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Digest of Education Statistics
2005 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest

Table 96. Public elementary schools, by grade span, average school size, and state or jurisdiction: 2003-04
                      |       |          |                            Schools, by grade span                   |  Average number of
                      |       |          |_____________________________________________________________________|students per school\2\
                      | Total,|    Total,|   Prekinder-|  Prekinder-|  Prekinder-|  Prekinder-|         |      |______________________
                      |    all|       all| garten, kin-|garten, kin-|garten, kin-|garten, kin-|Grades 4,|      |    All|
                      |elemen-|   regular|dergarten, or|  dergarten,|  dergarten,|  dergarten,| 5, or 6,| Other|elemen-|       Regular
                      |   tary|elementary| 1st grade to|or 1st grade|or 1st grade|or 1st grade|    to 6,| grade|   tary|    elementary
State or jurisdiction |schools|schools\1\|grades 3 or 4|  to grade 5|  to grade 6|  to grade 8|  7, or 8| spans|schools|    schools\1\
1                     |      2|         3|            4|           5|           6|           7|        8|     9|     10|            11
   United States .....| 65,758|    64,721|        5,030|      23,472|      13,547|       5,502|   12,341| 5,866|    476|           482
Alabama ..............|    938|       928|           90|         303|         163|          76|      209|    97|    480|           482
Alaska ...............|    194|       192|            1|          21|         111|          23|       16|    22|    321|           322
Arizona ..............|  1,261|     1,231|           61|         233|         352|         358|      162|    95|    509|           514
Arkansas .............|    711|       709|          117|         139|         235|           7|      133|    80|    381|           382
California ...........|  6,579|     6,396|          174|       2,012|       2,462|         758|      985|   188|    614|           630
                      |       |          |             |            |            |            |         |      |       |
Colorado .............|  1,196|     1,195|           30|         552|         261|          60|      227|    66|    411|           411
Connecticut ..........|    824|       809|          105|         294|         115|          59|      152|    99|    460|           467
Delaware .............|    137|       135|           33|          48|           6|           3|       32|    15|    528|           533
District of Columbia .|    139|       138|            4|          21|          80|          11|       17|     6|    354|           356
Florida ..............|  2,350|     2,330|           27|       1,510|         142|          78|      486|   107|    737|           742
                      |       |          |             |            |            |            |         |      |       |
Georgia ..............|  1,637|     1,634|           39|         966|          70|          12|      398|   152|    660|           661
Hawaii ...............|    208|       207|            3|          63|         108|           8|       25|     1|    551|           554
Idaho ................|    417|       413|           37|         111|         155|          19|       64|    31|    366|           368
Illinois .............|  3,189|     3,086|          310|         772|         423|         718|      542|   424|    442|           453
Indiana ..............|  1,420|     1,413|          107|         597|         348|          26|      259|    83|    459|           459
                      |       |          |             |            |            |            |         |      |       |
Iowa .................|  1,023|     1,020|           92|         339|         223|          15|      220|   134|    291|           292
Kansas ...............|    977|       975|           87|         287|         252|          95|      185|    71|    299|           300
Kentucky .............|  1,007|       995|           50|         480|         141|          90|      199|    47|    437|           441
Louisiana ............|  1,037|     1,013|           96|         335|         178|          79|      229|   120|    456|           461
Maine ................|    518|       517|           67|          96|          69|         109|       93|    84|    250|           250
                      |       |          |             |            |            |            |         |      |       |
Maryland .............|  1,085|     1,060|           13|         627|         137|          32|      218|    58|    540|           548
Massachusetts ........|  1,464|     1,458|          194|         515|         166|         100|      284|   205|    443|           444
Michigan .............|  2,698|     2,684|          241|       1,032|         394|         168|      520|   343|    411|           412
Minnesota ............|  1,256|     1,118|          121|         316|         396|          52|      199|   172|    398|           440
Mississippi ..........|    599|       597|           84|         109|         130|          41|      132|   103|    515|           515
                      |       |          |             |            |            |            |         |      |       |
Missouri .............|  1,560|     1,549|          126|         510|         321|         112|      300|   191|    379|           380
Montana ..............|    497|       495|           20|          63|         219|         118|       52|    25|    173|           173
Nebraska .............|    885|       867|            0|           0|         546|         227|       80|    32|    198|           200
Nevada ...............|    406|       395|            6|         191|          97|          19|       69|    24|    659|           674
New Hampshire ........|    375|       375|           53|         109|          52|          47|       74|    40|    363|           363
                      |       |          |             |            |            |            |         |      |       |
New Jersey ...........|  1,911|     1,898|          283|         534|         199|         270|      352|   273|    483|           484
New Mexico ...........|    575|       562|           26|         215|         138|          18|      123|    55|    357|           362
New York .............|  3,187|     3,169|          278|       1,186|         550|         127|      640|   406|    583|           585
North Carolina .......|  1,770|     1,766|           61|       1,021|          54|         111|      434|    89|    537|           538
North Dakota .........|    322|       322|           12|          32|         195|          46|       23|    14|    176|           176
                      |       |          |             |            |            |            |         |      |       |
Ohio .................|  2,738|     2,726|          378|         808|         596|         147|      526|   283|    405|           406
Oklahoma .............|  1,198|     1,198|           65|         333|         163|         313|      215|   109|    352|           352
Oregon ...............|    913|       894|           55|         391|         177|          82|      182|    26|    383|           388
Pennsylvania .........|  2,375|     2,375|          284|         859|         497|         104|      443|   188|    466|           466
Rhode Island .........|    268|       267|           25|         120|          35|           2|       48|    38|    398|           399
                      |       |          |             |            |            |            |         |      |       |
South Carolina .......|    849|       847|           56|         409|          81|          19|      218|    66|    569|           571
South Dakota .........|    441|       441|           17|         112|         103|         111|       76|    22|    183|           183
Tennessee ............|  1,259|     1,251|          154|         474|         102|         184|      273|    72|    495|           497
Texas ................|  5,241|     5,134|          567|       2,036|         761|         115|    1,177|   585|    545|           553
Utah .................|    546|       531|           21|         107|         347|           5|       42|    24|    515|           528
                      |       |          |             |            |            |            |         |      |       |
Vermont ..............|    276|       242|           13|          25|         113|          66|       16|    43|    207|           228
Virginia .............|  1,482|     1,475|           41|         840|         142|          13|      305|   141|    540|           542
Washington ...........|  1,425|     1,358|           68|         416|         527|          71|      233|   110|    431|           446
West Virginia ........|    588|       584|           88|         220|          95|          41|      107|    37|    320|           321
Wisconsin ............|  1,552|     1,493|          124|         635|         219|         119|      307|   148|    355|           358
Wyoming ..............|    255|       254|           26|          48|         101|          18|       40|    22|    191|           191
Bureau of Indian      |       |          |             |            |            |            |         |      |       |
   Affairs ...........|    102|       102|            5|           4|          22|          67|        3|     1|    215|           215
Department of Defense |       |          |             |            |            |            |         |      |       |
   dependents schools |       |          |             |            |            |            |         |      |       |
  Domestic schools ...|     57|        57|           15|          17|           4|           2|        9|    10|    438|           438
  Overseas schools ...|    105|       105|            7|          23|          47|           6|       18|     4|    470|           470
                      |       |          |             |            |            |            |         |      |       |
Other jurisdictions   |       |          |             |            |            |            |         |      |       |
  American Samoa .....|     24|        24|            1|           0|           0|          21|        1|     1|    491|           491
  Guam ...............|     33|        33|            0|          24|           0|           0|        7|     2|    683|           683
  Northern Marianas ..|     23|        23|            0|           2|          10|           0|        1|    10|    301|           301
  Puerto Rico ........|    862|       830|           51|           5|         762|           7|       24|    13|    297|           297
  Virgin Islands .....|     24|        24|            0|           1|          22|           0|        1|     0|    408|           408
\1\Excludes special education and alternative schools.
\2\Average for schools reporting enrollment data.
NOTE: Includes schools beginning with grade 6 or below and with no grade higher than 8. Excludes schools not reported by grade level, such as some special education schools for the disabled.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, The NCES Common Core of Data (CCD), "Public Elementary/Secondary School Universe Survey," 2003-04. (This table was prepared July 2005.)

2005 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest