Digest of Education Statistics
2014 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest

Table 106.50. Direct general expenditures of state and local governments per capita for all functions and for education, by level of education and state: 2010-11 and 2011-12
[Amounts in current dollars]
  Direct general expenditures,1 2010-11 Direct general expenditures,1 2011-12
  Total amount per capita For education Total amount per capita For education
  All education Elementary and secondary education Colleges and universities Other education2
State Amount per capita As a percent of all functions Amount per capita As a percent of all functions Amount per capita As a percent
of all functions
Amount per capita As a percent of all functions Amount per capita As a percent of all functions
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
United States $8,278 $2,767 33.4 $8,242 $2,769 33.6 $1,801 21.9 $827 10.0 $140 1.7
Alabama 7,404 2,774 37.5 7,238 2,622 36.2 1,505 20.8 954 13.2 163 2.3
Alaska 17,549 4,659 26.5 17,292 4,517 26.1 3,131 18.1 1,223 7.1 163 0.9
Arizona 6,592 2,065 31.3 6,343 2,063 32.5 1,205 19.0 727 11.5 131 2.1
Arkansas 7,069 2,875 40.7 7,229 2,806 38.8 1,690 23.4 896 12.4 219 3.0
California 9,367 2,734 29.2 9,169 2,832 30.9 1,760 19.2 942 10.3 130 1.4
Colorado 7,732 2,580 33.4 7,662 2,547 33.2 1,540 20.1 885 11.5 122 1.6
Connecticut 9,243 3,254 35.2 9,574 3,413 35.7 2,504 26.2 725 7.6 184 1.9
Delaware 9,482 3,455 36.4 9,860 3,641 36.9 2,005 20.3 1,256 12.7 379 3.8
District of Columbia 17,279 3,790 21.9 17,025 3,751 22.0 3,481 20.4 270 1.6 0 0.0
Florida 7,188 2,030 28.2 6,970 1,935 27.8 1,281 18.4 495 7.1 159 2.3
Georgia 6,572 2,583 39.3 6,512 2,548 39.1 1,726 26.5 632 9.7 190 2.9
Hawaii 8,878 2,433 27.4 8,845 2,516 28.4 1,362 15.4 1,082 12.2 72 0.8
Idaho 6,587 1,975 30.0 6,251 1,953 31.2 1,161 18.6 696 11.1 95 1.5
Illinois 8,034 2,694 33.5 7,979 2,747 34.4 1,930 24.2 697 8.7 120 1.5
Indiana 7,040 2,497 35.5 7,011 2,587 36.9 1,501 21.4 921 13.1 165 2.4
Iowa 8,639 3,147 36.4 9,085 3,189 35.1 1,921 21.1 1,133 12.5 135 1.5
Kansas 7,995 2,914 36.4 7,953 2,920 36.7 1,763 22.2 1,068 13.4 88 1.1
Kentucky 7,392 2,624 35.5 7,475 2,655 35.5 1,582 21.2 856 11.5 217 2.9
Louisiana 9,405 2,649 28.2 9,241 2,782 30.1 1,897 20.5 689 7.5 196 2.1
Maine 8,461 2,588 30.6 8,480 2,523 29.7 1,762 20.8 601 7.1 160 1.9
Maryland 8,575 3,133 36.5 9,151 3,186 34.8 2,059 22.5 1,010 11.0 117 1.3
Massachusetts 9,445 2,890 30.6 9,538 2,954 31.0 2,043 21.4 762 8.0 149 1.6
Michigan 7,469 2,906 38.9 7,466 2,903 38.9 1,728 23.1 1,073 14.4 102 1.4
Minnesota 8,841 2,880 32.6 9,047 2,870 31.7 1,876 20.7 816 9.0 178 2.0
Mississippi 8,016 2,436 30.4 8,086 2,494 30.8 1,458 18.0 896 11.1 140 1.7
Missouri 6,923 2,292 33.1 7,111 2,414 33.9 1,578 22.2 713 10.0 123 1.7
Montana 8,141 2,601 32.0 8,157 2,565 31.4 1,610 19.7 784 9.6 171 2.1
Nebraska 7,840 3,094 39.5 8,012 3,201 40.0 2,033 25.4 1,025 12.8 143 1.8
Nevada 6,877 2,048 29.8 6,719 1,959 29.2 1,402 20.9 439 6.5 119 1.8
New Hampshire 7,784 2,862 36.8 7,597 2,907 38.3 2,089 27.5 702 9.2 116 1.5
New Jersey 9,252 3,463 37.4 9,367 3,552 37.9 2,700 28.8 666 7.1 186 2.0
New Mexico 9,143 3,047 33.3 8,698 3,016 34.7 1,699 19.5 1,135 13.1 181 2.1
New York 12,108 3,676 30.4 12,148 3,653 30.1 2,835 23.3 715 5.9 104 0.9
North Carolina 6,993 2,458 35.2 7,205 2,429 33.7 1,316 18.3 979 13.6 134 1.9
North Dakota 9,474 3,263 34.4 10,305 3,363 32.6 1,872 18.2 1,338 13.0 154 1.5
Ohio 8,079 2,885 35.7 7,919 2,818 35.6 1,942 24.5 754 9.5 122 1.5
Oklahoma 6,811 2,452 36.0 6,970 2,476 35.5 1,441 20.7 897 12.9 139 2.0
Oregon 8,198 2,710 33.1 8,223 2,652 32.2 1,535 18.7 1,016 12.4 101 1.2
Pennsylvania 8,440 2,778 32.9 8,383 2,768 33.0 1,894 22.6 719 8.6 154 1.8
Rhode Island 8,794 2,900 33.0 8,847 2,983 33.7 2,089 23.6 643 7.3 251 2.8
South Carolina 7,554 2,579 34.1 7,301 2,569 35.2 1,588 21.8 739 10.1 242 3.3
South Dakota 7,547 2,532 33.5 7,321 2,401 32.8 1,509 20.6 769 10.5 123 1.7
Tennessee 6,581 2,050 31.1 6,639 2,119 31.9 1,383 20.8 590 8.9 146 2.2
Texas 7,229 2,862 39.6 7,060 2,715 38.5 1,718 24.3 918 13.0 79 1.1
Utah 7,237 2,759 38.1 7,444 2,874 38.6 1,476 19.8 1,273 17.1 125 1.7
Vermont 9,865 3,796 38.5 9,963 3,795 38.1 2,360 23.7 1,164 11.7 271 2.7
Virginia 7,555 2,806 37.1 7,669 2,833 36.9 1,800 23.5 917 12.0 116 1.5
Washington 8,523 2,750 32.3 8,462 2,796 33.0 1,704 20.1 856 10.1 236 2.8
West Virginia 7,788 3,016 38.7 7,851 2,968 37.8 1,724 22.0 908 11.6 336 4.3
Wisconsin 8,391 3,038 36.2 8,254 2,967 35.9 1,769 21.4 1,085 13.1 113 1.4
Wyoming 13,241 4,393 33.2 13,394 4,369 32.6 2,868 21.4 1,241 9.3 260 1.9
1Includes state and local government expenditures for education services, social services and income maintenance, transportation, public safety, environment and housing, governmental administration, interest on general debt, and other general expenditures.
2Includes assistance and subsidies to individuals, private elementary and secondary schools, and private colleges and universities, as well as miscellaneous education expenditures. Does not include expenditures for public libraries.
NOTE: Per capita amounts for 2011-12 are based on population estimates for July 2012. Per capita amounts for 2010-11 are based on the latest population estimates for July 2011 and have been revised from previously published figures. Detail may not sum to totals because of rounding.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Commerce, Census Bureau, Governmental Finances, retrieved January 13, 2015, from http://www.census.gov/govs/local/; and GCT-T1 Population Estimates, retrieved January 13, 2015, from http://www.census.gov/popest/data/national/totals/2013/index.html. (This table was prepared January 2015).

2014 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest