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Digest of Education Statistics
2010 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest

Table 289. Number of degree-granting institutions conferring degrees, by control, level of degree, and field of study: 2008-09
Field of study Total number of institutions Public institutions Private institutions
Asso- ciate's degrees Bach- elor's degrees Master's degrees Doctor's degrees1 Asso- ciate's degrees Bach- elor's degrees Master's degrees Doctor's degrees1 Asso- ciate's degrees Bach- elor's degrees Master's degrees Doctor's degrees1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
All fields, total 2,786 2,348 1,777 737 1,291 625 520 277 1,495 1,723 1,257 460
Agriculture and natural resources 452 610 205 91 427 293 161 85 25 317 44 6
Architecture and related services 78 185 143 36 74 117 94 27 4 68 49 9
Area, ethnic, cultural, and gender studies 47 471 127 47 41 225 80 28 6 246 47 19
Biological and biomedical sciences 234 1,329 476 252 215 508 342 174 19 821 134 78
Business 1,901 1,833 1,120 154 1,130 570 404 92 771 1,263 716 62
Communications, journalism, and related programs 254 1,107 294 68 212 435 195 51 42 672 99 17
Communications technologies 314 197 20 1 272 44 5 0 42 153 15 1
Computer and information sciences 1,435 1,466 459 157 919 506 274 106 516 960 185 51
Construction trades 313 10 0 0 286 8 0 0 27 2 0 0
Education 701 1,213 1,114 327 604 441 454 194 97 772 660 133
Engineering 294 467 307 202 276 260 201 147 18 207 106 55
Engineering technologies2  1,113 350 145 11 840 214 99 6 273 136 46 5
English language and literature/letters 158 1,321 471 146 150 507 314 99 8 814 157 47
Family and consumer sciences 616 330 149 45 573 201 107 34 43 129 42 11
Foreign languages, literatures, and linguistics 182 917 218 92 173 407 160 63 9 510 58 29
Health professions and related clinical sciences 1,797 1,237 905 322 1,077 492 368 176 720 745 537 146
Legal professions and studies 705 204 124 30 428 66 50 10 277 138 74 20
Liberal arts and sciences, general studies,
   and humanities
1,384 884 194 13 1,093 370 98 6 291 514 96 7
Library science 36 8 71 11 36 8 56 11 0 0 15 0
Mathematics and statistics 159 1,162 340 167 154 486 262 118 5 676 78 49
Mechanics and repair technologies 669 17 0 0 604 12 0 0 65 5 0 0
Military technologies 7 3 1 0 6 2 0 0 1 1 1 0
Multi/interdisciplinary studies 344 851 323 151 315 325 192 98 29 526 131 53
Parks, recreation, leisure and fitness studies 218 761 229 44 182 326 174 39 36 435 55 5
Philosophy and religious studies 56 922 211 105 39 305 91 50 17 617 120 55
Physical sciences and science technologies 321 1,069 332 211 309 473 244 148 12 596 88 63
Precision production 321 4 1 0 309 1 0 0 12 3 1 0
Psychology 186 1,391 667 285 165 505 320 143 21 886 347 142
Public administration and social service
337 738 442 112 315 323 290 72 22 415 152 40
Security and protective services 1,232 828 248 17 843 314 139 15 389 514 109 2
Social sciences and history 249 1,355 445 185 224 513 310 128 25 842 135 57
Social sciences 25 1,272 375 168 0 498 260 117 25 774 115 51
History 88 1,230 342 136 84 481 265 95 4 749 77 41
Theology and religious vocations 86 399 309 119 1 1 0 0 85 398 309 119
Transportation and materials moving 94 87 14 0 83 49 4 0 11 38 10 0
Visual and performing arts 753 1,388 425 104 542 475 251 69 211 913 174 35
Other and unclassified 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 Includes Ph.D., Ed.D., and comparable degrees at the doctoral level. Excludes first-professional degrees, such as M.D., D.D.S., and law degrees.
2 Excludes "Construction trades" and "Mechanics and repair technologies," which are listed separately.
NOTE: Degree-granting institutions grant associate’s or higher degrees and participate in Title IV federal financial aid programs. Prior to counting the numbers of institutions awarding various types of degrees, certain aggregations were made of the degree fields as reported in the IPEDS Fall survey: "Agriculture and natural resources" includes Agriculture, agriculture operations, and related sciences and Natural resources and conservation; and "Business" includes Business management, marketing, and related support services and Personal and culinary services.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, 2008-09 Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), Fall 2009. (This table was prepared September 2010.)

2010 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest