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Digest of Education Statistics
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Table 342. Current-fund revenue received from the federal government by the 120 degree-granting institutions receiving the largest amounts, by control and rank order: 2001-02

                                                   |     |      |Revenue from
                                                   |Con- |  Rank|the federal
Institution                                        |trol | order|    govern-
                                                   | \1\ |      |ment\2\ (in
                                                   |     |      | thousands)
1                                                  |   2 |    3 |          4
                                                   |     |      |
   United States (all institutions) ...............|   † |    † | $36,222,258
                                                   |     |      |============
   120 institutions receiving the largest amounts  |   † |    † |  26,672,321
                                                   |     |      |____________
California Institute of Technology ................|    2|     1|   1,695,943
Johns Hopkins University (MD) .....................|    2|     2|   1,223,582
University of Chicago (IL) ........................|    2|     3|     748,066
Stanford University (CA) ..........................|    2|     4|     697,083
Massachusetts Institute of Technology .............|    2|     5|     630,532
                                                   |     |      |
University of Washington, Seattle Campus ..........|    1|     6|     578,691
University of Pennsylvania ........................|    2|     7|     518,739
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor .................|    1|     8|     518,018
University of California, Los Angeles .............|    1|     9|     428,722
Columbia U. in the City of New York ...............|    2|    10|     426,769
                                                   |     |      |
University of Southern California .................|    2|    11|     418,883
U. of Oklahoma, Health Sciences Center ............|    1|    12|     410,571
Harvard University (MA) ...........................|    2|    13|     397,488
University of California, San Diego ...............|    1|    14|     397,271
Weill Cornell Medical College (NY) ................|    2|    15|     381,889
                                                   |     |      |
University of Miami (FL) ..........................|    2|    16|     372,606
University of California, San Francisco ...........|    1|    17|     370,654
University of Pittsburgh, Main Campus (PA) ........|    1|    18|     369,299
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill .......|    1|    19|     360,066
United States Air Force Academy (CO) ..............|    1|    20|     352,640
                                                   |     |      |
United States Military Academy (NY) ...............|    1|    21|     348,945
Washington University in St. Louis (MO) ...........|    2|    22|     348,890
University of Wisconsin, Madison ..................|    1|    23|     345,297
Yale University (CT) ..............................|    2|    24|     337,163
New York University ...............................|    2|    25|     336,037
                                                   |     |      |
University of Minnesota, Twin Cities ..............|    1|    26|     312,817
Pennsylvania State University, Main Campus ........|    1|    27|     300,659
Duke University (NC) ............................. |    2|    28|     298,736
United States Naval Academy (MD) ..................|    1|    29|     272,351
Baylor College of Medicine (TX) ...................|    2|    30|     270,090
                                                   |     |      |
University of Iowa ................................|    1|    31|     267,951
University of Alabama at Birmingham ...............|    1|    32|     253,293
Howard University (DC) ............................|    2|    33|     251,311
University of Maryland, College Park ..............|    1|    34|     247,641
University of Texas at Austin .....................|    1|    35|     245,898
                                                   |     |      |
University of Arizona ............................ |    1|    36|     244,403
Michigan State University .........................|    1|    37|     241,723
University of Illinois at Urbana, Champaign .......|    1|    38|     237,156
Oregon Health & Science University ................|    1|    39|     230,592
University of California, Berkeley ................|    1|    40|     229,911
                                                   |     |      |
Emory University (GA) .............................|    2|    41|     220,172
Ohio State University, Main Campus ................|    1|    42|     218,451
Texas A & M University ............................|    1|    43|     215,755
University of Virginia, Main Campus ...............|    1|    44|     206,927
University of Illinois at Chicago .................|    1|    45|     206,556
                                                   |     |      |
Vanderbilt University (TN) ........................|    2|    46|     206,251
University of Florida .............................|    1|    47|     201,617
Case Western Reserve University (OH) ..............|    2|    48|     201,283
University of Colorado at Boulder .................|    1|    49|     197,608
University of Rochester (NY) ......................|    2|    50|     194,991
                                                   |     |      |
Northwestern University (IL) ......................|    2|    51|     191,959
University of California, Davis ...................|    1|    52|     191,583
U. of Colorado, Health Sciences Center ............|    1|    53|     187,146
Carnegie Mellon University (PA) ...................|    2|    54|     179,280
Boston University (MA) ............................|    2|    55|     174,990
                                                   |     |      |
Georgia Institute of Technology, Main Campus ......|    1|    56|     174,762
Princeton University (NJ) .........................|    2|    57|     172,620
University of Utah ................................|    1|    58|     158,853
University of Texas, Southwestern                  |     |      |
   Medical Center at Dallas .......................|    1|    59|     157,373
Georgetown University (DC) ........................|    2|    60|     151,386
                                                   |     |      |
University of New Mexico, Main Campus .............|    1|    61|     145,135
University of Hawaii at Manoa .....................|    1|    62|     143,071
Cornell University, Endowed Colleges (NY) .........|    2|    63|     140,203
Oregon State University ...........................|    1|    64|     132,288
University of Kentucky ............................|    1|    65|     130,672
                                                   |     |      |
University of California, Irvine ..................|    1|    66|     128,164
Rutgers, the State U., Central Office (NJ) ........|    1|    67|     128,004
University of Tennessee ...........................|    1|    68|     126,197
U. of Mass., Medical School at Worcester ..........|    1|    69|     125,173
University of Maryland, Baltimore..................|    1|    70|     124,974
                                                   |     |      |
Mississippi State University ......................|    1|    71|     123,441
Yeshiva University (NY) ...........................|    2|    72|     121,219
University of Texas, Anderson Cancer Center .......|    1|    73|     119,667
State University of New York at Stony Brook .......|    1|    74|     118,263
University of Cincinnati, Main Campus (OH) ........|    1|    75|     116,919
                                                   |     |      |
University of Texas, Health Science Center ........|    1|    76|     116,429
Iowa State University .............................|    1|    77|     115,560
Purdue University, Main Campus (IN) ...............|    1|    78|     113,650
Colorado State University .........................|    1|    79|     111,103
Indiana U.-Purdue U., Indianapolis ................|    1|    80|     109,735
                                                   |     |      |
U. of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey ........|    1|    81|     109,392
Cornell University, Statutory Colleges (NY) .......|    1|    82|     107,486
Wayne State University (MI) .......................|    1|    83|     104,701
Mount Sinai School of Medicine (NY) ...............|    2|    84|     102,063
North Carolina State University at Raleigh ........|    1|    85|     101,859
                                                   |     |      |
University of Georgia .............................|    1|    86|     101,125
Wake Forest University (NC) .......................|    2|    87|      99,264
Virginia Commonwealth University ..................|    1|    88|      98,678
Utah State University ............................ |    1|    89|      98,076
University of Texas, Health Science, San Antonio ..|    1|    90|      96,308
                                                   |     |      |
State University of New York at Buffalo ...........|    1|    91|      96,192
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State U. .......|    1|    92|      93,692
Dartmouth College (NH) ............................|    2|    93|      92,682
University of Connecticut .........................|    1|    94|      91,378
New Mexico State University, Main Campus ..........|    1|    95|      90,882
                                                   |     |      |
Washington State University .......................|    1|    96|      88,110
Arizona State University, Main Campus .............|    1|    97|      87,329
Brown University (RI) ............................ |    2|    98|      87,196
Thomas Jefferson University (PA) ..................|    2|    99|      86,514
University of California, Santa Barbara ...........|    1|   100|      86,402
                                                   |     |      |
University of Missouri, Columbia ..................|    1|   101|      84,396
Medical University of South Carolina ..............|    1|   102|      83,124
George Washington University (DC) .................|    2|   103|      82,501
University of Texas, Medical Branch ..............…|    1|   104|      81,753
Tufts University (MA) .............................|    2|   105|      81,075
                                                   |     |      |
Medical College of Wisconsin ......................|    2|   106|      80,037
Tulane University of Louisiana ....................|    2|   107|      79,998
University of South Florida .......................|    1|   108|      79,275
State University of New York, System Office .......|    1|   109|      79,217
Florida State University ..........................|    1|   110|      76,578
                                                   |     |      |
University of South Carolina at Columbia ..........|    1|   111|      75,918
Louisiana St. U. & A&M & Hebert Laws Cntr. ........|    1|   112|      75,351
University of Massachusetts, Amherst ..............|    1|   113|      74,694
University of Vermont and State Ag. College .......|    1|   114|      74,418
University of Nebraska at Lincoln .................|    1|   115|      73,184
                                                   |     |      |
Gallaudet University (DC) .........................|    2|   116|      72,864
Drexel University (PA) ............................|    2|   117|      72,478
University of Alaska, Fairbanks ...................|    1|   118|      71,349
Rochester Institute of Technology (NY) ............|    2|   119|      68,962
Morehouse School of Medicine (GA) .................|    2|   120|      68,015

†Not applicable.
\1\Publicly controlled institutions are identified by a "1," and private, not-for-profit, by a "2."
\2\Includes federal appropriations, unrestricted and restricted federal contracts and grants, and revenue for independent operations. Independent operations generally include only the revenues associated with major federally funded research and development centers. Excludes Pell Grants. Federally supported student aid that is received through students is excluded. Data for public and private institutions are only roughly comparable because they were collected using different survey instruments.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, 2001-02 Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), Spring 2003. (This table was prepared April 2005.)