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Digest of Education Statistics
2011 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest

Table 338. Master's degrees conferred by degree-granting institutions, by field of study and state or jurisdiction: 2009-10
State or jurisdiction Total Humani- ties1 Psycho- logy Social sciences and history Natural sci- ences2 Computer sciences Engin- eering3 Education Business/ manage- ment Health professions and related clinical sciences Other fields4
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
United States 693,025 54,927 23,752 20,222 22,422 17,953 39,346 182,139 177,684 69,084 85,496
Alabama 11,291 364 321 300 221 110 766 3,221 3,226 1,352 1,410
Alaska 681 78 35 12 38 3 64 227 108 12 104
Arizona 34,860 555 1,610 188 351 348 568 11,703 14,063 3,636 1,838
Arkansas 4,126 216 59 77 92 53 285 1,471 716 587 570
California 65,050 7,176 3,558 2,074 2,073 1,990 5,519 14,197 14,594 6,433 7,436
Colorado 13,054 811 687 473 384 438 861 2,458 4,596 833 1,513
Connecticut 8,639 761 332 249 432 220 773 2,185 1,805 871 1,011
Delaware 2,452 65 43 61 67 52 69 876 785 177 257
District of Columbia 9,285 1,027 107 1,172 403 272 528 870 1,884 778 2,244
Florida 29,726 1,186 987 680 979 444 2,044 5,670 9,883 3,511 4,342
Georgia 16,304 1,466 226 365 473 508 958 4,178 4,572 1,918 1,640
Hawaii 2,028 197 112 68 83 65 50 502 470 141 340
Idaho 1,680 116 16 46 106 12 138 500 241 188 317
Illinois 41,548 2,883 1,651 972 1,491 1,588 1,660 11,126 12,176 2,936 5,065
Indiana 13,673 1,341 296 277 477 137 681 2,903 4,487 1,477 1,597
Iowa 7,452 460 58 570 224 201 261 1,529 2,705 557 887
Kansas 6,722 497 164 176 141 72 374 2,144 1,501 556 1,097
Kentucky 7,976 697 418 129 229 81 338 2,881 1,136 944 1,123
Louisiana 6,641 527 149 171 389 129 340 1,301 1,563 1,133 939
Maine 1,829 134 27 7 45 7 24 837 216 303 229
Maryland 16,019 1,050 303 882 845 1,272 827 3,071 4,861 1,609 1,299
Massachusetts 32,136 3,105 928 1,255 1,041 906 1,735 7,760 7,891 2,995 4,520
Michigan 21,176 1,283 553 437 714 525 1,836 5,433 5,663 1,907 2,825
Minnesota 21,015 941 1,274 121 339 500 405 8,137 4,057 2,963 2,278
Mississippi 4,203 171 70 101 333 65 152 1,607 791 404 509
Missouri 19,403 1,251 868 497 438 250 702 4,627 7,183 1,755 1,832
Montana 1,140 96 27 72 68 14 54 341 108 94 266
Nebraska 4,364 197 67 197 192 92 117 1,376 1,135 511 480
Nevada 2,652 131 103 72 80 29 101 1,049 602 211 274
New Hampshire 3,458 155 77 247 81 57 144 868 1,195 354 280
New Jersey 14,146 1,363 379 308 682 539 1,474 3,396 2,952 1,035 2,018
New Mexico 3,057 226 82 93 146 51 223 916 602 412 306
New York 68,258 7,134 1,893 2,480 2,280 2,137 3,355 20,959 11,926 5,908 10,186
North Carolina 15,395 1,235 184 432 585 511 918 3,124 4,332 1,866 2,208
North Dakota 1,392 17 32 35 38 25 50 280 354 339 222
Ohio 22,187 1,925 640 582 784 268 1,166 6,347 5,613 2,234 2,628
Oklahoma 5,947 707 213 117 186 111 445 1,133 1,741 603 691
Oregon 6,779 731 195 125 243 71 279 2,523 1,198 679 735
Pennsylvania 33,902 2,574 1,205 819 1,093 1,139 2,067 9,346 6,978 4,310 4,371
Rhode Island 2,396 213 98 118 138 49 96 421 688 131 444
South Carolina 5,676 479 146 126 211 66 248 1,805 1,287 605 703
South Dakota 1,309 75 88 27 33 62 78 395 271 150 130
Tennessee 10,627 850 409 187 292 77 380 3,352 2,434 1,581 1,065
Texas 39,739 3,277 1,321 907 1,483 1,195 3,135 9,938 10,726 3,518 4,239
Utah 5,804 289 132 113 182 121 369 1,385 1,913 604 696
Vermont 2,244 539 70 418 34 88 64 394 298 65 274
Virginia 18,889 2,532 697 558 464 642 1,496 4,866 3,913 1,360 2,361
Washington 9,766 704 496 138 289 242 419 2,410 2,503 985 1,580
West Virginia 5,064 499 52 388 98 20 119 1,071 1,300 521 996
Wisconsin 9,476 573 292 282 289 98 556 2,951 2,395 990 1,050
Wyoming 388 48 2 21 43 1 34 79 47 42 71
U.S. Service Academies 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
Other jurisdictions 5,503 172 320 45 114 68 274 1,466 1,909 544 591
Guam 121 2 0 0 3 0 0 81 8 0 27
Northern Marianas 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Puerto Rico 5,327 170 320 45 111 68 274 1,358 1,885 544 552
U.S. Virgin Islands 55 0 0 0 0 0 0 27 16 0 12
1 Includes degrees in area, ethnic, cultural, and gender studies; English language and literature/letters; foreign languages, literatures, and linguistics; liberal arts and sciences, general studies and humanities; multi/interdisciplinary studies; philosophy and religious studies; theology and religious vocations; and visual and performing arts.
2 Includes biological and biomedical sciences; physical sciences; science technologies/technicians; and mathematics and statistics.
3 Includes engineering; engineering technologies/technicians; mechanic and repair technologies/technicians; and construction trades.
4 Includes agriculture, agricultural operations, and related sciences; natural resources and conservation; architecture and related services; communication, journalism, and related programs; communications technologies/technicians and support services; family and consumer services/human sciences; legal professions and studies; library science; military technologies; parks, recreation, leisure, and fitness studies; security and protective services; public administration and social service professions; transportation and materials moving; and not classified by field of study.
NOTE: Degree-granting institutions grant associate’s or higher degrees and participate in Title IV federal financial aid programs.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), Fall 2010, Completions component. (This table was prepared July 2011.)

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