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Digest of Education Statistics
2010 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest

Table 376. Total expenditures of private not-for-profit degree-granting institutions, by purpose and type of institution: 2008-09
Type of institution Total expenditures, by purpose
Total Instruc-
Research Public service Academic support Student services Institu-
tional support
Auxiliary enter-
Net grant aid to students2 Hospitals Indepen-
dent operations
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
  In thousands of current dollars
Total $141,349,229 $46,452,942 $15,262,667 $2,298,526 $12,579,759 $11,012,204 $19,400,981 $13,707,921 $757,852 $11,930,840 $5,158,480 $2,787,056
4-year 140,852,609 46,286,662 15,262,322 2,294,914 12,538,248 10,943,745 19,258,651 13,670,550 750,687 11,930,840 5,158,480 2,757,510
Research university, very high3 64,342,196 19,611,222 11,999,023 793,396 4,696,381 2,310,567 5,753,547 4,256,136 355,339 9,366,479 4,084,409 1,115,696
Research university, high4 11,297,279 3,872,497 1,105,664 145,474 1,618,071 783,079 1,549,004 1,409,973 44,724 512,819 62,276 193,699
Doctoral/research5 7,466,253 3,162,224 170,175 117,086 866,189 784,396 1,344,797 926,126 12,054 0 27,053 56,154
Master's6  22,755,905 8,745,557 269,893 252,476 2,259,694 3,181,718 4,342,874 3,019,290 127,563 112,665 148,141 296,033
Baccalaureate7 20,399,608 7,201,000 214,278 184,173 1,813,525 3,122,463 3,983,416 3,349,335 145,503 0 78,672 307,241
Specialized institutions8  14,591,369 3,694,161 1,503,289 802,310 1,284,388 761,522 2,285,012 709,691 65,504 1,938,877 757,928 788,686
Art, music, or design 1,805,259 728,589 788 25,549 191,466 163,082 377,242 199,467 6,068 0 29,212 83,796
Business and management 548,672 190,610 6,525 21 58,999 77,668 137,040 74,896 408 0 0 2,504
Engineering or technology 369,940 151,064 9,823 147 23,780 51,490 80,596 38,012 8,977 0 55 5,996
Law 557,333 244,347 4,551 6,564 92,919 63,668 124,553 13,860 1,296 0 0 5,574
Medical or other health 9,225,922 1,713,744 1,472,690 731,534 713,993 222,137 969,893 178,187 13,813 1,938,877 708,983 562,071
Theological 1,673,996 518,026 3,598 19,030 162,407 145,342 485,075 176,205 30,800 0 18,827 114,685
Tribal9 60,559 20,728 587 3,850 3,526 6,538 17,129 1,966 2,683 0 0 3,552
Other specialized 349,689 127,054 4,726 15,615 37,298 31,597 93,486 27,098 1,458 0 851 10,507
2-year 496,620 166,280 345 3,612 41,511 68,459 142,330 37,372 7,165 0 0 29,546
Associate's of arts 464,224 160,669 48 2,534 38,557 62,659 132,452 35,565 5,608 0 0 26,132
Tribal9  32,395 5,611 297 1,077 2,954 5,800 9,878 1,806 1,557 0 0 3,414
  Percentage distribution
Total 100.00 32.86 10.80 1.63 8.90 7.79 13.73 9.70 0.54 8.44 3.65 1.97
4-year 100.00 32.86 10.84 1.63 8.90 7.77 13.67 9.71 0.53 8.47 3.66 1.96
Research university, very high3 100.00 30.48 18.65 1.23 7.30 3.59 8.94 6.61 0.55 14.56 6.35 1.73
Research university, high4 100.00 34.28 9.79 1.29 14.32 6.93 13.71 12.48 0.40 4.54 0.55 1.71
Doctoral/research5 100.00 42.35 2.28 1.57 11.60 10.51 18.01 12.40 0.16 0.00 0.36 0.75
Master's6  100.00 38.43 1.19 1.11 9.93 13.98 19.08 13.27 0.56 0.50 0.65 1.30
Baccalaureate7 100.00 35.30 1.05 0.90 8.89 15.31 19.53 16.42 0.71 0.00 0.39 1.51
Specialized institutions8  100.00 25.32 10.30 5.50 8.80 5.22 15.66 4.86 0.45 13.29 5.19 5.41
Art, music, or design 100.00 40.36 0.04 1.42 10.61 9.03 20.90 11.05 0.34 0.00 1.62 4.64
Business and management 100.00 34.74 1.19 0.00 10.75 14.16 24.98 13.65 0.07 0.00 0.00 0.46
Engineering or technology 100.00 40.83 2.66 0.04 6.43 13.92 21.79 10.28 2.43 0.00 0.01 1.62
Law 100.00 43.84 0.82 1.18 16.67 11.42 22.35 2.49 0.23 0.00 0.00 1.00
Medical or other health 100.00 18.58 15.96 7.93 7.74 2.41 10.51 1.93 0.15 21.02 7.68 6.09
Theological 100.00 30.95 0.21 1.14 9.70 8.68 28.98 10.53 1.84 0.00 1.12 6.85
Tribal9 100.00 34.23 0.97 6.36 5.82 10.80 28.28 3.25 4.43 0.00 0.00 5.87
Other specialized 100.00 36.33 1.35 4.47 10.67 9.04 26.73 7.75 0.42 0.00 0.24 3.00
2-year 100.00 33.48 0.07 0.73 8.36 13.78 28.66 7.53 1.44 0.00 0.00 5.95
Associate's of arts 100.00 34.61 0.01 0.55 8.31 13.50 28.53 7.66 1.21 0.00 0.00 5.63
Tribal9  100.00 17.32 0.92 3.33 9.12 17.90 30.49 5.58 4.81 0.00 0.00 10.54
  Expenditure per full-time-equivalent student in current dollars
Total $45,853 $15,069 $4,951 $746 $4,081 $3,572 $6,294 $4,447 $246 $3,870 $1,673 $904
4-year 46,080 15,143 4,993 751 4,102 3,580 6,300 4,472 246 3,903 1,688 902
Research university, very high3 144,864 44,154 27,015 1,786 10,574 5,202 12,954 9,583 800 21,088 9,196 2,512
Research university, high4 41,843 14,343 4,095 539 5,993 2,900 5,737 5,222 166 1,899 231 717
Doctoral/research5 28,120 11,910 641 441 3,262 2,954 5,065 3,488 45 0 102 211
Master's6  21,513 8,268 255 239 2,136 3,008 4,106 2,854 121 107 140 280
Baccalaureate7 27,544 9,723 289 249 2,449 4,216 5,378 4,522 196 0 106 415
Specialized institutions8  52,360 13,256 5,394 2,879 4,609 2,733 8,200 2,547 235 6,958 2,720 2,830
Art, music, or design 32,916 13,285 14 466 3,491 2,974 6,878 3,637 111 0 533 1,528
Business and management 18,079 6,281 215 1 1,944 2,559 4,515 2,468 13 0 0 83
Engineering or technology 26,593 10,859 706 11 1,709 3,701 5,794 2,733 645 0 4 431
Law 33,755 14,799 276 398 5,628 3,856 7,544 839 79 0 0 338
Medical or other health 112,981 20,987 18,035 8,958 8,744 2,720 11,877 2,182 169 23,744 8,682 6,883
Theological 24,167 7,479 52 275 2,345 2,098 7,003 2,544 445 0 272 1,656
Tribal9 23,711 8,116 230 1,507 1,381 2,560 6,707 770 1,051 0 0 1,391
Other specialized 36,521 13,269 494 1,631 3,895 3,300 9,764 2,830 152 0 89 1,097
2-year 19,129 6,405 13 139 1,599 2,637 5,482 1,439 276 0 0 1,138
Associate's of arts 18,568 6,426 2 101 1,542 2,506 5,298 1,423 224 0 0 1,045
Tribal9  33,710 5,839 309 1,121 3,074 6,035 10,279 1,880 1,620 0 0 3,553
1 Essentially self-supporting operations of institutions that furnish a service to students, faculty, or staff, such as residence halls and food services.
2 Excludes tuition and fee allowances and agency transactions, such as student awards made from contributed funds or grant funds. These exclusions account for the majority of total student grants.
3 Research universities with a very high level of research activity.
4 Research universities with a high level of research activity.
5 Includes institutions that award at least 20 doctor's degrees per year, but did not have high levels of research activity.
6 Master's institutions award at least 50 master's degrees per year.
7 Baccalaureate institutions primarily emphasize undergraduate education. Also includes institutions classified as 4-year under the IPEDS system, which had been classified as 2-year in the Carnegie classification system because they primarily award associate's degrees.
8 Special-focus 4-year institutions award degrees primarily in single fields of study, such as medicine, business, fine arts, theology, and engineering.
9 Tribally controlled colleges are located on reservations and are members of the American Indian Higher Education Consortium.
NOTE: Relative levels of research activity for research universities were determined by an analysis of research and development expenditures, science and engineering research staffing, and doctoral degrees conferred, by field. Further information on the research index ranking may be obtained from Degree-granting institutions grant associate’s or higher degrees and participate in Title IV federal financial aid programs. Detail may not sum to totals because of rounding.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center A37for Education Statistics, 2008-09 Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), Spring 2009 and Spring 2010. (This table was prepared October 2010.)

2010 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest