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Table 388. Percentage of 1988 8th-graders who volunteered in various capacities in a 12-month period ending in 2000, by selected student characteristics: 2000

                              |     Percent participating in voluntary or
                              |          community service activity
Young adult                   |   Volunteered|  Volunteered|  Participated
characteristic                |          in a|   in a civic|          in a
                              |         youth| or community|     political
                              |  organization| organization|      campaign
                              |              |             |
1                             |            2 |           3 |            4
   Total .....................| 19.0   (0.67)| 21.5  (0.99)|  3.9   (0.43)
Sex                           |              |             |
  Male .......................| 17.4   (0.95)| 20.2  (1.68)|  3.8   (0.45)
  Female .....................| 20.7   (0.93)| 22.9  (1.09)|  4.0   (0.71)
                              |              |             |
Race/ethnicity                |              |             |
  White, non-Hispanic ........| 18.8   (0.70)| 21.2  (0.73)|  3.7   (0.38)
  Black, non-Hispanic ........| 19.5   (2.72)| 25.9  (6.09)|  2.4   (0.90)
  Hispanic ...................| 20.4   (2.48)| 19.0  (3.02)|  6.7   (2.68)
  Asian/Pacific Islander .....| 19.4   (2.73)| 19.7  (2.62)|  3.5   (1.09)
  American Indian/            |              |             |
    Alaska Native ............| 20.5   (5.89)| 18.1  (7.85)|  2.9   (1.43)
                              |              |             |
8th-grade socioeconomic       |              |             |
   status                     |              |             |
  Lowest quartile ............| 14.5   (1.19)| 12.7  (1.04)|  2.4   (0.42)
  Middle two quartiles .......| 18.8   (1.00)| 22.4  (1.76)|  4.0   (0.79)
  Highest quartile ...........| 23.6   (1.29)| 27.8  (1.21)|  5.0   (0.52)
                              |              |             |
Mathematics achievement in    |              |             |
   8th grade                  |              |             |
  Low ........................| 16.1   (1.58)| 21.0  (3.66)|  2.4   (0.42)
  Middle two quartiles .......| 18.8   (0.89)| 18.5  (0.84)|  3.5   (0.44)
  High .......................| 23.3   (1.26)| 28.0  (1.24)|  4.2   (0.55)
                              |              |             |
Method of HS completion       |              |             |
   by 2000                    |              |             |
  High school diploma ........| 20.6   (0.75)| 23.7  (1.11)|  4.1   (0.49)
  GED certificate ............| 14.9   (2.27)| 12.3  (1.76)|  4.1   (1.39)
  Certificate of attendance ..| ---      (†) | ---     (†) | ---      (†)
  No diploma or equivalent ...|  7.9   (1.47)|  9.5  (1.80)|  1.8   (0.88)
                              |              |             |
Postsecondary attainment      |              |             |
   by 2000                    |              |             |
  None .......................| 12.4   (1.29)| 12.0  (1.26)|  2.3   (0.62)
  Less than bachelor's        |              |             |
     degree ................. | 18.7   (1.07)| 21.3  (1.87)|  4.1   (0.77)
  Bachelor's degree ..........| 24.6   (1.11)| 29.3  (1.16)|  5.1   (0.68)
  Master's or higher degree ..| 27.2   (3.48)| 32.2  (3.69)|  3.5   (1.02)

---Not available.
†Not applicable.

NOTE: Standard errors appear in parentheses.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Coming of age in the 1990's: The eighth-grade class of 1988 12 years later, The National Education Longitudinal Study of 1988 (NELS88/2000), "Fourth Follow-up, 2000." (This table was prepared April 2005.)