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Digest of Education Statistics
2004 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest

Table 411. Number of bachelor's degree recipients per 100 persons of the typical age of graduation, by sex and country: Selected years, 1989 to 2002

Country             |            Male and female       |        Male       |       Female
1                   |  2 |  3 |   4|   5|   6|   7|   8|   9|  10|  11|  12|  13|  14|  15|  16
Australia ..........|19.6|--- |34.9|36.0|27.0|36.3|50.7|18.9|--- |27.6|28.9|21.1|--- |42.7|43.3
Austria ............| 6.6| 7.7| 9.8|10.5|12.0|16.0|18.0| 7.6| 8.5|10.6|11.4| 5.5| 6.8| 8.9| 9.6
Belgium\1\ .........|16.5|17.1|--- |15.9|17.8|--- |19.2|18.9|19.5|--- |16.7|14.1|14.7|--- |15.2
Canada .............|--- |--- |31.8|31.9|29.3|27.9|--- |--- |--- |26.4|26.5|--- |--- |37.4|37.4
Czech Republic .....|--- |--- |--- |--- |10.8|13.6|15.4|--- |--- |--- |--- |--- |--- |--- |---
                    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |
Denmark ............|12.9|15.0|28.5|28.0|--- | 9.2|34.4|11.5|13.3|25.1|23.1|14.4|16.9|31.9|33.0
Finland ............|16.9|17.1|22.2|23.9|33.9|36.3|51.8|17.1|17.0|22.0|22.4|16.6|17.1|22.3|25.6
France .............|13.8|14.9|--- |--- |24.9|24.6|39.0|13.7|14.7|--- |--- |13.9|15.1|--- |---
Germany\2\ .........|13.2|12.9|16.2|16.1|16.0|19.3|19.2|16.1|15.7|18.2|18.2|10.1|10.0|14.0|13.5
Hungary ............|--- |--- |--- |--- |26.9|--- |31.1|--- |--- |--- |--- |--- |--- |--- |---
                    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |
Iceland ............|--- |--- |--- |--- |28.9|33.2|40.0|--- |--- |--- |--- |--- |--- |--- |---
Ireland ............|16.4|17.4|21.2|25.5|26.0|31.2|30.9|31.9|17.5|19.9|24.6|--- |17.3|22.7|26.4
Italy ..............| 8.9| 9.2|11.8|12.6|16.0|18.1|22.4| 9.1| 9.3|10.8|11.4| 8.7| 9.0|12.9|13.8
Japan ..............|--- |22.1|22.8|22.9|29.0|30.9|34.1|--- |31.5|30.4|30.7|--- |12.4|14.9|14.9
Korea, Republic of .|--- |--- |--- |--- |27.1|--- |31.5|--- |--- |--- |--- |--- |--- |--- |---
                    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |
Mexico .............|--- |--- |--- |--- |11.2|--- |16.5|--- |--- |--- |--- |--- |--- |--- |---
Netherlands ........|10.2| 8.0|22.0|19.6|33.5|--- |38.6|12.3| 9.4|20.6|18.2| 7.9| 6.5|23.4|21.1
New Zealand ........|36.1|15.3|24.7|30.8|37.3|--- |41.6|16.6|15.4|20.9|26.2|15.5|15.1|28.6|35.4
Norway .............|24.6|27.5|23.0|27.4|33.9|--- |41.1|18.1|19.1|17.2|20.2|31.7|36.3|28.9|34.8
Portugal ...........|--- | 7.6|14.6|15.7|--- |--- |--- |--- | 5.9|10.8|11.3|--- | 9.3|18.3|20.2
                    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |
Spain ..............|17.7|18.6|24.0|26.1|30.3|--- |33.1|14.6|15.3|19.6|21.5|21.0|22.0|28.6|31.0
Sweden .............|13.0|12.2|15.5|19.1|27.2|28.1|35.2|11.1|10.5|14.0|15.1|15.1|14.0|17.0|23.3
Switzerland ........| 7.7| 7.7| 9.1| 9.3|20.5|10.4|20.8|10.1|10.3|11.4|11.5| 5.3| 5.1| 6.8| 7.2
Turkey .............| 6.0| 6.1| 7.0|--- | 9.6|--- |--- | 7.3| 7.5| 8.6|--- | 4.6| 4.5| 5.2|---
United Kingdom .....|--- |--- |31.6|34.4|36.8|37.5|--- |--- |--- |30.3|32.7|--- |--- |32.9|36.2
United States ......|27.3|28.6|33.2|34.7|33.2|33.2|36.1|25.5|26.2|29.3|30.6|29.2|31.1|37.3|38.9

---Not available.
\1\Data for Flemish Belgium only.
\2\Data for 1989 are for the former West Germany.

NOTE: The graduation rate relates the number of people with bachelor's degrees to the number of people in the population at the typical age of graduation. Data for 1999 and later years reflect a reclassification of degree levels and may not be comparable to figures for earlier years. In the absence of a typical age, the graduation age range 20-24 was used.

SOURCE: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), Education at a Glance, various years, OECD.Stat. Retrieved May 24, 2005, from; and previously unpublished tabulations. (This table was prepared May 2005.)