Digest of Education Statistics: 2016
Digest of Education Statistics: 2016

NCES 2017-094
February 2018

Table 218.45. Percentage distribution of 4th-, 8th-, and 12th-grade public school students, by when student first used a laptop or desktop computer and selected student and school characteristics: 2015
[Standard errors appear in parentheses]
Selected student or school characteristic 4th-graders, by first use of computer 8th-graders, by first use of computer 12th-graders, by first use of computer
In kinder-garten or before In 1st, 2nd, or 3rd grade In 4th grade Never used In kinder-garten or before In 1st, 2nd, or 3rd grade In 4th or 5th grade In 6th, 7th, or 8th grade Never used In kinder-garten or before In 1st, 2nd, or 3rd grade In 4th or 5th grade In 6th, 7th, or 8th grade In high school Never used
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Total 41.1 (0.77) 44.0 (0.77) 10.6   (0.48) 4.3 (0.31) 34.8 (0.66) 41.7 (0.68) 15.8 (0.51) 7.0   (0.35) 0.7   (0.11) 28.9 (0.66) 35.1 (0.70) 17.0 (0.55) 15.0 (0.52) 3.5   (0.27) 0.5   (0.10)
Male 39.4 (1.07) 44.8 (1.09) 10.7   (0.68) 5.0 (0.48) 32.6 (0.90) 42.6 (0.95) 16.7 (0.72) 7.2   (0.50) 1.0   (0.19) 29.3 (0.94) 35.2 (0.98) 17.0 (0.77) 14.1 (0.72) 3.8   (0.39) 0.7   (0.17)
Female 42.8 (1.09) 43.1 (1.09) 10.5   (0.68) 3.5 (0.41) 37.2 (0.97) 40.7 (0.98) 15.0 (0.71) 6.8   (0.50) 0.3 ! (0.11) 28.6 (0.94) 35.0 (0.99) 16.9 (0.78) 16.0 (0.76) 3.2   (0.37) 0.3 ! (0.11)
White 46.0 (1.17) 43.7 (1.16) 7.8   (0.63) 2.5 (0.37) 40.0 (1.01) 40.7 (1.01) 13.1 (0.70) 5.7   (0.48) 0.5 ! (0.14) 33.6 (1.02) 34.3 (1.03) 16.2 (0.80) 12.7 (0.72) 2.8   (0.36) 0.4 ! (0.14)
Black 40.4 (1.67) 39.1 (1.66) 14.1   (1.18) 6.5 (0.83) 34.8 (1.57) 41.0 (1.62) 14.2 (1.15) 8.8   (0.93) 1.3   (0.37) 28.6 (1.44) 35.9 (1.53) 15.7 (1.16) 15.7 (1.16) 3.4   (0.58) 0.7 ! (0.27)
Hispanic 33.2 (1.41) 46.7 (1.49) 13.8   (1.03) 6.3 (0.73) 27.3 (1.15) 43.2 (1.28) 20.7 (1.05) 8.3   (0.71) 0.5 ! (0.19) 20.4 (1.22) 36.0 (1.46) 20.5 (1.22) 18.0 (1.17) 4.4   (0.62) 0.6 ! (0.24)
Asian 41.3 (3.53) 50.5 (3.58) 6.6   (1.78) (†) 31.1 (2.82) 45.6 (3.04) 18.1 (2.35) 5.2   (1.35) #   (†) 26.9 (2.82) 35.7 (3.04) 12.4 (2.10) 19.3 (2.50) 5.2   (1.41)   (†)
Pacific Islander (†) (†)   (†) (†) (†) (†) (†)   (†)   (†) 21.6 (3.93) 34.2 (4.52) 18.9 (3.73) 18.0 (3.66) 7.2 ! (2.47) #   (†)
American Indian/Alaska
(†) (†)   (†) (†) (†) (†) (†)   (†)   (†) (†) (†) (†) (†)   (†)   (†)
Two or more races 43.4 (4.68) 49.6 (4.72) 5.3 ! (2.12) (†) 35.9 (4.26) 41.4 (4.37) 14.8 (3.15) 6.3 ! (2.15)   (†) 37.2 (4.57) 33.6 (4.46) 16.8 (3.53) 11.5 (3.01)   (†) #   (†)
English language learner
      (ELL) status
ELL 31.0 (2.17) 41.3 (2.31) 17.4   (1.78) 10.3 (1.43) 18.0 (2.04) 41.0 (2.61) 27.8 (2.38) 11.8   (1.71) 1.4 ! (0.62) 12.3 (2.58) 23.9 (3.35) 21.5 (3.23) 29.4 (3.58) 9.8   (2.34) 3.1 ! (1.35)
Non-ELL 42.4 (0.81) 44.3 (0.82) 9.8   (0.49) 3.5 (0.30) 36.1 (0.69) 41.7 (0.71) 15.0 (0.51) 6.6   (0.36) 0.6   (0.11) 29.5 (0.68) 35.5 (0.71) 16.8 (0.56) 14.5 (0.52) 3.3   (0.26) 0.4   (0.10)
Disability status1                                                                      
Identified as student
       with disability (SD)
35.6 (2.27) 38.5 (2.30) 18.3   (1.83) 7.6 (1.26) 29.1 (1.97) 36.2 (2.09) 19.2 (1.71) 13.0   (1.46) 2.5   (0.67) 26.1 (2.25) 27.6 (2.30) 20.3 (2.06) 18.7 (2.00) 6.8   (1.30)   (†)
Not identified as SD 41.8 (0.81) 44.7 (0.82) 9.7   (0.49) 3.9 (0.32) 35.5 (0.70) 42.3 (0.72) 15.5 (0.53) 6.3   (0.36) 0.4   (0.10) 29.2 (0.69) 35.7 (0.73) 16.7 (0.57) 14.7 (0.54) 3.2   (0.27) 0.5   (0.11)
Eligibility for free or
      reduced-price lunch
Eligible 36.5 (0.98) 44.6 (1.01) 13.1   (0.69) 5.7 (0.47) 30.5 (0.85) 42.2 (0.91) 17.7 (0.71) 8.5   (0.52) 1.0   (0.18) 22.2 (0.92) 36.3 (1.06) 18.4 (0.86) 18.1 (0.85) 4.1   (0.44) 0.8   (0.20)
Not eligible 47.7 (1.21) 43.2 (1.20) 7.0   (0.62) 2.2 (0.36) 40.8 (1.05) 40.5 (1.05) 13.4 (0.73) 5.1   (0.47) 0.2 ! (0.10) 34.2 (0.93) 34.1 (0.93) 15.8 (0.72) 12.7 (0.65) 3.0   (0.33) 0.3 ! (0.10)
Information not available (†) (†)   (†) (†) 31.4 (4.55) 50.5 (4.90) 14.3 (3.43) 3.8 ! (1.88) #   (†) (†) (†) (†) (†)   (†)   (†)
School locale                                                                      
City 36.9 (1.34) 44.7 (1.38) 13.2   (0.94) 5.3 (0.62) 32.1 (1.25) 42.9 (1.33) 17.1 (1.01) 7.2   (0.69) 0.7 ! (0.23) 28.4 (1.06) 34.6 (1.12) 17.2 (0.89) 15.5 (0.85) 3.7   (0.45) 0.6 ! (0.18)
Suburb 45.6 (1.22) 41.9 (1.21) 8.8   (0.69) 3.7 (0.46) 36.8 (1.02) 41.1 (1.04) 14.3 (0.74) 7.0   (0.54) 0.8   (0.19) 28.1 (1.07) 35.9 (1.14) 17.1 (0.90) 15.6 (0.86) 3.1   (0.41) 0.3 ! (0.14)
Town 35.3 (2.31) 48.8 (2.41) 12.1   (1.57) 3.7 (0.91) 35.3 (2.10) 39.3 (2.15) 19.1 (1.73) 6.2   (1.06)   (†) 32.1 (2.95) 30.6 (2.91) 14.3 (2.21) 17.9 (2.42) 5.2   (1.40) #   (†)
Rural 41.8 (1.81) 44.7 (1.83) 9.3   (1.07) 4.2 (0.74) 33.9 (1.47) 42.6 (1.54) 16.1 (1.14) 7.0   (0.79) 0.5 ! (0.22) 31.0 (1.58) 35.7 (1.64) 16.9 (1.28) 12.1 (1.11) 3.5   (0.63) 0.8 ! (0.31)
†Not applicable.
#Rounds to zero.
!Interpret data with caution. The coefficient of variation (CV) for this estimate is between 30 and 50 percent.
‡Reporting standards not met. Either there are too few cases for a reliable estimate or the coefficient of variation (CV) is 50 percent or greater.
1 The student with disability (SD) variable used in this table includes students who have a 504 plan, even if they do not have an Individualized Education Plan (IEP).
NOTE: Race categories exclude persons of Hispanic ethnicity. Detail may not sum to totals because of rounding.
SOURCE: American Institutes for Research, National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) Validity Studies Panel, Initial Tables From the 2015 Computer Access and Familiarity Study. (This table was prepared January 2017.)