Digest of Education Statistics: 2010
Digest of Education Statistics: 2010

NCES 2011-015
April 2011

Table 125. Average reading scale score and standard deviation, by sex, grade, race/ethnicity, and percentile: Selected years, 1992 through 2009
Grade, race/ethnicity, and percentile 19921 19941 1998 2000 2002 2003 2005 2007 2009
Total Male Female Total Male Female
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
  Average reading scale score
All students                                                    
4th grade 217 (0.9) 214 (1.0) 215 (1.1) 213 (1.3) 219 (0.4) 218 (0.3) 219 (0.2) 221 (0.3) 218 (0.3) 224 (0.3) 221 (0.3) 218 (0.3) 224 (0.3)
8th grade 260 (0.9) 260 (0.8) 263 (0.8) (†) 264 (0.4) 263 (0.3) 262 (0.2) 263 (0.2) 258 (0.3) 268 (0.3) 264 (0.3) 259 (0.3) 269 (0.3)
12th grade 292 (0.6) 287 (0.7) 290 (0.6) (†) 287 (0.7) (†) 286 (0.6) (†) (†) (†) 288 (0.7) 282 (0.7) 294 (0.8)
4th grade                                                    
White 224 (1.2) 224 (1.3) 225 (1.0) 224 (1.1) 229 (0.3) 229 (0.2) 229 (0.2) 231 (0.2) 228 (0.3) 234 (0.3) 230 (0.3) 227 (0.3) 233 (0.3)
Black 192 (1.7) 185 (1.8) 193 (1.9) 190 (1.8) 199 (0.5) 198 (0.4) 200 (0.3) 203 (0.4) 199 (0.5) 208 (0.5) 205 (0.5) 200 (0.6) 209 (0.6)
Hispanic 197 (2.6) 188 (3.4) 193 (3.2) 190 (2.9) 201 (1.3) 200 (0.6) 203 (0.5) 205 (0.5) 202 (0.6) 208 (0.5) 205 (0.5) 202 (0.6) 208 (0.7)
Islander 216 (2.9) 220 (3.8) 215 (5.6) 225 (5.2) 224 (1.6) 226 (1.2) 229 (0.7) 232 (1.0) 228 (1.1) 236 (1.1) 235 (1.0) 230 (1.2) 240 (1.4)
American Indian/                                                    
Alaska Native (†) 211 (6.6) (†) 214 (6.0) 207 (2.0) 202 (1.4) 204 (1.3) 203 (1.2) 200 (1.5) 206 (1.5) 204 (1.3) 201 (2.0) 208 (1.3)
8th grade                                                    
White 267 (1.1) 267 (1.0) 270 (0.9) (†) 272 (0.4) 272 (0.2) 271 (0.2) 272 (0.2) 267 (0.3) 277 (0.3) 273 (0.2) 268 (0.3) 278 (0.3)
Black 237 (1.7) 236 (1.8) 244 (1.2) (†) 245 (0.7) 244 (0.5) 243 (0.4) 245 (0.4) 238 (0.5) 251 (0.5) 246 (0.4) 241 (0.5) 252 (0.5)
Hispanic 241 (1.6) 243 (1.2) 243 (1.7) (†) 247 (0.8) 245 (0.7) 246 (0.4) 247 (0.4) 242 (0.6) 251 (0.6) 249 (0.6) 245 (0.8) 253 (0.7)
Islander 268 (3.9) 265 (3.0) 264 (7.1) (†) 267 (1.7) 270 (1.1) 271 (0.8) 271 (1.1) 266 (1.3) 275 (1.4) 274 (1.1) 269 (1.2) 279 (1.5)
American Indian/                                                    
Alaska Native (†) 248 (4.7) (†) (†) 250 (3.5) 246 (3.0) 249 (1.4) 247 (1.2) 242 (1.5) 253 (1.5) 251 (1.2) 246 (1.8) 256 (1.5)
12th grade                                                    
White 297 (0.6) 293 (0.7) 297 (0.7) (†) 292 (0.7) (†) 293 (0.7) (†) (†) (†) 296 (0.6) 289 (0.7) 303 (0.7)
Black 273 (1.4) 265 (1.6) 269 (1.4) (†) 267 (1.3) (†) 267 (1.2) (†) (†) (†) 269 (1.1) 261 (1.4) 276 (1.2)
Hispanic 279 (2.7) 270 (1.7) 275 (1.5) (†) 273 (1.5) (†) 272 (1.2) (†) (†) (†) 274 (1.0) 269 (1.2) 278 (1.0)
Islander 290 (3.2) 278 (2.4) 287 (2.7) (†) 286 (2.0) (†) 287 (1.9) (†) (†) (†) 298 (2.4) 294 (2.4) 303 (2.6)
American Indian/                                                    
Alaska Native (†) 274 (5.8) (†) (†) (†) (†) 279 (6.3) (†) (†) (†) 283 (3.7) 273 (4.4) 290 (4.5)
4th grade                                                    
10th 170 (1.9) 159 (1.5) 163 (2.1) 159 (2.3) 170 (0.9) 169 (0.5) 171 (0.4) 174 (0.4) 170 (0.5) 179 (0.5) 175 (0.5) 170 (0.6) 180 (0.7)
25th 194 (1.1) 189 (1.1) 191 (1.7) 189 (1.4) 196 (0.5) 195 (0.4) 196 (0.3) 199 (0.3) 196 (0.4) 203 (0.4) 199 (0.4) 196 (0.4) 203 (0.5)
50th 219 (1.3) 219 (1.3) 217 (1.3) 218 (1.7) 221 (0.5) 221 (0.3) 221 (0.2) 224 (0.3) 221 (0.4) 227 (0.3) 223 (0.3) 220 (0.3) 226 (0.3)
75th 242 (1.1) 243 (1.3) 242 (0.9) 243 (0.8) 244 (0.5) 244 (0.3) 244 (0.3) 246 (0.3) 243 (0.3) 248 (0.4) 245 (0.3) 243 (0.3) 248 (0.3)
90th 261 (1.4) 263 (1.7) 262 (0.9) 262 (1.4) 263 (0.4) 264 (0.3) 263 (0.3) 264 (0.4) 261 (0.5) 267 (0.4) 264 (0.3) 261 (0.7) 266 (0.4)
8th grade                                                    
10th 213 (1.2) 211 (1.9) 216 (1.7) (†) 220 (0.5) 217 (0.6) 216 (0.3) 217 (0.4) 211 (0.5) 225 (0.7) 219 (0.5) 214 (0.6) 225 (0.5)
25th 237 (1.1) 236 (1.1) 241 (0.7) (†) 244 (0.5) 242 (0.3) 240 (0.2) 242 (0.3) 237 (0.4) 247 (0.4) 243 (0.4) 239 (0.3) 248 (0.4)
50th 262 (1.1) 262 (0.7) 266 (0.7) (†) 267 (0.5) 266 (0.3) 265 (0.2) 265 (0.2) 261 (0.3) 270 (0.3) 267 (0.3) 262 (0.3) 271 (0.4)
75th 285 (0.8) 286 (1.1) 288 (1.0) (†) 288 (0.4) 288 (0.3) 286 (0.2) 287 (0.2) 282 (0.3) 291 (0.3) 288 (0.4) 283 (0.3) 292 (0.5)
90th 305 (1.3) 305 (1.2) 306 (0.8) (†) 305 (0.5) 306 (0.2) 305 (0.2) 305 (0.2) 300 (0.3) 309 (0.4) 305 (0.4) 301 (0.4) 309 (0.5)
12th grade                                                    
10th 249 (0.8) 239 (0.9) 240 (0.6) (†) 237 (1.5) (†) 235 (1.1) (†) (†) (†) 238 (0.8) 230 (1.0) 247 (0.8)
25th 271 (0.8) 264 (0.9) 267 (0.8) (†) 263 (1.3) (†) 262 (0.8) (†) (†) (†) 264 (0.8) 257 (0.8) 271 (0.8)
50th 294 (0.8) 290 (0.6) 293 (0.6) (†) 289 (0.7) (†) 288 (0.8) (†) (†) (†) 291 (0.7) 285 (1.0) 296 (1.0)
75th 315 (0.5) 313 (0.8) 317 (0.7) (†) 312 (0.6) (†) 313 (1.1) (†) (†) (†) 315 (0.9) 310 (0.8) 319 (0.8)
90th 333 (0.7) 332 (1.2) 336 (0.8) (†) 332 (0.9) (†) 333 (1.1) (†) (†) (†) 335 (0.9) 330 (1.1) 339 (1.0)
  Standard deviation3  of the reading scale score
All students                                                    
4th grade 36 (0.6) 41 (0.6) 39 (0.7) 42 (0.9) 36 (0.3) 37 (0.2) 36 (0.1) 36 (0.2) 36 (0.2) 35 (0.2) 35 (0.2) 36 (0.3) 34 (0.2)
8th grade 36 (0.3) 37 (0.4) 35 (0.5) (†) 34 (0.3) 35 (0.2) 35 (0.1) 35 (0.2) 35 (0.2) 34 (0.2) 34 (0.2) 35 (0.2) 33 (0.2)
12th grade 33 (0.4) 37 (0.5) 38 (0.4) (†) 37 (0.4) (†) 38 (0.4) (†) (†) (†) 38 (0.3) 39 (0.4) 36 (0.3)
—Not available. Data not collected.
†Not applicable.
‡Reporting standards not met.
1 Accommodations were not permitted for this assessment.
2 The percentile represents a specific point on the percentage distribution of all students ranked by their reading score from low to high. For example, 10 percent of students scored at or below the 10th percentile score, while 90 percent of students scored above it.
3 The standard deviation provides an indication of how much the test scores varied. The lower the standard deviation, the closer the scores were clustered around the average score. About two-thirds of the student scores can be expected to fall within the range of one standard deviation above and one standard deviation below the average score. For example, the average score for all 4th-graders was 221, and the standard deviation was 35. This means that we would expect about two-thirds of the students to have scores between 256 (one standard deviation above the average) and 186 (one standard deviation below). Standard errors also must be taken into account when making comparisons of these ranges. For a discussion of standard errors, see Appendix A: Guide to Sources.
NOTE: Scale ranges from 0 to 500. Includes public and private schools. Excludes persons not enrolled in school and those who were unable to be tested due to limited proficiency in English or due to a disability. Race categories exclude persons of Hispanic ethnicity. Standard errors appear in parentheses.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), 1992, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2002, 2003, 2005, 2007, and 2009 Reading Assessments, retrieved May 17 and December 2, 2010, from the Main NAEP Data Explorer (http://nces.ed.gov/nationsreportcard/naepdata/). (This table was prepared December 2010.)