Digest of Education Statistics: 2016
Digest of Education Statistics: 2016

NCES 2017-094
February 2018

Table 204.75a. Homeless students enrolled in public elementary and secondary schools, by grade, primary nighttime residence, and selected student characteristics: 2009-10 through 2014-15
Grade, primary nighttime residence,
or selected student characteristic
2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-151
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Total number of homeless students2 910,439 1,047,397 1,128,503 1,216,117 1,285,641 1,260,721
As a percent of total public school
1.8 2.1 2.3 2.4 2.6 2.5
Total number, by grade and nighttime
Prekindergarten3 28,871 32,966 32,866 38,281 47,976 39,381
Kindergarten 82,378 89,589 105,795 115,943 112,343 118,470
Grade 1 83,675 92,153 104,554 113,226 121,159 116,464
Grade 2 80,437 88,125 96,845 105,311 113,238 111,189
Grade 3 77,594 86,253 93,214 99,446 107,574 105,739
Grade 4 73,942 82,570 88,809 94,303 99,005 98,221
Grade 5 69,605 79,314 85,224 89,769 93,912 91,647
Grade 6 65,238 75,867 80,962 86,880 89,965 87,844
Grade 7 61,009 71,412 76,481 82,159 86,659 83,924
Grade 8 60,186 69,406 73,528 79,516 83,404 82,122
Grade 9 66,474 79,897 81,262 90,139 97,129 94,508
Grade 10 54,510 68,484 69,396 72,673 77,486 76,951
Grade 11 47,835 59,120 63,078 66,519 69,619 68,729
Grade 12 54,030 68,532 73,687 79,260 83,671 83,022
Ungraded4 4,655 3,709 2,802 2,692 2,501 2,510
Primary nighttime residence5            
Doubled-up or shared housing6 648,233 741,460 849,684 917,122 978,463 957,053
Hotels or motels 45,727 53,499 62,530 69,179 78,767 82,187
Shelters, transitional housing, or
      awaiting foster care placement
172,644 177,028 174,472 173,397 183,653 180,302
Unsheltered7 38,450 74,044 40,151 39,108 41,738 39,327
Number with selected characteristics            
Unaccompanied homeless youth8 78,654 88,390 94,800
English language learners9 174,821 190,256 181,764
Migrant students10 16,231 18,588 17,748
Students with disabilities11 190,050 217,048 215,630
—Not available.
1 The decrease in homeless students in 2014-15 was caused in part by changes to California's data collection systems. For more information, see section of California's 2014-15 Consolidated State Performance Report, available at https://www2.ed.gov/admins/lead/account/consolidated/sy14-15part1/ca.pdf.
2 The sum of counts by grade.
3 Homeless children 3 to 5 years old who are not in kindergarten.
4 Includes students reported as being enrolled in grade 13.
5 Does not sum to the total number of homeless students because of missing data on primary nighttime residence. (Counts by primary nighttime residence differ from those shown in the total row by less than 2 percent for 2012-13 and less than 1 percent for all other years.)
6 Refers to temporarily sharing the housing of other persons due to loss of housing, economic hardship, or other reasons (such as domestic violence).
7 Includes living in cars, parks, campgrounds, temporary trailers--including Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) trailers--or abandoned buildings.
8 Youth who are not in the physical custody of a parent or guardian. Includes youth living on their own and youth living with a caregiver who is not their legal guardian.
9 Students who met the definition of limited English proficient students as outlined in the EDFacts workbook. For more information, see http://www2.ed.gov/about/inits/ed/edfacts/eden-workbook.html.
10 Students who met the definition of eligible migrant children as outlined in the EDFacts workbook. Such students are either migratory workers or the children or spouses of migratory workers and have moved within the preceding 36 months in order to obtain, or to accompany parents or spouses who moved in order to obtain, temporary or seasonal employment in agricultural or fishing work. For more information, see http://www2.ed.gov/about/inits/ed/edfacts/eden-workbook.html. Connecticut, the District of Columbia, Rhode Island, and West Virginia did not operate a migrant education program during the 2012-13, 2013-14, and 2014-15 school years and therefore had no data to provide on migrant homeless students.
11 Includes only students with disabilities who were served under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).
NOTE: Homeless students are defined as children/youth who lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence. For more information, see "C118 - Homeless Students Enrolled" at https://www2.ed.gov/about/inits/ed/edfacts/sy-14-15-nonxml.html. Data include all homeless students enrolled at any time during the school year. Data exclude Puerto Rico and the Bureau of Indian Education. This table is based on state-level data.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, EDFacts file 118, Data Group 655, extracted October 14, 2016, from the EDFacts Data Warehouse (internal U.S. Department of Education Source); and Common Core of Data (CCD), "State Nonfiscal Survey of Public Elementary and Secondary Education," 2009-10 through 2014-15. (This table was prepared March 2017.)