Digest of Education Statistics: 2016
Digest of Education Statistics: 2016

NCES 2017-094
February 2018

Table 228.99. Percentage distribution of students in grades 9-12 and percentage reporting selected types of victimization or risk behaviors, by sex and sexual orientation: 2015
[Standard errors appear in parentheses]
Type of victimization or risk behavior Total Male Female
Heterosexual Gay, lesbian, or bisexual Not sure Heterosexual Gay, lesbian, or bisexual Not sure Heterosexual Gay, lesbian, or bisexual Not sure
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Percentage distribution of all students 88.8 (0.69) 8.0 (0.54) 3.2 (0.24) 93.1 (0.62) 4.3 (0.50) 2.6 (0.25) 84.5 (1.10) 11.8 (0.89) 3.7   (0.36)
Percent of students reporting victimization or
      risk behavior
Total, any listed type 64.2 (1.11) 77.6 (1.78) 69.3 (2.34) 66.7 (1.30) 71.0 (3.42) 73.8 (4.27) 61.4 (1.34) 79.7 (2.11) 64.7   (3.23)
Bullied1 on school property2 during the
      previous 12 months
18.8 (0.76) 34.2 (2.32) 24.9 (1.81) 15.0 (0.69) 26.3 (3.79) 31.7 (3.84) 23.2 (1.11) 37.2 (2.30) 19.1   (2.43)
Electronically bullied3 during the previous
      12 months
14.2 (0.56) 28.0 (2.06) 22.5 (2.36) 8.7 (0.69) 22.4 (3.42) 22.3 (4.50) 20.6 (0.87) 30.5 (2.32) 20.4   (2.67)
In a physical fight one or more times during
      the previous 12 months
Anywhere4 21.7 (0.78) 28.4 (2.34) 34.5 (4.44) 28.3 (1.05) 23.1 (3.32) 44.2 (5.89) 14.2 (0.92) 30.0 (2.96) 26.1   (4.77)
On school property2 7.1 (0.51) 11.2 (1.22) 14.6 (2.38) 9.7 (0.84) 13.5 (2.51) 19.1 (4.08) 4.0 (0.37) 10.4 (1.41) 9.5   (2.19)
Threatened or injured with a weapon5
      on school property2 one or more times
      during the previous 12 months
5.1 (0.36) 10.0 (1.19) 12.6 (2.03) 6.2 (0.50) 11.6 (2.45) 17.2 (3.94) 3.8 (0.41) 9.1 (1.42) 7.2 ! (2.55)
Carried a weapon6 at least 1 day during the
      previous 30 days
Anywhere4 16.0 (0.96) 18.9 (2.07) 14.7 (3.00) 24.5 (1.37) 23.7 (3.94) 20.0 (4.78) 6.2 (0.75) 16.0 (2.00) 10.9   (2.58)
On school property2 3.7 (0.31) 6.2 (1.18) 7.1 (1.88) 5.7 (0.52) 7.4 (1.93) 10.1 (2.82) 1.4 (0.21) 5.5 (1.33) 4.4 ! (1.37)
Used alcohol anywhere4 at least 1 day during
      the previous 30 days
32.1 (1.30) 40.5 (2.07) 34.6 (2.81) 32.0 (0.91) 37.9 (3.94) 36.4 (4.23) 32.3 (2.17) 41.8 (2.54) 33.2   (3.98)
Used marijuana one or more times anywhere4
      during the previous 30 days
20.7 (1.29) 32.0 (1.64) 26.0 (2.28) 23.2 (1.56) 25.5 (3.40) 29.8 (4.54) 17.8 (1.34) 34.3 (1.82) 23.3   (2.60)
Offered, sold, or given an illegal drug
      on school property2 during the previous
      12 months
20.8 (1.24) 29.3 (2.03) 28.4 (3.03) 23.9 (1.29) 28.7 (3.45) 31.3 (4.83) 17.1 (1.34) 29.8 (2.44) 25.9   (2.95)
!Interpret data with caution. The coefficient of variation (CV) for this estimate is between 30 and 50 percent.
1 Bullying was defined for respondents as "when one or more students tease, threaten, spread rumors about, hit, shove, or hurt another student over and over again."
2 "On school property" was not defined for survey respondents.
3 Being electronically bullied includes "being bullied through e-mail, chat rooms, instant messaging, websites, or texting."
4 The term "anywhere" is not used in the Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) questionnaire; students were simply asked how many times or how many days they engaged in the specified behavior.
5 Survey respondents were asked about being threatened or injured "with a weapon such as a gun, knife, or club."
6 Respondents were asked about carrying "a weapon such as a gun, knife, or club."
NOTE: Students were asked which sexual orientation--"heterosexual (straight)," "gay or lesbian," "bisexual," or “not sure"--best described them.
SOURCE: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Division of Adolescent and School Health, Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System (YRBSS), 2015. (This table was prepared September 2016.)