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Table 307. Percentage distribution of 1980 high school sophomores, by highest level of education completed through 1992 and selected student characteristics: 1980, 1982, and 1992

                            |                   Highest level of education completed through 1992
                            |        |Less than|       |        |           | Bache-|        |Profes-|
Student characteristic      |   Total|     high|   High|Certifi-|Associate's|  lor's|Master's| sional| Doctor's
                            |        |   school| school|    cate|     degree| degree|  degree| degree|   degree
1                           |       2|        3|      4|       5|          6|      7|       8|      9|       10
   Total ...................|   100.0|      5.8|   51.5|    11.0|        7.9|   20.0|     2.7|    0.9|      0.2
Sex                         |        |         |       |        |           |       |        |       |
  Male .....................|   100.0|      6.5|   53.5|     9.7|        6.7|   19.5|     2.6|    1.3|      0.2
  Female ...................|   100.0|      5.0|   49.5|    12.4|        9.1|   20.5|     2.8|    0.5|      0.1
                            |        |         |       |        |           |       |        |       |
Race/ethnicity              |        |         |       |        |           |       |        |       |
  White, non-Hispanic ......|   100.0|      4.9|   49.1|    10.1|        8.4|   23.1|     3.2|    1.0|      0.2
  Black, non-Hispanic ......|   100.0|      6.9|   59.6|    16.3|        5.2|   10.0|     1.5|    0.5|      0.2
  Hispanic .................|   100.0|     11.9|   59.6|    11.2|        7.3|    9.0|     0.6|    0.3|     ---
  Asian/Pacific Islander ...|   100.0|      0.6|   40.9|     6.9|        6.2|   32.7|     4.7|    7.5|      0.7
  American Indian/Alaska    |        |         |       |        |           |       |        |       |
     Native ................|   100.0|     17.8|   58.2|    11.8|        5.0|    6.7|     0.5|   --- |     ---
                            |        |         |       |        |           |       |        |       |
Socioeconomic status        |        |         |       |        |           |       |        |       |
   (1980)                   |        |         |       |        |           |       |        |       |
  Low quartile .............|   100.0|      9.0|   64.6|    12.3|        6.9|    6.4|     0.7|    0.1|     ---
  Middle two quartiles .....|   100.0|      3.9|   53.8|    11.5|        9.1|   19.0|     2.0|    0.5|      0.1
  High quartile ............|   100.0|      1.4|   32.7|     7.0|        7.6|   41.2|     6.9|    2.7|      0.5
                            |        |         |       |        |           |       |        |       |
Test score composite        |        |         |       |        |           |       |        |       |
   (1982)                   |        |         |       |        |           |       |        |       |
  Low quartile .............|   100.0|     15.6|   64.0|    13.0|        4.1|    3.0|     0.2|   --- |      0.1
  Middle two quartiles .....|   100.0|      3.1|   56.2|    12.8|       10.1|   16.1|     1.5|    0.3|     ---
  High quartile ............|   100.0|      0.1|   26.5|     4.8|        7.2|   49.2|     8.7|    3.0|      0.6
                            |        |         |       |        |           |       |        |       |
Parents' educational        |        |         |       |        |           |       |        |       |
   attainment in 1980       |        |         |       |        |           |       |        |       |
  No high school diploma ...|   100.0|      6.5|   59.8|    12.8|        8.6|   10.8|     1.2|    0.3|      0.1
  High school graduate .....|   100.0|      5.2|   59.1|    12.4|        6.0|   16.6|     0.3|    0.4|     ---
  Vocational/technical .....|   100.0|      3.0|   49.2|    15.4|       10.2|   19.1|     2.4|    0.5|      0.1
  Some college .............|   100.0|      2.1|   43.7|     8.4|        8.4|   32.0|     4.3|    1.0|      0.2
  Bachelor's degree ........|   100.0|      1.4|   32.6|     4.9|        8.1|   42.4|     6.9|    3.1|      0.5
  Advanced degree ..........|   100.0|      3.5|   23.9|     8.6|        4.9|   44.1|    10.0|    4.3|      0.7
                            |        |         |       |        |           |       |        |       |
High school diploma status  |        |         |       |        |           |       |        |       |
  Regular diploma in 1982 ..|   100.0|      0.3|   51.9|    10.8|        8.7|   23.9|     3.2|    1.1|      0.2
  Returned for diploma .....|   100.0|      6.8|   68.3|    14.4|        7.0|    3.4|     0.1|    0.1|     ---
  Returned but no diploma ..|   100.0|     27.1|   47.7|    19.9|        3.4|    1.9|    --- |   --- |     ---
  Never returned ...........|   100.0|     51.5|   35.7|     9.5|        2.1|    0.9|     0.3|   --- |     ---
                            |        |         |       |        |           |       |        |       |
Postsecondary expectations  |        |         |       |        |           |       |        |       |
   in 1982                  |        |         |       |        |           |       |        |       |
  None .....................|   100.0|     15.5|   71.1|     9.3|        3.0|    1.0|     0.1|   --- |      0.1
  Vocational/technical .....|   100.0|      4.6|   61.6|    19.8|       10.7|    3.3|     0.1|   --- |     ---
  Less-than-4-year degree ..|   100.0|      1.6|   53.2|    13.3|       15.6|   15.0|     1.1|    0.2|     ---
  Bachelor's degree ........|   100.0|      0.9|   35.3|     6.8|        6.3|   44.9|     5.0|    0.8|      0.1
  Advanced degree ..........|   100.0|      0.8|   28.9|     5.2|        5.7|   45.1|     9.0|    4.4|      0.8
                            |        |         |       |        |           |       |        |       |
Type of start in            |        |         |       |        |           |       |        |       |
   postsecondary education  |        |         |       |        |           |       |        |       |
  Fall 1982 full-time       |        |         |       |        |           |       |        |       |
     4-year ................|   100.0|     --- |   21.2|     3.5|        4.6|   57.8|     9.0|    3.4|      0.5
  Fall 1982 full-time       |        |         |       |        |           |       |        |       |
     public 2-year .........|   100.0|      0.3|   36.5|    11.9|       24.4|   24.6|     2.1|    0.2|     ---
  Fall 1982 part-time       |        |         |       |        |           |       |        |       |
     4-year ................|   100.0|     --- |   52.2|     6.7|       10.0|   27.2|     3.5|    0.1|      0.4
  Fall 1982 part-time       |        |         |       |        |           |       |        |       |
     public 2-year .........|   100.0|      1.6|   59.5|    13.4|        9.4|   14.4|     0.9|    0.8|     ---
  Fall 1982 other...........|   100.0|      0.2|   23.0|    34.3|       24.5|   15.7|     1.9|    0.4|     ---
  Delayed 4-year ...........|   100.0|      0.4|   55.6|     8.1|        7.4|   24.0|     3.7|    0.4|      0.4
  Delayed public 2-year ....|   100.0|      1.7|   63.0|    16.9|       12.0|    6.2|     0.2|   --- |     ---
  Delayed other ............|   100.0|      1.9|   31.4|    48.4|       14.4|    3.8|     0.1|    0.1|     ---
  Other enrollment .........|   100.0|     --- |   --- |    86.5|        5.1|    6.0|     1.1|    0.4|      0.8
  Never enrolled ...........|   100.0|     16.1|   83.9|    --- |       --- |   --- |    --- |   --- |     ---

---Not available.

NOTE: Detail may not sum to totals because of rounding.

SOURCE: National Center for Education Statistics, High School and Beyond, Educational Attainment of High School Sophomores by 1992. (This table was prepared May 1995.)