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Digest of Education Statistics: 2008
Digest of Education Statistics: 2008

NCES 2009-020
March 2009

Table 362. Expenditures of public degree-granting institutions, by purpose of expenditure and type of institution: 2003–04, 2004–05, and 2005–06
Type of institution and year Total expenditures Operating expenditures Nonoperating expenditures
Total Instruction Research Public service Academic support Student services Insti- tutional support Operation and main-tenance of plant Deprecia-tion Scholar-ships and fellow-ships1 Auxiliary enterprises Hospitals Indepen-dent operations Other Total Interest Other
Total Salaries and wages
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
  In thousands of current dollars
All institutions                                      
2003–04 $205,068,500 $198,321,711 $56,767,947 $39,431,881 $21,408,497 $8,981,907 $13,613,774 $9,426,787 $16,849,813 $12,611,040 $8,999,651 $8,172,682 $15,705,951 $18,471,970 $736,799 $6,574,893 $6,746,790 $2,679,502 $4,067,287
2004–05 215,794,343 208,488,447 59,656,806 41,026,819 22,550,836 9,481,391 14,258,857 10,042,243 17,454,934 13,578,182 9,592,800 8,402,515 16,664,085 20,104,812 658,166 6,042,819 7,305,896 2,989,771 4,316,125
2005–06 226,549,889 219,061,195 62,988,407 43,202,237 23,056,406 9,746,753 15,299,823 10,634,906 18,528,338 15,117,844 10,071,291 8,616,689 17,314,237 20,689,224 744,028 6,253,250 7,488,694 3,404,166 4,084,528
2003–04 167,654,408 161,575,599 42,287,792 29,290,396 21,394,125 8,293,533 10,904,235 6,062,776 11,691,429 9,469,470 7,586,394 5,123,190 13,680,554 18,471,970 711,188 5,898,943 6,078,810 2,240,096 3,838,714
2004–05 177,191,847 170,580,039 44,699,891 30,555,416 22,528,940 8,819,093 11,417,218 6,475,649 12,151,581 10,287,442 8,136,660 5,453,252 14,593,314 20,104,812 658,166 5,254,019 6,611,808 2,526,222 4,085,586
2005–06 186,074,213 179,399,853 47,286,043 32,206,726 23,031,885 9,054,397 12,290,114 6,906,675 12,915,660 11,508,008 8,517,539 5,697,202 15,158,273 20,689,224 744,028 5,600,805 6,674,361 2,856,931 3,817,430
2003–04 37,414,092 36,746,112 14,480,155 10,141,485 14,371 688,374 2,709,539 3,364,011 5,158,384 3,141,570 1,413,258 3,049,492 2,025,397 0 25,612 675,949 667,980 439,406 228,574
2004–05 38,602,497 37,908,408 14,956,915 10,471,403 21,896 662,298 2,841,639 3,566,594 5,303,353 3,290,740 1,456,140 2,949,262 2,070,771 0 0 788,800 694,089 463,549 230,539
2005–06 40,475,676 39,661,343 15,702,364 10,995,511 24,520 692,356 3,009,709 3,728,231 5,612,677 3,609,836 1,553,752 2,919,487 2,155,964 0 0 652,445 814,333 547,234 267,099
  Percentage distribution
All institutions                                      
2003–04 100.00 96.71 27.68 19.23 10.44 4.38 6.64 4.60 8.22 6.15 4.39 3.99 7.66 9.01 0.36 3.21 3.29 1.31 1.98
2004–05 100.00 96.61 27.65 19.01 10.45 4.39 6.61 4.65 8.09 6.29 4.45 3.89 7.72 9.32 0.30 2.80 3.39 1.39 2.00
2005–06 100.00 96.69 27.80 19.07 10.18 4.30 6.75 4.69 8.18 6.67 4.45 3.80 7.64 9.13 0.33 2.76 3.31 1.50 1.80
2003–04 100.00 96.37 25.22 17.47 12.76 4.95 6.50 3.62 6.97 5.65 4.53 3.06 8.16 11.02 0.42 3.52 3.63 1.34 2.29
2004–05 100.00 96.27 25.23 17.24 12.71 4.98 6.44 3.65 6.86 5.81 4.59 3.08 8.24 11.35 0.37 2.97 3.73 1.43 2.31
2005–06 100.00 96.41 25.41 17.31 12.38 4.87 6.60 3.71 6.94 6.18 4.58 3.06 8.15 11.12 0.40 3.01 3.59 1.54 2.05
2003–04 100.00 98.21 38.70 27.11 0.04 1.84 7.24 8.99 13.79 8.40 3.78 8.15 5.41 0.00 0.07 1.81 1.79 1.17 0.61
2004–05 100.00 98.20 38.75 27.13 0.06 1.72 7.36 9.24 13.74 8.52 3.77 7.64 5.36 0.00 0.00 2.04 1.80 1.20 0.60
2005–06 100.00 97.99 38.79 27.17 0.06 1.71 7.44 9.21 13.87 8.92 3.84 7.21 5.33 0.00 0.00 1.61 2.01 1.35 0.66
  Expenditures per full-time-equivalent student in current dollars
All institutions                                      
2003–04 $22,192 $21,462 $6,143 $4,267 $2,317 $972 $1,473 $1,020 $1,823 $1,365 $974 $884 $1,700 $1,999 $80 $712 $730 $290 $440
2004–05 23,084 22,303 6,382 4,389 2,412 1,014 1,525 1,074 1,867 1,453 1,026 899 1,783 2,151 70 646 782 320 462
2005–06 24,126 23,329 6,708 4,601 2,455 1,038 1,629 1,133 1,973 1,610 1,073 918 1,844 2,203 79 666 797 363 435
2003–04 30,166 29,072 7,609 5,270 3,849 1,492 1,962 1,091 2,104 1,704 1,365 922 2,462 3,324 128 1,061 1,094 403 691
2004–05 31,413 30,241 7,925 5,417 3,994 1,563 2,024 1,148 2,154 1,824 1,443 967 2,587 3,564 117 931 1,172 448 724
2005–06 32,483 31,318 8,255 5,622 4,021 1,581 2,145 1,206 2,255 2,009 1,487 995 2,646 3,612 130 978 1,165 499 666
2003–04 10,158 9,977 3,932 2,754 4 187 736 913 1,401 853 384 828 550 0 7 184 181 119 62
2004–05 10,412 10,225 4,034 2,824 6 179 766 962 1,430 888 393 796 559 0 0 213 187 125 62
2005–06 11,053 10,831 4,288 3,003 7 189 822 1,018 1,533 986 424 797 589 0 0 178 222 149 73
  Expenditures per full-time-equivalent student in constant 2006–07 dollars2
All institutions                                      
2003–04 $24,344 $23,543 $6,739 $4,681 $2,541 $1,066 $1,616 $1,119 $2,000 $1,497 $1,068 $970 $1,864 $2,193 $87 $781 $801 $318 $483
2004–05 24,583 23,751 6,796 4,674 2,569 1,080 1,624 1,144 1,988 1,547 1,093 957 1,898 2,290 75 688 832 341 492
2005–06 24,750 23,932 6,881 4,720 2,519 1,065 1,671 1,162 2,024 1,652 1,100 941 1,892 2,260 81 683 818 372 446
2003–04 33,092 31,892 8,347 5,781 4,223 1,637 2,152 1,197 2,308 1,869 1,497 1,011 2,700 3,646 140 1,164 1,200 442 758
2004–05 33,453 32,205 8,439 5,769 4,253 1,665 2,156 1,223 2,294 1,942 1,536 1,030 2,755 3,796 124 992 1,248 477 771
2005–06 33,323 32,128 8,468 5,768 4,125 1,622 2,201 1,237 2,313 2,061 1,525 1,020 2,715 3,705 133 1,003 1,195 512 684
2003–04 11,144 10,945 4,313 3,021 4 205 807 1,002 1,536 936 421 908 603 0 8 201 199 131 68
2004–05 11,088 10,889 4,296 3,008 6 190 816 1,024 1,523 945 418 847 595 0 0 227 199 133 66
2005–06 11,339 11,111 4,399 3,080 7 194 843 1,044 1,572 1,011 435 818 604 0 0 183 228 153 75
1 Excludes discounts and allowances.
2 Constant dollars based on the Consumer Price Index, prepared by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, adjusted to a school-year basis.
NOTE: Degree-granting institutions grant associate's or higher degrees and participate in Title IV federal financial aid pro­grams. Includes data for public institutions reporting data according to the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) questionnaire. Detail may not sum to totals because of rounding.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, 2003–04 through 2005–06 Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), Spring 2004 through Spring 2007. (This table was prepared June 2008.)