| | |Revenue from
|Con- | Rank|the federal
Institution |trol | order| govern-
| \1\ | |ment\2\ (in
| | | thousands)
1 | 2 | 3 | 4
| | |
United States (all institutions) ...............| † | † | $36,222,258
| | |============
120 institutions receiving the largest amounts | † | † | 26,672,321
| | |____________
California Institute of Technology ................| 2| 1| 1,695,943
Johns Hopkins University (MD) .....................| 2| 2| 1,223,582
University of Chicago (IL) ........................| 2| 3| 748,066
Stanford University (CA) ..........................| 2| 4| 697,083
Massachusetts Institute of Technology .............| 2| 5| 630,532
| | |
University of Washington, Seattle Campus ..........| 1| 6| 578,691
University of Pennsylvania ........................| 2| 7| 518,739
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor .................| 1| 8| 518,018
University of California, Los Angeles .............| 1| 9| 428,722
Columbia U. in the City of New York ...............| 2| 10| 426,769
| | |
University of Southern California .................| 2| 11| 418,883
U. of Oklahoma, Health Sciences Center ............| 1| 12| 410,571
Harvard University (MA) ...........................| 2| 13| 397,488
University of California, San Diego ...............| 1| 14| 397,271
Weill Cornell Medical College (NY) ................| 2| 15| 381,889
| | |
University of Miami (FL) ..........................| 2| 16| 372,606
University of California, San Francisco ...........| 1| 17| 370,654
University of Pittsburgh, Main Campus (PA) ........| 1| 18| 369,299
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill .......| 1| 19| 360,066
United States Air Force Academy (CO) ..............| 1| 20| 352,640
| | |
United States Military Academy (NY) ...............| 1| 21| 348,945
Washington University in St. Louis (MO) ...........| 2| 22| 348,890
University of Wisconsin, Madison ..................| 1| 23| 345,297
Yale University (CT) ..............................| 2| 24| 337,163
New York University ...............................| 2| 25| 336,037
| | |
University of Minnesota, Twin Cities ..............| 1| 26| 312,817
Pennsylvania State University, Main Campus ........| 1| 27| 300,659
Duke University (NC) ............................. | 2| 28| 298,736
United States Naval Academy (MD) ..................| 1| 29| 272,351
Baylor College of Medicine (TX) ...................| 2| 30| 270,090
| | |
University of Iowa ................................| 1| 31| 267,951
University of Alabama at Birmingham ...............| 1| 32| 253,293
Howard University (DC) ............................| 2| 33| 251,311
University of Maryland, College Park ..............| 1| 34| 247,641
University of Texas at Austin .....................| 1| 35| 245,898
| | |
University of Arizona ............................ | 1| 36| 244,403
Michigan State University .........................| 1| 37| 241,723
University of Illinois at Urbana, Champaign .......| 1| 38| 237,156
Oregon Health & Science University ................| 1| 39| 230,592
University of California, Berkeley ................| 1| 40| 229,911
| | |
Emory University (GA) .............................| 2| 41| 220,172
Ohio State University, Main Campus ................| 1| 42| 218,451
Texas A & M University ............................| 1| 43| 215,755
University of Virginia, Main Campus ...............| 1| 44| 206,927
University of Illinois at Chicago .................| 1| 45| 206,556
| | |
Vanderbilt University (TN) ........................| 2| 46| 206,251
University of Florida .............................| 1| 47| 201,617
Case Western Reserve University (OH) ..............| 2| 48| 201,283
University of Colorado at Boulder .................| 1| 49| 197,608
University of Rochester (NY) ......................| 2| 50| 194,991
| | |
Northwestern University (IL) ......................| 2| 51| 191,959
University of California, Davis ...................| 1| 52| 191,583
U. of Colorado, Health Sciences Center ............| 1| 53| 187,146
Carnegie Mellon University (PA) ...................| 2| 54| 179,280
Boston University (MA) ............................| 2| 55| 174,990
| | |
Georgia Institute of Technology, Main Campus ......| 1| 56| 174,762
Princeton University (NJ) .........................| 2| 57| 172,620
University of Utah ................................| 1| 58| 158,853
University of Texas, Southwestern | | |
Medical Center at Dallas .......................| 1| 59| 157,373
Georgetown University (DC) ........................| 2| 60| 151,386
| | |
University of New Mexico, Main Campus .............| 1| 61| 145,135
University of Hawaii at Manoa .....................| 1| 62| 143,071
Cornell University, Endowed Colleges (NY) .........| 2| 63| 140,203
Oregon State University ...........................| 1| 64| 132,288
University of Kentucky ............................| 1| 65| 130,672
| | |
University of California, Irvine ..................| 1| 66| 128,164
Rutgers, the State U., Central Office (NJ) ........| 1| 67| 128,004
University of Tennessee ...........................| 1| 68| 126,197
U. of Mass., Medical School at Worcester ..........| 1| 69| 125,173
University of Maryland, Baltimore..................| 1| 70| 124,974
| | |
Mississippi State University ......................| 1| 71| 123,441
Yeshiva University (NY) ...........................| 2| 72| 121,219
University of Texas, Anderson Cancer Center .......| 1| 73| 119,667
State University of New York at Stony Brook .......| 1| 74| 118,263
University of Cincinnati, Main Campus (OH) ........| 1| 75| 116,919
| | |
University of Texas, Health Science Center ........| 1| 76| 116,429
Iowa State University .............................| 1| 77| 115,560
Purdue University, Main Campus (IN) ...............| 1| 78| 113,650
Colorado State University .........................| 1| 79| 111,103
Indiana U.-Purdue U., Indianapolis ................| 1| 80| 109,735
| | |
U. of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey ........| 1| 81| 109,392
Cornell University, Statutory Colleges (NY) .......| 1| 82| 107,486
Wayne State University (MI) .......................| 1| 83| 104,701
Mount Sinai School of Medicine (NY) ...............| 2| 84| 102,063
North Carolina State University at Raleigh ........| 1| 85| 101,859
| | |
University of Georgia .............................| 1| 86| 101,125
Wake Forest University (NC) .......................| 2| 87| 99,264
Virginia Commonwealth University ..................| 1| 88| 98,678
Utah State University ............................ | 1| 89| 98,076
University of Texas, Health Science, San Antonio ..| 1| 90| 96,308
| | |
State University of New York at Buffalo ...........| 1| 91| 96,192
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State U. .......| 1| 92| 93,692
Dartmouth College (NH) ............................| 2| 93| 92,682
University of Connecticut .........................| 1| 94| 91,378
New Mexico State University, Main Campus ..........| 1| 95| 90,882
| | |
Washington State University .......................| 1| 96| 88,110
Arizona State University, Main Campus .............| 1| 97| 87,329
Brown University (RI) ............................ | 2| 98| 87,196
Thomas Jefferson University (PA) ..................| 2| 99| 86,514
University of California, Santa Barbara ...........| 1| 100| 86,402
| | |
University of Missouri, Columbia ..................| 1| 101| 84,396
Medical University of South Carolina ..............| 1| 102| 83,124
George Washington University (DC) .................| 2| 103| 82,501
University of Texas, Medical Branch ..............…| 1| 104| 81,753
Tufts University (MA) .............................| 2| 105| 81,075
| | |
Medical College of Wisconsin ......................| 2| 106| 80,037
Tulane University of Louisiana ....................| 2| 107| 79,998
University of South Florida .......................| 1| 108| 79,275
State University of New York, System Office .......| 1| 109| 79,217
Florida State University ..........................| 1| 110| 76,578
| | |
University of South Carolina at Columbia ..........| 1| 111| 75,918
Louisiana St. U. & A&M & Hebert Laws Cntr. ........| 1| 112| 75,351
University of Massachusetts, Amherst ..............| 1| 113| 74,694
University of Vermont and State Ag. College .......| 1| 114| 74,418
University of Nebraska at Lincoln .................| 1| 115| 73,184
| | |
Gallaudet University (DC) .........................| 2| 116| 72,864
Drexel University (PA) ............................| 2| 117| 72,478
University of Alaska, Fairbanks ...................| 1| 118| 71,349
Rochester Institute of Technology (NY) ............| 2| 119| 68,962
Morehouse School of Medicine (GA) .................| 2| 120| 68,015
___________________________________________________|_____|______|____________ |