Digest of Education Statistics: 2016
Digest of Education Statistics: 2016

NCES 2017-094
February 2018

Table 204.75d. Number and percentage of homeless students enrolled in public elementary and secondary schools, by primary nighttime residence, selected student characteristics, and state or jurisdiction: 2014-15
State or jurisdiction All homeless students Number of homeless students with selected characteristics
Total number of homeless students2 As a percent of total public school enrollment Number, by primary nighttime residence1
Doubled-up or shared housing3 Hotels or motels Shelters, transitional housing, or awaiting foster care placement Unsheltered4 Unaccom-panied homeless youth5 English language learners6 Migrant stu-dents7 Students with disabil-ities8
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
United States 1,260,721 2.5 957,053 82,187 180,302 39,327 94,800 181,764 17,748 215,630
Alabama 19,373 2.6 16,639 880 1,168 686 832 765 194 1,660
Alaska 4,018 3.1 2,356 314 1,026 322 893 597 353 1,082
Arizona1 28,393 2.6 18,098 1,323 7,727 711 570 4,332 174 4,383
Arkansas 10,756 2.2 9,150 415 1,012 179 393 582 224 1,715
California9 235,983 3.7 204,629 8,391 16,762 6,201 6,271 73,367 5,047 29,037
Colorado 24,146 2.7 18,035 2,331 3,023 757 1,959 3,024 698 3,115
Connecticut10 3,192 0.6 1,963 420 789 20 90 565 637
Delaware 3,098 2.3 2,352 534 204 8 257 158 12 755
District of Columbia10 3,551 4.4 1,588 278 1,635 50 139 114 643
Florida 73,117 2.7 54,164 8,205 8,878 1,870 7,243 7,349 1,092 13,100
Georgia 37,791 2.2 27,057 6,644 3,427 663 2,097 1,177 242 6,206
Hawaii 3,526 1.9 2,204 14 1,021 287 18 573 36 560
Idaho 7,162 2.5 5,986 334 555 287 731 632 286 1,236
Illinois1 52,333 2.6 43,353 1,897 5,951 386 5,131 3,340 95 10,630
Indiana 19,205 1.8 15,017 1,267 2,546 375 1,001 1,151 60 3,554
Iowa 6,936 1.4 4,796 560 1,436 144 1,109 557 31 1,490
Kansas 9,715 2.0 8,173 505 942 95 1,122 1,363 152 1,695
Kentucky1 27,836 4.0 21,374 1,047 3,420 1,238 757 1,880 338 5,727
Louisiana 20,277 2.8 17,277 697 1,239 1,064 2,155 31 1,572 1,505
Maine 1,934 1.1 1,225 243 413 53 446 149 0 599
Maryland 16,096 1.8 12,727 1,531 1,606 232 1,885 1,032 42 2,834
Massachusetts 19,353 2.0 8,416 3,530 7,234 173 851 5,070 11 5,107
Michigan 40,861 2.7 29,193 2,197 8,706 765 5,129 1,724 448 8,814
Minnesota 15,196 1.8 8,155 1,729 4,918 394 1,576 1,533 74 3,773
Mississippi 10,309 2.1 9,569 197 444 99 153 151 4 1,237
Missouri 30,650 3.3 25,671 1,815 2,391 773 2,750 1,011 49 5,247
Montana 3,075 2.1 2,145 419 271 240 495 177 29 692
Nebraska 3,317 1.1 1,954 290 888 185 486 663 278 705
Nevada 17,178 3.7 12,553 2,585 1,562 478 1,043 3,075 29 2,598
New Hampshire 3,335 1.8 2,504 344 359 128 218 146 5 909
New Jersey 10,150 0.7 7,198 1,277 1,631 44 0 835 211 2,278
New Mexico1 10,279 3.0 8,208 433 848 784 1,154 2,381 69 2,145
New York 118,435 4.3 73,470 2,167 37,678 5,120 8,447 23,422 277 25,887
North Carolina1 26,636 1.7 19,891 3,160 2,832 886 2,610 1,559 92 4,618
North Dakota 2,715 2.5 1,397 246 196 876 150 200 0 474
Ohio 27,939 1.6 21,357 1,428 4,811 343 1,755 681 20 5,977
Oklahoma 26,979 3.9 21,726 934 2,855 1,464 2,905 2,150 360 4,577
Oregon 22,637 3.8 17,101 1,162 2,010 2,364 3,347 2,789 1,108 4,426
Pennsylvania 22,014 1.3 14,127 1,353 6,302 232 2,824 1,468 814 5,081
Rhode Island10 1,004 0.7 638 73 277 16 37 91 280
South Carolina 13,353 1.8 8,950 1,836 1,632 935 1,237 580 75 2,502
South Dakota1 2,156 1.6 1,206 425 460 66 113 92 8 438
Tennessee 13,259 1.3 10,320 1,588 1,082 269 617 629 17 2,357
Texas 113,063 2.2 89,616 7,510 12,074 3,863 12,104 17,376 1,397 13,501
Utah 14,999 2.4 12,956 470 940 633 1,862 2,412 0 2,934
Vermont 1,124 1.3 704 250 116 54 52 9 6 334
Virginia 17,876 1.4 12,562 2,846 2,260 208 2,173 2,392 89 3,364
Washington 35,511 3.3 25,911 2,194 5,805 1,601 3,722 5,138 1,586 7,301
West Virginia1,10 8,958 3.2 6,144 247 2,291 309 0 0 1,990
Wisconsin1 18,366 2.1 14,373 1,409 2,271 337 1,891 1,189 44 3,621
Wyoming 1,556 1.7 875 243 378 60 0 83 0 300
Bureau of Indian
Puerto Rico10 3,628 0.9 1,922 0 1,582 124 0 42 1,176
—Not available.
1 For the seven states indicated, the counts by primary nighttime residence do not sum to the total number of homeless students because of missing data on primary nighttime residence or grade. (For each affected state, the total count of homeless students by primary nighttime residence differs from the count shown in column 2 by 3 percent or less.)
2 Represents the sum of counts by grade.
3 Refers to temporarily sharing the housing of other persons due to loss of housing, economic hardship, or other reasons (such as domestic violence).
4 Includes living in cars, parks, campgrounds, temporary trailers--including Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) trailers--or abandoned buildings.
5 Youth who are not in the physical custody of a parent or guardian. Includes youth living on their own and youth living with a caregiver who is not their legal guardian.
6 Students who met the definition of limited English proficient students as outlined in the EDFacts workbook. For more information, see http://www2.ed.gov/about/inits/ed/edfacts/eden-workbook.html.
7 Students who met the definition of eligible migrant children as outlined in the EDFacts workbook. Such students are either migratory workers or the children or spouses of migratory workers and have moved within the preceding 36 months in order to obtain, or to accompany parents or spouses who moved in order to obtain, temporary or seasonal employment in agricultural or fishing work. For more information, see http://www2.ed.gov/about/inits/ed/edfacts/eden-workbook.html.
8 Includes only students with disabilities who were served under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).
9 California's 2014-15 homeless count decreased from previous years in part because of changes to the state's data collection systems. For more information, see section of California's 2014-15 Consolidated State Performance Report, available at https://www2.ed.gov/admins/lead/account/consolidated/sy14-15part1/ca.pdf.
10 Did not operate a migrant education program during the 2014-15 school year and therefore had no data to provide on migrant homeless students.
NOTE: Homeless students are defined as children/youth who lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence. For more information, see "C118 - Homeless Students Enrolled" at https://www2.ed.gov/about/inits/ed/edfacts/sy-14-15-nonxml.html. Data are reported at the state level and include all homeless students enrolled at any time during the school year.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, EDFacts file 118, Data Group 655, extracted October 14, 2016, from the EDFacts Data Warehouse (internal U.S. Department of Education Source); and Common Core of Data (CCD), "State Nonfiscal Survey of Public Elementary and Secondary Education," 2014-15. (This table was prepared March 2017.)