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Digest of Education Statistics: 2008
Digest of Education Statistics: 2008

NCES 2009-020
March 2009

Table 334. Average graduate and first-professional tuition and required fees in degree-granting institutions, by first- professional field of study and control of institution: 1987–88 through 2007–08
Year and control Average full-time graduate tuition and required fees Average full-time first-professional tuition and required fees in current dollars
Current dollars Constant 2006–07 dollars Chiropractic Dentistry Medicine Optometry Osteopathic medicine Pharmacy Podiatry Veterinary medicine Law Theology
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
All institutions                        
1987–88 $3,599 $6,342 $6,996 $9,399 $9,034 $7,926 $10,674 $5,201 $12,736 $4,503 $6,636 $3,572
1988–89 3,728 6,280 7,972 9,324 9,439 8,503 11,462 4,952 13,232 4,856 7,099 3,911
1989–90 4,135 6,648 8,315 10,515 10,597 9,469 11,888 5,890 14,611 5,470 8,059 4,079
1990–91 4,488 6,841 9,108 10,270 10,571 9,512 12,830 5,889 15,143 5,396 8,708 4,569
1991–92 5,116 7,557 10,226 12,049 11,646 9,610 13,004 6,731 16,257 6,367 9,469 4,876
1992–93 5,475 7,842 11,117 12,710 12,265 10,858 14,297 6,635 17,426 6,771 10,463 5,331
1993–94 5,973 8,339 11,503 14,403 13,074 10,385 15,038 7,960 17,621 7,159 11,552 5,253
1994–95 6,247 8,479 12,324 15,164 13,834 11,053 15,913 8,315 18,138 7,741 12,374 5,648
1995–96 6,741 8,907 12,507 15,647 14,860 11,544 16,785 8,602 18,434 8,208 13,278 5,991
1996–97 7,111 9,135 12,721 16,585 15,481 12,250 17,888 9,207 19,056 8,668 14,081 6,558
1997–98 7,246 9,145 13,144 17,695 16,310 12,679 18,668 9,744 19,355 9,013 14,992 6,832
1998–99 7,685 9,534 13,582 19,051 17,107 14,066 20,000 9,735 19,547 9,392 15,601 7,171
1999–2000 8,071 9,732 14,256 19,576 17,818 14,354 20,903 10,740 20,158 9,867 16,491 7,725
2000–01 8,429 9,828 15,093 22,097 19,151 15,448 21,784 11,273 20,455 10,365 17,795 7,868
2001–02 8,857 10,147 15,632 22,597 19,795 16,148 22,970 12,259 20,886 11,070 18,707 8,737
2002–03 9,226 10,342 16,758 24,517 21,206 16,439 24,379 13,597 21,633 12,142 19,810 9,485
2003–04 10,312 11,312 17,264 26,124 22,892 17,439 26,059 14,987 22,645 13,420 21,305 9,850
2004–05 11,004 11,719 18,535 28,455 24,293 18,048 27,900 15,951 23,631 14,535 22,935 10,412
2005–06 11,621 11,922 19,445 29,729 25,699 18,717 29,320 17,224 24,347 15,526 24,474 10,811
2006–07 12,312 12,312 21,473 32,004 27,086 19,886 30,604 18,634 25,594 16,551 26,042 11,628
2007–081  12,979 12,515 22,655 33,967 28,335 20,986 32,106 19,843 26,431 17,609 27,830 12,111
1987–88 1,827 3,220 4,614 5,245 2,789 5,125 2,462 3,523 2,810
1988–89 1,913 3,222 5,286 5,669 3,455 6,269 2,218 3,889 2,766
1989–90 1,999 3,214 5,728 6,259 3,569 6,521 2,816 4,505 3,196
1990–91 2,206 3,363 5,927 6,437 3,821 7,188 2,697 4,840 3,430
1991–92 2,524 3,728 6,595 7,106 4,161 7,699 2,871 5,231 3,933
1992–93 2,791 3,998 7,006 7,867 5,106 8,404 2,987 5,553 4,261
1993–94 3,050 4,258 7,525 8,329 5,325 8,640 3,567 6,107 4,835
1994–95 3,250 4,411 8,125 8,812 5,643 8,954 3,793 6,571 5,307
1995–96 3,449 4,557 8,806 9,585 6,130 9,448 4,100 6,907 5,821
1996–97 3,607 4,634 9,434 10,057 6,561 9,932 4,884 7,343 6,565
1997–98 3,744 4,725 9,762 10,555 7,366 10,358 5,046 19,541 7,472 7,125
1998–99 3,897 4,834 10,259 11,141 7,890 10,858 5,476 19,818 7,707 7,510
1999–2000 4,043 4,876 10,795 11,610 7,922 11,377 5,997 19,578 8,271 7,824
2000–01 4,243 4,947 11,946 12,188 8,452 11,866 6,476 20,228 8,720 8,414
2001–02 4,496 5,150 13,092 13,186 9,619 12,708 7,187 21,254 9,375 9,115
2002–03 4,842 5,427 13,992 14,591 10,187 13,497 8,304 21,992 10,396 10,172
2003–04 5,544 6,081 15,613 16,500 11,537 14,994 9,424 22,638 11,763 11,838
2004–05 6,080 6,475 17,690 18,078 12,387 16,467 10,332 24,788 12,878 13,155
2005–06 6,493 6,661 19,177 19,473 13,229 17,653 11,444 24,808 13,849 14,544
2006–07 6,894 6,894 20,701 20,627 14,392 18,102 12,523 26,242 14,915 15,658
2007–081  7,414 7,149 22,075 21,574 15,618 19,289 13,510 27,322 15,925 16,985
1987–88 6,769 11,928 6,996 16,201 14,945 11,635 13,311 8,834 12,736 12,544 9,048 3,572
1988–89 6,945 11,698 7,972 16,127 15,610 12,050 13,536 9,692 13,232 13,285 9,892 3,911
1989–90 7,881 12,670 8,315 16,800 16,826 13,640 14,117 10,656 14,611 14,184 10,901 4,079
1990–91 8,507 12,968 9,108 18,270 17,899 13,767 15,009 11,546 15,143 14,159 12,247 4,569
1991–92 9,592 14,168 10,226 20,318 19,225 14,366 16,098 12,937 16,257 15,816 12,946 4,876
1992–93 10,008 14,334 11,117 21,309 19,585 14,459 17,098 13,373 17,426 17,103 13,975 5,331
1993–94 10,790 15,064 11,503 23,824 20,769 14,156 17,720 14,838 17,621 17,433 15,193 5,253
1994–95 11,338 15,389 12,324 24,641 21,819 14,497 18,422 14,894 18,138 17,940 16,201 5,648
1995–96 12,083 15,965 12,507 25,678 23,001 15,235 19,619 15,618 18,434 19,380 17,251 5,991
1996–97 12,537 16,105 12,721 26,618 24,242 15,949 20,714 15,934 19,056 19,526 18,276 6,558
1997–98 12,774 16,122 13,144 29,985 25,249 16,550 21,707 16,575 19,316 18,624 19,311 6,832
1998–99 13,299 16,499 13,582 31,917 26,495 17,848 22,867 16,874 19,492 19,617 20,253 7,171
1999–2000 13,782 16,619 14,256 32,268 27,702 18,317 23,791 18,220 20,259 20,128 21,393 7,725
2000–01 14,420 16,812 15,093 35,234 30,077 19,838 24,719 19,022 20,498 20,883 23,063 7,868
2001–02 15,165 17,373 15,632 36,184 30,438 20,374 25,909 20,325 20,825 21,772 24,019 8,737
2002–03 14,983 16,795 16,758 39,085 31,895 20,197 27,552 21,561 21,551 22,813 25,243 9,485
2003–04 16,209 17,781 17,264 40,414 32,913 20,955 29,095 23,022 22,647 23,941 26,746 9,850
2004–05 16,751 17,839 18,535 43,228 34,296 21,532 30,707 24,152 23,365 25,027 28,175 10,412
2005–06 17,244 17,690 19,445 45,633 35,895 22,162 32,349 25,439 24,240 26,191 29,782 10,811
2006–07 18,108 18,108 21,473 49,135 37,569 23,474 33,986 26,681 25,432 27,135 31,561 11,628
2007–081  18,923 18,247 22,655 51,990 39,307 24,493 35,572 28,181 26,209 28,506 33,616 12,111
† Not applicable.
1 Preliminary graduate tuition average based on fall 2006 enrollment weights and first-professional tuition average based on 2006–07 degrees.
2 Data are based on in-state tuition only.
NOTE: Average graduate student tuition weighted by fall full-time-equivalent graduate enrollment. Average first-professional tuition weighted by number of degrees conferred during the academic year. Some year-to-year fluctuations in tuition data may reflect nonreporting by individual institutions. Excludes institutions not reporting degrees conferred and institutions not reporting tuition. Data through 1995–96 are for institutions of higher education, while later data are for degree-granting institutions. Degree-granting institutions grant associate's or higher degrees and participate in Title IV federal financial aid programs. The degree-granting classification is very similar to the earlier higher education classification, but it includes more 2-year colleges and excludes a few higher education institutions that did not grant degrees. (See Guide to Sources for details.) Some data have been revised from previously published figures.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, 1987–88 through 2007–08 Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System, "Fall Enrollment Survey" (IPEDS-EF:87–99); "Completions Survey," (IPEDS-C:88–99); "Institutional Characteristics Survey" (IPEDS-IC:87–99); Fall 2000 through Fall 2007; and Spring 2001 through Spring 2007. (This table was prepared August 2008.)