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Digest of Education Statistics: 2009
Digest of Education Statistics: 2009

NCES 2010-013
April 2010

Table 78. Estimated average annual salary of teachers in public elementary and secondary schools: Selected years, 1959-60 through 2008-09
School year Current dollars Average public school teachers' salary in
constant 2007-08 dollars2
Average public school teachers' salary Wage and salary accruals per full-time-equivalent (FTE) employee1 Ratio of average teachers' salary to accruals per FTE employee
All teachers Elementary teachers Secondary teachers All teachers Elementary teachers Secondary teachers
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1959-60 $4,995 $4,815 $5,276 $4,749 1.05 $35,989 $34,692 $38,013
1961-62 5,515 5,340 5,775 5,063 1.09 38,843 37,610 40,674
1963-64 5,995 5,805 6,266 5,478 1.09 41,150 39,846 43,010
1965-66 6,485 6,279 6,761 5,934 1.09 43,026 41,660 44,858
1967-68 7,423 7,208 7,692 6,533 1.14 46,209 44,870 47,883
1969-70 8,626 8,412 8,891 7,486 1.15 48,343 47,143 49,828
1970-71 9,268 9,021 9,568 7,998 1.16 49,391 48,075 50,990
1971-72 9,705 9,424 10,031 8,521 1.14 49,929 48,483 51,606
1972-73 10,174 9,893 10,507 9,056 1.12 50,314 48,925 51,961
1973-74 10,770 10,507 11,077 9,667 1.11 48,901 47,707 50,295
1974-75 11,641 11,334 12,000 10,411 1.12 47,583 46,328 49,051
1975-76 12,600 12,280 12,937 11,194 1.13 48,099 46,877 49,385
1976-77 13,354 12,989 13,776 11,971 1.12 48,168 46,851 49,690
1977-78 14,198 13,845 14,602 12,811 1.11 47,990 46,797 49,355
1978-79 15,032 14,681 15,450 13,807 1.09 46,457 45,372 47,749
1979-80 15,970 15,569 16,459 15,050 1.06 43,549 42,456 44,883
1980-81 17,644 17,230 18,142 16,461 1.07 43,120 42,108 44,337
1981-82 19,274 18,853 19,805 17,795 1.08 43,358 42,411 44,553
1982-83 20,695 20,227 21,291 18,873 1.10 44,638 43,628 45,923
1983-84 21,935 21,487 22,554 19,781 1.11 45,623 44,692 46,911
1984-85 23,600 23,200 24,187 20,694 1.14 47,238 46,437 48,412
1985-86 25,199 24,718 25,846 21,685 1.16 49,024 48,089 50,283
1986-87 26,569 26,057 27,244 22,700 1.17 50,567 49,593 51,852
1987-88 28,034 27,519 28,798 23,777 1.18 51,232 50,291 52,629
1988-89 29,564 29,022 30,218 24,752 1.19 51,643 50,697 52,786
1989-90 31,367 30,832 32,049 25,762 1.22 52,297 51,405 53,434
1990-91 33,084 32,490 33,896 26,935 1.23 52,301 51,362 53,584
1991-92 34,063 33,479 34,827 28,169 1.21 52,177 51,282 53,347
1992-93 35,029 34,350 35,880 29,245 1.20 52,031 51,022 53,295
1993-94 35,737 35,233 36,566 30,030 1.19 51,742 51,013 52,943
1994-95. 36,675 36,088 37,523 30,857 1.19 51,621 50,795 52,814
1995-96. 37,642 37,138 38,397 31,822 1.18 51,579 50,888 52,613
1996-97. 38,443 38,039 39,184 33,058 1.16 51,215 50,677 52,202
1997-98 39,350 39,002 39,944 34,635 1.14 51,505 51,049 52,282
1998-99 40,544 40,165 41,203 36,306 1.12 52,165 51,677 53,012
1999-2000 41,807 41,306 42,546 38,176 1.10 52,280 51,654 53,204
2000-01 43,378 42,910 44,053 39,722 1.09 52,448 51,882 53,264
2001-02 44,655 44,177 45,310 40,579 1.10 53,053 52,485 53,831
2002-03 45,686 45,408 46,106 41,704 1.10 53,110 52,787 53,599
2003-04 46,542 46,187 46,976 43,301 1.07 52,947 52,543 53,441
2004-05 47,516 47,122 47,688 44,941 1.06 52,476 52,041 52,666
2005-06 48,804 48,420 49,041 46,755 1.04 51,921 51,513 52,173
2006-07 50,758 50,699 50,829 48,812 1.04 52,639 52,578 52,712
2007-08 52,308 52,149 52,367 50,476 1.04 52,308 52,149 52,367
2008-09 53,910 54,037 53,724 53,168 53,293 52,984
nowrap—Not available.
1 The average monetary remuneration earned by FTE employees across all industries in a given year, including wages, salaries, commissions, tips, bonuses, voluntary employee contributions to certain deferred compensation plans, and receipts in kind that represent income. Calendar-year data from the U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis, have been converted to a school-year basis by averaging the two appropriate calendar years in each case.
2 Constant dollars based on the Consumer Price Index, prepared by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, adjusted to a school-year basis.
NOTE: Some data have been revised from previously published figures. Standard errors are not available for these estimates, which are based on state reports.
SOURCE: National Education Association, Estimates of School Statistics, 1959-60 through 2008-09; and unpublished tabulations. U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis, National Income and Product Accounts, tables 6.6B-D, retrieved August 25, 2009, from (This table was prepared August 2009.)