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Digest of Education Statistics: 2006
Digest of Education Statistics: 2006

NCES 2007-017
July 2007

Table 38. Percentage distribution of all students, homeschooled students, and nonhomeschooled students, ages 5 through 17 with a grade equivalent of kindergarten through 12th grade, by selected child, parent, and household characteristics: 1999 and 2003
Characteristic 1999 2003
All students Homeschooled1  Public schooled Private schooled All students Homeschooled1  Public schooled Private schooled
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Total 100.0 (†) 100.0 (†) 100.0 (†) 100.0 (†) 100.0 (†) 100.0 (†) 100.0 (†) 100.0 (†)
Sex of child                                
Male 50.8 (0.47) 49.0 (3.27) 51.1 (0.51) 49.3 (1.32) 50.9 (0.55) 51.9 (3.52) 50.9 (0.59) 50.6 (1.58)
Female 49.2 (0.47) 51.0 (3.27) 48.9 (0.51) 50.7 (1.32) 49.1 (0.55) 48.1 (3.52) 49.1 (0.59) 49.4 (1.58)
Race/ethnicity of child                                
White 64.7 (0.32) 75.3 (3.36) 63.1 (0.36) 76.8 (1.06) 62.3 (0.34) 77.0 (3.88) 60.9 (0.40) 70.5 (1.54)
Black 16.0 (0.20) 9.9 (2.80) 16.8 (0.24) 10.0 (0.76) 15.7 (0.08) 9.4 (2.87) 16.3 (0.15) 12.7 (1.14)
Hispanic 14.0 (0.17) 9.1 (2.06) 14.9 (0.19) 7.3 (0.57) 15.9 (0.07) 5.3 (1.92) 16.9 (0.16) 10.5 (0.87)
Other 5.2 (0.23) 5.8 (2.01) 5.2 (0.25) 5.8 (0.68) 6.0 (0.32) 8.3 (2.80) 5.9 (0.35) 6.3 (0.90)
Grade equivalent2                                 
Kindergarten through 5th grade 48.7 (0.07) 50.4 (3.75) 47.8 (0.16) 56.6 (1.26) 47.9 (0.08) 43.3 (3.06) 47.4 (0.21) 52.4 (1.39)
Kindergarten 7.6 (0.04) 10.8 (2.31) 7.0 (0.12) 12.1 (0.94) 7.2 (0.04) 9.0 (2.06) 7.0 (0.10) 8.6 (0.75)
Grades 1 through 3 25.3 (0.04) 23.5 (3.61) 25.1 (0.15) 27.5 (1.16) 23.9 (0.04) 19.7 (2.50) 23.6 (0.17) 26.8 (1.34)
Grades 4 through 5 15.8 (0.02) 16.0 (2.34) 15.7 (0.13) 17.0 (1.08) 16.8 (0.03) 14.7 (2.30) 16.8 (0.14) 17.1 (0.98)
Grades 6 through 8 23.5 (0.04) 21.9 (2.83) 23.7 (0.13) 22.4 (0.97) 24.6 (0.04) 27.8 (3.43) 24.7 (0.16) 23.2 (1.12)
Grades 9 through 12 27.8 (0.10) 27.7 (3.21) 28.6 (0.16) 20.9 (1.06) 27.5 (0.12) 28.9 (3.83) 27.9 (0.22) 24.3 (1.32)
Number of children in the household                                
One child 16.4 (0.30) 14.1 (2.53) 16.3 (0.33) 17.8 (0.91) 15.8 (0.43) 10.1 (1.97) 15.8 (0.44) 17.0 (1.20)
Two children 39.6 (0.42) 24.4 (3.06) 39.9 (0.45) 39.6 (1.41) 40.5 (0.63) 28.0 (3.74) 40.6 (0.67) 42.4 (1.47)
Three or more children 44.0 (0.48) 61.6 (3.97) 43.8 (0.53) 42.6 (1.56) 43.7 (0.72) 62.0 (4.35) 43.6 (0.74) 40.6 (1.95)
Number of parents in the household                                
Two parents 65.8 (0.41) 80.4 (3.26) 64.4 (0.45) 75.6 (1.36) 70.9 (0.59) 80.8 (3.55) 69.5 (0.66) 80.0 (1.46)
One parent 30.8 (0.41) 16.7 (2.91) 32.0 (0.45) 22.7 (1.33) 26.2 (0.63) 17.9 (3.61) 27.3 (0.71) 18.4 (1.47)
Nonparental guardians 3.4 (0.17) 2.9 (1.70) 3.6 (0.19) 1.7 (0.27) 3.0 (0.20) 1.3 (1.01) 3.2 (0.22) 1.6 (0.40)
Parent participation in the labor force                                
Two parents—both in labor force 45.6 (0.48) 27.9 (3.92) 45.5 (0.54) 49.5 (1.56) 49.5 (0.72) 25.0 (3.72) 49.3 (0.72) 56.3 (2.28)
Two parents—one in labor force 19.2 (0.39) 52.2 (4.27) 17.9 (0.40) 25.2 (1.40) 20.8 (0.59) 54.2 (4.73) 19.7 (0.61) 22.9 (1.71)
One parent in labor force 27.7 (0.44) 11.6 (2.53) 28.8 (0.47) 20.4 (1.23) 23.8 (0.53) 15.9 (3.30) 24.7 (0.60) 17.4 (1.42)
No parent participation in labor force 7.5 (0.32) 8.3 (2.21) 7.8 (0.34) 4.9 (0.74) 5.9 (0.34) 4.9 (2.16) 6.3 (0.36) 3.4 (0.62)
Highest education level of parents                                
High school diploma or less 36.5 (0.43) 18.9 (2.88) 39.0 (0.46) 17.8 (1.15) 31.8 (0.54) 24.5 (4.24) 34.2 (0.60) 13.1 (1.24)
Vocational/technical or some college 30.2 (0.43) 33.7 (3.85) 31.0 (0.48) 23.2 (1.19) 31.7 (0.62) 30.8 (4.60) 32.6 (0.68) 24.5 (1.35)
Bachelor's degree 16.5 (0.36) 25.1 (3.49) 15.2 (0.33) 26.6 (1.28) 19.3 (0.55) 25.0 (3.92) 17.8 (0.57) 30.9 (1.51)
Graduate/professional degree 16.8 (0.41) 22.3 (4.17) 14.9 (0.40) 32.4 (1.20) 17.2 (0.47) 19.6 (3.67) 15.4 (0.52) 31.5 (1.56)
Household income                                
$25,000 or less 33.4 (0.22) 30.9 (4.31) 35.6 (0.25) 14.8 (1.20) 24.4 (0.09) 25.8 (4.32) 26.2 (0.21) 9.4 (1.18)
$25,001 to $50,000 30.3 (0.47) 32.7 (4.00) 30.6 (0.47) 27.5 (1.39) 26.1 (0.53) 28.4 (4.06) 26.9 (0.57) 18.5 (1.29)
$50,001 to $75,000 17.1 (0.38) 19.1 (2.62) 16.8 (0.39) 19.4 (1.21) 21.6 (0.55) 24.1 (4.46) 21.5 (0.59) 22.1 (1.48)
Over $75,000 19.2 (0.42) 17.4 (2.65) 17.0 (0.42) 38.3 (1.40) 27.9 (0.52) 21.7 (3.79) 25.3 (0.60) 50.0 (1.90)
Urban 74.5 (0.22) 67.6 (3.81) 73.2 (0.28) 87.2 (1.03) 79.2 (0.10) 72.4 (4.91) 77.9 (0.21) 91.1 (1.19)
Rural 25.5 (0.22) 32.4 (3.81) 26.8 (0.28) 12.8 (1.03) 20.8 (0.10) 27.6 (4.91) 22.1 (0.21) 8.9 (1.19)
Northeast 20.4 (0.21) 13.4 (3.35) 19.9 (0.26) 25.8 (1.10) 18.2 (0.08) 15.3 (4.51) 17.4 (0.21) 24.8 (1.60)
South 34.6 (0.23) 41.8 (4.36) 34.7 (0.27) 32.2 (1.18) 34.0 (0.10) 40.6 (4.96) 34.8 (0.21) 26.3 (1.41)
Midwest 24.0 (0.23) 19.5 (3.13) 23.8 (0.28) 26.2 (1.27) 23.6 (0.10) 21.8 (3.81) 22.8 (0.31) 30.2 (2.02)
West 21.0 (0.20) 25.3 (3.77) 21.5 (0.25) 15.8 (0.95) 24.3 (0.08) 22.3 (3.77) 25.0 (0.19) 18.7 (1.20)
† Not applicable.
1 Excludes students who were enrolled in school for more than 25 hours a week and stu­dents who were homeschooled due to a temporary illness.
2 Students whose grade-equivalent was "ungraded" were excluded from the grade analysis. The percentage of students with an "ungraded" grade equivalent was 0.03 percent in 1999 and 0.02 percent in 2003.
3 Urbanicity is based on a U.S. Census Bureau classification of places. Urban is a place with at least 50,000 people. Rural is a place not classified as urban.
NOTE: Race categories exclude persons of Hispanic origin. Detail may not sum to totals because of rounding. Standard errors appear in parentheses.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Home­schooling in the United States: 2003, Parent Survey (Parent:1999) and Parent and Family Involvement in Education Survey (PFI:2003) of the National Household Education Surveys Program. (This table was prepared September 2006.)