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Table 365. Federal science and engineering obligations to colleges and universities, by agency and state or jurisdiction: Fiscal year 2003

[In thousands of dollars]
                        |           |             |          |             |           |             | Department|      National|          |
                        |           |             |          |             |           |Environmental|  of Health|   Aeronautics|  National|
                        |           |Department of|Department|Department of| Department|   Protection|  and Human|     and Space|   Science|
State or jurisdiction   |      Total|  Agriculture|of Defense|    Education|  of Energy|       Agency|   Services|Administration|Foundation|Other\1\
1                       |          2|           3 |        4 |           5 |         6 |           7 |         8 |            9 |       10 |     11
   United States\2\ ....|$26,522,155|   $1,120,725|$2,525,399|     $226,610|   $760,176|     $142,639|$15,809,087|    $1,258,293|$3,926,093|$753,133
Alabama ................|    448,686|       32,693|    32,398|        4,124|      9,818|          834|    280,161|        41,394|    37,010|  10,254
Alaska .................|     88,205|       11,022|     9,671|        1,131|      3,869|          476|      7,801|        12,524|    23,389|  18,322
Arizona ................|    302,847|       14,261|    19,068|        7,122|      7,371|        2,709|    136,899|        22,792|    81,236|  11,389
Arkansas ...............|     93,662|       27,701|     2,517|        1,196|        372|          473|     49,295|         1,683|     8,388|   2,037
California .............|  3,530,082|       47,288|   292,225|       19,281|    111,093|       15,131|  2,149,585|       218,138|   624,512|  52,829
                        |           |             |          |             |           |             |           |              |          |
Colorado ...............|    661,423|       16,708|    22,965|        3,707|     16,642|        2,143|    279,880|        61,085|   192,583|  65,710
Connecticut ............|    478,978|        9,350|    18,104|        4,450|      9,672|        4,282|    377,067|         4,297|    37,912|  13,844
Delaware ...............|     80,992|        7,405|    12,607|        1,283|      3,734|        1,694|     26,219|         1,204|    23,321|   3,525
District of Columbia ...|    203,537|        2,090|    21,691|        5,234|      1,640|           60|    141,772|         7,649|    13,779|   9,622
Florida ................|    628,408|       32,276|    91,075|        8,324|     22,143|        5,035|    280,629|        33,049|   124,451|  31,426
                        |           |             |          |             |           |             |           |              |          |
Georgia ................|    597,036|       35,635|    93,131|        6,561|     11,043|        2,367|    337,598|        20,656|    81,055|   8,990
Hawaii .................|    180,643|       13,403|    41,090|        3,073|      2,376|        1,022|     42,943|        11,131|    26,392|  39,213
Idaho ..................|     54,629|       12,411|     7,867|        1,289|        564|            0|     11,449|         3,350|    12,744|   4,955
Illinois ...............|    974,748|       29,753|    60,008|       13,389|     29,912|        5,437|    593,918|        13,949|   216,411|  11,971
Indiana ................|    351,787|       23,533|    26,440|        3,377|     21,419|        2,043|    179,596|         8,981|    83,488|   2,910
                        |           |             |          |             |           |             |           |              |          |
Iowa ...................|    300,415|       33,387|    10,255|        1,908|      6,855|        3,326|    194,794|         9,033|    29,607|  11,250
Kansas .................|    153,618|       18,032|     9,815|        5,385|      5,964|        1,279|     78,001|         2,753|    26,464|   5,925
Kentucky ...............|    217,601|       29,049|     3,889|        3,378|      5,521|          954|    125,081|         5,629|    20,870|  23,230
Louisiana ..............|    259,877|       23,037|    21,015|        1,973|      5,562|        3,254|    153,908|        12,811|    29,806|   8,511
Maine ..................|     44,223|        9,430|     6,760|        1,148|      1,233|        1,004|      3,414|           873|    16,739|   3,622
                        |           |             |          |             |           |             |           |              |          |
Maryland ...............|  1,520,402|       18,084|   379,773|        9,198|     13,134|        4,591|    723,720|       245,887|    91,187|  34,828
Massachusetts ..........|  1,489,621|       11,196|   116,881|        7,092|     78,205|        9,955|    912,419|        57,806|   268,530|  27,537
Michigan ...............|    821,689|       34,961|    75,539|        7,454|     28,526|        8,190|    477,608|        14,253|   161,944|  13,214
Minnesota ..............|    355,594|       24,795|    11,554|        3,055|      7,517|          870|    235,568|         6,194|    60,668|   5,373
Mississippi ............|    185,724|       48,531|    34,575|        2,407|      8,133|            0|     47,946|        15,273|    15,460|  13,399
                        |           |             |          |             |           |             |           |              |          |
Missouri ...............|    617,884|       32,812|    14,922|        4,383|      6,424|        2,387|    496,302|        11,592|    45,396|   3,666
Montana ................|    100,565|       18,622|     8,587|        1,825|      1,853|            0|     32,010|         8,193|    25,829|   3,646
Nebraska ...............|    125,980|       19,802|    14,957|        1,526|      2,874|            0|     62,637|         2,711|    18,167|   3,306
Nevada .................|     81,164|        4,398|     8,597|          713|     25,464|            0|     20,276|         3,328|    13,930|   4,458
New Hampshire ..........|    163,697|        5,525|     4,730|          364|        936|            0|     91,751|        11,664|    14,857|  33,870
                        |           |             |          |             |           |             |           |              |          |
New Jersey .............|    433,152|       12,896|    47,829|        1,603|     10,339|        2,739|    239,454|        14,882|    92,598|  10,812
New Mexico .............|    173,477|       12,814|    32,115|        1,690|      5,465|          605|     66,939|        22,959|    28,923|   1,967
New York ...............|  2,138,072|       40,426|    93,631|       11,278|     89,239|       16,894|  1,424,776|        34,649|   348,368|  78,811
North Carolina .........|  1,065,329|       45,510|    66,827|        8,666|     15,301|       10,698|    784,835|         8,115|   104,202|  21,175
North Dakota ...........|     78,570|       17,191|    17,395|          209|      6,545|        1,128|     17,178|         4,847|    11,450|   2,627
                        |           |             |          |             |           |             |           |              |          |
Ohio ...................|    683,792|       30,525|    80,010|        8,020|     17,039|        1,174|    430,599|        27,848|    75,550|  13,027
Oklahoma ...............|    148,435|       21,371|     7,016|        3,220|      5,346|          315|     57,699|        20,119|    24,763|   8,586
Oregon .................|    326,441|       18,307|    15,036|        2,949|      5,818|        6,102|    205,330|         8,485|    51,684|  12,730
Pennsylvania ...........|  1,570,869|       31,062|   219,074|        9,963|     32,451|        5,858|  1,050,316|        32,078|   182,823|   7,244
Rhode Island ...........|    133,184|        5,649|    15,840|        1,864|      3,247|          728|     63,633|         9,140|    26,409|   6,674
                        |           |             |          |             |           |             |           |              |          |
South Carolina .........|    216,619|       18,601|    19,593|        4,083|      3,003|          237|    122,424|        12,529|    17,384|  18,765
South Dakota ...........|     42,357|       11,651|     3,870|          370|          0|            0|     10,796|         1,190|    13,745|     735
Tennessee ..............|    458,667|       28,335|    15,391|        4,980|      9,372|        1,557|    348,628|         8,692|    37,718|   3,994
Texas ..................|  1,719,056|       55,508|   237,479|       17,854|     34,785|        3,656|  1,120,038|        73,519|   152,152|  24,065
Utah ...................|    282,629|       11,382|    45,020|        1,774|      9,314|        3,317|    150,487|        26,914|    31,901|   2,520
                        |           |             |          |             |           |             |           |              |          |
Vermont ................|     97,456|       12,983|     1,228|          537|      1,385|        1,769|     67,696|         1,022|     8,693|   2,143
Virginia ...............|    458,744|       26,018|    47,693|        5,674|      8,482|           31|    242,782|        39,351|    68,662|  20,051
Washington .............|    720,595|       24,277|    55,681|        1,301|     22,851|        4,576|    473,625|         9,324|   107,532|  21,428
West Virginia ..........|     62,296|       14,348|     1,608|          898|      2,366|            0|     16,553|        21,004|     1,350|   4,169
Wisconsin ..............|    571,891|       29,374|    26,390|        4,061|     26,482|        1,536|    358,439|        10,642|   106,460|   8,507
Wyoming ................|     26,807|        5,307|     3,967|          266|      1,477|          203|      6,613|         1,102|     7,601|     271
   Other jurisdictions .|    131,743|       23,935|     3,027|        2,682|        750|            0|     67,186|         4,471|    28,154|   1,538
American Samoa .........|      1,759|        1,744|         0|            0|          0|            0|          0|             0|         0|      15
Guam ...................|      5,246|        2,935|       176|          205|          0|            0|      1,576|             0|       188|     166
Puerto Rico ............|    117,465|       13,909|     2,851|        2,477|        750|            0|     64,564|         4,471|    27,197|   1,246
Trust Territory of      |           |             |          |             |           |             |           |              |          |
   the Pacific .........|      3,231|        3,231|         0|            0|          0|            0|          0|             0|         0|       0
Virgin Islands .........|      4,042|        2,116|         0|            0|          0|            0|      1,046|             0|       769|     111
\1\Includes U.S. Department of Commerce, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, U.S. Department of the Interior, Agency for International Development, U.S. Department of Labor, U.S. Department of State, U.S. Department of Transportation, Bureau of Engraving and Printing, General Services Administration, Office of Justice programs, Social Security Administration, and Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
\2\Excludes other jurisdictions.
NOTE: Dollars reflect actual obligations during the fiscal year regardless of when the funds were actually spent by a recipient institution. Data are not comparable with Digest of Education Statistics tables for previous years because prior to fiscal year 1999, data include obligations to federally funded research and development centers administered by colleges and universities. Detail may not sum to totals because of rounding.
SOURCE: National Science Foundation, Division of Science Resources Statistics, Survey of Federal Science and Engineering Support to Universities, Colleges, and Nonprofit Institutions, Fiscal Year 2003. (This table was prepared September 2005.)

2005 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest