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Table 402.10. Federal obligations for research, development, and R&D plant, by category of obligation, performers, and fields of science: Fiscal years 2007 through 2015
[In millions]
Category of obligation, performers, and fields of science Actual Estimated
2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Percent change, 2014 to 2015
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
  Current dollars
Total obligations for research, development, and
       R&D plant
$129,431.1 $129,049.4 $144,760.5 $146,967.8 $139,661.5 $140,635.8 $127,291.1 $132,496.3 $132,751.8 0.2
Research and development obligations 127,262.7 127,105.6 141,092.5 140,354.5 135,490.8 138,485.1 125,386.0 130,278.7 129,435.0 -0.6
Federal intramural1 29,932.5 29,637.9 31,546.4 30,911.8 35,144.7 34,367.8 32,963.1 34,736.1 33,373.7 -3.9
Industrial firms 55,342.3 56,337.6 59,749.3 59,867.8 53,550.2 58,910.1 49,538.1 50,236.5 50,580.4 0.7
Federally funded research and development centers
       (FFRDCs) administered by industrial firms
2,691.6 4,119.9 4,067.1 3,946.2 4,424.5 3,611.7 3,796.1 4,207.5 4,558.1 8.3
Universities and colleges 25,547.8 26,026.5 31,557.7 31,192.3 27,680.3 27,509.5 25,772.0 27,429.3 27,736.6 1.1
FFRDCs administered by universities and colleges 4,171.2 1,988.6 3,402.7 3,370.5 3,437.8 3,694.2 3,711.7 3,800.8 3,661.8 -3.7
Other nonprofit institutions 5,984.4 5,965.0 7,049.7 7,245.3 6,636.6 6,347.0 5,915.0 6,134.9 6,037.3 -1.6
FFRDCs administered by nonprofit institutions 2,520.3 2,083.0 2,730.7 2,784.1 2,923.7 2,752.2 2,571.9 2,557.1 2,366.2 -7.5
State and local governments 362.0 389.0 392.0 426.7 716.2 453.2 385.6 446.4 476.1 6.7
Foreign 710.6 558.1 596.9 609.9 976.8 839.5 732.4 730.1 644.6 -11.7
Research obligations 54,093.5 53,893.6 63,694.3 63,728.0 58,023.7 61,946.9 59,198.2 62,908.8 63,419.9 0.8
Federal intramural1 11,816.4 11,921.7 13,321.2 13,280.9 12,663.4 14,295.0 13,416.8 14,305.6 14,747.5 3.1
Industrial firms 6,074.2 5,782.4 6,280.2 6,625.5 6,037.4 7,794.0 7,365.5 8,057.5 7,935.2 -1.5
FFRDCs administered by industrial firms 1,863.0 2,929.7 3,070.5 2,960.1 2,984.4 2,678.7 2,713.8 3,217.5 3,445.1 7.1
Universities and colleges 23,966.9 24,323.2 30,168.8 29,607.8 26,253.2 26,289.9 24,771.7 26,110.1 26,382.9 1.0
FFRDCs administered by universities and colleges 2,942.4 1,623.1 2,148.1 2,151.6 2,224.4 2,856.9 3,089.7 3,090.9 2,885.8 -6.6
Other nonprofit institutions 5,416.7 5,397.5 6,500.7 6,687.0 5,760.8 5,812.9 5,445.5 5,648.4 5,652.6 0.1
FFRDCs administered by nonprofit institutions 1,283.0 1,205.7 1,462.0 1,633.6 1,447.7 1,457.0 1,686.8 1,725.7 1,599.9 -7.3
State and local governments 297.6 338.8 343.6 352.8 282.2 352.2 313.5 394.7 427.5 8.3
Foreign 433.3 371.5 399.3 428.6 370.2 410.3 394.8 358.5 343.5 -4.2
Fields of science                    
Engineering 8,989.7 8,975.5 10,285.0 11,081.2 10,057.2 11,403.4 10,948.2 11,887.5 11,768.6 -1.0
Environmental sciences 3,170.5 2,984.6 3,751.1 3,338.9 3,207.2 3,884.3 4,041.0 4,365.8 4,384.6 0.4
Life sciences 29,463.6 28,918.8 33,267.1 33,909.1 29,408.6 30,966.7 29,328.4 30,668.2 30,972.7 1.0
Mathematics and computer sciences 2,945.7 3,047.3 3,611.8 3,411.8 3,374.3 3,527.5 3,427.0 3,883.2 4,179.8 7.6
Physical sciences 5,136.1 5,072.6 5,821.1 5,870.8 5,426.6 6,407.5 6,281.9 6,483.1 6,486.9 0.1
Psychology 1,837.9 1,740.8 2,086.3 2,155.6 1,886.8 2,086.6 1,935.2 1,968.0 2,016.4 2.5
Social sciences 1,147.1 977.0 1,159.2 1,197.3 1,262.4 1,124.5 1,237.3 1,435.1 1,284.0 -10.5
Other sciences 1,403.1 2,177.1 3,712.7 2,763.2 3,400.5 2,546.3 1,999.3 2,217.9 2,326.8 4.9
Development obligations 73,169.2 73,211.9 77,398.2 76,626.5 77,467.1 76,538.3 66,187.8 67,369.9 66,015.1 -2.0
Federal intramural1 18,116.1 17,716.1 18,225.2 17,630.9 22,481.3 20,072.8 19,546.3 20,430.5 18,626.2 -8.8
Industrial firms 49,268.1 50,555.2 53,467.0 53,242.3 47,512.8 51,116.1 42,172.6 42,179.1 42,645.2 1.1
FFRDCs administered by industrial firms 828.6 1,190.2 996.6 986.1 1,440.1 933.0 1,082.3 990.0 1,113.0 12.4
Universities and colleges 1,580.9 1,703.3 1,389.0 1,584.5 1,427.1 1,219.6 1,000.2 1,319.2 1,353.8 2.6
FFRDCs administered by universities and colleges 1,228.8 365.5 1,254.6 1,218.9 1,213.3 837.3 622.1 709.9 776.0 9.3
Other nonprofit institutions 567.7 567.5 549.0 558.3 875.8 534.1 469.5 486.5 384.7 -20.9
FFRDCs administered by nonprofit institutions 1,237.3 877.3 1,268.7 1,150.4 1,476.0 1,295.2 885.1 831.5 766.3 -7.8
State and local governments 64.4 50.2 48.4 73.9 434.0 101.0 72.1 51.6 48.7 -5.7
Foreign 277.3 186.6 197.6 181.3 606.6 429.2 337.6 371.6 301.1 -19.0
R&D plant obligations 2,168.4 1,943.8 3,668.0 6,613.3 4,170.7 2,150.7 1,905.1 2,217.6 3,316.8 49.6
Federal intramural1 593.4 494.0 804.7 1,953.3 846.5 486.2 673.3 642.5 697.4 8.5
Industrial firms 401.4 449.0 396.3 1,751.2 2,030.0 460.5 231.5 323.3 1,331.6 311.9
FFRDCs administered by industrial firms 27.6 175.6 127.7 167.7 118.3 51.8 79.5 91.2 98.7 8.3
Universities and colleges 265.6 210.2 607.0 1,532.6 286.0 372.5 236.6 325.8 377.3 15.8
FFRDCs administered by universities and colleges 498.4 334.4 706.5 491.4 242.9 248.1 246.2 308.5 356.2 15.5
Other nonprofit institutions 79.7 23.7 154.4 245.9 141.3 200.8 184.1 212.8 384.2 80.6
FFRDCs administered by nonprofit institutions 296.2 253.8 868.2 465.3 491.0 323.1 249.8 309.8 69.7 -77.5
State and local governments # # 1.2 2.0 0.2 # 0.2 0.3 # -86.8
Foreign 6.1 3.1 2.0 4.0 14.6 7.6 3.9 3.4 1.7 -50.0
  Constant fiscal year 2015 dollars2 
Total obligations for research, development, and
       R&D plant
$147,227.2 $141,836.7 $158,802.3 $159,327.7 $148,486.8 $146,763.2 $131,005.1 $134,271.1 $132,751.8 -1.1
Research and development obligations 144,760.7 139,700.3 154,778.5 152,158.2 144,052.5 144,518.8 129,044.4 132,023.8 129,435.0 -2.0
Federal intramural1 34,048.1 32,574.7 34,606.4 33,511.5 37,365.5 35,865.2 33,924.9 35,201.4 33,373.7 -5.2
Industrial firms 62,951.6 61,920.0 65,545.0 64,902.6 56,934.1 61,476.8 50,983.5 50,909.4 50,580.4 -0.6
Federally funded research and development centers
       (FFRDCs) administered by industrial firms
3,061.7 4,528.1 4,461.6 4,278.1 4,704.1 3,769.1 3,906.9 4,263.9 4,558.1 6.9
Universities and colleges 29,060.5 28,605.4 34,618.8 33,815.5 29,429.4 28,708.1 26,524.0 27,796.7 27,736.6 -0.2
FFRDCs administered by universities and colleges 4,744.7 2,185.6 3,732.8 3,654.0 3,655.0 3,855.2 3,820.0 3,851.7 3,661.8 -4.9
Other nonprofit institutions 6,807.2 6,556.1 7,733.5 7,854.6 7,056.0 6,623.5 6,087.6 6,217.1 6,037.3 -2.9
FFRDCs administered by nonprofit institutions 2,866.8 2,289.4 2,995.6 3,018.2 3,108.5 2,872.1 2,646.9 2,591.4 2,366.2 -8.7
State and local governments 411.8 427.5 430.0 462.6 761.5 472.9 396.9 452.4 476.1 5.2
Foreign 808.3 613.4 654.8 661.2 1,038.5 876.1 753.8 739.9 644.6 -12.9
Research obligations 61,531.1 59,233.8 69,872.6 69,087.5 61,690.2 64,645.9 60,925.4 63,751.5 63,419.9 -0.5
Federal intramural1 13,441.1 13,103.0 14,613.4 14,397.8 13,463.6 14,917.8 13,808.3 14,497.2 14,747.5 1.7
Industrial firms 6,909.4 6,355.4 6,889.4 7,182.7 6,418.9 8,133.6 7,580.4 8,165.4 7,935.2 -2.8
FFRDCs administered by industrial firms 2,119.2 3,220.0 3,368.3 3,209.0 3,173.0 2,795.4 2,793.0 3,260.6 3,445.1 5.7
Universities and colleges 27,262.2 26,733.3 33,095.2 32,097.8 27,912.2 27,435.3 25,494.5 26,459.8 26,382.9 -0.3
FFRDCs administered by universities and colleges 3,347.0 1,783.9 2,356.5 2,332.5 2,365.0 2,981.4 3,179.8 3,132.3 2,885.8 -7.9
Other nonprofit institutions 6,161.5 5,932.3 7,131.3 7,249.4 6,124.8 6,066.2 5,604.4 5,724.1 5,652.6 -1.2
FFRDCs administered by nonprofit institutions 1,459.4 1,325.2 1,603.8 1,771.0 1,539.2 1,520.5 1,736.0 1,748.8 1,599.9 -8.5
State and local governments 338.5 372.4 376.9 382.5 300.0 367.5 322.6 400.0 427.5 6.9
Foreign 492.9 408.3 438.0 464.6 393.6 428.2 406.3 363.3 343.5 -5.5
Fields of science                    
Engineering 10,225.7 9,864.9 11,282.6 12,013.1 10,692.7 11,900.2 11,267.6 12,046.7 11,768.6 -2.3
Environmental sciences 3,606.4 3,280.3 4,115.0 3,619.7 3,409.9 4,053.5 4,158.9 4,424.3 4,384.6 -0.9
Life sciences 33,514.7 31,784.3 36,494.0 36,760.8 31,266.9 32,315.9 30,184.1 31,079.0 30,972.7 -0.3
Mathematics and computer sciences 3,350.7 3,349.3 3,962.1 3,698.7 3,587.5 3,681.2 3,527.0 3,935.2 4,179.8 6.2
Physical sciences 5,842.3 5,575.2 6,385.7 6,364.5 5,769.5 6,686.7 6,465.2 6,569.9 6,486.9 -1.3
Psychology 2,090.6 1,913.3 2,288.7 2,336.9 2,006.0 2,177.5 1,991.7 1,994.4 2,016.4 1.1
Social sciences 1,304.8 1,073.8 1,271.6 1,298.0 1,342.2 1,173.5 1,273.4 1,454.3 1,284.0 -11.7
Other sciences 1,596.0 2,392.8 4,072.8 2,995.6 3,615.4 2,657.2 2,057.6 2,247.6 2,326.8 3.5
Development obligations 83,229.6 80,466.3 84,905.8 83,070.7 82,362.3 79,873.0 68,119.0 68,272.3 66,015.1 -3.3
Federal intramural1 20,607.0 19,471.6 19,993.0 19,113.6 23,901.9 20,947.4 20,116.6 20,704.2 18,626.2 -10.0
Industrial firms 56,042.2 55,564.6 58,653.3 57,719.9 50,515.2 53,343.2 43,403.1 42,744.1 42,645.2 -0.2
FFRDCs administered by industrial firms 942.5 1,308.1 1,093.3 1,069.0 1,531.1 973.7 1,113.9 1,003.3 1,113.0 10.9
Universities and colleges 1,798.3 1,872.1 1,523.7 1,717.8 1,517.3 1,272.7 1,029.4 1,336.9 1,353.8 1.3
FFRDCs administered by universities and colleges 1,397.8 401.7 1,376.3 1,321.4 1,290.0 873.8 640.3 719.4 776.0 7.9
Other nonprofit institutions 645.8 623.7 602.3 605.3 931.1 557.4 483.2 493.0 384.7 -22.0
FFRDCs administered by nonprofit institutions 1,407.4 964.2 1,391.8 1,247.1 1,569.3 1,351.6 910.9 842.6 766.3 -9.1
State and local governments 73.3 55.2 53.1 80.1 461.4 105.4 74.2 52.3 48.7 -6.9
Foreign 315.4 205.1 216.8 196.5 644.9 447.9 347.5 376.6 301.1 -20.0
R&D plant obligations 2,466.5 2,136.4 4,023.8 7,169.5 4,434.2 2,244.4 1,960.7 2,247.3 3,316.8 47.6
Federal intramural1 675.0 542.9 882.8 2,117.6 900.0 507.4 692.9 651.1 697.4 7.1
Industrial firms 456.6 493.5 434.7 1,898.5 2,158.3 480.6 238.3 327.6 1,331.6 306.4
FFRDCs administered by industrial firms 31.4 193.0 140.1 181.8 125.8 54.1 81.8 92.4 98.7 6.8
Universities and colleges 302.1 231.0 665.9 1,661.5 304.1 388.7 243.5 330.2 377.3 14.3
FFRDCs administered by universities and colleges 566.9 367.5 775.0 532.7 258.2 258.9 253.4 312.6 356.2 13.9
Other nonprofit institutions 90.7 26.0 169.4 266.6 150.2 209.5 189.5 215.7 384.2 78.2
FFRDCs administered by nonprofit institutions 336.9 278.9 952.4 504.4 522.0 337.2 257.1 313.9 69.7 -77.8
State and local governments # # 1.3 2.2 0.2 # 0.2 0.3 # -86.8
Foreign 6.9 3.4 2.2 4.3 15.5 7.9 4.0 3.4 1.7 -50.7
#Rounds to zero.
1 Includes costs associated with the administration of intramural and extramural programs by federal personnel as well as actual intramural performance.
2 Data adjusted by the federal budget composite deflator reported in U.S. Office of Management and Budget, Budget of the U.S. Government, Historical Tables, Fiscal Year 2016.
NOTE: Some data have been revised from previously published figures. Detail may not sum to totals because of rounding. Totals do not include the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.
SOURCE: National Science Foundation, National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics, Survey of Federal Funds for Research and Development, 2006 through 2015, retrieved May 16, 2016, from (This table was prepared May 2016.)

2015 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest