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Digest of Education Statistics
2004 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest

Table 367. Estimated federal support for education, by agency and type of ultimate recipient: Fiscal year 2004
[In millions of dollars]

                                                    |            |      Local |      State |Postsecondary |    Degree- |            |   Multiple |
Agency                                              |      Total |  education |  education |     students |   granting |    Federal |      types |   Other\1\
                                                    |            |   agencies |   agencies |              |     insti- |            |         of |
                                                    |            |            |            |              |    tutions |            | recipients |
1                                                   |          2 |          3 |          4 |            5 |          6 |          7 |          8 |          9
     Total\2\ ......................................|  $184,701.9|   $41,340.3|   $10,022.4|     $35,388.3|   $65,461.5|    $4,838.6|   $15,859.2|   $11,791.2
   Total program funds - on-budget .................|   131,967.4|    41,340.3|     8,444.5|      15,346.7|    41,711.2|     4,838.6|    15,859.2|     4,427.0
Department of Education ............................|    62,864.6|    28,630.4|     6,946.3|      10,023.5|    10,381.1|       648.9|     2,857.9|     3,376.4
Department of Agriculture ..........................|    13,133.5|    11,486.7|       572.8|            † |       613.7|        21.1|         0.2|       439.1
Department of Commerce .............................|       150.2|          † |          † |            † |       150.2|          † |          † |          †
Department of Defense ..............................|     5,552.4|       284.7|          † |         627.8|     2,512.6|     1,771.8|       355.5|          †
Department of Energy ...............................|     4,116.9|          † |          † |            † |     4,116.9|          † |          † |          †
Department of Health and Human Services ............|    25,966.9|       677.5|          † |       1,580.5|    17,013.4|       309.0|     6,386.6|          †
Department of Homeland Security ....................|       235.7|          † |          † |           8.7|        11.7|       215.3|          † |          †
Department of Housing and Urban Development ........|         0.9|          † |          † |            † |         0.9|          † |          † |          †
Department of the Interior .........................|     1,297.7|       117.7|        67.4|          27.6|       193.4|       520.6|       370.9|          †
Department of Justice ..............................|       544.1|          † |          † |            † |        31.9|       512.2|          † |          †
Department of Labor ................................|     5,610.7|          † |       840.0|            † |        10.7|          † |     4,760.0|          †
Department of State ................................|       456.9|          † |          † |            † |          † |       111.9|       345.0|          †
Department of Transportation .......................|       101.1|          † |          † |            † |        34.3|        56.0|         0.8|        10.0
Department of Veterans Affairs .....................|     2,797.8|          † |        18.0|       2,779.8|          † |          † |          † |          †
                                                    |            |            |            |              |            |            |            |
Other agencies and programs                         |            |            |            |              |            |            |            |
                                                    |            |            |            |              |            |            |            |
Agency for International Development ...............|       636.9|          † |          † |            † |        36.5|          † |          † |       600.4
Appalachian Regional Commission ....................|        11.7|          † |          † |            † |         7.6|          † |         4.1|          †
Barry Goldwater Scholarship and Excellence in       |            |            |            |              |            |            |            |
   Education Foundation ............................|         3.0|          † |          † |            † |          † |          † |         3.0|          †
Corporation for National and Community Service .....|       317.0|          † |          † |            † |          † |          † |       317.0|          †
Environmental Protection Agency ....................|       168.9|          † |          † |            † |       168.9|          † |          † |          †
Estimated education share of federal aid to the     |            |            |            |              |            |            |            |
   District of Columbia ............................|       156.7|       143.4|          † |            † |        11.9|          † |         1.5|          †
Harry S Truman scholarship fund ....................|         3.0|          † |          † |            † |          † |          † |         3.0|          †
Institute of American Indian and Alaskan Native     |            |            |            |              |            |            |            |
   Culture and Arts Development ....................|         6.0|          † |          † |            † |          † |          † |         6.0|          †
Institute of Library and Museum Services ...........|       262.0|          † |          † |            † |          † |          † |       262.0|          †
James Madison Memorial Fellowship Foundation .......|         2.0|          † |          † |            † |          † |          † |         2.0|          †
Japanese-United States Friendship Commission .......|         3.0|          † |          † |            † |          † |          † |         3.0|          †
Library of Congress ................................|       406.0|          † |          † |            † |          † |       406.0|          † |          †
National Aeronautics and Space Administration ......|     2,628.4|          † |          † |            † |     2,628.4|          † |          † |          †
National Archives and Records Administration .......|       265.0|          † |          † |            † |          † |       265.0|          † |          †
National Commission on Libraries and                |            |            |            |              |            |            |            |
   Information Science .............................|         1.0|          † |          † |            † |          † |          † |          † |         1.0
National Endowment for the Arts ....................|        10.7|          † |          † |            † |          † |          † |        10.7|          †
National Endowment for the Humanities ..............|       103.2|          † |          † |            † |          † |          † |       103.2|          †
National Science Foundation ........................|     4,067.9|          † |          † |         298.7|     3,769.2|          † |          † |          †
Nuclear Regulatory Commission ......................|        11.7|          † |          † |            † |        11.7|          † |          † |          †
Smithsonian Institution ............................|        48.8|          † |          † |            † |          † |         0.8|        48.0|          †
U.S. Institute of Peace ............................|        19.0|          † |          † |            † |          † |          † |        19.0|          †
Other agencies .....................................|         6.1|          † |          † |            † |         6.1|          † |          † |          †
   Off-budget support and nonfederal funds          |            |            |            |              |            |            |            |
      generated by federal legislation .............|    52,734.0|          † |     1,577.9|      20,041.6|    23,750.2|          † |          † |     7,364.3

†Not applicable.
\1\Other recipients include American Indian tribes, private nonprofit agencies, and banks.
\2\Includes on-budget funds, off-budget support, and nonfederal funds generated by federal legislation. Excludes federal tax expenditures.

NOTE: Outlays by type of recipient are estimated based on obligation data. Detail may not sum to totals because of rounding.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, Office of the Deputy Secretary, Budget Office, unpublished data; U.S. Office of Management and Budget, Budget of the U.S. Government, Fiscal Year 2005; National Science Foundation, Federal Funds for Research and Development, Fiscal Years 2002, 2003, and 2004; and unpublished data obtained from various federal agencies. (This table was prepared July 2004.)