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2010 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest

Table 347. Undergraduate tuition and fees and room and board rates for full-time students in degree-granting institutions, by percentile of charges and control and type of institution: Selected years, 2000-01 through 2009-10
[In current dollars]
Control and type of institution, and year Tuition, room, and board Tuition and required fees
10th per- centile 25th per- centile Median (50th percentile) 75th per- centile 90th per- centile 10th per- centile 25th per- centile Median (50th percentile) 75th per- centile 90th per- centile
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
All public
2000-01 $5,701 $6,878 $8,279 $9,617 $11,384 $612 $1,480 $2,403 $3,444 $4,583
2003-04 6,909 8,522 10,029 12,085 14,440 900 1,800 2,913 4,464 6,149
2004-05 7,265 9,081 10,797 12,842 15,401 900 1,920 3,152 4,977 6,752
2005-06 7,700 9,623 11,348 13,543 16,264 990 2,070 3,329 5,322 6,972
2006-07 8,337 10,125 12,042 14,505 16,965 1,080 2,190 3,490 5,652 7,530
2007-08 8,827 10,890 12,690 15,446 17,979 1,144 2,245 3,666 5,988 7,969
2008-09 9,370 11,518 13,616 16,283 18,866 1,144 2,348 3,948 6,360 8,467
2009-10 9,433 12,069 14,446 17,146 19,898 1,200 2,492 4,370 6,726 8,726
Public 4-year1                     
2000-01 6,503 7,347 8,468 9,816 11,611 2,118 2,516 3,314 4,094 5,085
2003-04 7,924 9,023 10,447 12,292 14,655 2,609 3,251 4,254 5,702 6,882
2004-05 8,380 9,574 11,022 13,031 15,622 2,880 3,582 4,665 6,081 7,542
2005-06 8,863 10,219 11,596 13,830 16,443 3,094 3,822 5,084 6,458 8,097
2006-07 9,461 10,797 12,272 14,748 17,160 3,206 4,074 5,376 6,825 8,667
2007-08 10,012 11,471 13,035 15,819 18,384 3,355 4,262 5,689 7,272 8,907
2008-09 10,638 12,169 13,983 16,614 19,291 3,687 4,399 6,056 7,819 9,399
2009-10 11,158 12,793 15,040 17,661 20,253 4,044 4,900 6,458 8,266 9,886
Public 2-year1                     
2000-01 3,321 3,804 4,627 5,750 6,871 310 724 1,387 1,799 2,455
2003-04 3,874 4,725 5,562 6,983 8,360 478 1,024 1,700 2,325 2,844
2004-05 4,097 4,889 6,021 7,420 9,015 710 1,048 1,803 2,459 3,033
2005-06 4,380 4,822 6,234 7,567 8,993 691 1,109 1,920 2,589 3,100
2006-07 4,487 5,199 6,376 8,035 9,719 670 1,184 2,059 2,713 3,316
2007-08 4,637 5,361 6,777 8,138 10,471 590 1,200 2,091 2,819 3,384
2008-09 4,860 5,612 6,935 8,823 11,183 590 1,200 2,215 2,930 3,456
2009-10 5,114 6,008 7,048 8,981 10,977 704 1,316 2,380 3,090 3,650
All private
2000-01 13,514 17,530 22,398 27,280 32,659 7,520 10,716 14,880 18,795 24,336
2003-04 16,332 20,833 26,455 32,242 37,710 8,650 12,020 16,930 21,790 28,400
2004-05 17,144 21,746 27,872 34,342 39,565 9,184 12,750 17,590 22,712 29,786
2005-06 18,243 23,044 29,279 35,783 41,707 9,285 12,840 18,120 24,030 31,444
2006-07 19,102 24,350 31,009 38,448 43,770 10,200 14,010 19,125 25,414 33,210
2007-08 19,982 25,762 32,710 40,778 46,203 10,684 14,360 21,074 27,856 35,089
2008-09 20,813 26,986 34,599 43,055 48,469 11,176 14,470 21,950 28,990 36,504
Not-for-profit 21,649 27,438 34,805 43,246 48,524 12,020 18,415 24,930 31,540 37,125
For-profit 17,150 17,150 20,813 29,959 30,400 10,770 11,700 14,130 16,356 20,935
2009-10 20,481 28,192 36,230 44,776 50,294 10,632 14,432 21,790 29,750 37,954
Not-for-profit 22,334 28,699 36,550 44,895 50,297 11,696 18,970 25,890 32,816 38,690
For-profit 17,789 17,789 21,321 31,433 32,000 10,115 11,735 14,212 17,148 21,980
Private 4-year                    
2000-01 13,972 17,714 22,493 27,430 32,659 8,305 11,548 15,420 19,200 24,336
2003-04 16,364 20,833 26,536 32,242 37,710 9,082 12,660 17,524 22,420 28,440
2004-05 17,156 21,808 27,925 34,468 39,565 9,570 13,200 18,170 23,386 29,910
2005-06 18,350 23,238 29,294 35,912 41,707 9,675 12,956 18,900 24,366 31,452
2006-07 19,187 24,500 31,099 38,448 43,792 10,560 14,880 19,924 26,120 33,318
2007-08 20,005 25,876 32,768 40,778 46,203 11,066 15,600 21,500 28,630 35,187
2008-09 20,859 27,131 34,610 43,068 48,520 11,288 15,500 22,576 29,700 36,847
Not-for-profit 21,668 27,752 34,849 43,246 48,524 12,242 18,554 25,120 31,620 37,125
For-profit 17,150 17,150 20,813 29,959 30,400 11,176 12,245 14,248 16,389 21,922
2009-10 20,490 28,267 36,264 44,776 50,294 10,884 14,800 22,880 30,186 38,174
Not-for-profit 22,356 28,840 36,665 44,895 50,298 12,240 19,200 26,180 32,910 38,690
For-profit 17,789 17,789 21,321 31,433 32,000 9,966 11,712 14,432 17,148 22,125
Private 2-year                    
2000-01 6,650 6,850 13,220 16,400 21,845 5,013 6,887 8,329 11,064 13,995
2003-04 11,955 14,119 17,124 26,560 40,780 6,800 8,325 10,462 12,892 17,500
2004-05 13,807 15,486 19,844 27,276 34,385 7,008 8,813 10,629 13,548 18,025
2005-06 11,560 15,680 18,410 22,809 43,425 7,560 9,285 11,180 14,196 17,995
2006-07 8,685 16,568 19,115 26,677 40,130 7,980 9,688 11,600 14,833 18,710
2007-08 15,529 17,460 20,362 26,727 40,232 8,160 10,150 11,840 15,015 18,760
2008-09 17,568 18,714 22,347 26,863 43,382 9,000 10,605 12,350 16,356 18,175
Not-for-profit 16,085 17,568 21,595 24,390 39,463 3,740 8,900 11,800 16,250 18,000
For-profit 21,442 23,327 26,863 43,382 43,382 9,000 10,910 12,600 16,356 18,175
2009-10 18,235 18,776 22,517 26,455 36,300 9,655 11,496 13,250 17,100 21,245
Not-for-profit 13,105 18,316 20,369 26,455 40,733 3,530 8,950 12,292 15,177 19,000
For-profit 22,857 22,857 26,696 26,696 26,696 10,116 11,735 13,548 17,148 21,245
1 Average undergraduate tuition and fees are based on in-state students only.
NOTE: Data are for the entire academic year and are average rates for full-time students. Student charges were weighted by the number of full-time-equivalent undergraduates, but were not adjusted to reflect student residency. The data have not been adjusted for changes in the purchasing power of the dollar. Degree-granting institutions grant associate’s or higher degrees and participate in Title IV federal financial aid programs. Some data have been revised from previously published figures.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, 2000-01 through 2009-10 Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), Fall 2000 through Fall 2009 and Spring 2001 through Spring 2010. (This table was prepared October 2010.)

2010 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest