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Digest of Education Statistics
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Table 360. Participants in adult basic and secondary education programs, by level of enrollment and state or jurisdiction: Fiscal years 1990, 1999, and 2001

                      |              1990                 |                   1999                |                   2001
                      |         |    Level of enrollment  |         |       Level of enrollment   |         |       Level of enrollment
State or jurisdiction |         |_________________________|         |_____________________________|         |_____________________________
                      |   Total |      Adult |      Adult |   Total |   Adult |English a|   Adult |   Total |   Adult |English a|   Adult
                      |         |      basic |   secondary|         |   basic |a second |secondary|         |   basic |a second |secondary
                      |         |education\1\|   education|         |education|language |education|         |education|language |education
1                     |        2|           3|           4|        5|        6|        7|        8|       9 |      10 |      11 |      12
   United States .....|3,535,970|   2,435,649|   1,100,321|2,840,763|1,052,214|1,099,537|  689,012|2,629,569|  986,018|1,116,768|  526,783
Alabama ..............|   40,177|      32,984|       7,193|   22,430|   18,445|    1,369|    2,616|   23,666|   19,404|    1,590|    2,672
Alaska ...............|    5,067|       4,267|         800|    5,396|    2,634|    1,295|    1,467|    5,312|    2,525|    1,091|    1,696
Arizona ..............|   33,805|      24,915|       8,890|   55,274|   18,071|   29,532|    7,671|   31,136|   10,675|   17,938|    2,523
Arkansas .............|   29,065|      17,103|      11,962|   39,102|   16,304|    3,270|   19,528|   38,867|   22,542|    4,082|   12,243
California ...........|1,021,227|     753,282|     267,945|  456,125|   50,360|  340,813|   64,952|  473,050|   63,684|  367,004|   42,362
                      |         |            |            |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |
Colorado .............|   12,183|       9,877|       2,306|   13,743|    5,807|    6,260|    1,676|   13,818|    5,148|    7,100|    1,570
Connecticut ..........|   46,434|      25,560|      20,874|   27,698|    6,011|   12,032|    9,655|   30,844|    5,428|   14,540|   10,876
Delaware .............|    2,662|       2,348|         314|    3,278|    1,761|    1,191|      326|    4,342|    2,616|    1,200|      526
District of Columbia .|   19,586|      12,631|       6,955|    2,828|    1,125|    1,403|      300|    3,667|    1,385|    1,913|      369
Florida ..............|  419,429|     249,339|     170,090|  399,772|  130,908|  151,003|  117,861|  404,912|  134,146|  152,794|  117,972
                      |         |            |            |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |
Georgia ..............|   69,580|      49,622|      19,958|  107,980|   60,145|   30,281|   17,554|  108,004|   60,206|   32,388|   15,410
Hawaii ...............|   52,012|      31,766|      20,246|   16,176|    6,193|    3,400|    6,583|   10,525|    2,187|    2,770|    5,568
Idaho ................|   11,171|       9,180|       1,991|   10,542|    5,652|    2,663|    2,227|   10,506|    4,954|    3,113|    2,439
Illinois .............|   87,121|      69,770|      17,351|  120,752|   31,945|   72,773|   16,034|  122,043|   35,731|   70,981|   15,331
Indiana ..............|   44,166|      27,138|      17,028|   41,760|   21,211|    7,330|   13,219|   42,135|   21,170|    8,645|   12,320
                      |         |            |            |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |
Iowa .................|   41,507|      30,470|      11,037|   31,757|   15,830|    6,809|    9,118|   20,161|   11,792|    4,679|    3,690
Kansas ...............|   10,274|       9,191|       1,083|   11,410|    5,809|    4,340|    1,261|   11,248|    5,722|    4,272|    1,254
Kentucky .............|   28,090|      20,406|       7,684|   37,061|   22,049|    2,216|   12,796|   31,050|   17,964|    2,717|   10,369
Louisiana ............|   40,039|      20,941|      19,098|   38,873|   24,644|    1,418|   12,811|   30,929|   21,136|    1,274|    8,519
Maine ................|   14,964|       6,620|       8,344|    9,807|    3,977|    1,184|    4,646|   12,430|    5,481|    1,262|    5,687
                      |         |            |            |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |
Maryland .............|   41,230|      36,244|       4,986|   27,556|   12,286|    7,430|    7,840|   22,702|    9,266|    9,233|    4,203
Massachusetts ........|   34,220|      28,140|       6,080|   24,565|    7,194|   13,646|    3,725|   24,053|    6,920|   13,615|    3,518
Michigan .............|  194,178|      80,206|     113,972|   86,218|   35,938|   22,941|   27,339|   56,096|   30,193|   16,088|    9,815
Minnesota ............|   45,648|      33,190|      12,458|   51,769|   20,273|   20,740|   10,756|   42,039|   13,112|   21,891|    7,036
Mississippi ..........|   18,957|      15,834|       3,123|   40,370|   29,465|    1,800|    9,105|   37,947|   27,560|    2,315|    8,072
                      |         |            |            |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |
Missouri .............|   31,815|      27,274|       4,541|   38,773|   25,034|    7,731|    6,008|   41,089|   24,986|    9,704|    6,399
Montana ..............|    6,071|       3,962|       2,109|    4,995|    3,515|      172|    1,308|    4,892|    3,060|      106|    1,726
Nebraska .............|    6,158|       5,349|         809|    9,095|    5,150|    3,328|      617|    7,917|    4,057|    2,903|      957
Nevada ...............|   17,262|       7,270|       9,992|   22,346|    1,047|   10,961|   10,338|   22,992|    1,445|   11,194|   10,353
New Hampshire ........|    7,198|       5,073|       2,125|    5,519|    1,438|    1,854|    2,227|    5,962|    1,566|    1,929|    2,467
                      |         |            |            |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |
New Jersey ...........|   64,080|      46,526|      17,554|   44,712|   11,317|   26,222|    7,173|   44,317|   11,804|   25,528|    6,985
New Mexico ...........|   30,236|      18,069|      12,167|   29,197|   15,543|    8,200|    5,454|   23,243|   13,418|    7,339|    2,486
New York .............|  156,611|     125,893|      30,718|  194,028|   61,819|   91,846|   40,363|  176,239|   59,425|   90,735|   26,079
North Carolina .......|  109,740|      71,698|      38,042|  154,786|   71,425|   36,924|   46,437|  107,504|   54,092|   27,412|   26,000
North Dakota .........|    3,587|       2,500|       1,087|    1,964|    1,087|      416|      461|    2,124|    1,302|      337|      485
                      |         |            |            |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |
Ohio .................|   95,476|      79,527|      15,949|   81,010|   57,983|    9,230|   13,797|   65,579|   42,690|    8,809|   14,080
Oklahoma .............|   24,307|      19,131|       5,176|   20,534|   14,028|    3,492|    3,014|   20,101|   13,975|    3,748|    2,378
Oregon ...............|   37,075|      24,915|      12,160|   27,981|   14,115|   10,931|    2,935|   25,228|   11,894|   12,084|    1,250
Pennsylvania .........|   52,444|      40,108|      12,336|   46,836|   20,511|   13,695|   12,630|   49,369|   21,059|   15,840|   12,470
Rhode Island .........|    7,347|       5,874|       1,473|    7,950|    3,009|    3,458|    1,483|    5,592|    1,980|    2,106|    1,506
                      |         |            |            |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |
South Carolina .......|   81,200|      37,117|      44,083|  132,497|   34,474|    7,856|   90,167|   94,452|   32,181|    6,807|   55,464
South Dakota .........|    3,184|       2,458|         726|    5,431|    3,551|      835|    1,045|    5,637|    3,215|      802|    1,620
Tennessee ............|   41,721|      39,604|       2,117|   49,386|   29,766|    5,173|   14,447|   40,615|   26,288|    6,092|    8,235
Texas ................|  218,747|     145,067|      73,680|  106,516|   41,508|   53,680|   11,328|  111,511|   45,998|   55,813|    9,700
Utah .................|   24,841|       6,003|      18,838|   28,987|    6,614|    7,186|   15,187|   30,714|    8,394|   10,561|   11,759
                      |         |            |            |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |
Vermont ..............|    4,808|       4,452|         356|    4,436|    3,604|      513|      319|    1,146|      766|      170|      210
Virginia .............|   31,649|      30,005|       1,644|   31,211|   13,801|   11,203|    6,207|   35,261|   14,476|   15,211|    5,574
Washington ...........|   31,776|      25,336|       6,440|   57,999|   22,113|   30,500|    5,386|   53,460|   20,205|   29,814|    3,441
West Virginia ........|   21,186|      14,227|\2\    6,959|   22,403|   16,877|      332|    5,194|   13,072|   10,915|      299|    1,858
Wisconsin ............|   61,081|      45,116|      15,965|   27,297|   17,268|    6,215|    3,814|   27,304|   14,178|    6,500|    6,626
Wyoming ..............|    3,578|       2,071|\2\    1,507|    2,632|    1,580|      445|      607|    2,767|    1,702|      430|      635
   Other jurisdictions|   31,400|      30,065|       1,335|   50,836|   13,462|    2,617|   34,757|   44,123|   12,134|    2,917|   29,072
American Samoa .......|     --- |        --- |        --- |     --- |     --- |     --- |     --- |     --- |     --- |     --- |     ---
Federated States of   |         |            |            |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |
   Micronesia ........|     --- |        --- |        --- |     --- |     --- |     --- |     --- |     --- |     --- |     --- |     ---
Guam .................|    1,311|         414|\2\      897|      902|      203|      182|      517|    1,092|      380|      190|      522
Marshall Islands .....|     --- |        --- |        --- |     --- |     --- |     --- |     --- |      335|      125|      210|        0
Northern Marianas ....|     --- |        --- |        --- |      527|      202|       47|      278|      680|      181|      244|      255
Palau ................|     --- |        --- |        --- |     --- |     --- |     --- |     --- |      132|       32|        0|      100
Puerto Rico ..........|   28,436|      28,436|        --- |   47,974|   12,322|    2,099|   33,553|   41,043|   10,871|    2,089|   28,083
Virgin Islands .......|    1,653|       1,215|         438|    1,433|      735|      289|      409|      841|      545|      184|      112

---Not available.
\1\Includes English as a second language.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, "Women and Minority Groups Make Up Largest Segment of Adult Basic and Secondary Education Programs;" Office of Vocational and Adult Education, Division of Adult Education and Literacy, "Adult Education Program Facts, Program Year 1990-1991," "State-Administered Adult Education Program, Program Year 2000-2001," and unpublished data. (This table was prepared April 2005.)