The Education Longitudinal Study of 2002 (ELS:2002) is a longitudinal survey that is monitoring the transitions of a national probability sample of 10th-graders in public, Catholic, and other private schools. Survey waves follow both students and high school dropouts and monitor the transition of the cohort to postsecondary education, the labor force, and family formation.
In the base year of the study, of 1,221 eligible contacted schools, 752 participated, for an overall weighted school participation rate of approximately 68 percent (62 percent unweighted). Of 17,591 selected eligible students, 15,362 participated, for an overall weighted student response rate of approximately 87 percent. (School and student weighted response rates reflect use of the base weight [design weight] and do not include nonresponse adjustments.) Information for the study is obtained not just from students and their school records, but also from the students' parents, their teachers, their librarians, and the administrators of their schools.
The first follow-up was conducted in 2004, when most sample members were high school seniors. Base-year students who remained in their base schools were resurveyed and tested in mathematics, along with a freshening sample to make the study representative of spring 2004 high school seniors nationwide. Students who were not still at their base schools were administered a questionnaire.
The second follow-up, completed in 2006 (data not available at this writing), continued to follow the sample of students into postsecondary education or work, or both. The next follow-up is scheduled for 2012.
Further information on ELS:2002 may be obtained from
John Wirt
Elementary/Secondary & Libraries Studies Division
Elementary/Secondary Sample Survey Studies Program
National Center for Education Statistics
1990 K Street, NW
Washington, DC 20006