Digest of Education Statistics
2014 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest

Table 105.50. Number of educational institutions, by level and control of institution: Selected years, 1980-81 through 2012-13
Level and control of institution 1980-81 1990-91 1999-2000 2000-01 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
All institutions 131,414 136,819 138,899 139,207 138,925 136,423
Elementary and secondary
106,746 109,228 125,007 130,407 132,436 132,656 132,183 129,189
Elementary 72,659 74,716 86,433 89,252 88,896 88,982 88,565 86,386
Secondary 24,856 23,602 24,903 25,476 26,925 27,575 27,427 27,034
Combined 5,202 8,847 12,197 13,931 14,964 14,837 14,895 14,799
Other1 4,029 2,063 1,474 1,749 1,651 1,262 1,296 971
Public schools 85,982 84,538 92,012 93,273 95,726 96,513 97,382 98,793 98,916 98,706 98,817 98,817 98,328 98,454
Elementary 59,326 59,015 64,131 64,601 65,758 65,984 66,026 66,458 67,112 67,148 67,140 67,086 66,689 66,718
Secondary 22,619 21,135 22,365 21,994 22,782 23,445 23,998 23,920 24,643 24,348 24,651 24,544 24,357 24,280
Combined 1,743 2,325 4,042 5,096 5,437 5,572 5,707 5,984 5,899 5,623 5,730 6,137 6,311 6,371
Other1 2,294 2,063 1,474 1,582 1,749 1,512 1,651 2,431 1,262 1,587 1,296 1,050 971 1,085
Private schools2 20,764 24,690 32,995 34,681 35,054 33,740 33,366 30,861
Elementary 13,333 15,701 22,302 23,494 22,870 21,870 21,425 19,697
Schools with highest
     grade of kindergarten
5,952 6,297 6,059 5,522 5,275 4,658
Secondary 2,237 2,467 2,538 2,694 2,927 2,932 2,776 2,677
Combined 3,459 6,522 8,155 8,494 9,257 8,938 9,165 8,488
Other1 1,735 (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) (3)
Postsecondary Title IV
6,407 6,479 6,412 6,383 6,463 6,536 6,551 6,632 6,742 7,021 7,234 7,253
Public 2,078 2,084 2,047 2,027 2,013 2,009 2,004 1,997 1,989 2,015 2,011 1,981
Private 4,329 4,395 4,365 4,356 4,450 4,527 4,547 4,635 4,753 5,006 5,223 5,272
Nonprofit 1,936 1,950 1,913 1,875 1,866 1,848 1,815 1,809 1,809 1,812 1,830 1,820
For-profit 2,393 2,445 2,452 2,481 2,584 2,679 2,732 2,826 2,944 3,194 3,393 3,452
Title IV non-degree-
     granting institutions
2,323 2,297 2,176 2,167 2,187 2,222 2,199 2,223 2,247 2,422 2,528 2,527
Public 396 386 327 327 320 321 319 321 317 359 362 358
Private 1,927 1,911 1,849 1,840 1,867 1,901 1,880 1,902 1,930 2,063 2,166 2,169
Nonprofit 255 255 249 238 219 208 191 180 185 182 177 168
For-profit 1,672 1,656 1,600 1,602 1,648 1,693 1,689 1,722 1,745 1,881 1,989 2,001
Title IV degree-granting
3,231 3,559 4,084 4,182 4,236 4,216 4,276 4,314 4,352 4,409 4,495 4,599 4,706 4,726
2-year colleges 1,274 1,418 1,721 1,732 1,706 1,683 1,694 1,685 1,677 1,690 1,721 1,729 1,738 1,700
Public 945 972 1,068 1,076 1,086 1,061 1,053 1,045 1,032 1,024 1,000 978 967 934
Private 329 446 653 656 620 622 641 640 645 666 721 751 771 766
Nonprofit 182 167 150 144 118 112 113 107 92 92 85 87 100 97
For-profit 147 279 503 512 502 510 528 533 553 574 636 664 671 669
4-year colleges 1,957 2,141 2,363 2,450 2,530 2,533 2,582 2,629 2,675 2,719 2,774 2,870 2,968 3,026
Public 552 595 614 622 634 639 640 643 653 652 672 678 682 689
Private 1,405 1,546 1,749 1,828 1,896 1,894 1,942 1,986 2,022 2,067 2,102 2,192 2,286 2,337
Nonprofit 1,387 1,482 1,531 1,551 1,546 1,525 1,534 1,533 1,532 1,537 1,539 1,543 1,553 1,555
For-profit 18 64 218 277 350 369 408 453 490 530 563 649 733 782
—Not available.
†Not applicable.
1 Includes special education, alternative, and other schools not classified by grade span. Because of changes in survey definitions, figures for "other" schools are not comparable from year to year.
2 Data for 1980-81 and 1990-91 include schools with first or higher grades. Data for 1997-98 and later years include schools with kindergarten or higher grades.
3 Included in the elementary, secondary, and combined categories.
NOTE: Postsecondary data for 1980-81 and 1990-91 are for institutions of higher education, while later data are for Title IV degree-granting and non-degree-granting institutions. Degree-granting institutions grant associate’s or higher degrees and participate in Title IV federal financial aid programs. The degree-granting classification is very similar to the earlier higher education classification, but it includes more 2-year colleges and excludes a few higher education institutions that did not grant degrees.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Common Core of Data (CCD), "Public Elementary/Secondary School Universe Survey," 1989-90 through 2012-13; Private Schools in American Education; Statistics of Public Elementary and Secondary Day Schools, 1980-81; Schools and Staffing Survey (SASS), "Private School Data File," 1990-91; Private School Universe Survey (PSS), 1995-96 through 2011-12; Higher Education General Information Survey (HEGIS), "Institutional Characteristics of Colleges and Universities" survey, 1980-81; Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), "Institutional Characteristics Survey" (IPEDS-IC:90-99); and IPEDS Fall 2001 through Fall 2012, Institutional Characteristics component. (This table was prepared March 2015.)

2014 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest