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Digest of Education Statistics
2010 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest

Table 385. U.S. Department of Education appropriations for major programs, by state or jurisdiction: Fiscal year 2009
[In thousands of current dollars]
State or jurisdiction Total Grants for the disadvan-taged1 Block grants to states for school improvement2 School assistance in federally affected areas3 Career/ technical and
adult edu-cation4
Special educa-
Language assistance6 American Indian edu-cation Degree-granting institutions7 Student financial assistance8 Rehabili-tation services9
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Total, 50 states and
$149,212,569 $27,193,784 $53,542,474 $1,214,695 $1,773,241 $24,123,025 $670,531 $99,331 $2,484,776 $34,377,069 $3,733,644
Total, 50 states, D.C.,
    other activities, and
    other jurisdictions
153,880,921 28,549,686 54,778,065 1,294,646 1,836,871 24,518,737 730,000 99,331 2,547,128 35,649,137 3,877,320
Alabama 2,498,058 463,081 830,280 3,884 30,709 386,959 4,349 1,805 81,108 619,916 75,966
Alaska 509,842 86,221 144,308 120,019 5,500 76,311 1,323 10,055 19,414 31,679 15,012
Arizona 4,094,889 565,161 1,127,196 173,962 38,688 395,330 24,900 10,701 29,277 1,648,451 81,223
Arkansas 1,884,625 321,697 511,093 547 18,784 242,964 3,332 308 41,069 694,999 49,832
California 17,559,394 3,341,323 6,641,271 66,428 223,255 2,638,315 168,456 6,185 254,770 3,842,175 377,216
Colorado 2,143,502 317,836 831,178 16,901 23,920 327,424 11,215 767 27,105 536,919 50,238
Connecticut 1,439,938 212,064 594,982 6,575 16,466 283,720 5,737 0 16,468 273,141 30,784
Delaware 475,965 85,322 165,339 83 6,690 73,590 1,169 0 8,189 119,699 15,884
District of Columbia 677,104 99,638 119,412 1,692 5,729 38,473 807 0 252,993 140,533 17,827
Florida 8,167,591 1,363,507 2,974,711 10,611 101,826 1,340,987 43,560 57 74,526 2,047,354 210,453
Georgia 4,758,673 980,701 1,724,259 23,507 59,739 688,522 16,479 0 72,253 1,088,394 104,819
Hawaii 585,798 88,962 222,760 49,441 8,241 86,197 2,666 0 34,069 75,212 18,250
Idaho 722,072 100,954 278,935 7,641 9,360 117,720 1,998 429 10,671 171,933 22,431
Illinois 6,474,536 1,207,422 2,297,876 18,902 70,298 1,082,593 30,907 130 80,123 1,539,683 146,602
Indiana 3,041,889 499,659 1,111,083 153 38,196 546,266 6,661 0 26,691 725,376 87,805
Iowa 1,665,579 150,371 519,402 671 17,275 259,976 2,770 154 25,390 647,975 41,595
Kansas 1,357,390 213,615 499,624 26,410 15,759 230,372 3,684 1,171 28,705 301,590 36,458
Kentucky 2,230,891 447,205 748,914 877 28,780 347,187 3,765 0 39,296 547,292 67,574
Louisiana 2,509,840 560,172 837,487 9,957 32,487 402,961 2,952 813 64,723 550,507 47,780
Maine 633,942 105,156 227,297 2,958 8,119 117,185 724 114 12,207 138,628 21,555
Maryland 2,342,158 377,400 963,021 6,214 27,017 442,514 9,406 75 44,061 413,995 58,454
Massachusetts 2,916,821 471,283 1,098,145 720 30,061 598,602 11,839 72 36,894 602,054 67,151
Michigan 5,204,829 1,092,258 1,817,441 5,004 59,430 850,249 10,927 2,953 44,244 1,193,662 128,660
Minnesota 2,336,447 273,332 891,657 18,739 25,839 408,447 7,923 3,413 31,229 617,804 58,063
Mississippi 1,833,325 381,092 568,098 2,156 21,193 255,252 1,574 49 49,685 499,913 54,312
Missouri 2,860,606 440,296 1,028,903 21,961 35,027 481,955 5,014 73 33,756 731,092 82,529
Montana 568,001 93,469 184,312 44,231 7,139 80,663 502 3,192 32,175 105,469 16,849
Nebraska 867,962 139,152 321,899 18,124 10,191 158,964 2,668 816 13,747 176,990 25,412
Nevada 926,041 187,112 433,686 4,849 13,663 149,338 8,030 744 14,766 96,017 17,835
New Hampshire 556,264 81,855 233,838 11 7,790 102,333 786 0 4,112 108,366 17,174
New Jersey 3,613,375 541,015 1,457,906 13,589 41,885 765,864 18,324 59 31,261 665,902 77,570
New Mexico 1,249,118 229,216 368,924 110,575 13,576 200,283 5,116 8,580 38,897 242,292 31,660
New York 10,405,827 2,480,360 3,482,279 22,321 101,833 1,632,210 49,793 1,780 96,882 2,336,875 201,496
North Carolina 4,180,283 727,207 1,571,471 17,530 55,322 689,619 14,335 3,570 93,604 883,027 124,598
North Dakota 434,822 72,739 135,541 30,364 5,651 60,180 541 1,786 20,732 92,736 14,552
Ohio 5,653,257 1,060,810 2,008,464 2,583 66,402 929,374 7,938 0 51,500 1,371,212 154,975
Oklahoma 1,913,038 312,715 658,268 47,303 22,850 313,619 3,944 24,540 44,525 431,394 53,881
Oregon 1,685,217 276,318 633,550 3,358 20,866 275,185 7,868 2,200 19,380 391,107 55,383
Pennsylvania 5,881,807 1,131,471 2,134,799 1,547 68,262 910,456 12,756 0 54,676 1,409,394 158,445
Rhode Island 575,890 101,889 195,464 2,097 8,315 95,131 1,927 0 7,684 147,968 15,416
South Carolina 2,210,585 407,523 779,344 2,821 29,248 376,542 4,629 9 55,029 486,803 68,637
South Dakota 525,270 91,055 158,838 48,762 5,937 71,809 500 3,468 11,682 118,393 14,826
Tennessee 2,977,092 539,887 1,059,991 4,224 38,009 496,512 5,998 0 52,161 693,259 87,051
Texas 12,593,400 2,724,469 4,498,201 99,950 152,773 2,053,069 98,712 366 201,714 2,468,453 295,692
Utah 1,326,872 139,327 519,584 10,666 17,153 233,097 5,323 1,234 15,568 343,783 41,138
Vermont 359,263 69,261 124,442 5 5,420 58,353 500 199 9,756 76,187 15,139
Virginia 3,292,504 476,672 1,309,939 49,126 40,517 601,799 11,448 15 50,967 665,147 86,873
Washington 2,695,673 401,106 1,099,054 58,602 32,540 475,945 16,489 4,309 49,927 487,288 70,413
West Virginia 959,621 177,759 314,290 21 13,043 163,033 677 0 25,476 231,832 33,488
Wisconsin 2,502,716 415,846 970,935 14,422 31,165 449,340 7,091 2,428 41,330 497,072 73,086
Wyoming 332,971 69,823 112,781 11,601 5,300 60,238 500 713 8,309 50,124 13,582
Other activities/
Indian Tribe (Set-Aside) 390,684 199,099 38,224 0 14,511 97,635 5,000 0 0 0 36,214
Other 285,041 24,248 57,330 77,964 12,731 15,000 47,450 0 0 43,904 6,414
American Samoa 93,515 19,346 52,368 1,755 577 7,131 1,219 0 1,596 7,960 1,563
Guam 185,396 23,856 119,398 20 1,050 15,949 1,192 0 3,196 16,570 4,166
Marshall Islands 309 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 309 0 0
Federated States of
32,245 0 0 0 190 6,579 0 0 1,683 23,792 0
Northern Marianas 69,447 7,027 48,615 0 676 5,423 1,184 0 1,445 2,962 2,116
Palau 1,359 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,359 0 0
Puerto Rico 3,480,208 1,056,330 838,770 0 32,769 238,009 3,370 0 49,757 1,171,001 90,204
U.S. Virgin Islands 130,148 25,996 80,886 213 1,126 9,986 55 0 3,007 5,880 2,999
1 Title I includes Grants to Local Education Agencies (Basic, Concentration, Targeted, and Education Finance Incentive Grants); School Turnaround Grants; Even Start; Migrant Education Grants; and Neglected and Delinquent Children Grants.
2 Title VI includes Teacher Quality State Grants; Mathematics and Science Partnerships; Educational Technology State Grants; 21st Century Community Learning Centers; Assessing Achievement, including No Child Left Behind; Education for the Homeless Children and Youth; Rural and Low-Income Schools Program; Small, Rural School Achievement Program; Safe and Drug Free Schools and Communities State Grants; State Fiscal Stabilization Fund--Education State Grants; and Government Services, Recovery Act.
3 Includes Impact Aid--Basic Support Payments; Impact Aid--Payments for Children with Disabilities; and Impact Aid--Construction.
4 Includes Career and Technical Education State Grants; English Literacy and Civics Education State Grants; Tech-Prep Education; State Grants for Incarcerated Youth Offenders; State Grants for Workplace and Community Transition Training for Incarcerated Individuals; and Adult Basic and Literacy Education State Grants.
5 Includes Special Education--Grants to States; Preschool Grants; and Grants for Infants and Families.
6 Includes English Learner Education.
7 Includes Institutional Aid to Strengthen Higher Education Institutions serving significant numbers of low-income students; Other Special Programs for the Disadvantaged; Cooperative Education; Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education; Fellowships and Scholarships; and College Access Challenge Funds.
8 Includes Pell Grants; Leveraging Educational Assistance Partnership; Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants; Federal Work-Study; Special Allowances; and Federal Family Education Loan Program interest subsidies.
9 Includes Vocational Rehabilitation State Grants; Supported Employment State Grants; Client Assistance State Grants; Independent Living State Grants; Services for Older Blind Individuals; Protection and Advocacy for Assistive Technology; Assistive Technology State Grant Program; and Protection and Advocacy of Individual Rights.
10 Total excludes other activities and other jurisdictions.
NOTE: Data reflect revisions to figures in the Budget of the United States Government, Fiscal Year 2011. Detail may not sum to totals because of rounding.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, Budget Service, unpublished tabulations. (This table was prepared September 2010.)

2010 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest