Digest of Education Statistics
2007 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest

Table 351. Total expenditures of private not-for-profit degree-granting institutions, by purpose and type of institution: 2004-05
Type of institution Total expenditures, by purpose
Total Instruction Research Public service Academic support Student services Institutional support Auxiliary enterprises1 Net grant aid to students2 Hospitals Independent operations Other
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
  In thousands of current dollars
Total $110,394,127 $36,258,473 $12,812,857 $2,000,437 $9,342,064 $8,191,737 $14,690,328 $10,944,342 $1,069,591 $9,180,775 $4,223,779 $1,679,741
4-year 109,789,731 36,051,084 12,812,326 1,993,767 9,307,600 8,101,214 14,516,197 10,899,456 1,051,216 9,180,775 4,223,779 1,652,317
Doctoral, extensive3  55,467,664 17,112,252 10,426,440 790,956 3,960,962 2,083,345 4,930,142 4,286,003 332,009 7,206,646 3,801,839 537,070
Doctoral, intensive4  8,150,711 3,120,735 718,364 209,147 1,127,764 636,754 1,257,726 907,161 90,503 0 34,092 48,465
Master's5  17,762,348 6,891,718 275,517 187,700 1,739,816 2,280,201 3,339,316 2,402,946 193,162 89,760 137,331 224,881
Baccalaureate6  16,028,633 5,649,242 152,300 162,160 1,444,461 2,327,044 3,045,752 2,633,026 284,901 0 64,544 265,202
Specialized institutions7  12,380,376 3,277,137 1,239,705 643,805 1,034,596 773,871 1,943,262 670,319 150,640 1,884,369 185,974 576,699
Art, music, or design 1,434,660 538,771 748 23,825 132,109 123,386 279,602 128,924 17,889 0 25,153 164,252
Business and management 774,074 249,349 4,765 1,521 105,840 134,004 157,033 84,830 19,032 0 7,867 9,833
Engineering or technology 339,177 130,316 12,984 3,767 27,730 34,740 68,496 38,334 5,096 0 16,422 1,292
Medical or other health 6,744,123 1,273,485 1,204,948 566,187 469,086 161,799 628,702 134,765 28,393 1,883,732 119,862 273,165
Theological 1,546,612 472,768 3,524 20,720 139,827 138,511 424,599 176,614 58,252 0 12,366 99,433
Tribal8  46,135 13,284 377 4,974 2,186 5,420 11,438 1,755 996 0 0 5,704
Other specialized 1,495,594 599,164 12,359 22,811 157,817 176,011 373,391 105,097 20,982 637 4,305 23,019
2-year 604,395 207,389 532 6,670 34,464 90,523 174,131 44,886 18,375 0 0 27,425
Associate's of arts 553,896 198,212 123 2,937 30,268 80,837 160,672 42,716 15,016 0 0 23,114
Tribal8  50,500 9,178 408 3,733 4,196 9,686 13,459 2,170 3,359 0 0 4,311
  Percentage distribution
Total 100.00 32.84 11.61 1.81 8.46 7.42 13.31 9.91 0.97 8.32 3.83 1.52
4-year 100.00 32.84 11.67 1.82 8.48 7.38 13.22 9.93 0.96 8.36 3.85 1.50
Doctoral, extensive3  100.00 30.85 18.80 1.43 7.14 3.76 8.89 7.73 0.60 12.99 6.85 0.97
Doctoral, intensive4  100.00 38.29 8.81 2.57 13.84 7.81 15.43 11.13 1.11 0.00 0.42 0.59
Master's5  100.00 38.80 1.55 1.06 9.79 12.84 18.80 13.53 1.09 0.51 0.77 1.27
Baccalaureate6  100.00 35.24 0.95 1.01 9.01 14.52 19.00 16.43 1.78 0.00 0.40 1.65
Specialized institutions7  100.00 26.47 10.01 5.20 8.36 6.25 15.70 5.41 1.22 15.22 1.50 4.66
Art, music, or design 100.00 37.55 0.05 1.66 9.21 8.60 19.49 8.99 1.25 0.00 1.75 11.45
Business and management 100.00 32.21 0.62 0.20 13.67 17.31 20.29 10.96 2.46 0.00 1.02 1.27
Engineering or technology 100.00 38.42 3.83 1.11 8.18 10.24 20.19 11.30 1.50 0.00 4.84 0.38
Medical or other health 100.00 18.88 17.87 8.40 6.96 2.40 9.32 2.00 0.42 27.93 1.78 4.05
Theological 100.00 30.57 0.23 1.34 9.04 8.96 27.45 11.42 3.77 0.00 0.80 6.43
Tribal8  100.00 28.79 0.82 10.78 4.74 11.75 24.79 3.80 2.16 0.00 0.00 12.36
Other specialized 100.00 40.06 0.83 1.53 10.55 11.77 24.97 7.03 1.40 0.04 0.29 1.54
2-year 100.00 34.31 0.09 1.10 5.70 14.98 28.81 7.43 3.04 0.00 0.00 4.54
Associate's of arts 100.00 35.79 0.02 0.53 5.46 14.59 29.01 7.71 2.71 0.00 0.00 4.17
Tribal8  100.00 18.17 0.81 7.39 8.31 19.18 26.65 4.30 6.65 0.00 0.00 8.54
  Expenditure per full-time-equivalent student in current dollars
Total $38,472 $12,636 $4,465 $697 $3,256 $2,855 $5,120 $3,814 $373 $3,199 $1,472 $585
4-year 38,726 12,716 4,519 703 3,283 2,858 5,120 3,845 371 3,238 1,490 583
Doctoral, extensive3  90,559 27,938 17,023 1,291 6,467 3,401 8,049 6,998 542 11,766 6,207 877
Doctoral, intensive4  30,240 11,578 2,665 776 4,184 2,362 4,666 3,366 336 0 126 180
Master's5  19,000 7,372 295 201 1,861 2,439 3,572 2,570 207 96 147 241
Baccalaureate6  23,851 8,406 227 241 2,149 3,463 4,532 3,918 424 0 96 395
Specialized institutions7  35,769 9,468 3,582 1,860 2,989 2,236 5,614 1,937 435 5,444 537 1,666
Art, music, or design 30,179 11,333 16 501 2,779 2,595 5,882 2,712 376 0 529 3,455
Business and management 14,799 4,767 91 29 2,024 2,562 3,002 1,622 364 0 150 188
Engineering or technology 16,709 6,420 640 186 1,366 1,711 3,374 1,888 251 0 809 64
Medical or other health 104,877 19,804 18,738 8,805 7,295 2,516 9,777 2,096 442 29,294 1,864 4,248
Theological 20,882 6,383 48 280 1,888 1,870 5,733 2,385 786 0 167 1,343
Tribal8  19,483 5,610 159 2,100 923 2,289 4,830 741 421 0 0 2,409
Other specialized 17,546 7,029 145 268 1,851 2,065 4,381 1,233 246 7 51 270
2-year 17,552 6,023 15 194 1,001 2,629 5,057 1,304 534 0 0 796
Associate's of arts 16,850 6,030 4 89 921 2,459 4,888 1,299 457 0 0 703
Tribal8  32,330 5,876 261 2,390 2,686 6,201 8,616 1,389 2,151 0 0 2,760
1 Essentially self-supporting operations of institutions that furnish a service to students, faculty, or staff, such as residence halls and food services.
2 Excludes tuition and fee allowances and agency transactions, such as student awards made from contributed funds or grant funds.
3 Doctoral, extensive institutions are committed to graduate education through the doctor­ate, and award 50 or more doctor's degrees per year across at least 15 disciplines.
4 Doctoral, intensive institutions are committed to education through the doctorate and award at least 10 doctor's degrees per year across 3 or more disciplines or at least 20 doc­tor's degrees overall.
5 Master's institutions offer a full range of baccalaureate programs and are committed to education through the master's degree. They award at least 20 master's degrees per year. 6 Baccalaureate institutions primarily emphasize undergraduate education.
7 Specialized 4-year institutions award degrees primarily in single fields of study, such as medicine, business, fine arts, theology, and engineering. Includes some institutions that have 4-year programs, but have not reported sufficient data to identify program category. Also includes institutions classified as 4-year under the IPEDS system, which had been classified as 2-year in the Carnegie system because they primarily award associate's degrees.
8 Tribally controlled colleges are located on reservations and are members of the American Indian Higher Education Consortium.
NOTE: Detail may not sum to totals because of rounding.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, 2004–05 Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), Spring 2005 and Spring 2006. (This table was prepared July 2007.)

2007 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest