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Digest of Education Statistics: 2015
Digest of Education Statistics: 2015

NCES 2016-014
December 2016

Table 216.95. Number and enrollment of public elementary and secondary schools that have closed, by school level, type, and charter status: Selected years, 1995-96 through 2013-14
School level, type, and
charter status
1995-96 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
  Number of schools that closed
Total, all schools 954 1,193 1,412 1,368 2,168 1,913 1,553 1,877 2,120 1,515 1,822 1,929 1,840 1,493 1,737
School type                              
Regular 686 908 1,018 985 1,248 1,190 1,171 1,348 1,450 1,059 1,321 1,486 1,340 1,075 1,179
Special education 110 84 118 91 114 271 88 160 195 99 235 72 87 83 90
Vocational 17 17 90 27 33 18 28 14 30 15 11 7 11 66 20
Alternative1 141 184 186 265 773 434 266 355 445 342 255 364 402 269 448
School level and type                              
Elementary2 497 601 697 721 947 901 770 846 844 769 936 1,073 1,020 776 864
Regular 449 563 648 660 870 847 725 771 804 713 893 1,010 959 726 778
Special education 28 20 21 26 23 25 13 53 20 22 13 18 18 18 33
Vocational 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1
Alternative1 20 16 28 35 54 29 31 21 20 33 30 45 43 32 52
Secondary3 199 302 313 245 347 302 342 308 394 368 346 436 451 421 502
Regular 114 173 141 127 144 177 192 171 233 186 212 237 238 204 231
Special education 12 19 12 9 10 4 11 24 19 21 12 15 15 24 15
Vocational 17 14 89 27 33 18 27 13 29 13 11 7 10 64 19
Alternative1 56 96 71 82 160 103 112 100 113 148 111 177 188 129 237
Combined elementary/secondary4 42 146 168 124 158 321 184 193 172 164 91 157 207 170 183
Regular 10 83 76 57 54 68 82 65 65 50 42 74 82 64 67
Special education 13 22 29 22 30 28 38 45 48 34 16 24 34 34 33
Vocational 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 2 0
Alternative1 19 40 62 45 74 225 64 83 58 79 33 59 90 70 83
Other (not classified by                              
grade span) 216 144 234 278 716 389 257 530 710 214 449 263 162 126 188
Regular 113 89 153 141 180 98 172 341 348 110 174 165 61 81 103
Special education 57 23 56 34 51 214 26 38 108 22 194 15 20 7 9
Vocational 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Alternative1 46 32 25 103 485 77 59 151 254 82 81 83 81 38 76
All charter schools5 72 111 85 74 171 206 267 133 161 189 216 202 183 284
  Prior year enrollment of schools that have closed
Total, enrollment 173,766 209,228 171,669 195,033 262,183 297,487 229,259 242,388 268,212 243,166 306,806 321,246 300,764 240,704 274,397
School type                              
Regular 151,574 198,699 161,663 185,536 242,383 282,432 216,360 227,260 253,409 227,714 292,915 304,001 281,961 227,444 252,172
Special education 4,475 1,665 2,840 1,789 4,144 2,799 3,068 4,745 4,060 1,916 2,173 1,709 3,765 1,168 4,331
Vocational 1,613 632 75 223 719 2,975 73 429 183 1,665 767 22 26 289 1,578
Alternative1 16,104 8,232 7,091 7,485 14,937 9,281 9,758 9,954 10,560 11,871 10,951 15,514 15,012 11,803 16,316
School level and type                              
Elementary2 112,328 134,934 125,753 146,709 194,752 213,607 161,649 172,403 179,554 171,722 221,681 242,193 225,205 174,885 195,776
Regular 108,440 134,060 124,170 144,013 192,117 211,822 158,744 169,895 176,862 169,815 219,469 239,913 222,186 173,272 190,138
Special education 2,991 338 591 1,020 1,040 1,153 1,158 1,892 2,131 651 727 404 1,539 272 2,042
Vocational 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 569 0 0 0 0 308
Alternative1 897 534 992 1,676 1,595 632 1,747 607 561 687 1,485 1,876 1,480 1,341 3,288
Secondary3 48,074 47,950 30,817 33,243 52,437 60,029 54,489 55,834 66,163 55,261 68,548 56,935 54,558 51,820 59,920
Regular 39,307 42,666 27,752 30,271 42,750 51,547 49,335 48,797 60,085 45,800 60,734 48,430 46,345 43,775 49,374
Special education 398 121 175 357 172 108 83 1,126 440 501 508 520 404 500 633
Vocational 1,613 592 72 223 719 2,975 73 420 183 1,096 767 22 19 202 1,270
Alternative1 6,756 4,571 2,818 2,392 8,796 5,399 4,998 5,491 5,455 7,864 6,539 7,963 7,790 7,343 8,643
Combined elementary/secondary4 12,418 25,031 12,622 12,957 13,150 22,022 12,993 12,157 19,349 16,093 12,151 21,360 20,931 13,963 18,614
Regular 3,743 21,973 8,999 9,451 7,484 18,415 8,281 7,682 16,295 12,081 8,342 14,941 13,430 10,361 12,660
Special education 326 701 410 365 1,328 840 1,791 1,293 1,008 692 882 744 1,752 396 1,569
Vocational 0 38 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 87 0
Alternative1 8,349 2,319 3,210 3,141 4,338 2,767 2,921 3,182 2,046 3,320 2,927 5,675 5,742 3,119 4,385
Other (not classified by                              
grade span) 946 1,313 2,477 2,124 1,844 1,829 128 1,994 3,146 90 4,426 758 70 36 87
Regular 84 0 742 1,801 32 648 0 886 167 18 4,370 717 0 36 0
Special education 760 505 1,664 47 1,604 698 36 434 481 72 56 41 70 0 87
Vocational 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Alternative1 102 808 71 276 208 483 92 674 2,498 0 0 0 0 0 0
All charter schools5 5,925 11,134 11,894 6,797 21,505 14,118 15,340 12,226 20,537 17,954 24,165 29,095 24,437 38,327
—Not available.
1 Includes schools that provide nontraditional education, address needs of students that typically cannot be met in regular schools, serve as adjuncts to regular schools, or fall outside the categories of regular, special education, or vocational education.
2 Includes schools beginning with grade 6 or below and with no grade higher than 8.
3 Includes schools with no grade lower than 7.
4 Includes schools beginning with grade 6 or below and ending with grade 9 or above.
5 Charter schools are also included under the school level and type categories, as appropriate.
NOTE: This table indicates the school year by which the school no longer operated (generally it closed between that school year and the prior school year). The closure of a school does not necessarily mean that a building is no longer used for educational purposes. A single school may share a building with another school, or one school may be housed in several buildings.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Common Core of Data (CCD), "Public Elementary/Secondary School Universe Survey," 1995-96 through 2013-14. (This table was prepared February 2016.)