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Digest of Education Statistics
2010 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest

Table 265. Full-time and part-time instructional faculty and staff in degree-granting institutions, by field and faculty characteristics: Fall 1992, fall 1998, and fall 2003
Selected characteristic Number (in thousands) Fall 2003
1992 1998 2003 All fields Agriculture
and home
Business Education Engineering Fine arts Health Human-
Natural sciences2 Social sciences3 Other4
1 2 3 4 5   6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Full-time instructional                                                    
faculty and staff                                                    
Number (in thousands) 528 560 682 (#) 681.8 (0.05) 16.9 (0.80) 43.2 (1.40) 50.9 (1.89) 33.4 (1.32) 43.3 (1.68) 93.9 (2.67) 58.8 (1.82) 127.2 (2.19) 88.7 (2.07) 125.5 (2.36)
Percentage distribution (†) 100.0 (†) 2.5 (0.12) 6.3 (0.21) 7.5 (0.28) 4.9 (0.19) 6.3 (0.25) 13.8 (0.39) 8.6 (0.27) 18.7 (0.32) 13.0 (0.30) 18.4 (0.35)
          Percentage distribution of full-time instructional faculty and staff
Total 528 560 682 (#) 100.0 (†) 100.0 (†) 100.0 (†) 100.0 (†) 100.0 (†) 100.0 (†) 100.0 (†) 100.0 (†) 100.0 (†) 100.0 (†) 100.0 (†)
Male 353 357 420 (---) 61.7 (0.35) 64.6 (2.88) 68.5 (1.61) 39.3 (1.57) 91.5 (1.06) 61.9 (1.38) 46.7 (1.32) 45.3 (1.47) 74.5 (0.88) 64.3 (1.13) 64.0 (0.94)
Female 176 203 261 (---) 38.3 (0.35) 35.4 (2.88) 31.5 (1.61) 60.7 (1.57) 8.5 (1.06) 38.1 (1.38) 53.3 (1.32) 54.7 (1.47) 25.5 (0.88) 35.7 (1.13) 36.0 (0.94)
White 457 477 548 (---) 80.3 (0.27) 87.8 (1.61) 79.5 (1.51) 80.5 (1.26) 70.9 (1.85) 86.4 (1.24) 79.7 (0.84) 80.7 (1.31) 77.8 (0.75) 81.4 (1.09) 82.0 (0.69)
Black 27 28 38 (---) 5.6 (0.17) 2.3 (0.76) 4.5 (0.79) 7.8 (1.01) 5.4 (0.99) 6.0 (0.88) 5.0 (0.50) 5.6 (0.58) 4.1 (0.48) 7.3 (0.72) 6.1 (0.44)
Hispanic 14 19 24 (---) 3.5 (0.10) 2.5 (0.76) 2.3 (0.51) 4.7 (0.63) 2.6 (0.47) 3.3 (0.75) 3.0 (0.32) 6.7 (0.53) 2.9 (0.30) 4.0 (0.47) 2.9 (0.33)
Asian/Pacific Islander 28 33 62 (---) 9.1 (0.16) 6.4 (1.34) 12.2 (1.22) 4.8 (0.70) 20.1 (1.64) 2.9 (0.74) 10.7 (0.79) 5.2 (0.94) 14.3 (0.69) 5.9 (0.71) 7.1 (0.49)
American Indian/
Alaska Native
3 4 10 (---) 1.5 (0.11) 1.0 (0.49) 1.6 (0.37) 2.2 (0.40) 1.0 (0.57) 1.4 (0.38) 1.6 (0.33) 1.8 (0.35) 0.8 (0.17) 1.4 (0.22) 1.8 (0.32)
Under 30 8 9 12 (---) 1.7 (0.13) 2.0 (0.67) 0.7 (0.31) 2.6 (0.78) 1.6 (0.48) 1.6 (0.45) 1.1 (0.26) 1.8 (0.33) 1.3 (0.21) 1.8 (0.35) 2.7 (0.41)
30 to 34 35 32 47 (---) 6.9 (0.21) 5.6 (1.27) 4.0 (0.71) 6.8 (0.83) 7.0 (0.99) 6.2 (0.84) 6.3 (0.60) 8.2 (0.74) 6.8 (0.41) 7.6 (0.47) 7.9 (0.52)
35 to 39 67 60 77 (---) 11.3 (0.29) 7.5 (1.19) 11.0 (1.15) 7.6 (0.95) 11.3 (1.18) 10.5 (1.20) 13.1 (0.88) 10.9 (0.88) 12.0 (0.65) 12.7 (0.92) 10.9 (0.74)
40 to 44 90 82 93 (---) 13.6 (0.31) 13.3 (1.63) 11.8 (1.43) 9.9 (1.03) 15.0 (1.21) 12.3 (1.75) 15.0 (0.91) 13.6 (1.15) 15.4 (0.79) 13.7 (0.79) 12.8 (0.69)
45 to 49 98 97 105 (---) 15.4 (0.32) 15.4 (1.84) 17.9 (1.51) 12.7 (1.04) 17.1 (1.70) 18.0 (1.42) 17.3 (0.95) 14.8 (1.24) 15.5 (0.86) 12.9 (0.79) 15.0 (0.66)
50 to 54 95 105 114 (---) 16.8 (0.34) 25.3 (2.31) 19.0 (1.30) 17.6 (1.27) 15.2 (1.61) 18.5 (1.38) 19.9 (1.03) 14.1 (1.04) 14.8 (0.64) 14.2 (0.89) 17.1 (0.93)
55 to 59 67 90 112 (---) 16.4 (0.37) 16.8 (1.83) 18.8 (1.32) 21.9 (1.43) 15.1 (2.32) 16.8 (1.58) 15.4 (0.80) 16.6 (1.07) 13.3 (0.75) 16.2 (0.85) 17.3 (0.73)
60 to 64 45 55 78 (---) 11.5 (0.31) 10.4 (1.61) 10.9 (1.11) 13.7 (1.27) 10.3 (1.33) 11.4 (1.12) 7.8 (0.62) 12.9 (1.07) 12.5 (0.64) 14.0 (0.76) 10.6 (0.61)
65 or older 24 31 43 (---) 6.3 (0.23) 3.7 (1.20) 5.9 (0.74) 7.2 (0.74) 7.5 (1.09) 4.7 (0.82) 4.1 (0.51) 7.0 (0.81) 8.5 (0.54) 6.8 (0.59) 5.6 (0.53)
Highest degree                                                    
Less than bachelor's 6 7 10 (---) 1.5 (0.12) 1.0 (0.68) 0.2 (0.12) 1.7 (0.74) 2.6 (0.77) 1.4 (0.46) 1.7 (0.31) 0.2 (0.12) 0.1 (0.09) (†) 4.4 (0.54)
Bachelor's 21 23 29 (---) 4.3 (0.24) 6.4 (1.71) 4.0 (0.80) 4.0 (0.64) 6.5 (1.22) 9.1 (1.10) 5.5 (0.69) 1.1 (0.31) 1.4 (0.23) 1.0 (0.26) 7.9 (0.67)
Master's 156 156 180 (---) 26.4 (0.39) 29.2 (2.18) 31.8 (1.69) 35.5 (1.37) 13.2 (1.64) 53.9 (1.82) 22.9 (1.16) 35.1 (1.42) 14.9 (0.72) 12.5 (0.72) 34.4 (1.24)
First-professional 58 52 56 (---) 8.2 (0.30) (†) 2.1 (0.45) 1.1 (0.35) 0.5 (0.30) 1.1 (0.41) 41.1 (1.32) 0.4 (0.18) 3.0 (0.35) 0.5 (0.19) 8.7 (0.76)
Doctor's 284 324 407 (---) 59.6 (0.48) 63.0 (2.74) 61.9 (1.73) 57.7 (1.53) 77.1 (2.08) 34.6 (1.96) 28.9 (1.06) 63.2 (1.43) 80.6 (0.67) 86.0 (0.74) 44.6 (1.23)
Academic rank                                                    
Professor 161 172 194 (3.67) 28.5 (0.54) 33.0 (2.71) 29.1 (1.66) 21.9 (1.41) 37.6 (1.69) 28.4 (1.85) 20.1 (0.93) 26.2 (1.46) 35.5 (0.87) 35.4 (1.20) 23.5 (1.09)
Associate professor 124 132 150 (2.56) 21.9 (0.37) 21.0 (2.55) 22.6 (1.32) 17.6 (1.07) 25.3 (1.77) 23.7 (1.64) 23.5 (0.96) 20.0 (1.27) 23.4 (0.93) 22.8 (0.97) 19.9 (1.08)
Assistant professor 124 125 158 (2.81) 23.2 (0.41) 19.2 (1.79) 23.4 (1.51) 23.8 (1.56) 19.6 (1.67) 23.2 (1.75) 32.2 (1.12) 21.7 (1.30) 21.1 (0.82) 24.8 (1.22) 19.2 (0.73)
Instructor 74 75 83 (2.85) 12.1 (0.42) 9.9 (1.60) 13.4 (1.37) 12.6 (1.18) 9.1 (1.39) 9.7 (1.01) 15.3 (0.90) 14.9 (1.17) 7.7 (0.56) 5.7 (0.53) 18.7 (1.02)
Lecturer 12 14 22 (1.48) 3.2 (0.22) 3.4 (1.50) 3.6 (0.68) 3.0 (0.60) 2.0 (0.52) 4.3 (0.64) 1.9 (0.37) 7.9 (0.78) 2.1 (0.25) 2.3 (0.42) 3.6 (0.57)
Other 17 26 57 (2.15) 8.3 (0.32) 11.8 (2.16) 4.9 (0.64) 18.2 (1.57) 5.4 (0.82) 7.1 (1.03) 5.5 (0.50) 5.7 (0.69) 6.7 (0.48) 6.4 (0.67) 12.4 (0.76)
No rank 17 16 19 (1.28) 2.7 (0.19) 1.8 (1.37) 3.0 (0.68) 2.9 (1.05) 0.9 (0.38) 3.6 (1.24) 1.5 (0.27) 3.6 (0.67) 3.5 (0.48) 2.6 (0.47) 2.7 (0.36)
Part-time instructional                                                    
faculty and staff                                                    
Number (in thousands) 377 416 530 (#) 530.0 (0.02) 7.3 (0.97) 44.9 (2.98) 63.5 (2.57) 14.0 (1.49) 47.8 (3.65) 57.8 (3.06) 58.9 (2.05) 63.7 (2.46) 53.0 (2.39) 119.2 (3.48)
Percentage distribution (†) 100.0 (†) 1.4 (0.18) 8.5 (0.56) 12.0 (0.48) 2.7 (0.28) 9.0 (0.69) 10.9 (0.58) 11.1 (0.39) 12.0 (0.46) 10.0 (0.45) 22.5 (0.66)
          Percentage distribution of part-time instructional faculty and staff
Total 377 416 530 (#) 100.0 (†) 100.0 (†) 100.0 (†) 100.0 (†) 100.0 (†) 100.0 (†) 100.0 (†) 100.0 (†) 100.0 (†) 100.0 (†) 100.0 (†)
Male 209 217 276 (---) 52.1 (0.45) 32.0 (6.05) 69.6 (1.89) 29.1 (1.71) 90.8 (2.68) 51.4 (2.26) 34.5 (1.60) 31.6 (1.86) 58.2 (2.22) 60.5 (1.90) 66.2 (1.41)
Female 168 199 254 (---) 47.9 (0.45) 68.0 (6.05) 30.4 (1.89) 70.9 (1.71) 9.2 (2.68) 48.6 (2.26) 65.5 (1.60) 68.4 (1.86) 41.8 (2.22) 39.5 (1.90) 33.8 (1.41)
White 333 364 452 (---) 85.2 (0.38) 91.4 (3.66) 86.8 (1.54) 85.1 (1.34) 85.4 (2.89) 88.7 (1.22) 85.0 (1.14) 83.0 (1.14) 83.4 (1.35) 84.2 (1.62) 85.5 (0.80)
Black 18 19 30 (---) 5.6 (0.20) 2.7 (1.61) 6.7 (0.96) 6.6 (0.98) 2.0 (1.26) 3.0 (0.70) 5.2 (0.68) 5.0 (0.71) 6.0 (0.66) 5.8 (0.75) 6.5 (0.57)
Hispanic 11 16 19 (---) 3.5 (0.13) (†) 2.2 (0.79) 5.1 (0.71) 2.6 (0.64) 2.7 (0.52) 2.2 (0.47) 6.5 (0.81) 2.2 (0.40) 3.7 (0.61) 3.6 (0.39)
Asian/Pacific Islander 12 13 20 (---) 3.8 (0.22) (†) 3.0 (0.80) 1.6 (0.43) 8.4 (2.11) 2.9 (0.70) 6.5 (1.17) 4.2 (0.71) 7.1 (0.89) 2.7 (1.04) 2.5 (0.34)
American Indian/
Alaska Native
2 4 10 (---) 1.8 (0.22) (†) 1.4 (0.54) 1.5 (0.37) 1.6 (1.03) 2.8 (0.84) 1.0 (0.35) 1.3 (0.38) 1.4 (0.60) 3.6 (0.91) 1.9 (0.36)
Under 30 20 15 23 (---) 4.3 (0.30) 6.4 (2.51) 2.3 (0.70) 2.7 (0.64) 2.8 (1.78) 4.4 (0.79) 3.7 (0.72) 5.7 (0.95) 7.2 (1.15) 3.5 (0.66) 4.3 (0.60)
30 to 34 36 37 43 (---) 8.2 (0.38) 7.7 (2.78) 6.7 (1.28) 7.0 (1.03) 1.8 (0.99) 9.4 (1.24) 8.9 (1.01) 10.0 (1.01) 7.6 (1.16) 10.6 (1.17) 7.7 (0.62)
35 to 39 59 47 55 (---) 10.3 (0.48) 5.5 (1.97) 9.6 (1.49) 8.7 (1.21) 10.7 (3.34) 11.7 (1.38) 9.5 (1.34) 8.7 (1.07) 10.2 (1.16) 9.9 (1.27) 12.6 (1.20)
40 to 44 70 60 61 (---) 11.5 (0.44) 6.3 (2.79) 10.5 (1.35) 7.9 (0.88) 15.6 (3.25) 12.0 (1.13) 14.9 (1.54) 9.2 (0.91) 10.1 (1.19) 11.2 (1.26) 13.8 (0.96)
45 to 49 68 72 76 (---) 14.4 (0.48) 17.4 (5.26) 13.1 (1.45) 11.7 (1.12) 11.4 (3.50) 16.4 (1.68) 19.7 (1.56) 14.3 (1.65) 9.5 (1.05) 13.1 (1.24) 16.5 (1.13)
50 to 54 45 70 83 (---) 15.6 (0.42) 16.4 (4.15) 16.3 (1.42) 17.4 (1.41) 22.3 (3.60) 18.4 (1.76) 15.9 (1.55) 14.1 (1.35) 11.9 (1.34) 11.1 (1.29) 17.1 (1.15)
55 to 59 29 47 77 (---) 14.5 (0.48) 17.6 (4.45) 17.9 (2.01) 15.5 (1.58) 11.7 (2.89) 14.6 (1.78) 11.5 (1.27) 13.8 (1.46) 15.6 (1.56) 17.5 (1.88) 12.8 (0.82)
60 to 64 23 29 52 (---) 9.7 (0.50) 18.0 (5.10) 11.5 (1.25) 13.1 (1.26) 6.5 (1.96) 5.7 (1.05) 6.7 (1.13) 12.7 (1.42) 12.8 (1.67) 10.9 (1.29) 6.6 (0.76)
65 or older 27 38 60 (---) 11.4 (0.46) 4.7 (2.09) 12.2 (1.65) 15.8 (1.26) 17.2 (3.46) 7.4 (1.33) 9.3 (1.22) 11.6 (1.50) 15.0 (1.99) 12.2 (1.48) 8.6 (0.79)
Highest degree                                                    
Less than bachelor's 17 20 41 (---) 7.8 (0.59) 5.5 (2.53) 1.8 (0.79) 3.7 (0.96) 17.1 (4.44) 9.1 (1.42) 17.3 (1.86) 1.1 (0.57) 0.9 (0.47) 0.5 (0.25) 16.2 (1.31)
Bachelor's 63 59 84 (---) 15.8 (0.55) 26.7 (5.80) 13.9 (1.84) 12.0 (1.25) 17.9 (3.50) 28.2 (2.09) 16.2 (1.61) 12.9 (1.65) 16.1 (1.46) 3.2 (0.82) 19.4 (1.11)
Master's 190 225 273 (---) 51.5 (0.80) 50.3 (6.09) 66.5 (2.34) 63.0 (1.84) 32.3 (4.61) 54.7 (2.95) 30.2 (1.86) 70.2 (2.33) 49.0 (1.94) 55.5 (1.83) 41.6 (1.56)
First-professional 40 36 39 (---) 7.3 (0.39) 2.0 (1.63) 6.3 (1.10) 1.9 (0.45) (†) 0.9 (0.39) 25.2 (2.12) 2.3 (0.55) 4.3 (0.85) 3.1 (0.62) 11.2 (1.00)
Doctor's 59 76 94 (---) 17.6 (0.60) 15.5 (4.57) 11.5 (1.48) 19.4 (1.61) 31.2 (4.13) 7.1 (1.39) 11.1 (1.28) 13.4 (1.80) 29.7 (1.72) 37.7 (1.90) 11.7 (0.94)
Academic rank                                                    
Professor 32 30 23 (1.58) 4.4 (0.30) 8.9 (4.03) 4.6 (1.06) 3.4 (0.55) 5.9 (2.27) 3.9 (1.05) 5.4 (0.84) 3.5 (0.75) 4.8 (0.82) 4.7 (1.01) 4.1 (0.63)
Associate professor 23 19 15 (1.18) 2.8 (0.22) (†) 2.3 (0.74) 1.9 (0.47) 5.7 (2.24) 3.7 (0.92) 5.4 (0.89) 1.6 (0.35) 3.3 (0.63) 2.9 (0.60) 1.6 (0.30)
Assistant professor 24 23 20 (1.53) 3.7 (0.29) 2.8 (1.76) 1.5 (0.55) 2.0 (0.50) 3.3 (1.97) 3.6 (0.86) 15.1 (1.64) 1.7 (0.64) 2.8 (0.66) 3.7 (0.89) 1.7 (0.34)
Instructor 215 205 188 (4.42) 35.4 (0.83) 39.9 (5.70) 29.2 (2.00) 37.0 (2.11) 25.3 (4.10) 33.6 (2.12) 36.5 (2.40) 42.9 (2.29) 32.4 (2.05) 30.4 (1.85) 38.2 (1.54)
Lecturer 45 46 41 (2.15) 7.7 (0.41) 14.8 (4.39) 7.6 (1.52) 6.8 (0.97) 9.3 (2.49) 9.7 (1.16) 4.7 (0.93) 11.2 (1.10) 7.8 (1.02) 9.5 (1.20) 5.8 (0.67)
Other 28 75 231 (4.51) 43.6 (0.85) 30.8 (5.98) 51.8 (2.46) 46.6 (1.78) 49.4 (5.02) 42.4 (3.00) 30.5 (1.88) 37.4 (2.23) 45.8 (2.02) 46.0 (2.22) 46.6 (1.47)
No rank 9 16 13 (1.07) 2.4 (0.20) (†) 3.0 (0.75) 2.1 (0.59) (†) 3.2 (1.10) 2.4 (0.68) 1.7 (0.49) 3.1 (0.79) 2.8 (0.71) 2.1 (0.40)
---Not available.
†Not applicable.
#Rounds to zero.
‡Reporting standards not met.
1 Excludes history and philosophy.
2 Excludes computer sciences.
3 Includes history.
4 Includes philosophy, law, occupationally specific programs, computer sciences, and other.
NOTE: Degree-granting institutions grant associate’s or higher degrees and participate in Title IV federal financial aid programs. Totals may differ from figures reported in other tables because of varying survey methodologies. Race categories exclude persons of Hispanic ethnicity. Detail may not sum to totals because of survey item nonresponse and rounding. Standard errors appear in parentheses.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, 1993, 1999, and 2004 National Study of Postsecondary Faculty (NSOPF:93;99;04). (This table was prepared January 2009.)

2010 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest