.74 7.34 6.06 5.09 3.00 8.03 11.13 0.43 1.64 5.20
2009-10 100.00 25.33 16.96 12.20 4.67 6.68 3.81 7.10 5.93 5.35 3.95 7.88 11.55 0.54 1.78 3.23
2010-11 100.00 25.00 16.66 12.11 4.63 6.49 3.76 7.11 5.90 5.45 4.16 7.97 11.53 0.48 1.81 3.62
2011-12 100.00 24.74 16.43 11.79 4.44 6.65 3.84 6.91 5.89 5.61 3.87 7.87 12.26 0.48 1.90 3.75
2012-13 100.00 24.90 16.52 11.59 4.34 6.81 3.92 7.12 5.92 5.77 3.81 7.83 12.36 0.48 1.97 3.17
2013-14 100.00 24.77 16.51 10.96 4.26 6.79 4.01 7.24 5.97 5.81 3.67 7.78 12.76 0.52 1.92 3.53
2014-15 100.00 24.88 16.45 10.77 4.16 6.90 4.04 7.30 5.82 5.81 3.57 7.79 13.24 0.53 1.86 3.34
2007-08 100.00 38.26 26.49 0.04 1.63 7.46 9.11 13.90 8.75 4.07 7.01 4.91 0.00 0.00 1.71 3.15
2009-10 100.00 35.22 24.96 0.04 1.47 6.88 8.52 12.38 8.55 3.90 12.49 4.57 0.00 0.00 1.90 4.08
2010-11 100.00 34.58 24.26 0.04 1.45 6.67 8.21 12.09 8.46 4.10 13.63 4.41 0.00 0.00 2.02 4.33
2011-12 100.00 34.54 24.08 0.04 1.40 6.75 8.38 12.45 8.30 4.38 12.73 4.39 0.00 0.00 2.52 4.14
2012-13 100.00 34.91 24.17 0.03 1.35 6.93 8.51 12.82 8.37 4.76 11.89 4.27 0.00 0.00 2.39 3.76
2013-14 100.00 34.94 24.11 0.04 1.31 7.12 8.64 13.00 8.56 5.01 11.23 4.05 0.00 0.00 2.50 3.61
2014-15 100.00 34.93 24.03 0.04 1.28 7.24 8.96 13.25 8.58 5.19 10.70 3.86 0.00 0.00 2.46 3.52
  Expenditures per full-time-equivalent student in current dollars
All levels                                
2007-08 $26,802 $7,373 $4,999 $2,601 $1,109 $1,835 $1,253 $2,274 $1,749 $1,316 $992 $2,006 $2,462 $96 $442 $1,297
2009-10 26,184 7,103 4,821 2,615 1,071 1,758 1,221 2,110 1,678 1,331 1,442 1,906 2,475 115 471 887
2010-11 26,942 7,207 4,863 2,668 1,090 1,756 1,232 2,161 1,715 1,401 1,587 1,972 2,539 105 497 1,010
2011-12 27,891 7,383 4,961 2,708 1,089 1,860 1,295 2,200 1,761 1,503 1,516 2,024 2,815 110 560 1,066
2012-13 28,884 7,694 5,153 2,770 1,104 1,972 1,362 2,342 1,831 1,617 1,505 2,085 2,953 114 590 946
2013-14 30,276 8,013 5,383 2,767 1,141 2,072 1,449 2,483 1,939 1,717 1,494 2,168 3,218 132 612 1,072
2014-15 31,592 8,377 5,586 2,852 1,166 2,196 1,529 2,611 1,980 1,803 1,493 2,261 3,503 140 618 1,064
2007-08 35,947 9,071 6,109 4,223 1,678 2,414 1,343 2,638 2,177 1,828 1,079 2,886 4,000 155 588 1,868
2009-10 35,678 9,037 6,049 4,352 1,667 2,382 1,358 2,533 2,117 1,908 1,411 2,812 4,122 192 634 1,154
2010-11 36,558 9,139 6,091 4,428 1,692 2,371 1,375 2,600 2,156 1,991 1,520 2,914 4,217 174 660 1,322
2011-12 37,350 9,240 6,138 4,402 1,659 2,485 1,434 2,580 2,199 2,094 1,446 2,941 4,579 179 710 1,402
2012-13 38,076 9,483 6,289 4,412 1,653 2,592 1,494 2,713 2,252 2,197 1,452 2,983 4,707 181 750 1,208
2013-14 39,740 9,843 6,563 4,356 1,694 2,698 1,595 2,877 2,374 2,307 1,460 3,092 5,070 208 765 1,401
2014-15 40,798 10,152 6,711 4,393 1,697 2,813 1,649 2,977 2,375 2,370 1,456 3,179 5,400 216 758 1,362
2007-08 12,167 4,655 3,223 5 199 908 1,109 1,691 1,064 495 854 597 0 0 208 383
2009-10 11,918 4,197 2,975 5 176 821 1,015 1,476 1,019 465 1,488 544 0 0 226 487
2010-11 12,382 4,282 3,004 5 180 826 1,016 1,497 1,048 508 1,688 546 0 0 250 537
2011-12 12,799 4,420 3,082 5 179 864 1,072 1,593 1,062 560 1,629 562 0 0 322 530
2012-13 13,409 4,681 3,240 5 181 929 1,142 1,719 1,122 639 1,594 572 0 0 321 504
2013-14 13,827 4,831 3,333 5 181 984 1,195 1,797 1,184 692 1,552 561 0 0 346 499
2014-15 14,591 5,097 3,507 5 186 1,056 1,307 1,934 1,251 757 1,562 564 0 0 358 513
  Expenditures per full-time-equivalent student in constant 2015-16 dollars3 
All levels                                
2007-08 $30,167 $8,298 $5,627 $2,927 $1,248 $2,065 $1,410 $2,559 $1,968 $1,481 $1,117 $2,257 $2,771 $108 $497 $1,460
2009-10 28,786 7,809 5,300 2,875 1,178 1,932 1,343 2,320 1,845 1,464 1,585 2,095 2,721 126 518 975
2010-11 29,036 7,767 5,241 2,876 1,175 1,893 1,328 2,329 1,848 1,510 1,710 2,125 2,737 113 536 1,088
2011-12 29,204 7,731 5,194 2,835 1,140 1,948 1,356 2,304 1,843 1,574 1,588 2,119 2,947 115 587 1,116
2012-13 29,748 7,924 5,307 2,852 1,137 2,031 1,403 2,413 1,886 1,665 1,550 2,147 3,041 117 608 974
2013-14 30,703 8,126 5,459 2,806 1,157 2,102 1,469 2,518 1,966 1,742 1,515 2,198 3,263 134 620 1,087
2014-15 31,806 8,433 5,623 2,871 1,174 2,211 1,539 2,628 1,994 1,815 1,503 2,276 3,527 141 622 1,071
2007-08 40,459 10,209 6,876 4,753 1,888 2,717 1,512 2,969 2,450 2,058 1,214 3,248 4,502 175 662 2,103
2009-10 39,225 9,935 6,651 4,785 1,833 2,618 1,493 2,785 2,328 2,098 1,551 3,092 4,531 211 697 1,269
2010-11 39,400 9,850 6,565 4,772 1,823 2,555 1,482 2,803 2,323 2,146 1,639 3,140 4,544 187 711 1,425
2011-12 39,108 9,675 6,427 4,609 1,737 2,602 1,502 2,702 2,302 2,193 1,514 3,079 4,794 187 743 1,468
2012-13 39,215 9,767 6,477 4,544 1,702 2,669 1,538 2,794 2,320 2,263 1,496 3,072 4,848 186 772 1,244
2013-14 40,300 9,982 6,655 4,418 1,718 2,736 1,617 2,918 2,407 2,340 1,481 3,136 5,141 211 775 1,421
2014-15 41,074 10,221 6,757 4,423 1,708 2,832 1,660 2,997 2,391 2,386 1,466 3,201 5,437 218 764 1,371
2007-08 13,694 5,240 3,628 6 224 1,022 1,248 1,903 1,198 557 961 672 0 0 234 431
2009-10 13,102 4,615 3,271 5 193 902 1,116 1,622 1,120 511 1,636 598 0 0 249 535
2010-11 13,345 4,615 3,237 5 194 890 1,095 1,613 1,129 548 1,819 588 0 0 270 578
2011-12 13,401 4,628 3,227 5 188 905 1,123 1,668 1,112 587 1,705 588 0 0 337 555
2012-13 13,810 4,822 3,337 5 186 957 1,176 1,770 1,156 658 1,642 589 0 0 330 519
2013-14 14,022 4,899 3,380 5 184 998 1,211 1,823 1,200 702 1,574 568 0 0 351 506
2014-15 14,690 5,131 3,530 5 187 1,063 1,316 1,947 1,260 762 1,572 567 0 0 361 517
1 Includes other categories not separately shown.
2 Excludes discounts and allowances.
3 Constant dollars based on the Consumer Price Index, prepared by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, adjusted to a school-year basis.
NOTE: Degree-granting institutions grant associate’s or higher degrees and participate in Title IV federal financial aid programs. Includes data for public institutions reporting data according to either the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) or the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) questionnaire. All expenditures reported by institutions for operation and maintenance of plant have been aggregated in the operation and maintenance of plant category, even in cases where they originally were reported by purpose. Similarly, all expenditures reported by institutions for depreciation have been aggregated in the depreciation category, even in cases where they originally were reported by purpose. In addition, all expenditures reported by institutions for interest have been aggregated in the interest category, even in cases where they originally were reported by purpose. Data in this table pertain to institutions’ fiscal years that end in the academic year noted. Some data have been revised from previously published figures. Detail may not sum to totals because of rounding.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), Spring 2008 through Spring 2015, Fall Enrollment component; and Spring 2009 through Spring 2016, Finance component. (This table was prepared December 2016.)

2016 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest