Digest of Education Statistics: 2010
Digest of Education Statistics: 2010

NCES 2011-015
April 2011

Table 413. Average eighth-grade mathematics scores overall and in content and cognitive domains, by country: 2007
Country or other jurisdiction Mathe-
Content domain1 Cognitive domain2
Number Algebra Geometry Data and chance Knowing Applying Reasoning
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Algeria 387 (2.1) 403 (1.7) 349 (2.4) 432 (2.1) 371 (1.7) 371 (1.9) 412 (2.0) (†)
Armenia 499 (3.5) 492 (3.1) 532 (2.5) 493 (4.1) 427 (3.9) 507 (3.1) 493 (3.8) 489 (3.8)
Australia 496 (3.9) 503 (3.7) 471 (3.7) 487 (3.6) 525 (3.2) 487 (3.3) 500 (3.4) 502 (3.3)
Bahrain 398 (1.6) 388 (2.0) 403 (1.8) 412 (2.1) 418 (2.1) 395 (1.7) 403 (1.9) 413 (2.1)
Bosnia and Herzegovina 456 (2.7) 451 (3.0) 475 (3.2) 451 (3.5) 437 (2.3) 478 (2.9) 440 (2.6) 452 (2.9)
Botswana 364 (2.3) 366 (2.9) 394 (2.2) 325 (3.2) 384 (2.6) 376 (2.1) 351 (2.6) (†)
Bulgaria 464 (5.0) 458 (4.7) 476 (5.1) 468 (5.0) 440 (4.7) 477 (4.7) 458 (4.8) 455 (4.7)
Chinese Taipei 598 (4.5) 577 (4.2) 617 (5.4) 592 (4.6) 566 (3.6) 594 (4.5) 592 (4.2) 591 (4.1)
Colombia 380 (3.6) 369 (3.5) 390 (3.1) 371 (3.3) 405 (3.8) 364 (3.4) 384 (3.7) 416 (3.3)
Cyprus 465 (1.6) 464 (1.6) 468 (2.0) 458 (2.7) 464 (1.6) 468 (1.6) 465 (1.8) 461 (2.1)
Czech Republic 504 (2.4) 511 (2.5) 484 (2.4) 498 (2.7) 512 (2.8) 502 (2.5) 504 (2.7) 500 (2.6)
Egypt 391 (3.6) 393 (3.1) 409 (3.3) 406 (3.4) 384 (3.1) 392 (3.6) 393 (3.6) 396 (3.4)
El Salvador 340 (2.8) 355 (3.0) 331 (3.7) 318 (3.7) 362 (3.0) 336 (3.1) 347 (3.3) (†)
England3  513 (4.8) 510 (5.0) 492 (4.6) 510 (4.4) 547 (5.0) 503 (4.0) 514 (4.9) 518 (4.3)
Georgia4  410 (5.9) 421 (5.6) 421 (6.6) 409 (6.7) 373 (4.3) 427 (5.8) 401 (5.5) 389 (5.8)
Ghana 309 (4.4) 310 (3.9) 358 (3.6) 275 (4.9) 321 (3.6) 313 (4.6) 297 (4.2) (†)
Hong Kong SAR3,5  572 (5.8) 567 (5.6) 565 (5.6) 570 (5.5) 549 (4.7) 574 (5.4) 569 (5.9) 557 (5.6)
Hungary 517 (3.5) 517 (3.6) 503 (3.6) 508 (3.6) 524 (3.3) 518 (3.3) 513 (3.1) 513 (3.2)
Indonesia 397 (3.8) 399 (3.7) 405 (3.5) 395 (4.5) 402 (3.6) 397 (4.0) 398 (3.7) 405 (3.3)
Iran, Islamic Republic of 403 (4.1) 395 (3.9) 408 (3.9) 423 (4.4) 415 (3.5) 403 (4.1) 402 (4.2) 427 (3.5)
Israel6  463 (3.9) 469 (3.2) 470 (3.9) 436 (4.3) 465 (4.4) 473 (3.7) 456 (4.1) 462 (4.1)
Italy 480 (3.0) 478 (2.8) 460 (3.2) 490 (3.1) 491 (3.1) 476 (3.0) 483 (2.9) 483 (2.8)
Japan 570 (2.4) 551 (2.3) 559 (2.5) 573 (2.2) 573 (2.2) 560 (2.2) 565 (2.2) 568 (2.4)
Jordan 427 (4.1) 416 (4.3) 448 (4.1) 436 (3.9) 425 (3.8) 432 (4.2) 422 (4.1) 440 (3.6)
Korea, Republic of 597 (2.7) 583 (2.4) 596 (3.0) 587 (2.3) 580 (2.0) 596 (2.5) 595 (2.8) 579 (2.3)
Kuwait7  354 (2.3) 347 (3.1) 354 (3.0) 385 (2.8) 366 (3.5) 347 (3.1) 361 (2.7) (†)
Lebanon 449 (4.0) 454 (3.4) 465 (3.2) 462 (4.0) 407 (4.4) 464 (3.9) 448 (4.6) 429 (4.0)
Lithuania4  506 (2.3) 506 (2.7) 483 (2.7) 507 (2.6) 523 (2.3) 508 (2.5) 511 (2.4) 486 (2.5)
Malaysia 474 (5.0) 491 (5.1) 454 (4.3) 477 (5.6) 469 (4.1) 477 (4.8) 478 (4.9) 468 (3.8)
Malta 488 (1.2) 496 (1.3) 473 (1.4) 495 (1.1) 487 (1.4) 490 (1.6) 492 (1.0) 475 (1.3)
Norway 469 (2.0) 488 (2.0) 425 (2.8) 459 (2.3) 505 (2.5) 458 (1.8) 477 (2.2) 475 (2.3)
Oman 372 (3.4) 363 (2.7) 391 (3.2) 387 (3.0) 389 (3.0) 372 (3.5) 368 (3.0) 397 (3.3)
Palestinian National Authority 367 (3.5) 366 (3.2) 382 (3.4) 388 (3.8) 371 (2.9) 365 (3.8) 371 (3.4) 381 (3.5)
Qatar 307 (1.4) 334 (1.6) 312 (1.5) 301 (1.8) 305 (1.6) 307 (1.4) 305 (1.4) (†)
Romania 461 (4.1) 457 (3.5) 478 (4.6) 466 (4.0) 429 (3.7) 470 (4.2) 462 (4.0) 449 (4.6)
Russian Federation 512 (4.1) 507 (3.8) 518 (4.5) 510 (4.1) 487 (3.8) 521 (3.9) 510 (3.7) 497 (3.6)
Saudi Arabia 329 (2.9) 309 (3.3) 344 (2.8) 359 (2.6) 348 (2.2) 308 (2.6) 335 (2.3) (†)
Scotland3  487 (3.7) 489 (3.7) 467 (3.7) 485 (3.9) 517 (3.5) 481 (3.3) 489 (3.7) 495 (3.3)
Serbia4,8  486 (3.3) 478 (2.9) 500 (3.2) 486 (3.6) 458 (3.0) 500 (3.2) 478 (3.3) 474 (3.3)
Singapore 593 (3.8) 597 (3.5) 579 (3.7) 578 (3.4) 574 (3.9) 581 (3.4) 593 (3.6) 579 (4.1)
Slovenia 501 (2.1) 502 (2.3) 488 (2.4) 499 (2.4) 511 (2.3) 500 (2.2) 503 (2.0) 496 (2.5)
Sweden 491 (2.3) 507 (1.8) 456 (2.4) 472 (2.5) 526 (3.0) 478 (2.0) 497 (2.0) 490 (2.6)
Syrian Arab Republic 395 (3.8) 393 (3.4) 406 (3.7) 417 (3.4) 387 (2.7) 393 (4.2) 401 (3.4) 396 (3.4)
Thailand 441 (5.0) 444 (4.8) 433 (5.0) 442 (5.3) 453 (4.1) 436 (4.8) 446 (4.7) 456 (4.4)
Tunisia 420 (2.4) 425 (2.6) 423 (2.6) 437 (2.6) 411 (2.3) 421 (2.6) 423 (2.4) 425 (2.3)
Turkey 432 (4.8) 429 (4.0) 440 (5.1) 411 (5.1) 445 (4.4) 439 (4.8) 425 (4.5) 441 (4.2)
Ukraine 462 (3.6) 460 (3.7) 464 (3.9) 467 (3.6) 458 (3.5) 471 (3.5) 464 (3.5) 445 (3.8)
United States3,8  508 (2.8) 510 (2.7) 501 (2.7) 480 (2.5) 531 (2.8) 514 (2.6) 503 (2.9) 505 (2.4)
—Not available.
†Not applicable.
1 Number includes whole numbers; fractions and decimals; integers; and ratio, proportion, and percent. Algebra includes patterns; algebraic expressions; and equations/formulas and functions. Geometry includes geometric shapes; geometric measurement; and location and movement. Data and chance includes data organization and representation; data interpretation; and chance.
2 Knowing addresses the facts, procedures, and concepts that students need to know to function mathematically. Applying focuses on students' ability to apply knowledge and conceptual understanding in order to solve problems or answer questions. Reasoning goes beyond the cognitive processes involved in solving routine problems to include unfamiliar situations, complex contexts, and multistep problems.
3 Met guidelines for sample participation rates only after substitute schools were included.
4 National Target Population does not include all of the International Target Population defined by the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS).
5 Hong Kong is a Special Administrative Region (SAR) of the People's Republic of China.
6 National Defined Population covers less than 90 percent of National Target Population (but at least 77 percent).
7 Kuwait tested the same cohort of students as other countries, but later in 2007, at the beginning of the next school year.
8 National Defined Population covers 90 to 95 percent of National Target Population.
NOTE: TIMSS scores are reported on a scale from 0 to 1,000, with the scale average fixed at 500 and the standard deviation fixed at 100. Countries were required to sample students in the grade that corresponded to the end of 8 years of formal schooling, providing that the mean age at the time of testing was at least 13.5 years. Standard errors appear in parentheses.
SOURCE: International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IEA), Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS), 2007, TIMSS 2007 International Mathematics Report, by Ina V.S. Mullis et al. (This table was prepared April 2009.)