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Digest of Education Statistics
2010 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest

Table 15. Use of the Internet by persons 3 years old and over, by type of use and selected characteristics: 2003
Selected characteristic Number of persons using the Internet (in thousands) Percent using the Internet anywhere Percent using the Internet at school Percent of internet users using the Internet for various activities during the year1
School assignments E-mail and messaging Playing games Online courses Product purchases and information News, weather, and sports Health infor-mation2 Government infor-mation3 Conduct financial transac-tions3,4 Look for jobs3
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Total, all persons 161,636 (309.1) 58.7 (0.14) (†) (†) 82.1 (0.15) 42.2 (0.19) 5.6 (0.09) 71.2 (0.17) 60.6 (0.19) 39.3 (0.20) 44.7 (0.21) 30.4 (0.19) 18.7 (0.16)
Male 78,070 (343.4) 58.2 (0.21) (†) (†) 80.4 (0.22) 45.5 (0.27) 5.4 (0.12) 71.8 (0.25) 65.5 (0.26) 34.1 (0.28) 45.5 (0.30) 32.3 (0.28) 19.1 (0.24)
Female 83,567 (348.1) 59.2 (0.20) (†) (†) 83.7 (0.20) 39.2 (0.26) 5.7 (0.12) 70.6 (0.24) 55.9 (0.26) 44.1 (0.28) 44.0 (0.29) 28.6 (0.26) 18.3 (0.22)
White 122,243 (353.9) 65.1 (0.17) (†) (†) 84.8 (0.16) 41.4 (0.22) 5.5 (0.10) 74.4 (0.19) 62.9 (0.21) 41.1 (0.23) 45.9 (0.24) 31.3 (0.22) 17.4 (0.18)
Black 14,898 (131.5) 45.2 (0.45) (†) (†) 71.1 (0.61) 50.2 (0.67) 5.6 (0.31) 59.7 (0.66) 50.8 (0.67) 33.6 (0.67) 41.1 (0.73) 22.3 (0.62) 25.6 (0.65)
Hispanic 14,038 (132.7) 37.2 (0.43) (†) (†) 69.6 (0.68) 43.0 (0.73) 5.0 (0.32) 57.2 (0.73) 50.6 (0.74) 30.1 (0.73) 36.4 (0.81) 26.6 (0.74) 21.5 (0.69)
Other 10,457 (133.9) 61.6 (0.65) (†) (†) 83.3 (0.64) 39.5 (0.84) 7.1 (0.44) 68.4 (0.79) 60.7 (0.83) 37.6 (0.87) 45.4 (0.93) 35.2 (0.89) 21.5 (0.76)
3 and 4 1,662 (62.5) 19.9 (0.67) (†) (†) 26.5 (1.67) 64.6 (1.81) 0.6 (0.29) 15.4 (1.36) 11.3 (1.19) (†) (†) (†) (†)
5 to 9 8,259 (137.2) 42.0 (0.54) (†) (†) 33.5 (0.80) 64.8 (0.81) 1.0 (0.17) 17.3 (0.64) 16.6 (0.63) (†) (†) (†) (†)
10 to 14 14,570 (179.4) 68.9 (0.49) (†) (†) 62.4 (0.62) 66.1 (0.60) 1.1 (0.13) 34.4 (0.61) 35.7 (0.61) 6.2 (0.38) (†) (†) (†)
15 to 19 15,768 (186.1) 77.7 (0.45) (†) (†) 84.0 (0.45) 61.1 (0.60) 5.0 (0.27) 61.3 (0.60) 55.4 (0.61) 13.2 (0.42) 19.3 (0.48) 8.6 (0.34) 10.5 (0.38)
20 to 24 13,800 (174.9) 69.4 (0.50) (†) (†) 87.1 (0.44) 51.9 (0.65) 8.8 (0.37) 76.4 (0.56) 65.6 (0.62) 28.4 (0.59) 36.2 (0.63) 27.6 (0.59) 30.5 (0.60)
25 to 29 12,492 (167.0) 66.7 (0.53) (†) (†) 88.7 (0.44) 42.2 (0.68) 8.0 (0.37) 83.1 (0.52) 71.0 (0.62) 44.7 (0.68) 50.2 (0.69) 41.3 (0.68) 31.5 (0.64)
30 to 39 28,580 (242.3) 69.2 (0.35) (†) (†) 88.6 (0.29) 35.9 (0.44) 7.1 (0.23) 83.6 (0.34) 70.9 (0.41) 45.0 (0.45) 49.9 (0.46) 38.8 (0.44) 23.3 (0.38)
40 to 49 29,978 (247.3) 67.5 (0.34) (†) (†) 88.3 (0.29) 33.1 (0.42) 6.3 (0.22) 83.4 (0.33) 70.1 (0.41) 48.0 (0.44) 50.9 (0.44) 34.6 (0.42) 19.0 (0.35)
50 to 59 21,911 (215.9) 62.7 (0.40) (†) (†) 89.3 (0.32) 26.9 (0.46) 5.9 (0.24) 82.1 (0.40) 66.4 (0.49) 50.5 (0.52) 51.2 (0.52) 30.0 (0.48) 12.8 (0.35)
60 to 69 9,677 (148.0) 43.9 (0.51) (†) (†) 87.5 (0.52) 27.7 (0.70) 3.7 (0.30) 77.8 (0.65) 60.2 (0.77) 49.3 (0.78) 45.6 (0.78) 24.2 (0.67) 6.1 (0.37)
70 or older 4,940 (106.9) 20.1 (0.39) (†) (†) 86.7 (0.74) 27.9 (0.98) 2.9 (0.37) 67.6 (1.03) 56.8 (1.08) 47.6 (1.09) 37.8 (1.06) 19.0 (0.86) 2.4 (0.34)
Family income5                                                    
Less than $10,000 5,290 (112.1) 31.5 (0.63) (†) (†) 69.3 (1.11) 48.0 (1.20) 6.4 (0.59) 60.6 (1.17) 53.3 (1.20) 33.8 (1.21) 40.4 (1.31) 22.9 (1.12) 34.5 (1.27)
$10,000 to $19,999 8,119 (195.6) 32.5 (0.66) (†) (†) 70.6 (1.12) 45.0 (1.22) 5.9 (0.58) 60.4 (1.20) 51.3 (1.23) 33.4 (1.23) 39.7 (1.34) 20.7 (1.11) 26.1 (1.20)
$20,000 to $29,999 12,830 (243.1) 43.8 (0.64) (†) (†) 75.5 (0.84) 46.1 (0.97) 5.4 (0.44) 64.3 (0.94) 54.9 (0.97) 35.8 (0.99) 39.3 (1.04) 24.8 (0.92) 23.6 (0.91)
$30,000 to $39,999 15,730 (267.2) 54.3 (0.65) (†) (†) 79.4 (0.71) 44.9 (0.88) 5.1 (0.39) 67.0 (0.83) 56.1 (0.88) 36.3 (0.90) 40.4 (0.95) 26.3 (0.85) 21.2 (0.79)
$40,000 to $49,999 13,596 (249.8) 64.8 (0.73) (†) (†) 80.2 (0.76) 43.7 (0.94) 4.8 (0.40) 70.6 (0.86) 58.0 (0.94) 37.6 (0.97) 41.9 (1.02) 27.3 (0.92) 18.5 (0.80)
$50,000 to $74,999 32,025 (365.2) 71.8 (0.47) (†) (†) 83.6 (0.46) 42.7 (0.61) 5.1 (0.27) 72.9 (0.55) 61.7 (0.60) 39.7 (0.63) 45.7 (0.67) 31.3 (0.62) 18.2 (0.52)
$75,000 or more 48,795 (429.4) 82.9 (0.34) (†) (†) 87.3 (0.33) 39.7 (0.49) 6.5 (0.25) 77.7 (0.42) 67.4 (0.47) 44.0 (0.52) 51.5 (0.54) 38.4 (0.53) 15.9 (0.40)
Total, all students 49,520 (300.6) 66.1 (0.27) 48.8 (0.28) 82.2 (0.26) 70.1 (0.32) 59.3 (0.34) 5.9 (0.16) 49.8 (0.35) 46.5 (0.35) 20.1 (0.33) 32.8 (0.45) 20.5 (0.39) 17.8 (0.37)
Elementary/secondary6  34,636 (262.4) 59.4 (0.31) 43.3 (0.32) 77.9 (0.34) 60.6 (0.40) 64.2 (0.40) 2.0 (0.12) 37.1 (0.40) 36.0 (0.40) 9.3 (0.31) 15.8 (0.53) 5.6 (0.34) 7.0 (0.37)
3 and 4 years old 1,063 (50.1) 23.2 (0.96) 7.6 (0.60) 29.4 (2.15) 25.1 (2.05) 63.5 (2.27) (†) 12.7 (1.57) 8.5 (1.32) (†) (†) (†) (†)
5 to 9 years old 8,116 (136.0) 42.7 (0.55) 26.1 (0.49) 51.6 (0.85) 33.3 (0.81) 64.9 (0.82) 1.0 (0.17) 17.3 (0.65) 16.5 (0.63) (†) (†) (†) (†)
10 to 14 years old 14,422 (178.5) 69.4 (0.49) 53.4 (0.53) 85.6 (0.45) 62.4 (0.62) 66.1 (0.61) 1.0 (0.13) 34.2 (0.61) 35.5 (0.61) 5.9 (0.38) (†) (†) (†)
15 years old and over 11,035 (157.5) 79.5 (0.53) 63.6 (0.63) 91.9 (0.40) 81.6 (0.57) 61.3 (0.71) 4.2 (0.29) 57.8 (0.72) 53.6 (0.73) 12.2 (0.48) 15.8 (0.53) 5.6 (0.34) 7.0 (0.37)
College 14,884 (181.2) 89.5 (0.37) 68.1 (0.56) 92.0 (0.34) 92.4 (0.34) 47.8 (0.63) 14.9 (0.45) 79.2 (0.51) 71.1 (0.57) 34.9 (0.60) 45.4 (0.63) 31.5 (0.59) 25.8 (0.55)
Male 24,107 (225.2) 64.6 (0.38) 47.7 (0.40) 80.7 (0.39) 66.8 (0.47) 64.1 (0.48) 5.3 (0.22) 50.5 (0.50) 49.9 (0.50) 16.1 (0.44) 31.4 (0.65) 20.2 (0.56) 17.0 (0.52)
Elementary/secondary6  17,519 (195.3) 58.4 (0.44) 42.2 (0.44) 76.6 (0.49) 57.2 (0.58) 67.5 (0.54) 2.1 (0.17) 39.4 (0.57) 39.3 (0.57) 7.6 (0.40) 15.4 (0.74) 5.6 (0.47) 6.4 (0.50)
3 and 4 years old 591 (37.4) 24.2 (1.34) 7.2 (0.81) 26.9 (2.81) 23.7 (2.69) 66.4 (2.99) (†) 11.4 (2.01) 8.7 (1.79) (†) (†) (†) (†)
5 to 9 years old 4,051 (97.0) 41.8 (0.77) 25.1 (0.68) 50.4 (1.21) 30.2 (1.11) 66.8 (1.14) 1.2 (0.27) 18.9 (0.95) 17.8 (0.93) (†) (†) (†) (†)
10 to 14 years old 7,233 (128.7) 68.1 (0.70) 51.9 (0.75) 84.0 (0.66) 58.0 (0.89) 68.9 (0.84) 1.4 (0.21) 37.6 (0.88) 38.1 (0.88) 4.6 (0.48) (†) (†) (†)
15 years old and over 5,645 (114.1) 77.9 (0.75) 62.8 (0.87) 91.2 (0.58) 79.1 (0.83) 66.3 (0.97) 3.9 (0.40) 59.5 (1.01) 59.6 (1.01) 9.9 (0.61) 15.4 (0.74) 5.6 (0.47) 6.4 (0.50)
College 6,587 (123.0) 90.0 (0.54) 70.2 (0.82) 91.4 (0.53) 92.3 (0.51) 55.1 (0.94) 13.6 (0.65) 79.8 (0.76) 77.9 (0.79) 29.2 (0.86) 45.0 (0.94) 32.7 (0.89) 26.0 (0.83)
Female 25,413 (230.4) 67.6 (0.37) 49.9 (0.40) 83.6 (0.36) 73.3 (0.43) 54.7 (0.48) 6.5 (0.24) 49.1 (0.48) 43.4 (0.48) 23.8 (0.48) 34.1 (0.62) 20.7 (0.53) 18.6 (0.51)
Elementary/secondary6  17,117 (193.2) 60.5 (0.45) 44.4 (0.45) 79.3 (0.48) 64.0 (0.56) 60.8 (0.57) 1.9 (0.16) 34.8 (0.56) 32.6 (0.55) 11.1 (0.48) 16.2 (0.77) 5.7 (0.48) 7.6 (0.56)
3 and 4 years old 472 (33.4) 21.9 (1.37) 8.0 (0.90) 32.5 (3.32) 26.8 (3.14) 60.0 (3.47) (†) 14.3 (2.48) 8.3 (1.95) (†) (†) (†) (†)
5 to 9 years old 4,065 (97.2) 43.7 (0.79) 27.1 (0.71) 52.9 (1.21) 36.3 (1.16) 62.9 (1.17) 0.7 (0.20) 15.7 (0.88) 15.1 (0.86) (†) (†) (†) (†)
10 to 14 years old 7,189 (128.3) 70.7 (0.69) 54.9 (0.76) 87.3 (0.60) 66.9 (0.85) 63.3 (0.87) 0.7 (0.15) 30.9 (0.84) 32.9 (0.85) 7.1 (0.57) (†) (†) (†)
15 years old and over 5,390 (111.6) 81.2 (0.74) 64.5 (0.90) 92.6 (0.55) 84.1 (0.77) 56.0 (1.04) 4.4 (0.43) 56.1 (1.04) 47.4 (1.05) 14.6 (0.74) 16.2 (0.77) 5.7 (0.48) 7.6 (0.56)
College 8,297 (137.5) 89.0 (0.50) 66.4 (0.75) 92.4 (0.45) 92.4 (0.45) 42.0 (0.83) 15.9 (0.62) 78.8 (0.69) 65.7 (0.80) 39.4 (0.83) 45.8 (0.84) 30.4 (0.78) 25.7 (0.74)
White 34,066 (260.6) 73.4 (0.32) 54.0 (0.36) 82.6 (0.32) 74.0 (0.37) 60.1 (0.41) 6.0 (0.20) 52.9 (0.42) 48.8 (0.42) 20.8 (0.40) 34.6 (0.55) 21.9 (0.48) 16.7 (0.43)
Elementary/secondary6  23,592 (223.1) 67.1 (0.39) 48.7 (0.41) 78.2 (0.41) 65.1 (0.48) 65.7 (0.48) 1.9 (0.14) 39.9 (0.49) 38.0 (0.49) 9.5 (0.38) 17.3 (0.68) 6.7 (0.45) 5.8 (0.42)
3 and 4 years old 769 (42.6) 26.8 (1.27) 7.2 (0.74) 23.9 (2.37) 24.1 (2.37) 63.5 (2.67) (†) 9.9 (1.66) 6.5 (1.37) (†) (†) (†) (†)
5 to 9 years old 5,557 (113.2) 49.6 (0.73) 30.4 (0.67) 49.7 (1.03) 35.4 (0.99) 65.5 (0.98) 0.9 (0.19) 17.4 (0.78) 17.2 (0.78) (†) (†) (†) (†)
10 to 14 years old 9,836 (149.1) 78.2 (0.57) 60.4 (0.67) 87.4 (0.52) 68.5 (0.72) 67.8 (0.72) 0.8 (0.14) 37.0 (0.75) 37.6 (0.75) 5.4 (0.44) (†) (†) (†)
15 years old and over 7,430 (130.4) 87.4 (0.55) 69.6 (0.77) 92.9 (0.46) 87.2 (0.60) 63.4 (0.86) 4.1 (0.36) 63.5 (0.86) 57.4 (0.88) 12.9 (0.60) 17.3 (0.68) 6.7 (0.45) 5.8 (0.42)
College 10,475 (153.6) 92.7 (0.38) 70.3 (0.66) 92.4 (0.40) 94.0 (0.36) 47.5 (0.75) 15.4 (0.54) 82.3 (0.57) 73.1 (0.67) 35.7 (0.72) 46.8 (0.75) 32.7 (0.71) 24.4 (0.65)
Black 5,810 (110.1) 53.0 (0.78) 40.8 (0.77) 82.6 (0.81) 57.4 (1.06) 61.5 (1.05) 5.9 (0.51) 41.9 (1.06) 39.3 (1.05) 18.8 (0.99) 28.2 (1.33) 12.7 (0.99) 22.8 (1.24)
Elementary/secondary6  4,137 (96.7) 46.6 (0.87) 36.2 (0.83) 79.1 (1.04) 46.8 (1.27) 64.9 (1.21) 2.0 (0.36) 31.0 (1.18) 31.2 (1.18) 8.7 (0.92) 11.7 (1.42) 1.6 (0.55) 11.5 (1.41)
3 and 4 years old 103 (16.6) 15.0 (2.24) 7.2 (1.62) 51.6 (8.06) 32.5 (7.55) 56.8 (7.99) (†) 35.3 (7.70) 20.0 (6.45) (†) (†) (†) (†)
5 to 9 years old 925 (48.9) 33.1 (1.46) 21.5 (1.27) 58.2 (2.65) 27.1 (2.39) 65.6 (2.56) 0.6 (0.40) 20.0 (2.15) 16.3 (1.99) (†) (†) (†) (†)
10 to 14 years old 1,732 (65.8) 53.6 (1.44) 42.7 (1.42) 83.8 (1.45) 45.5 (1.96) 68.6 (1.83) 2.1 (0.57) 29.0 (1.79) 31.6 (1.83) 8.2 (1.33) (†) (†) (†)
15 years old and over 1,377 (59.1) 63.6 (1.69) 54.5 (1.75) 89.2 (1.37) 62.7 (2.13) 60.4 (2.16) 3.1 (0.76) 40.5 (2.17) 41.6 (2.17) 9.2 (1.27) 11.7 (1.42) 1.6 (0.55) 11.5 (1.41)
College 1,673 (64.8) 80.0 (1.43) 60.7 (1.75) 91.4 (1.12) 83.5 (1.48) 53.0 (2.00) 15.4 (1.45) 68.9 (1.85) 59.4 (1.97) 33.9 (1.89) 41.9 (1.97) 21.8 (1.65) 32.2 (1.87)
Hispanic 5,862 (116.2) 49.1 (0.80) 34.9 (0.76) 77.6 (0.95) 58.0 (1.13) 53.3 (1.14) 4.9 (0.49) 38.7 (1.11) 38.1 (1.11) 16.2 (1.02) 27.3 (1.47) 15.9 (1.21) 18.6 (1.29)
Elementary/secondary6  4,517 (105.7) 44.2 (0.86) 31.2 (0.80) 74.5 (1.13) 49.1 (1.30) 56.1 (1.29) 2.8 (0.43) 29.1 (1.18) 30.3 (1.19) 8.6 (0.95) 13.9 (1.58) 3.7 (0.87) 9.0 (1.31)
3 and 4 years old 114 (18.6) 15.6 (2.35) 7.2 (1.67) 41.4 (8.08) 16.2 (6.04) 71.0 (7.44) (†) 7.0 (4.19) 10.6 (5.04) (†) (†) (†) (†)
5 to 9 years old 1,095 (56.5) 30.3 (1.33) 17.9 (1.11) 53.6 (2.63) 26.6 (2.33) 59.9 (2.59) 1.8 (0.70) 15.2 (1.89) 15.5 (1.91) (†) (†) (†) (†)
10 to 14 years old 1,855 (72.3) 51.9 (1.46) 38.7 (1.42) 78.5 (1.67) 48.2 (2.03) 54.9 (2.02) 1.4 (0.48) 25.5 (1.77) 28.1 (1.82) 6.5 (1.23) (†) (†) (†)
15 years old and over 1,454 (64.5) 63.2 (1.76) 47.9 (1.82) 87.6 (1.51) 69.8 (2.10) 53.7 (2.28) 5.3 (1.02) 45.8 (2.28) 45.8 (2.28) 10.3 (1.39) 13.9 (1.58) 3.7 (0.87) 9.0 (1.31)
College 1,344 (62.2) 78.4 (1.74) 56.9 (2.09) 88.2 (1.54) 88.1 (1.54) 43.9 (2.36) 12.0 (1.55) 71.2 (2.16) 64.2 (2.28) 31.5 (2.21) 41.8 (2.35) 29.0 (2.16) 29.0 (2.16)
Family income5                                                    
Less than $10,000 2,642 (84.7) 51.9 (1.22) 41.1 (1.21) 81.4 (1.32) 64.0 (1.63) 56.0 (1.69) 7.9 (0.92) 51.9 (1.70) 50.3 (1.70) 27.1 (1.71) 39.2 (2.07) 25.4 (1.85) 32.9 (1.99)
$10,000 to $19,999 3,477 (95.2) 52.8 (1.07) 41.8 (1.06) 82.2 (1.13) 60.8 (1.45) 52.5 (1.48) 6.9 (0.75) 46.7 (1.48) 42.6 (1.46) 22.6 (1.44) 37.2 (1.90) 19.8 (1.57) 21.4 (1.62)
$20,000 to $29,999 4,226 (103.0) 55.8 (1.00) 42.8 (0.99) 79.7 (1.08) 64.5 (1.29) 56.5 (1.33) 6.8 (0.68) 47.3 (1.34) 43.4 (1.33) 22.8 (1.32) 35.4 (1.75) 19.3 (1.44) 21.7 (1.51)
$30,000 to $39,999 4,860 (108.7) 62.8 (0.96) 45.1 (0.99) 78.5 (1.03) 66.8 (1.18) 60.9 (1.22) 6.6 (0.62) 45.1 (1.25) 41.4 (1.23) 20.5 (1.23) 31.9 (1.68) 20.7 (1.46) 19.1 (1.41)
$40,000 to $49,999 3,812 (98.9) 69.0 (1.09) 49.7 (1.17) 80.2 (1.13) 65.5 (1.35) 60.1 (1.39) 5.5 (0.64) 48.2 (1.41) 41.2 (1.39) 18.7 (1.33) 28.2 (1.82) 17.4 (1.53) 14.8 (1.43)
$50,000 to $74,999 9,038 (130.9) 72.1 (0.70) 51.6 (0.78) 82.0 (0.71) 71.5 (0.83) 60.9 (0.90) 5.0 (0.40) 49.9 (0.92) 46.9 (0.92) 20.2 (0.88) 35.0 (1.23) 20.5 (1.04) 17.2 (0.98)
$75,000 or more 14,314 (132.1) 79.5 (0.53) 57.3 (0.64) 84.3 (0.53) 76.2 (0.62) 61.9 (0.71) 5.9 (0.34) 54.0 (0.73) 51.3 (0.73) 18.6 (0.69) 32.9 (0.97) 22.4 (0.86) 14.6 (0.73)
—Not available.
†Not applicable.
‡Reporting standards not met.
1 Individuals may be counted in more than one internet activity.
2 Data are for persons 12 years old and over.
3 Data are for persons 15 years old and over.
4 Includes online banking and stock and securities transactions.
5 Excludes persons whose income data were not available.
6 Includes prekindergarten through grade 12.
NOTE: Data are based on a sample survey of households and are subject to sampling and nonsampling error. Race categories exclude persons of Hispanic ethnicity. Detail may not sum to totals because of rounding. Standard errors appear in parentheses.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Commerce, Census Bureau, Current Population Survey (CPS), October 2003, unpublished tabulations. (This table was prepared May 2005.)

2010 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest