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Digest of Education Statistics
2010 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest

Table 239. Fall enrollment of specific racial/ethnic groups in degree-granting institutions, by type and control of institution and percentage of students in the same racial/ethnic group: 2009
Racial/ethnic group and percentage of total enrollment of institution Total, all institu-tion types Public institutions Not-for-profit institutions For-profit institutions
Total Research univer- sity, very high1 Research univer- sity, high2 Doctoral/re- search3 Mas- ter's4 Bac- calaur- eate5 Special focus6 2-year Total Research univer- sity, very high1 Research univer- sity, high2 Doctoral/re- search3 Mas- ter's4 Bac- calaur- eate5 Special focus6 2-year Total 4-year 2-year
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
All institutions                                        
Total enrollment 20,427,711 14,810,642 2,048,560 1,493,987 407,190 2,626,164 1,043,783 89,513 7,101,445 3,765,083 501,175 319,342 338,731 1,363,862 864,684 342,522 34,767 1,851,986 1,466,792 385,194
White 12,730,780 9,234,619 1,371,800 999,033 284,441 1,696,585 650,368 55,598 4,176,794 2,546,585 276,130 214,168 208,107 966,349 625,542 236,519 19,770 949,576 772,727 176,849
Black 2,919,826 1,937,163 123,883 173,423 71,615 369,787 150,875 7,146 1,040,434 461,227 33,092 32,261 42,265 176,424 136,540 33,014 7,631 521,436 416,712 104,724
Hispanic 2,546,710 2,017,703 156,967 141,656 21,437 303,517 164,775 5,731 1,223,620 270,165 36,218 19,299 38,581 107,982 45,883 18,880 3,322 258,842 176,769 82,073
Asian/Pacific Islander 1,337,671 1,018,540 230,532 85,894 14,071 152,116 46,626 10,910 478,391 246,467 75,217 24,324 28,647 59,739 27,256 29,540 1,744 72,664 57,102 15,562
American Indian/
    Alaska Native
207,917 161,824 14,737 15,870 2,690 25,262 11,571 6,552 85,142 25,905 2,726 1,698 1,749 8,150 5,296 4,913 1,373 20,188 16,451 3,737
Nonresident alien 684,807 440,793 150,641 78,111 12,936 78,897 19,568 3,576 97,064 214,734 77,792 27,592 19,382 45,218 24,167 19,656 927 29,280 27,031 2,249
White enrollment,
   by percentage White
Less than 10.0 percent 31,953 26,480 0 1,344 940 6,038 6,743 176 11,239 2,122 0 10 0 717 875 444 76 3,351 1,031 2,320
10.0 to 24.9 percent 187,843 155,709 4,054 8,472 3,796 14,211 8,282 108 116,786 9,145 0 2,189 0 3,896 1,593 839 628 22,989 13,419 9,570
25.0 to 49.9 percent 1,382,565 1,068,214 89,398 78,631 0 206,916 50,794 7,539 634,936 160,876 44,931 7,206 44,643 34,564 14,389 12,508 2,635 153,475 111,921 41,554
50.0 to 74.9 percent 5,092,399 3,330,177 581,144 440,242 100,714 396,238 210,900 22,268 1,578,671 1,128,623 225,743 125,959 116,670 410,074 145,299 96,786 8,092 633,599 572,175 61,424
75.0 to 89.9 percent 4,837,031 3,727,814 697,204 422,249 170,095 849,023 274,206 25,460 1,289,577 1,003,471 5,456 78,804 45,990 447,272 332,103 88,477 5,369 105,746 60,417 45,329
90.0 percent or more 1,198,989 926,225 0 48,095 8,896 224,159 99,443 47 545,585 242,348 0 0 804 69,826 131,283 37,465 2,970 30,416 13,764 16,652
Black enrollment,
   by percentage Black
Less than 10.0 percent 567,176 421,535 89,581 43,875 7,996 79,198 19,277 3,368 178,240 131,871 30,420 18,239 9,096 39,373 23,549 10,829 365 13,770 8,046 5,724
10.0 to 24.9 percent 887,749 652,841 25,150 90,015 31,554 97,589 57,629 2,871 348,033 156,469 2,672 2,008 17,472 83,961 35,584 12,773 1,999 78,439 59,750 18,689
25.0 to 49.9 percent 865,935 496,103 9,152 22,058 3,397 80,473 40,092 555 340,376 77,331 0 0 15,697 38,660 16,231 3,840 2,903 292,501 252,085 40,416
50.0 to 74.9 percent 253,893 137,463 0 0 0 2,753 9,941 352 124,417 18,771 0 0 0 5,282 9,232 2,426 1,831 97,659 72,875 24,784
75.0 to 89.9 percent 167,463 117,389 0 9,294 6,651 48,250 16,267 0 36,927 19,071 0 8,214 0 4,244 4,308 1,919 386 31,003 19,573 11,430
90.0 percent or more 177,610 111,832 0 8,181 22,017 61,524 7,669 0 12,441 57,714 0 3,800 0 4,904 47,636 1,227 147 8,064 4,383 3,681
Hispanic enrollment,
   by percentage Hispanic
Less than 10.0 percent 532,328 326,645 57,721 37,000 13,041 62,028 26,931 2,820 127,104 137,857 27,581 15,304 11,113 43,032 28,288 11,514 1,025 67,826 61,991 5,835
10.0 to 24.9 percent 691,339 533,216 84,457 47,766 3,350 72,468 30,043 2,094 293,038 98,944 8,637 3,995 21,733 45,604 12,567 5,281 1,127 59,179 48,292 10,887
25.0 to 49.9 percent 839,365 733,374 14,789 16,934 0 115,694 38,644 817 546,496 21,154 0 0 5,735 11,497 2,067 685 1,170 84,837 48,342 36,495
50.0 to 74.9 percent 313,881 274,351 0 23,917 5,046 15,761 43,262 0 186,365 8,363 0 0 0 7,849 374 140 0 31,167 10,860 20,307
75.0 to 89.9 percent 121,635 110,284 0 16,039 0 31,735 894 0 61,616 3,490 0 0 0 0 2,587 903 0 7,861 4,636 3,225
90.0 percent or more 48,162 39,833 0 0 0 5,831 25,001 0 9,001 357 0 0 0 0 0 357 0 7,972 2,648 5,324
Asian/Pacific Islander
   enrollment, by percentage
   Asian/Pacific Islander
Less than 10.0 percent 536,966 391,072 79,059 36,879 12,270 59,612 23,956 1,602 177,694 96,489 4,417 14,276 12,664 37,698 19,227 7,420 787 49,405 41,948 7,457
10.0 to 24.9 percent 512,656 363,833 66,676 49,015 1,801 48,127 15,638 7,190 175,386 131,298 70,262 10,048 12,650 18,387 6,965 12,507 479 17,525 11,832 5,693
25.0 to 49.9 percent 229,922 210,325 58,959 0 0 44,377 1,118 2,118 103,753 16,353 538 0 3,333 2,241 1,064 8,699 478 3,244 1,968 1,276
50.0 to 74.9 percent 46,141 43,471 25,838 0 0 0 5,914 0 11,719 2,033 0 0 0 1,413 0 620 0 637 637 0
75.0 to 89.9 percent 11,692 9,839 0 0 0 0 0 0 9,839 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,853 717 1,136
90.0 percent or more 294 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 294 0 0 0 0 0 294 0 0 0 0
American Indian/Alaska Native
   enrollment, by percentage
   American Indian/Alaska
Less than 10.0 percent 165,504 125,650 14,737 14,153 2,690 18,742 8,629 817 65,882 21,139 2,726 1,698 1,749 8,029 4,931 1,878 128 18,715 15,745 2,970
10.0 to 24.9 percent 12,296 10,831 0 1,717 0 2,643 2,942 0 3,529 188 0 0 0 121 0 26 41 1,277 510 767
25.0 to 49.9 percent 12,302 11,981 0 0 0 3,877 0 0 8,104 321 0 0 0 0 321 0 0 0 0 0
50.0 to 74.9 percent 2,755 478 0 0 0 0 0 0 478 2,081 0 0 0 0 44 2,037 0 196 196 0
75.0 to 89.9 percent 5,086 4,990 0 0 0 0 0 804 4,186 96 0 0 0 0 0 0 96 0 0 0
90.0 percent or more 9,974 7,894 0 0 0 0 0 4,931 2,963 2,080 0 0 0 0 0 972 1,108 0 0 0
Nonresident alien enrollment,
   by percentage nonresident
Less than 10.0 percent 483,042 370,829 108,885 68,919 12,936 71,003 17,905 2,807 88,374 89,835 3,804 11,657 14,033 33,297 19,604 7,116 324 22,378 20,701 1,677
10.0 to 24.9 percent 175,468 66,475 41,756 9,192 0 4,405 1,663 769 8,690 103,126 67,409 11,195 3,625 8,577 3,245 8,763 312 5,867 5,755 112
25.0 to 49.9 percent 22,162 3,489 0 0 0 3,489 0 0 0 18,365 6,579 4,740 1,724 2,256 978 1,797 291 308 57 251
50.0 to 74.9 percent 1,297 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,297 0 0 0 0 143 1,154 0 0 0 0
75.0 to 89.9 percent 2,360 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,633 0 0 0 904 197 532 0 727 518 209
90.0 percent or more 478 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 478 0 0 0 184 0 294 0 0 0 0
1 Research universities with a very high level of research activity.                      
2 Research universities with a high level of research activity.                      
3 Institutions that award at least 20 doctor's degrees per year, but did not have high levels of research activity.                      
4 Institutions that award at least 50 master's degrees per year.                      
5 Institutions that primarily emphasize undergraduate education. Also includes institutions classified as 4-year under the IPEDS system, which had been classified as 2-year in the Carnegie system because they primarily award associate's degrees.                      
6 Four-year institutions that award degrees primarily in single fields of study, such as medicine, business, fine arts, theology, and engineering.                      
NOTE: Relative levels of research activity for research universities were determined by an analysis of research and development expenditures, science and engineering research staffing, and doctoral degrees conferred, by field. Further information on the research index ranking may be obtained from Degree-granting institutions grant associate’s or higher degrees and participate in Title IV federal financial aid programs. Race categories exclude persons of Hispanic ethnicity.                      
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, 2009 Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), Spring 2010. (This table was prepared October 2010.)                      

2010 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest