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Digest of Education Statistics
2013 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest

Table 203.10. Enrollment in public elementary and secondary schools, by level and grade: Selected years, fall 1980 through fall 2023
[In thousands]
Year All grades Elementary Secondary
Total Prekin-dergar-ten Kinder-garten 1st grade 2nd grade 3rd grade 4th grade 5th grade 6th grade 7th grade 8th grade Un- graded Total 9th grade 10th grade 11th grade 12th grade Un- graded
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
1980 40,877 27,647 96 2,593 2,894 2,800 2,893 3,107 3,130 3,038 3,085 3,086 924 13,231 3,377 3,368 3,195 2,925 366
1985 39,422 27,034 151 3,041 3,239 2,941 2,895 2,771 2,776 2,789 2,938 2,982 511 12,388 3,439 3,230 2,866 2,550 303
1990 41,217 29,876 303 3,306 3,499 3,327 3,297 3,248 3,197 3,110 3,067 2,979 541 11,341 3,169 2,896 2,612 2,381 284
1991 42,047 30,503 375 3,311 3,556 3,360 3,334 3,315 3,268 3,239 3,181 3,020 542 11,544 3,313 2,915 2,645 2,392 278
1992 42,823 31,086 505 3,313 3,542 3,431 3,361 3,342 3,325 3,303 3,299 3,129 536 11,737 3,352 3,027 2,656 2,431 272
1993 43,465 31,502 545 3,377 3,529 3,429 3,437 3,361 3,350 3,356 3,355 3,249 513 11,963 3,487 3,050 2,751 2,424 250
1994 44,111 31,896 603 3,444 3,593 3,440 3,439 3,426 3,372 3,381 3,404 3,302 492 12,215 3,604 3,131 2,748 2,488 244
1995 44,840 32,338 637 3,536 3,671 3,507 3,445 3,431 3,438 3,395 3,422 3,356 500 12,502 3,704 3,237 2,826 2,487 247
1996 45,611 32,762 670 3,532 3,770 3,600 3,524 3,454 3,453 3,494 3,464 3,403 399 12,849 3,801 3,323 2,930 2,586 208
1997 46,127 33,071 695 3,503 3,755 3,689 3,597 3,507 3,458 3,492 3,520 3,415 440 13,056 3,819 3,376 2,972 2,673 216
1998 46,539 33,344 729 3,443 3,727 3,681 3,696 3,592 3,520 3,497 3,530 3,480 449 13,195 3,856 3,382 3,021 2,722 214
1999 46,857 33,486 751 3,397 3,684 3,656 3,691 3,686 3,604 3,564 3,541 3,497 415 13,371 3,935 3,415 3,034 2,782 205
2000 47,204 33,686 776 3,382 3,636 3,634 3,676 3,711 3,707 3,663 3,629 3,538 334 13,517 3,963 3,491 3,083 2,803 177
2001 47,672 33,936 865 3,379 3,614 3,593 3,653 3,695 3,727 3,769 3,720 3,616 304 13,736 4,012 3,528 3,174 2,863 159
2002 48,183 34,114 915 3,434 3,594 3,565 3,623 3,669 3,711 3,788 3,821 3,709 285 14,069 4,105 3,584 3,229 2,990 161
2003 48,540 34,201 950 3,503 3,613 3,544 3,611 3,619 3,685 3,772 3,841 3,809 255 14,339 4,190 3,675 3,277 3,046 150
2004 48,795 34,178 990 3,544 3,663 3,560 3,580 3,612 3,635 3,735 3,818 3,825 215 14,618 4,281 3,750 3,369 3,094 122
2005 49,113 34,204 1,036 3,619 3,691 3,606 3,586 3,578 3,633 3,670 3,777 3,802 205 14,909 4,287 3,866 3,454 3,180 121
2006 49,316 34,235 1,084 3,631 3,751 3,641 3,627 3,586 3,602 3,660 3,716 3,766 170 15,081 4,260 3,882 3,551 3,277 110
2007 49,293 34,205 1,081 3,609 3,750 3,704 3,659 3,624 3,600 3,628 3,701 3,709 139 15,087 4,200 3,863 3,558 3,375 92
2008 49,266 34,286 1,180 3,640 3,708 3,699 3,708 3,647 3,629 3,614 3,653 3,692 117 14,980 4,123 3,822 3,548 3,400 87
2009 49,361 34,409 1,223 3,678 3,729 3,665 3,707 3,701 3,652 3,644 3,641 3,651 119 14,952 4,080 3,809 3,541 3,432 90
2010 49,484 34,625 1,279 3,682 3,754 3,701 3,686 3,711 3,718 3,682 3,676 3,659 77 14,860 4,008 3,800 3,538 3,472 42
2011 49,522 34,773 1,291 3,746 3,773 3,713 3,703 3,672 3,699 3,724 3,696 3,679 77 14,749 3,957 3,751 3,546 3,452 43
2012 49,652 34,968 1,305 3,787 3,794 3,732 3,721 3,707 3,681 3,718 3,744 3,701 77 14,684 3,978 3,704 3,501 3,459 42
2013 49,750 35,111 1,302 3,777 3,834 3,754 3,741 3,725 3,716 3,699 3,738 3,749 77 14,639 4,003 3,724 3,456 3,415 42
2014 49,751 35,062 1,264 3,668 3,824 3,793 3,762 3,744 3,734 3,735 3,719 3,743 76 14,689 4,054 3,746 3,475 3,372 42
2015 49,839 35,069 1,267 3,677 3,713 3,783 3,801 3,766 3,754 3,753 3,755 3,725 76 14,770 4,048 3,795 3,496 3,390 42
2016 49,951 35,142 1,279 3,713 3,723 3,674 3,791 3,805 3,775 3,772 3,773 3,760 76 14,810 4,028 3,789 3,541 3,410 42
2017 50,280 35,412 1,342 3,895 3,759 3,683 3,682 3,795 3,814 3,794 3,793 3,779 77 14,868 4,066 3,770 3,535 3,454 42
2018 50,543 35,642 1,352 3,924 3,943 3,719 3,691 3,686 3,804 3,833 3,814 3,798 77 14,901 4,086 3,806 3,518 3,449 42
2019 50,834 35,878 1,361 3,951 3,973 3,901 3,727 3,695 3,695 3,823 3,854 3,820 78 14,957 4,107 3,825 3,552 3,432 42
2020 51,165 36,115 1,370 3,975 4,000 3,931 3,910 3,731 3,704 3,713 3,844 3,860 78 15,050 4,131 3,844 3,569 3,465 42
2021 51,485 36,335 1,377 3,997 4,025 3,958 3,939 3,914 3,740 3,722 3,733 3,850 79 15,151 4,174 3,866 3,587 3,482 42
2022 51,804 36,585 1,385 4,018 4,048 3,982 3,966 3,943 3,923 3,759 3,742 3,739 79 15,219 4,163 3,906 3,608 3,500 42
2023 52,113 36,967 1,391 4,037 4,069 4,005 3,991 3,970 3,953 3,943 3,779 3,748 80 15,146 4,043 3,896 3,645 3,520 42
NOTE: Due to changes in reporting and imputation practices, prekindergarten enrollment for years prior to 1992 represent an undercount compared to later years. The total ungraded counts of students were prorated to the elementary and secondary levels based on prior reports. Detail may not sum to totals because of rounding.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Statistics of Public Elementary and Secondary School Systems, 1980-81; Common Core of Data (CCD), "State Nonfiscal Survey of Public Elementary/Secondary Education," 1985-86 through 2011-12; and National Elementary and Secondary Enrollment Projection Model, 1972 through 2023. (This table was prepared January 2014.)

2013 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest