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Digest of Education Statistics
2004 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest

Table 396. Percent of population enrolled in secondary and postsecondary institutions, by age group and country: Selected years, 1985 to 2002

                    |Secondary|Secondary|                             Postsecondary institutions
                    | schools,| schools,|___________________________________________________________________
Country             | 16 years| 17 years|  18 to 21 years old |  22 to 25 years old  |  26 to 29 years old
                    |  old,\1\|  old,\1\|_____________________|______________________|______________________
                    |     2002|     2002|1985|1990| 1999| 2002|1985|1990|1999|   2002|1985|1990|1999|   2002
1                   |       2 |       3 |   4|   5|    6|    7|   8|   9|  10|     11|  12|  13|  14|     15
Australia ..........|       92|       80|--- |--- |   31|   35|--- |--- |  15|     20|--- |--- |   8|     10
Austria ............|       91|       78|--- |--- |   15|   14|--- |--- |  20|     17|--- |--- |  12|      8
Belgium\2\ .........|       99|      101|  25|--- |   42|   42|   7|--- |  15|     18|   2|--- |   3|      5
Canada .............|     --- |     --- |--- |--- |   27| --- |--- |--- |  18|   --- |--- |--- |   7|   ---
Czech Republic .....|      100|       98|--- |--- |   17|   20|--- |--- |  12|     16|--- |--- |   4|      5
                    |         |         |    |    |     |     |    |    |    |       |    |    |    |
Denmark ............|       91|       83|   7|   7|    8|   10|  16|  18|  27|     29|   8|   9|  15|     16
Finland ............|       96|       94|   9|  14|   23|   21|  17|  21|  35|     39|   8|  10|  18|     19
France .............|       97|       89|  19|  25|   35|   35|  10|  12|  20|     20|   4|   4|   5|      5
Germany\3\ .........|       99|       93|   9|   9|   11|   12|--- |  16|  19|     20|   9|  10|  11|     12
Greece .............|       93|       70|--- |--- |   54|   46|--- |--- |   7|     24|--- |--- |   2|     11
                    |         |         |    |    |     |     |    |    |    |       |    |    |    |
Hungary ............|       90|       85|--- |--- |   20|   24|--- |--- |  14|     18|--- |--- |   5|      7
Iceland ............|       91|       81|--- |--- |    7|   10|--- |--- |  21|     23|--- |--- |   9|     11
Ireland ............|       92|       72|--- |  21|   33| --- |--- |--- |  11|   --- |--- |--- |   3|   ---
Italy ..............|       86|       79|--- |--- |   22|   24|--- |--- |  21|     21|--- |--- |   7|      8
Japan ..............|       97|       93|--- |--- | --- | --- |--- |--- |--- |   --- |--- |--- |--- |   ---
                    |         |         |    |    |     |     |    |    |    |       |    |    |    |
Korea, Republic of .|       95|       89|--- |--- |   51|   56|--- |--- |  26|     32|--- |--- |   6|      7
Mexico .............|       47|       34|--- |--- |   12|   15|--- |--- |   8|      7|--- |--- |   1|      3
Netherlands ........|      100|       83|  14|  18|   26|   28|  12|  13|  20|     22|   6|   5|   5|      6
New Zealand ........|       85|       65|--- |  21|   29|   30|--- |  15|  14|     17|--- |--- |   8|      8
Norway .............|       94|       93|   9|  14|   19|   17|  14|  17|  28|     27|   6|   8|  12|     13
                    |         |         |    |    |     |     |    |    |    |       |    |    |    |
Poland .............|       94|       91|--- |--- |   21|   26|--- |--- |  21|     26|--- |--- |   5|      7
Portugal ...........|       81|       70|   6|--- |   25|   25|   5|--- |  17|     20|   2|--- |   6|      8
Spain ..............|       95|       82|  15|  21|   32|   35|  11|  14|  24|     24|   4|   5|   8|      8
Sweden .............|       97|       96|   8|   9|   16|   17|  11|  11|  25|     28|   7|   6|  12|     13
Switzerland ........|       89|       85|   6|   6|   10|   10|  11|  12|  17|     18|   5|   6|   9|      9
                    |         |         |    |    |     |     |    |    |    |       |    |    |    |
Turkey .............|     --- |     --- |--- |   7|   14| --- |--- |   4|   9|   --- |--- |   2|   4|   ---
United Kingdom .....|       87|       74|  15|  16|   29|   30|   7|  11|  12|     12|--- |--- |   6|      6
United States\4\ ...|       84|       79|  37|  41|   44|   46|  15|  17|  18|     25|   8|   9|  11|     11

---Not available.
\1\Includes full-time and part-time enrollment.
\2\Data for Flemish Belgium only.
\3\Data for 1985 are for the former West Germany.
\4\Postsecondary includes higher education only.

NOTE: Data in this table refer to degrees classified by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) as International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED), level 3, level 5A, first and second award, level 5B, and level 6. It includes both full-time and part-time students. ISCED 3 corresponds to secondary education in the United States. ISCED 5A- first and second award, ISCED 5B, and ISCED 6 make up postsecondary education in the United States. Some increases in enrollment rates may be due to more complete reporting by countries. Enrollment figures may not be directly comparable due to differing definitions of postsecondary education and the age at which postsecondary education begins. Differences in reference dates between enrollment and population data can result in enrollment rates that exceed 100 percent.

SOURCE: Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), Education at a Glance, 2004 and various years; Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), Education Database. Retrieved May 25, 2005 from U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, Current Population Survey. (This table was prepared July 2005.)